156 research outputs found

    A importância da educação sexual na formação do indivíduo

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    Orientadora: Profª Dra. Carmen Lúcia Fornari DiezMonografia (licenciatura) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas. Curso de Educação Físic

    Aceptación del pago móvil en España: análisis de la conveniencia y la usabilidad en el contexto de una batalla generacional

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    Entender la aceptación y el uso de una nueva tecnología constituye una de las corrientes más maduras y fructíferas de investigación dentro de los sistemas de información. Contar con un modelo que maximice el poder explicativo sin perder de vista el contexto de utilización y las características de los usuarios, se ha transformado en un imperativo. El propósito central de la investigación propuesta consiste en presentar y contrastar un modelo holístico de síntesis de aceptación voluntaria de una tecnología, por parte de un consumidor individual. Este modelo integrará distintas perspectivas, aplicadas a la adopción del servicio de pago móvil. Asimismo, se analizará el impacto de la brecha generacional sobre la aceptación tecnológica, tratando de determinar si existe una pérdida de relevancia de los modelos de aceptación, así como también si es posible especular con la potencial y paulatina caducidad de este tipo de modelos.Understanding the acceptance and use of a new technology is one of the most mature and fruitful research fields in Information Systems. The availability of a model that maximizes the explanatory power without losing any sight of the use context and user characteristics has become imperative. The main purpose of the proposed research is to introduce and contrast empirically a holistic model of voluntary acceptance of a technology, by an individual consumer. This model will integrate different perspectives, applied to the adoption of the mobile payment service. Also, the impact of the generation gap on technology acceptance will be analyzed, trying to determine if there is a loss of relevance acceptance models, as well as whether it is possible to speculate the potential and gradual expiration of such models

    A relação entre regulação de uso e ocupação do solo, preço da terra e produção da informaldade urbana : um estudo sobre a realidade de Guaratuba-PR

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    Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Letícia Nerone GadensDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Planejamento Urbano. Defesa : Curitiba, 12/09/2022Inclui referências: p. 128-134Resumo: O processo de produção capitalista da cidade na América Latina pode ser considerado desordenado e caracterizado por segregação socioespacial e pelo distanciamento entre a realidade concreta e conflituosa do espaço urbano e as ações de planejamento e de regulação urbanística. Como resultado, é possível observar duas cidades distintas que dividem e disputam o mesmo território: a cidade formal e a cidade informal, sendo esta última, ilegal e excluída. A informalidade, bem como sua relação com a produção do espaço urbano, tem relações com o contexto no qual se insere, sendo que no caso da urbanização litorânea, essa realidade dual (cidade formal e informal) pode ser reforçada pela atividade turística de segunda residência. Nesse sentido, essa pesquisa teve como objetivo reconhecer as implicações da regulação urbanística, identificando seus efeitos sobre a informalidade, partindo da hipótese de que as concepções normativas de uso e ocupação do solo, orientadas à uma urbanização turística de segundas residências, têm elevado o preço da terra, motivando um padrão de ocupação urbana expansiva, de baixa densidade, que pressiona áreas ambientais as quais são ocupadas, sobretudo, de maneira informal. Para o desenvolvimento da investigação, foi definida uma metodologia de caráter exploratório, descritivo, cartográfico e analítico, para análise de três variáveis: regulação urbanística, informalidade e preço da terra. Com isso, a pesquisa volta-se ao estudo da cidade de Guaratuba, município do litoral do Paraná, que tem como predominância o turismo sazonal e de segundas residências na conformação do seu espaço. Por se tratar de um município turístico, cuja a dificuldade de acesso à terra urbanizada e a áreas bem localizadas em Guaratuba afeta toda a população residente, especialmente aquela socialmente vulnerável, ocorre como resultado de um processo de segregação socioespacial. Com isso, parte da população residente do município, que não tem condições de permanecer nas áreas mais bem estruturadas, devido ao seu alto preço, ocupam lugares impróprios, tendo como características principais a invasão de terras, a produção de loteamentos ilegais e a degradação ambiental.Abstract: The capitalist production process in Latin America can be considered disorganized and characterized by social spacial and by the distance between the concrete and conflicting reality of the urban space and the actions of planning and urban regulation. As a result, it is possible to observe two diferente cities that share and dispute the same territory: the formal and the informal city, the latter being ilegal and excluded. Informality, as well America can be considered disorganized and characterized by socio-spatial segregation and by the distance between the concrete and conflicting reality of the urban space and the actions of planning and urban regulation. As a result, it is possible to observe two different cities that share and dispute the same territory: the formal city and the informal city, the latter being illegal and excluded. Informality, as well as its relationship with the production of urban space, is related to the context in which it operates, and in the case of coastal urbanization, this dual reality (formal and informal city) can be reinforced by second-home tourism. In this sense, this research aimed to recognize the implications of urban regulation, identifying its effects on informality, starting from the hypothesis that the normative conceptions of land use and occupation, oriented to a tourist urbanization of second homes, have raised the price land, leading to an expansive, low-density pattern of urban occupation, which puts pressure on environmental areas which are mainly occupied informally. For the development of the investigation, an exploratory, descriptive, cartographic and analytical methodology was defined for the analysis of three variables: urban regulation, informality and land price. With this, the research turns to the study of the city of Guaratuba, a municipality on the coast of Paraná, which has a predominance of seasonal tourism and second homes in the conformation of its space. The results indicate that because it is a tourist municipality, whose difficulty in accessing urbanized land and well-located areas in Guaratuba affects the entire resident population of the municipality, especially the socially vulnerable, it occurs as a result of a process of socio-spatial segregation. , where with this, part of the resident population of the municipality, which is unable to remain in the best structured areas, due to their high price, occupy inappropriate places, with the main characteristics being the invasion of land, the production of illegal subdivisions and degradation environmental

