1,487 research outputs found

    Acoustic design of the QCSEE propulsion systems

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    Acoustic design features and techniques employed in the Quiet Clean Short-Haul Experimental Engine (QCSEE) Program are described. The role of jet/flap noise in selecting the engine fan pressure ratio for powered lift propulsion systems is discussed. The QCSEE acoustic design features include a hybrid inlet (near-sonic throat velocity with acoustic treatment); low fan and core pressure ratios; low fan tip speeds; gear-driven fans; high and low frequency stacked core noise treatment; multiple-thickness treatment; bulk absorber treatment; and treatment on the stator vanes. The QCSEE designs represent and anticipated acoustic technology improvement of 12 to 16 PNdb relative to the noise levels of the low-noise engines used on current wide-body commercial jet transport aircraft

    Comparison of NASA and contractor results from aeroacoustic tests of QCSEE OTW engine

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    The aerodynamics and acoustics of the over-the-wing (OTW) Quiet, Clean, Short Haul Experimental Engine (QCSEE) were tested. A boilerplate (nonflight weight), high-throat Mach number, acoustically treated inlet and a D-shaped OTW exhaust nozzle with variable position side doors were used. Some acoustic directivity results for the type "D" nozzle and acoustic effects of variations in the nozzle side door positions are included. It was found that the results are in agreement with those previously obtained

    Genomic insights into the rapid emergence and evolution of MDR in Staphylococcus pseudintermedius.

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    OBJECTIVES: MDR methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) strains have emerged rapidly as major canine pathogens and present serious treatment issues and concerns to public health due to their, albeit low, zoonotic potential. A further understanding of the genetics of resistance arising from a broadly susceptible background of S. pseudintermedius is needed. METHODS: We sequenced the genomes of 12 S. pseudintermedius isolates of varied STs and resistance phenotypes. RESULTS: Nine distinct clonal lineages had acquired either staphylococcal cassette chromosome (SCC) mec elements and/or Tn5405-like elements carrying up to five resistance genes [aphA3, sat, aadE, erm(B), dfrG] to generate MRSP, MDR methicillin-susceptible S. pseudintermedius and MDR MRSP populations. The most successful and clinically problematic MDR MRSP clones, ST68 SCCmecV(T) and ST71 SCCmecII-III, have further accumulated mutations in gyrA and grlA conferring resistance to fluoroquinolones. The carriage of additional mobile genetic elements (MGEs) was highly variable, suggesting that horizontal gene transfer is frequent in S. pseudintermedius populations. CONCLUSIONS: Importantly, the data suggest that MDR MRSP evolved rapidly by the acquisition of a very limited number of MGEs and mutations, and that the use of many classes of antimicrobials may co-select for the spread and emergence of MDR and XDR strains. Antimicrobial stewardship will need to be comprehensive, encompassing human medicine and veterinary disciplines to successfully preserve antimicrobial efficacy

    Using Simulated Micrometeoroid Impacts to Understand the Progressive Space Weathering of the Surface of Mercury

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    The surfaces of airless bodies such as Mercury are continually modified by space weathering, which is driven by micrometeoroid impacts and solar wind irradiation. Space weathering alters the chemical composition, microstructure, and spectral properties of surface regolith. In lunar and ordinarychondritic style space weathering, these processes affect the reflectance properties by darkening (lowering of reflectance), reddening (increasing reflectance with increasing wavelength), and attenuation of characteristic absorption features. These optical changes are driven by the production of nanophase Febearing particles (npFe). While our understanding of these alteration processes has largely been based on data from the Moon and near-Earth S-type asteroids, the space weathering environment at Mercury is much more extreme. The surface of Mercury experiences a more intense solar wind flux and higher velocity micrometeoroid impacts than its planetary counterparts at 1 AU. Additionally, the composition of Mercurys surface varies significantly from that of the Moon. Most notably, a very low albedo unit has been identified on Mercurys surface, known as the low reflectance material (LRM). This unit is enriched with up to 4 wt.% carbon, likely in the form of graphite, over the local mean. In addition, the surface concentration of Fe across Mercurys surface is low (<2 wt.%) compared to the Moon. Our understanding of how these low-Fe and carbon phases are altered as a result of space weathering processes is limited. Since Fe plays a critical role in the development of space weathering features on other airless surfaces (e.g., npFe), its limited availability on Mercury may strongly affect the space weathering features in surface materials. In order to understand how space weathering affects the chemical, microstructural, and optical properties of the surface of Mercury, we can simulate these processes in the laboratory [7]. Here we used pulsed laser irradiation to simulate the short duration, high temperature events associated with micrometeoroid impacts. We used forsteritic olivine, likely present on the Mercurian surface, with varying FeO contents, each mixed with graphite, in our experiments. We then performed reflectance spectroscopy and electron microscopy to investigate the spectral, chemical, and microstructural changes in these samples

