592 research outputs found

    From Assistants to Partners: A Framework for Graduate Students as Partners in SoTL Research

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    Student-faculty partnerships are a growing practice in scholarship of teaching & learning (SoTL) projects. They can foster greater student engagement in higher education and help advance teaching & learning experiences. For graduate students, in particular those pursuing academic careers, such partnerships can offer opportunities for development of their professional identities as emerging SoTL scholars. In this article, we expand upon previous theorizations of partnerships to include the unique attributes of graduate student partnerships, such as in terms of longer timeframes, increased complexity, and long-term goals. Drawing on a two-year SoTL study, we present a three-layer framework characterizing key attributes for a successful graduate student-faculty partnership: 1) individual attributes in a partnership, 2) collective attributes for a partnership, and 3) outcomes of a partnership. The framework is grounded in literature and illustrative examples from our experiences as graduate students and faculty members working together in partnership with a SoTL project. This framework offers a structured mechanism to inform, create, and enhance the capacity of student-faculty partnerships in SoTL research

    A pequena produção e o processo de proletarização rural de São Paulo e no Nordeste

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    Orientador: Jose Francisco Graziano da SilvaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de EconomiaResumo: Não informadoAbstract: Not informed.MestradoMestre em Economi


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    O presente artigo cientifico tem como objetivo precípuo levantar vantagens e desvantagens econômicas e institucionais trazidas pela Lei n° 11.079 de 30-12-2004, com relação às licitações e contratos, cuja  importância encontra-se em destacar os avanços e ou retrocessos, em relação aos contratos firmados entre o setor público e a iniciativa privada, após a promulgação da Lei 11.079/04, conhecida como Lei das Parcerias Público-Privadas, trazendo a discussão se é ou não vantajoso para a sociedade este tipo de parceria. Para isso foi utilizado método de pesquisa de caráter exploratório procurando através de levantamento bibliográfico a possibilidade expressar considerações relativas ao tema em estudo. Conclui-se, ao final que a utilização dos contratos de Parcerias Público-Privadas no Brasil é algo que já vem acontecendo, necessitando apenas de algum tempo para assimilação, pois sendo um assunto relativamente novo no País e necessita de adaptação a realidade da sociedad


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo levantar quantitativamente as publicações internacionais e brasileiras, no período de 2009 a 2018, sobre a temática assédio moral, com a finalidade de identificar se os tópicos relacionados à administração são considerados “hot topics” quando combinados ao assédio e identificar se os principais autores internacionais são citados nos estudos nacionais. Para isso, utilizou-se as bases de dados Web of Science e Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library – Spell. Constatou-se que o número de publicações internacionais cresceu em especial nos últimos quatro anos, as classificações concentram os maiores percentuais em publicações americanas e estão relacionadas à saúde e às áreas das ciências sociais. Dentre os tópicos combinados a assédio, apenas a categoria Management (Gestão) obteve classificação como “hot topic”. Quanto aos estudos nacionais, observou-se que não apresentam uma regularidade por ano; o maior foco de estudos é no contexto universitário seguido de organizações privadas; e foram encontradas citações dos principais autores internacionais, comprovando consonância entre os estudos brasileiros e o “hot topic” internacional

