46 research outputs found

    Software-Based Burst Mode Reception Implementation for Time-domain Wavelength Interleaved Networks

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    International audienceWe demonstrate burst mode functionality on a continuous commercial receiver piloted by real-time control plane in an end-to-end sub-wavelength switching test-bed. The results show the receiver can maintain its continuous performance with marginal penalty regardless of data burst absence duration. Introduction Switching sub-wavelength entities inside the big pipes channels appears as a promising solution for the operator that has to build a network with an efficient filling and different services. Access to the sub-wavelength granularity directly at the optical layer is an alternative to electrical solution to reduce cost and power consumption by saving on electrical transit and electrical-to-optical and optical-to-electrical conversions. Amongst the various Sub-Lambda Photonically Switched Network (SLPSN) solutions, Time-domain Wavelength Interleaved Networking (TWIN) is an interesting solution since it provides optically transparent sub-wavelength grooming at intermediate/core nodes, while the intelligence and processing power remains at control plane and the edge node

    Investigation of SOA-based wavelength conversion at 80 Gb/s using bandpass filtering

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    This paper presents a simple and effective 80 Gb/s wavelength conversion scheme by using Cross Gain Modulation in a Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (SOA) in conjunction with filtering the blue shifted component of the probe spectrum to give a non-inverted output signal

    Инфекционная составляющая и иммунопатология при хронических воспалительных заболеваниях слизистой оболочки гастродуоденальной области

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    Выявлено коинфицирование слизистой оболочки желудочно−кишечного тракта Helicobacter pylori и вирусами группы герпеса у больных хроническим гастритом, язвенной болезнью желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки. Проведена оценка общих и специфических иммунных реакций организма на указанные инфекционные агенты. Обнаруженные изменения в клеточном и гуморальном звене иммунитета могут свидетельствовать об обусловленном ими системном иммунопатологическом процессе.Co−infection of the gastrointestinal mucosa with Helicobacter pylori and herpes viruses in patients with chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer was revealed. General and specific immune reactions of the organism to the above agents were evaluated. The revealed changes in the cellular and humoral immunity can suggest systemic immunopathological process

    DAC-less and DSP-free 20 Gb/s PAM-4 transmission based on a dual modulation scheme using DML and external modulation

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    International audienceThe generation of DAC-less 20 Gb/s PAM-4 using a DML and an external modulator is demonstrated. This dual modulation scheme has been transmitted up to 75-km SSMF with similar performance to PAM-4 DAC transmitter

    Mitigation of mode partition noise in quantum-dash Fabry-Perot mode-locked lasers using Manchester encoding and balanced detection

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    International audienceWe propose the use of Manchester encoding in conjunction with balanced detection to overcome the mode partition noise (MPN) limit of quantum-dash Fabry-Perot mode-locked lasers (QD-MLLs) used as multi-wavelength sources in short-reach applications. The proposed approach is demonstrated for a 10-mode laser, each carrying a 10-Gb/s signal. We show that bit-error-rate floors as high as 1e-4 when traditional non-return-to-zero (NRZ) modulation is employed with a single-ended detection scheme can be pushed below 1e-9 thanks to the introduction of Manchester encoding together with balanced detection. The benefit of the scheme could be attributed to the spectral shift of the Manchester spectrum, resulting in a smaller overlap with the high-relative intensity noise (RIN) region present at low frequencies, and the use of balanced detection. We clarify the origin of the performance improvement through comparisons of single-ended and balanced detection and the use of a RIN emulation technique. We unambiguously show that the use of balanced detection plays the leading role in MPN mitigation enabled by Manchester modulation

    Mitigation of mode partition noise in quantum-dash Fabry- Perot mode-locked lasers using Manchester encoding

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    International audienceThe use of Manchester encoding with balanced detection is proposed in order to overcome the mode partition noise (MPN) limit of quantum-dash mode-locked lasers used as multi wavelength sources. Successful MPN mitigation is demonstrated for a 10-mode laser at 10 Gbit/s

    Phase Noise Reduction in All Optical Clock Recovery at 43 Gb/s for 3R Regeneration Applications

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    session We3.P « posters » [We3.P.91], ISBN 2-912328-34-9International audienceWe propose an original study of optical clock recovery characterisation for 3R regeneration. Jitter reduction and corresponding BER measurement are presented at 43 Gb/s using a simple and reliable all optical clock recovery