    Scalable Bayesian inference for self-excitatory stochastic processes applied to big American gunfire data

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    The Hawkes process and its extensions effectively model self-excitatory phenomena including earthquakes, viral pandemics, financial transactions, neural spike trains and the spread of memes through social networks. The usefulness of these stochastic process models within a host of economic sectors and scientific disciplines is undercut by the processes' computational burden: complexity of likelihood evaluations grows quadratically in the number of observations for both the temporal and spatiotemporal Hawkes processes. We show that, with care, one may parallelize these calculations using both central and graphics processing unit implementations to achieve over 100-fold speedups over single-core processing. Using a simple adaptive Metropolis-Hastings scheme, we apply our high-performance computing framework to a Bayesian analysis of big gunshot data generated in Washington D.C. between the years of 2006 and 2019, thereby extending a past analysis of the same data from under 10,000 to over 85,000 observations. To encourage wide-spread use, we provide hpHawkes, an open-source R package, and discuss high-level implementation and program design for leveraging aspects of computational hardware that become necessary in a big data setting.Comment: Submitted to Statistics and Computin

    Dilute ferrimagnetic semiconductors in Fe-substituted spinel ZnGa2_2O4_4

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    Solid solutions of nominal composition [ZnGa2_2O4_4]1−x_{1-x}[Fe3_3O4_4]x_x, of the semiconducting spinel ZnGa2_2O4_4 with the ferrimagnetic spinel Fe3_3O4_4 have been prepared with xx = 0.05, 0.10, and 0.15. All samples show evidence for long-range magnetic ordering with ferromagnetic hysteresis at low temperatures. Magnetization as a function of field for the xx = 0.15 sample is S-shaped at temperatures as high as 200 K. M\"ossbauer spectroscopy on the xx = 0.15 sample confirms the presence of Fe3+^{3+}, and spontaneous magnetization at 4.2 K. The magnetic behavior is obtained without greatly affecting the semiconducting properties of the host; diffuse reflectance optical spectroscopy indicates that Fe substitution up to xx = 0.15 does not affect the position of the band edge absorption. These promising results motivate the possibility of dilute ferrimagnetic semiconductors which do not require carrier mediation of the magnetic moment.Comment: 9 pages and 6 figure

    New development: strategic user orientation in public services delivery—the missing link in the strategic trinity?

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    This paper explores the application of strategic planning and management to Public Service Organisations (PSOs). It argues that the impact of these approaches has been limited by the absence of an underlying strategic orientation that would provide a value-base upon which to embed these approaches within PSOs. It argues further for such an orientation to privelege the need for public services to add value to the lives of citizens and service users and not to focus solely upon internal measures of efficiency and performance

    Molecular dynamics study of accelerated ion-induced shock waves in biological media