    The impact of an educational intervention on inflammatory bowel disease for nurses in Brazil

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    Background: The inflammatory bowel disease nurse plays a key role in the multidisciplinary team. The aim of the study was to evaluate the inflammatory bowel disease knowledge before and after the educational intervention with nurses. Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive and comparative study was performed from June to August 2016. The sample consisted of 26 nurses from the nursing staff of a public university hospital in São Paulo State, Brazil. The study was divided into three phases: pre-educational intervention, educational intervention and post-educational intervention (test application). A p-value < 0.05 was considered to indicate statistically significance. Results: The study included 26 general nurses with an average of 9.20 ± 5.78 years of experience. There was an increase in safety in administering biological therapy after the course (from 33.34% to 78.26%), and an increase in knowledge about the main inflammatory bowel disease symptoms (64.29% vs 96.30%, p = 0.0224), and about infliximab infusion (35.71% vs 74.07%, p = 0.0404). Conclusion: The educational intervention effectively contributed to the increase of knowledge of the nursing staff

    Effects of urban growth on coastal and continental wetlands in the semiarid environment of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

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    La conjunción de humedales costeros y continentales en zonas semiáridas y en adyacencias urbanas, representa un valioso patrimonio socio-ambiental, sujeto a las tensiones que la expansión urbana genera, especialmente si se manifiesta con altas tasas de crecimiento. El presente artículo aborda el problema de los cambios físicos sobre humedales provocados por la expansión urbana acelerada en el contexto mencionado, identificando factores agravantes. Se estudió el caso de Río Grande, ciudad costera de la estepa de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, cuyo crecimiento fue impulsado desde 1972 por políticas de promoción industrial. Los humedales fueron identificados, clasificados y cartografiados mediante análisis multiespectral de imágenes de satélite. La expansión urbana se delimitó según tres períodos vinculados a variantes en las políticas de promoción. El análisis espacio-temporal evidencia correspondencia entre pulsos de fluctuación de las políticas, con la dinámica de la expansión urbana y ocupación de áreas naturales. Un tercio de la expansión urbana fue a expensas de la desaparición de humedales, con saldo adicional de unidades fragmentadas. Se analizan externalidades, no siempre evidentes, resultantes de la urbanización de estos ecosistemas y se concluye en la significación de los asentamientos informales, así como la falta de planificación como factores que incrementan la pérdida de humedales.Coastal and continental wetlands in semi-arid environments near urban areas denote a valuable socioenvironmental heritage. These areas are exposed to stresses generated by urban expansion, especially if that expansion is rapid. This paper focuses on the physical changes in wetlands caused by such urban expansion and on the factors that increase this problem. The study case is focused on the city of Río Grande. This coastal city is on the steppe of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, and its expansion started in 1972 following industrial promotion policies. Wetland identification, classification, and mapping from the multispectral analysis of satellite images is used to consider three periods related to changes in national policies for industrial development. The space-temporal analysis indicates a strong link between applied policies and the dynamic of urban growth and natural land occupation. Urban expansion involved the loss of one-third of the wetland and this includes fragmented units. Urban settlements on wetlands demand large amounts of gravel and soil to raise the land level and this represents a significant environmental externality to consider. Finally, informal settlements and a lack of planning are factors than increase wetland loss

