6 research outputs found

    Innovative potential of the consumer sector of the economy: financial, economic and legal aspects

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    The authors of the article have analyzed the legal, financial and economic aspects of the innovative capacity of the consumer sector of the national economy of Ukraine. The problems that slow down the process of forming the innovative capacity of the consumer sector of the national economy have been identified. The results of theoretical and methodological research of the essence of the innovative capacity of the consumer sector of the national economy have been presented. It has been offered to consider the following the most influential financial and economic aspects for the formation of the innovative capacity of the consumer sector of the national economy: the dynamics of issuing security documents for industrial property facilities in Ukraine; volumes and sources of financing of innovation activity in Ukraine; motivation to intensify innovation activity. It has been concluded that Ukraine has created a regulatory legal base for regulating innovation activity, but it needs further improvement and adaptation to European legislation. It has been determined that the innovative capacity of education as a component of the consumer sector of the national economy is influenced by several factors, namely: the dynamics of budget funding of general secondary educational institutions and the dynamics of changing in the number of such institutions. The authors have suggested the list of resources, which are expedient to involve at acceleration of the process of the formation of innovative capacity of the consumer sector of the national economy

    Analysis of competitive strategies of startups under conditions of global challenges

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    The paper identifies the main differences between a start-up company and a traditional enterprise and identifies the features of their competitive strategies. The main aspects of determining the development strategy of start-up competitive advantages based on economic and mathematical modeling are considered. On the example of the start-up project “Multiservice of Intelligent Management of Finances and Needsa”, the task of which is to create a new model of human behavior independent of the money factor and create an environment of internal incentives for the individual that contribute to the creative solution of certain tasks, the developed model was tested. The proposed integrated approach to assessing economic efficiency is relevant in the context of the formation of an innovative environment for the development of start-ups and allows creating competitive advantages.У статті визначено основні відмінності між стартовою компанією та традиційним підприємством та визначено особливості їх конкурентних стратегій. Розглянуто основні аспекти визначення стратегії розвитку стартових конкурентних переваг на основі економіко-математичного моделювання. На прикладі стартового проекту «Мультисервіс інтелектуального управління фінансами та Needsa», завданням якого є створення нової моделі поведінки людини, незалежної від грошового фактору, та створення середовища внутрішніх стимулів для особи, які сприяють до творчого вирішення певних завдань була випробувана розроблена модель. Запропонований комплексний підхід до оцінки економічної ефективності є актуальним в контексті формування інноваційного середовища для розвитку стартапів та дозволяє створити конкурентні переваги.В статье определяются основные различия между начинающей компанией и традиционным предприятием, а также определяются особенности их конкурентных стратегий. Рассмотрены основные аспекты определения стратегии развития стартовых конкурентных преимуществ на основе экономико-математического моделирования. На примере стартап-проекта «Мультисервис интеллектуального управления финансами и потребностями», задачей которого является создание новой модели поведения человека, независимой от денежного фактора, и создание среды внутренних стимулов для личности, способствующих Для творческого решения определенных задач разработанная модель была опробована. Предлагаемый комплексный подход к оценке экономической эффективности актуален в контексте формирования инновационной среды для развития стартапов и позволяет создавать конкурентные преимущества

    Integration of Ukraine into the European banking system: cleaning, rebooting and Basel III

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    The urgency of the issue is related to changes in the Ukrainian banks’ business environment, taking into account the impact of domestic and global financial instability and the implementation of the regulatory framework for banking regulation of the National Bank of Ukraine in accordance with the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision recommendations. The main goal of this research is to analyze the degree of implementation and compliance with the Basel III regulations in Ukrainian banking system. To carry out the research, regulatory and legislative documents of the National Bank of Ukraine, the Basel Accords, statistic data of the Ukrainian banks and the National Bank of Ukraine were used. For this purpose, the analysis of main indicators of Ukrainian banks’ financial stability within the period of 2014–2017 is made. Thus, post-crisis regulatory changes have aimed at restoring bank stability. The results seem to suggest that bank regulatory changes may be repressive, for instance, cleaning and optimization of the banking system as an effective tool for anticrisis management. As a result, it was concluded that banks with foreign capital are the most stable in the banking system of Ukraine in comparison with domestic banks

    Methodical tools for security level diagnostics of the modern university’s activity

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    The article proposes and substantiates the methodological basis for the diagnosis of the state of economic security of the university's activity. The authors have developed a comprehensive methodological set of tools for studying of the state of economic security. Based on the substantiated methodological provisions and the given algorithm of calculations, it is possible to determine the current state of the university's security by quantitative and qualitative measurement as well as determine the factors affecting this index. The method of determining these characteristics has the prospect of becoming the basis for effective management in the field of financing, will contribute to the sectoral adjustment of medium and long-term development concepts. The set of tools for monitoring the university's work should contribute to the development of algorithms for decision-making management on the further stable functioning of the establishment

    Critical infrastructure of the housing sector of the national economy: Economic and legal aspect

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    The purpose of the study is to summarize the current state of the art in the economic and legal aspects of ensuring the functioning of critical infrastructure in the housing sector of the national economy and to substantiate proposals for its improvement. The study used general and special research methods: synergistic approach, trend statistical analysis method, economic-mathematical modelling using Statgraphics XV&I Centurion program, logical method and generalization method. The main results of the study include. It has been concluded that housing and public utilities infrastructure is the largest consumer of resources in the world economy, so its operation and development require further research. The authors have defined the tendencies for increasing the volumes of construction works on the territory of Ukraine for the period of 2016-2020 and slow rate for increasing the construction of housing stock. With the help of economic and mathematical modeling, the authors have obtained results of the forecast of the volume of commissioning of the total area of residential buildings in Ukraine. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of emergencies in residential buildings or constructions in Ukraine for the period of 2015-2020, the authors have made a conclusion on the need to implement measures on preventing emergencies. Critical infrastructure facilities within the residential sector of the national economy include both enterprises in the field of water supply, sewerage, production, transportation and marketing of heat and electricity, gas distribution and transportation and water heating and gas supply networks in residential buildings, as well as elevators and networks that provide communication

    Raman Gas Analyzer of Carbon Isotopologues with 50 ppm Level Sensitivity

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