    Sistema de Controle Interno

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    RESUMO: Os sistemas de controle interno nas organizações públicas são fatores determinantes no alcance dos objetivos estabelecidos. A legislação brasileira determina que os gestores dos órgãos governamentais encaminhem anualmente, ao Tribunal de Contas da União, o Relatório da Gestão. O objetivo do presente artigo foi analisar de forma quantitativa as características da autoavaliação realizada pelo controle interno e informadas pela Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares, no período de 2012 a 2017. A análise de conteúdo foi a ferramenta metodológica utilizada para trabalhar os dados e os construtos foram fundamentados no modelo do Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. As análises apontaram grande heterogeneidade na percepção sobre o sistema de controle interno, de maneira que em vários quesitos os avaliadores manifestaram-se pela impossibilidade de atribuir a pontuação. Os resultados revelam um sistema de controle interno com deficiências, apesar dos aspectos avaliados positivamente e das ações de melhoria desenvolvidas pela empresa no período.   Palavras-chave: Controle Interno. Relatório de Gestão. Auto-avaliação.   ABSTRACT: Internal control systems in public organizations are determinant factors in achieving the established objectives. The Brazilian legislation determines that the managers of the governmental agencies shall forward annually to the Court of Auditors of the Union the management report. The objective of this article was to analyze quantitatively the characteristics of self-assessment performed by internal control and informed by the Brazilian hospital services company in the period from 2012 to 2017. The content analysis was the methodological tool used to work the data. The constructs were based on the model of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. The analyses showed a great heterogeneity in the perception of the internal control system, and in several questions the evaluators manifested themselves by the impossibility of assigning the score. The results reveal a system of internal control with disabilities, despite the positively evaluated aspects and improvement actions developed by the company during the period.   Keywords: Internal Control. Management Report. Self Evaluation

    Violência contra mulheres no Brasil e no Uruguai: as experiências da Lei Maria da Penha e da Lei de Violência Doméstica.

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    This work results from a sociological study of the marital situations violence against women. The theoretical and methodological approach is guided by the perspective of legal sociology. The objective was to conduct a study on the changes implemented by the laws of existing violence against women in Brazil and Uruguay in its successful applications in marital relations. We selected three regions of Rio Grande do Sul (north, center and border) and a Uruguayan town on the border with Brazil, which examined data for the years 2005-2009, from collection in police stations of Rio Grande do South and information on violence in Uruguay. It was observed that domestic violence is present in the daily lives of women in these regions, regardless of their socio-economic and cultural contexts. Despite the advances, laws to protect women are limited, especially with regard to the protection and prevention of this form of violence.O presente trabalho resulta de um estudo sociológico sobre as situações violência conjugal contra mulheres. O enfoque teórico-metodológico orienta-se pela perspectiva da sociologia jurídica. O objetivo da pesquisa foi realizar um estudo sobre as mudanças implementadas pelas leis de violência contra mulheres existentes no Brasil e no Uruguai, em suas aplicações sucedidas nas relações conjugais. Foram selecionadas três regiões do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (norte, centro e fronteira) e uma cidade uruguaia, fronteira com o Brasil, onde se analisaram dados referentes aos anos de 2005 a 2009, a partir de coleta em delegacias do Rio Grande do Sul e dos informativos sobre violência no Uruguai. Observou-se que a violência conjugal está presente no cotidiano das mulheres dessas regiões, independente dos seus contextos socioeconômicos e culturais. Apesar dos avanços, as leis de proteção às mulheres são limitadas, especialmente no que tange à proteção e prevenção dessa forma de violência.

    Effects of aquatic exercise on mental health, functional autonomy and oxidative stress in depressed elderly individuals: A randomized clinical trial

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of aquatic exercise on mental health, functional autonomy and oxidative stress parameters in depressed elderly individuals. METHODS: Initially, ninety-two elderly individuals were included in the study and were allocated into the depression group (n=16) and nondepression group (n=14). Both groups engaged in the aquatic exercise program for 12 weeks, including two weekly sessions (45 min/session) at a low intensity (between 50% and 60% of maximal heart rate or Borg scale scores of 13 to 14) throughout the intervention. All outcomes were evaluated at baseline and 12 weeks later. RESULTS: The patients were 63.5±8.8 years old. The following scores were decreased after training in the depressed group: depression (53%), anxiety (48%), and Timed Up & Go (33%). The following scores increased: Berg Balance Scale (9%) and flexibility (44%). Regarding the blood-based parameters, there were decreases in protein carbonylation (46%) and nitric oxide (60%) and increases in glutathione (170%) and superoxide dismutase (160%) in the depression group (po0.005). CONCLUSIONS: The aquatic exercise program reduces depression and anxiety, improves functional autonomy and decreases oxidative stress in depressed elderly individuals

    ImPACT: a multifaceted implementation for conversation partner training in aphasia in Dutch rehabilitation settings.

