1,209 research outputs found

    HIV in the Heartland: Experiences of Living with HIV in Urban and Rural Areas of the Midwest

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    Scholarly research on HIV/AIDS and stigma has largely demonstrated a different experience for people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) who inhabit urban and rural areas. Largely missing from this scholarship are experiences in low prevalence areas. Low prevalence areas typically have fewer resources, social networks, and HIV infection and prevalence is less common. In this paper, we examine the challenges PLWHAs in rural and urban areas of the Midwest face and how these individuals manage, respond, and combat HIV/AIDS related stigmas in their communities. This paper utilizes interview data to understand the lived experiences of 18 persons living with HIV and AIDS. This paper reveals that respondents in rural areas are likely to be geographically dispersed, struggle with accessing healthcare services, believe their communities are less tolerant, and are less likely to disclose their positive status or seek out social support. Respondents who lived in urban areas were more likely to disclose their positive status, have access to AIDS service organizations and social support, and to participate in advocacy in the “HIV Community.” Our study demonstrates how social and community context are agentic players in shaping life chances, decisions, and behavior of the PLWHAs we interviewed

    Lessons Learned from the Flight Unit Testing of the Near Earth Asteroid Scout Flight System

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    The Near Earth Asteroid Scout flight mission is set to launch on the maiden voyage of the Space Launch System as a secondary payload. The spacecraft will be jettisoned in cis-lunar space and embark on an ambitious 2.5 year mission to image an asteroid. The spacecraft is uniquely equipped with an 85m2 solar sail as the main propulsion system. The monolithic sail system is designed to package within a 6U volume for launch and then deploy during flight. The NEA Scout team has presented in the past to the International Symposium on Solar Sailing topics related to the engineering development unit and design efforts to achieve flight hardware build. This paper will focus on the lessons learned from building and testing the NEA Scout flight system. Focus will be on the mechanical, software, and electrical interfaces as well as preparation for subsystem environmental tests, including thermal vacuum. Due to the unique design of the spacecraft, the solar sail subsystem was required to be located in the center of the spacecraft. This requirement lead to design challenges such as designing and accommodating critical cable harnesses to run through the center of the sail subsystem, packaging and deployment design of the sail subsystem, and integrated testing efforts through an avionics test bed to verify and validate a complete system architecture

    Teaching Statistics with Current and Historical Events: An Analysis of Survivor Data From the Sinking of the HMT Birkenhead, the RMS Titanic, and the Korean Ferry MV Sewol

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    Citation: Lee, Y., Schumm, W. R., Lockett, L., Newsom, K. C., & Behan, K. (2016). Teaching Statistics with Current and Historical Events: An Analysis of Survivor Data From the Sinking of the HMT Birkenhead, the RMS Titanic, and the Korean Ferry MV Sewol. Comprehensive Psychology, 5, 216522281664790. https://doi.org/10.1177/2165222816647900Statistical examples can feel remote to students, especially if the variables under consideration are ambiguous. However, life or death is not ambiguous but very concrete. Three different historical shipwrecks offer an abundance of ways to demonstrate the relevance and importance of statistics. Here, we discuss statistical outcomes associated with the loss of three ships: the HMT Birkenhead in 1852, the RMS Titanic in 1912, and the Korean ferry MV Sewol in April 2014. These disasters can serve as examples for demonstrating the relevance of statistics to current events. Statistics in these historical events can help students see that the survival rates of different groups of passengers were very different, with medium to large effect sizes. Even if statistical analyses cannot answer all of the questions about why some passengers had higher survival rates than others, they can lead to further productive qualitative or quantitative research into such questions

    Thermoelastic Damping in Micro- and Nano-Mechanical Systems

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    The importance of thermoelastic damping as a fundamental dissipation mechanism for small-scale mechanical resonators is evaluated in light of recent efforts to design high-Q micrometer- and nanometer-scale electro-mechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS). The equations of linear thermoelasticity are used to give a simple derivation for thermoelastic damping of small flexural vibrations in thin beams. It is shown that Zener's well-known approximation by a Lorentzian with a single thermal relaxation time slightly deviates from the exact expression.Comment: 10 pages. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    An evaluation of Bradfordizing effects