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    We present a molecular dynamics study of the effects of carbon- and iron-ion induced shock waves in DNA duplexes in liquid water. We use the CHARMM force field implemented within the MBN Explorer simulation package to optimize and equilibrate DNA duplexes in liquid water boxes of different sizes and shapes. The translational and vibrational degrees of freedom of water molecules are excited according to the energy deposited by the ions and the subsequent shock waves in liquid water are simulated. The pressure waves generated are studied and compared with an analytical hydrodynamics model which serves as a benchmark for evaluating the suitability of the simulation boxes. The energy deposition in the DNA backbone bonds is also monitored as an estimation of biological damage, something which is not possible with the analytical model

    Aromatic Structure in Simulates Titan Aerosol

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    Observations of Titan by the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) between 560 and 20 per centimeter (approximately 18 to 500 micrometers) have been used to infer the vertical variations of Titan's ice abundances, as well as those of the aerosol from the surface to an altitude of 300 km [1]. The aerosol has a broad emission feature centered approximately at 140 per centimeter (71 micrometers). As seen in Figure 1, this feature cannot be reproduced using currently available optical constants from laboratory-generated Titan aerosol analogs [2]. The far-IR is uniquely qualified for investigating low-energy vibrational motions within the lattice structures of COITIDlex aerosol. The feature observed by CIRS is broad, and does not likely arise from individual molecules, but rather is representative of the skeletal movements of macromolecules. Since Cassini's arrival at Titan, benzene (C6H6) has been detected in the atmosphere at ppm levels as well as ions that may be polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) [3]. We speculate that the feature may be a blended composite that can be identified with low-energy vibrations of two-dimensional lattice structures of large molecules, such as PAHs or nitrogenated aromatics. Such structures do not dominate the composition of analog materials generated from CH4 and N2 irradiation. We are performing studies forming aerosol analog via UV irradiation of aromatic precursors - specifically C6H6 - to understand how the unique chemical architecture of the products will influence the observable aerosol characteristics. The optical and chemical properties of the aromatic analog will be compared to those formed from CH4/N2 mixtures, with a focus on the as-yet unidentified far-IR absorbance feature. Preliminary results indicate that the photochemically-formed aromatic aerosol has distinct chemical composition, and may incorporate nitrogen either into the ring structure or adjoined chemical groups. These compositional differences are demonstrated in the aerosol mass spectra shown in Figure 2. The aromatic aerosol also demonstrates strong chemical reactivity when exposed to laboratory air, indicating substantial stored chemical potential. Oxidatoin and solubility studies wil be presented and implicatoins for prebiotic chemistry o nTitan will be discussed

    Structural studies of the PARP-1 BRCT domain

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) is one of the first proteins localized to foci of DNA damage. Upon activation by encountering nicked DNA, the PARP-1 mediated trans-poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of DNA binding proteins occurs, facilitating access and accumulation of DNA repair factors. PARP-1 also auto-(ADP-ribosyl)ates its central BRCT-containing domain forming part of an interaction site for the DNA repair scaffolding protein X-ray cross complementing group 1 protein (XRCC1). The co-localization of XRCC1, as well as bound DNA repair factors, to sites of DNA damage is important for cell survival and genomic integrity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we present the solution structure and biophysical characterization of the BRCT domain of rat PARP-1. The PARP-1 BRCT domain has the globular ι/β fold characteristic of BRCT domains and has a thermal melting transition of 43.0°C. In contrast to a previous characterization of this domain, we demonstrate that it is monomeric in solution using both gel-filtration chromatography and small-angle X-ray scattering. Additionally, we report that the first BRCT domain of XRCC1 does not interact significantly with the PARP-1 BRCT domain in the absence of ADP-ribosylation. Moreover, none of the interactions with other longer PARP-1 constructs which previously had been demonstrated in a pull-down assay of mammalian cell extracts were detected.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The PARP-1 BRCT domain has the conserved BRCT fold that is known to be an important protein:protein interaction module in DNA repair and cell signalling pathways. Data indicating no significant protein:protein interactions between PARP-1 and XRCC1 likely results from the absence of poly(ADP-ribose) in one or both binding partners, and further implicates a poly(ADP-ribose)-dependent mechanism for localization of XRCC1 to sites of DNA damage.</p
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