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    Purpose: Exploration of the clinical uptake of a novel conversation partner training (CPT) programme in aphasia in ten Dutch rehabilitation facilities and identification of its perceived facilitators and barriers in service providers, and the evaluation of the implementation methods used. Method: Ten rehabilitation centres took part in a multifaceted implementation of conversation partner training over thirteen months. Each centre selected two speech and language therapists to act as knowledge brokers whose role it was to raise awareness of CPT in the team and to facilitate getting partners of people with aphasia into the programme. The implementation was evaluated using analysis of recruitment data and questionnaires, supplemented by consensus data and scrutiny of implementation plans. Results: Successful implementation was described as 1) four dyads included during the intervention period, 2) two more dyads included after the intervention period, before the end of the study and 3) inclusion of Partners of Aphasic Clients Conversation Training (PACT) in a description of the logistics of local stroke care (stroke care pathway). Seven centres were successful in reaching the target inclusion of 6 dyads in total. Only one centre had care pathways in place. From a recruitment pool of 504 dyads, 41 dyads were recruited and 34 partners completed the implementation of PACT study (ImPACT). Observed facilitators included the motivation to engage partners in the rehabilitation process and the perceived added value of PACT. The perceived barriers focused on time limitations within current systems to discuss the consequences of PACT with relevant professionals and to establish allocated time for PACT within existing care routines. Conclusions: The motivation of professionals to involve partners in the rehabilitation process assisted with the introduction of PACT in practice. The main barrier was time, linked to the requirement to think through integration of this innovation within existing care. Longer term evaluation would ascertain how centres sustain uptake without support

    Impact of dietary zinc and seawater transfer on zinc status, availability, endogenous loss and osmoregulatory responses in Atlantic salmon smolt fed low fish meal feeds

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    Atlantic salmon fed low fish meal feeds supplemented with zinc (Zn) were studied in two feeding trials. In trial I, Atlantic salmon parr were fed six graded Zn levels (40 to 249 mg kg−1 as ZnSO4) for 8 weeks in freshwater followed by a 4-week seawater phase. In trial II, Atlantic salmon post-smolt were fed for 10 weeks in SW with 10 dietary Zn levels (45 to 280 mg kg−1), either as ZnSO4 or Zn-glycinate. Growth was unaffected by dietary Zn in both trials. Dietary Zn affected concentration of Na + and K+ ions in plasma, branchial and intestinal expression of sodium potassium ATPase, tissue and body Zn status, and cataracts. Seawater transfer significantly reduced apparent availability, body and tissue levels of Zn due to increased endogenous Zn loss. Atlantic salmon post-smolt in seawater improved body and tissue Zn status with increasing dietary Zn levels, irrespective of the Zn source. Body or tissue saturation of Zn occurred at dietary Zn levels between 137 and 156 mg kg−1 with smolts in freshwater and 181 to 218 mg kg−1 in SW post-smolts. Dietary Zn levels below 180 mg kg−1 in low fish meal feeds compromised the Zn status and welfare of Atlantic salmon in seawater.publishedVersio


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223658348916O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o perfil da população pediátrica que recorre ao Pronto Atendimento Municipal Infantil (PAI), de seus acompanhantes, identificando  sintomas, diagnóstico, motivo da utilização e as unidades básicas referência dos usuários. Estudo transversal descritivo realizado de julho a dezembro de 2011. Os dados foram coletados da ficha de atendimento médico e questionário aplicado aos acompanhantes. A maioria das crianças era do sexo feminino (53,4%), com menos de 5 anos (62,3%) e de cor branca (78,5%). As queixas principais foram tosse (32%) e febre (30%) com diagnóstico de IVAS (42,9%) e asma (10,1%). Os motivos que determinaram a não procura pelas UBS foram falta de fichas (44,5%), de pediatra (20,7%) e preferência pelo PAI (18,2%). Conclui-se que os atendimentos no PAI se deram por dificuldade de acesso nas UBS, em crianças de até 5 anos, levados pelas mães, apresentando principalmente tosse, febre e  doenças respiratórias aguda