    Immunotherapy of brain metastases: breaking a "dogma"

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    Until very few years ago, the oncology community dogmatically excluded any clinical potential for immunotherapy in controlling brain metastases. Therefore, despite the significant therapeutic efficacy of monoclonal antibodies to immune check-point(s) across a wide range of tumor types, patients with brain disease were invariably excluded from clinical trials with these agents. Recent insights on the immune landscape of the central nervous system, as well as of the brain tumor microenvironment, are shedding light on the immune-biology of brain metastases. Interestingly, retrospective analyses, case series, and initial prospective clinical trials have recently investigated the role of different immune check-point inhibitors in brain metastases, reporting a significant clinical activity also in this subset of patients. These findings, and their swift translation in the daily practice, are driving fundamental changes in the clinical management of patients with brain metastases, and raise important neuroradiologic challenges. Along this line, neuro-oncology undoubtedly represents an additional area of active investigation and of growing interest to support medical oncologists in the evaluation of clinical responses of brain metastases to ICI treatment, and in the management of neurologic immune-related adverse events. Aim of this review is to summarize the most recent findings on brain metastases immunobiology, on the evolving scenario of clinical efficacy of ICI therapy in patients with brain metastases, as well as on the increasing relevance of neuroradiology in this therapeutic setting

    A História através da Imagem : uma análise iconológica do Retábulo de São Jorge (1425-1437) de Bernat Martorell (c. 1390-1452)

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo uma análise iconológica de uma das obras do artista catalão Bernat Martorell (1390-1425), O Retábulo de São Jorge (1425-1437). Consiste em um trabalho de análise artística que concebe a obra como um fenômeno histórico que passa uma mensagem a quem a observa. Ou seja, toda obra histórica tem em seu cerne a sua história, seu período, suas representações e os significados impressos como um retrato de uma determinada época. Nesse sentido, utilizando o método proposto pelo Historiador da Arte Erwin Panofsky (1892-1968), pretendemos fazer um levantamento da história do autor da obra e ressaltar sua técnica, seu esplendor e seu prestígio. Além disso, trataremos da história da obra para explicitar seu percurso, suas dificuldades de atribuição e identificação. Faremos um estudo acerca da lenda e dos textos que narram o martírio de São Jorge, tema central da obra. Desse modo, entenderemos o ideal cavaleiresco, aspecto sociomental muito importante para o entendimento da representação deste santo na sociedade medieval do século XV, para estabelecer uma imagem clara do panorama da sociedade representada pela nobreza cortesã do fim da Idade Média que se identificava e se espelhava na figura do santo. Por fim, uma análise iconográfica de todas as partes da obra e ressaltando os minuciosos detalhes que dizem respeito aos motivos artísticos, como a técnica, as cores e a simbologia, ou seja, um estudo histórico-artístico.This work aims to establish an iconological analysis based on the art historian Erwin Panofsky (1892-1968) methodology of analysis. The addressed work is the St. George's Altarpiece (1425-1437) by the Catalan painter Bernat Martorell (1390-1452). The major goal is to data the collection of St George's legend and the copic texts that tells his life, highlighting the chivalrous ideal represented by this saint in the fifteenth century medieval society. This work also aims to a provide a comprehensive overview of this society which was identified whth St. George's image, in that particular period