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    The purpose of this paper is to apply and evaluate the bibliometric method Bradfordizing for information retrieval (IR) experiments. Bradfordizing is used for generating core document sets for subject-specific questions and to reorder result sets from distributed searches. The method will be applied and tested in a controlled scenario of scientific literature databases from social and political sciences, economics, psychology and medical science (SOLIS, SoLit, USB Köln Opac, CSA Sociological Abstracts, World Affairs Online, Psyndex and Medline) and 164 standardized topics. An evaluation of the method and its effects is carried out in two laboratory-based information retrieval experiments (CLEF and KoMoHe) using a controlled document corpus and human relevance assessments. The results show that Bradfordizing is a very robust method for re-ranking the main document types (journal articles and monographs) in today’s digital libraries (DL). The IR tests show that relevance distributions after re-ranking improve at a significant level if articles in the core are compared with articles in the succeeding zones. The items in the core are significantly more often assessed as relevant, than items in zone 2 (z2) or zone 3 (z3). The improvements between the zones are statistically significant based on the Wilcoxon signed-rank test and the paired T-Test

    Sensitive VLBI Studies of the OH Megamaser Emission from IRAS 17208-0014

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    We present phase-referenced VLBI results on the radio continuum and the OH 18 cm megamaser emission from the Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxy, IRAS 17208--0014. The observations were carried out at 1599 MHz using the Very Long Baseline Array, the phased VLA, and the Green Bank Telescope. The highest resolution radio continuum results show several compact sources with brightness temperatures on the order of 10610^{6} K. These sources are more likely to be clustered supernova remnants and/or luminous radio supernovae. However, the agreement between the number of observed and expected compact sources above the 5 σ\sigma level supports the possibility that each one of the compact sources could be dominated by a recently detonated luminous radio supernova. The continuum results suggest that there is no radio-loud AGN in the nuclear region of this galaxy. The OH 18 cm megamaser emission in IRAS 17208--0014 is detected at various angular resolutions. It has an extent of 170×110170 \times 110 pc, and is mostly localized in two regions separated by 61 pc. The structure and dynamics of the maser emission seem to be consistent with a clumpy, rotating, ring-like geometry, with the two dominant maser regions marking the tangential points of the proposed rotating-ring distribution. Assuming Keplerian motion for the rotating maser ring, the enclosed dynamical mass and the mass density within a radius of 30.5 pc, are about {3×107(sin−2i)M⊙3 \times 10^7 ({\rm sin}^{-2}i) M{_\odot}}, and 281(sin−2i)M⊙pc−3281 ({\rm sin}^{-2} i) M{_\odot} {\rm pc}^{-3}, respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. ApJ Accepte

    Results of the British Society of Gastroenterology supporting women in gastroenterology mentoring scheme pilot.

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    Introduction: Mentorship has long been recognised as beneficial in the business world and has more recently been endorsed by medical and academic professional bodies. Recruitment of women into gastroenterology and leadership roles has traditionally been difficult. The Supporting Women in Gastroenterology network developed this pilot scheme for female gastroenterologists 5 years either side of the Completion Certificate of Specialist Training (CCST) to examine the role that mentorship could play in improving this discrepancy. Method: Female gastroenterology trainees and consultant gastroenterologists within 5 years either side of CCST were invited to participate as mentees. Consultant gastroenterologists of both genders were invited to become mentors. 35 pairs of mentor:mentees were matched and completed the scheme over 1 year. Training was provided. Results: The majority of the mentees found the sessions useful (82%) and enjoyable (77%), with the benefit of having time and space to discuss professional or personal challenges with a gastroenterologist who is not a colleague. In the longitudinal study of job satisfaction, work engagement, burnout, resilience, self-efficacy, self-compassion and work-life balance, burnout scale showed a small but non significant improvement over the year (probably an effect of small sample size). Personal accomplishment improved significantly. The main challenges were geography, available time to meet and pair matching. The majority of mentors surveyed found the scheme effective, satisfying, mutually beneficial (70%) and enjoyable (78%). Conclusion: Mentorship is shown to be beneficial despite the challenges and is likely to improve the recruitment and retention of women into gastroenterology and leadership roles, but is likely to benefit gastroenterologists of both genders

    The electric double layer has a life of its own

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations with recently developed importance sampling methods, we show that the differential capacitance of a model ionic liquid based double-layer capacitor exhibits an anomalous dependence on the applied electrical potential. Such behavior is qualitatively incompatible with standard mean-field theories of the electrical double layer, but is consistent with observations made in experiment. The anomalous response results from structural changes induced in the interfacial region of the ionic liquid as it develops a charge density to screen the charge induced on the electrode surface. These structural changes are strongly influenced by the out-of-plane layering of the electrolyte and are multifaceted, including an abrupt local ordering of the ions adsorbed in the plane of the electrode surface, reorientation of molecular ions, and the spontaneous exchange of ions between different layers of the electrolyte close to the electrode surface. The local ordering exhibits signatures of a first-order phase transition, which would indicate a singular charge-density transition in a macroscopic limit