    SARS-CoV-2 infection in cancer patients on active therapy after the booster dose of mRNA vaccines

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    The protective role against SARS-CoV-2 infection by the third booster dose of mRNA vaccines in cancer patients with solid malignancies is presently un- known. We prospectively investigated the occurrence of COVID-19 in cancer patients on active therapy after the booster vaccine dose. Methods: Cancer patients on treatment at the Center for Immuno-Oncology (CIO) of the University Hospital of Siena, Italy, and health care workers at CIO who had received a booster third dose of mRNA vaccine entered a systematic follow-up monitoring period to prospectively assess their potential risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Serological and microneu- tralization assay were utilized to assess levels of anti-spike IgG, and of neutralizing antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 Wild Type, Delta and Omicron variants, respectively, after the booster dose and after negativization of the nasopharyngeal swab for those who had developed COV- ID-19. Results: Ninety cancer patients with solid tumors on active treatment (Cohort 1) and 30 health care workers (Cohort 2) underwent a booster third dose of mRNA vaccine. After the booster dose, the median value of anti-spike IgG was higher (p Z 0.009) in patients than in healthy subjects. Remarkably, 11/90 (12%) patients and 11/30 (37%) healthy subjects tested positive to SARS-CoV-2 infection during the monitoring period. Similar levels of anti-spike IgG and of neutralizing antibodies against all the investigated variants, with geometric mean titers of neutralizing antibodies against the Omicron being the lowest were detected after the booster dose and after COVID-19 in both Cohorts. Conclusions: The occurrence of SARS-CoV-2 infection we observed in a sizable proportion of booster-dosed cancer patients and in healthy subjects during the Omicron outbreak indicates that highly specific vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 variants are urgently required

    No relationship between left ventricular radial wall motion and longitudinal velocity and the extent and severity of noncompaction cardiomyopathy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Noncompaction cardiomyopathy (NCCM) is characterized by a prominent trabecular meshwork and deep intertrabecular recesses. Although systolic dysfunction is common, limited information is available on differences in wall motion of the normal compacted and noncompacted segments. The purpose of this study was to assess radial wall motion and longitudinal wall velocity in patients with NCCM, according to the extent and severity of noncompaction.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study comprised 29 patients in sinus rhythm (age 41 ± 15 years, 15 men), who fulfilled stringent diagnostic criteria for NCCM and compared to 29 age and gender matched healthy controls. Segmental radial wall motion of all compacted and noncompacted segments was assessed with the standard visual wall motion score index and longitudinal systolic (Sm) wall velocity with tissue Doppler imaging of the mitral annulus. For each LV wall a normalized Sm value was calculated. The extent and severity of NC in each LV segment was assessed both in a qualitative and quantitative manner.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Heart failure was the primary clinical presentation in half of the patients. NCCM patients had a wall motion score index of 1.68 ± 0.43 and a normalized Sm of 82 ± 20%. The total and maximal noncompaction scores were not related to the wall motion score index and the normalized Sm. NCCM patients with and without heart failure had similar total and maximal noncompaction scores.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In NCCM patient's radial wall motion and longitudinal LV wall velocity is impaired but not related to the extent or severity of noncompaction.</p

    Condiciones hidrogeológicas en la zona de Río Grande (Tierra del Fuego)

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    Fil: Kruse, Eduardo Emilio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; ArgentinaFil: Lofiego, Rita. Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego; ArgentinaFil: Laurencena, Patricia Claudia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; ArgentinaFil: Deluchi, Marta Haydeé. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; ArgentinaFil: Carretero, Silvina Claudia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Argentin