1,422 research outputs found

    A VLT/FLAMES survey for massive binaries in Westerlund 1: I. First observations of luminous evolved stars

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    Aims. Multiwavelength observations of the young massive cluster Westerlund 1 have revealed evidence for a large number of OB supergiant and Wolf-Rayet binaries. However, in most cases these findings are based on the detection of secondary binary characteristics, such as hard X-ray emission and/or non-thermal radio spectra and hence provide little information on binary properties such as mass ratio and orbital period. To overcome this shortcoming we have initiated a long temporal baseline, multi-epoch radial velocity survey that will provide the first direct constraints on these parameters.Methods. VLT/FLAMES+GIRAFFE observations of Wd1 were made on seven epochs from late-June to early-September 2008, covering ~35 confirmed members of Wd1 and ~70 photometrically-selected candidate members. Each target was observed on a minimum of three epochs, with brighter cluster members observed on five (or, in a few cases, seven) occasions. Individual spectra cover the 8484–9001 Å range, and strong Paschen-series absorption lines are used to measure radial velocity changes in order to identify candidate binary systems for follow-up study.Results. This study presents first-epoch results from twenty of the most luminous supergiant stars in Wd1. Four new OB supergiant members of Wd1 are identified, while statistically significant radial velocity changes are detected in ~60% of the targets. W43a is identified as a short-period binary, while W234 and the newly-identified cluster member W3003 are probable binaries and W2a is a strong binary candidate. The cool hypergiants W243 and W265 display photospheric pulsations, while a number of early-mid B supergiants display significant radial velocity changes of ~15–25 km s-1 that we cannot distinguish between orbital or photospheric motion in our initial short-baseline survey. When combined with existing observations, we find 30% of our sample to be binary (6/20) while additional candidate binaries support a binary fraction amongst Wd1 supergiants in excess of ~40%, a figure that is likely to increase as further data become available

    Spectrum of Neuroradiologic Findings Associated with Monogenic Interferonopathies

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    The genetic interferonopathies are a heterogeneous group of disorders thought to be caused by the dysregulated expression of interferons and are now commonly considered in the differential diagnosis of children presenting with recurrent or persistent inflammatory phenotypes. With emerging therapeutic options, recognition of these disorders is increasingly important, and neuroimaging plays a vital role. In this article, we discuss the wide spectrum of neuroradiologic features associated with monogenic interferonopathies by reviewing the literature and illustrate these with cases from our institutions. These cases include intracerebral calcifications, white matter T2 hyperintensities, deep WM cysts, cerebral atrophy, large cerebral artery disease, bilateral striatal necrosis, and masslike lesions. A better understanding of the breadth of the neuroimaging phenotypes in conjunction with clinical and laboratory findings will enable earlier diagnosis and direct therapeutic strategies

    Near and mid-IR sub-arcsecond structure of the dusty symbiotic star R Aqr

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    The results of a high-resolution interferometric campaign targeting the symbiotic long-period variable (LPV) R~Aqr are reported. With both near-infrared measurements on baselines out to 10m and mid-infrared data extending to 32m, we have been able to measure the characteristic sizes of regions from the photosphere of the LPV and its extended molecular atmosphere, out to the cooler circumstellar dust shell. The near-infrared data were taken using aperture masking interferometry on the Keck-I telescope and show R~Aqr to be partially resolved for wavelengths out to 2.2 microns but with a marked enlargement, possibly due to molecular opacity, at 3.1 microns. Mid-infrared interferometric measurements were obtained with the U.C. Berkeley Infrared Spatial Interferometer (ISI) operating at 11.15 microns from 1992 to 1999. Although this dataset is somewhat heterogeneous with incomplete coverage of the Fourier plane and sampling of the pulsation cycle, clear changes in the mid-infrared brightness distribution were observed, both as a function of position angle on the sky and as a function of pulsation phase. Spherically symmetric radiative transfer calculations of uniform-outflow dust shell models produce brightness distributions and spectra which partially explain the data, however limitations to this approximation are noted. Evidence for significant deviation from circular symmetry was found in the mid-infrared and more tentatively at 3.08 microns in the near-infrared, however no clear detection of binarity or of non-LPV elements in the symbiotic system is reported.Comment: Accepted to Astrophysical Journal. To appear in volume 534. 14 pages; 3 postscript figure

    Marburg virus survivor immune responses are Th1 skewed with limited neutralizing antibody responses.

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    Until recently, immune responses in filovirus survivors remained poorly understood. Early studies revealed IgM and IgG responses to infection with various filoviruses, but recent outbreaks have greatly expanded our understanding of filovirus immune responses. Immune responses in survivors of Ebola virus (EBOV) and Sudan virus (SUDV) infections have provided the most insight, with T cell responses as well as detailed antibody responses having been characterized. Immune responses to Marburg virus (MARV), however, remain almost entirely uncharacterized. We report that immune responses in MARV survivors share characteristics with EBOV and SUDV infections but have some distinct differences. MARV survivors developed multivariate CD4(+) T cell responses but limited CD8(+) T cell responses, more in keeping with SUDV survivors than EBOV survivors. In stark contrast to SUDV survivors, rare neutralizing antibody responses in MARV survivors diminished rapidly after the outbreak. These results warrant serious consideration for any vaccine or therapeutic that seeks to be broadly protective, as different filoviruses may require different immune responses to achieve immunity

    On the CO Near-IR Band and the Line Splitting Phenomenon in the Yellow Hypergiant Rho Cassiopeiae

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    We report on multi-epoch optical and near-infrared spectroscopy around the first overtone ro-vibrational band of CO in the pulsating yellow hypergiant Rho Cas, one of the most massive stars in the Galaxy and a candidate SN II progenitor. We argue that the double cores of the CO absorption lines, that have previously been attributed to separate circumstellar shells expelled during its recurrent outbursts, result in fact from a superposition of a wide absorption line and a narrow central emission line. The CO line doubling returns over subsequent pulsation cycles, where the superposed line emission assumes its largest intensity near phases of maximum light. We find that the morphology and behavior of the CO band closely resemble the remarkable "line-splitting phenomenon" also observed in optical low-excitation atomic lines. Based on radiative transport calculations we present a simplified model of the near-IR CO emission emerging from cooler atmospheric layers in the immediate vicinity of the photosphere. We speculate that the kinetic temperature minimum in our model results from a periodical pulsation-driven shock wave. We further discuss a number of alternative explanations for the origin of the ubiquitous emission line spectrum, possibly due to a quasi-chromosphere or a steady shock wave at the interface of a fast expanding wind and the ISM. We present a number of interesting spectroscopic similarities between Rho Cas and other types of cool variable supergiants such as the RV Tau and R CrB stars. We further propose a possibly common mechanism for the enigmatic outburst behavior of these luminous pulsating cool stars.Comment: accepted to ApJ; 3 color fig

    Seismic constraints on the radial dependence of the internal rotation profiles of six Kepler subgiants and young red giants

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    Context : We still do not know which mechanisms are responsible for the transport of angular momentum inside stars. The recent detection of mixed modes that contain the signature of rotation in the spectra of Kepler subgiants and red giants gives us the opportunity to make progress on this issue. Aims: Our aim is to probe the radial dependance of the rotation profiles for a sample of Kepler targets. For this purpose, subgiants and early red giants are particularly interesting targets because their rotational splittings are more sensitive to the rotation outside the deeper core than is the case for their more evolved counterparts. Methods: We first extract the rotational splittings and frequencies of the modes for six young Kepler red giants. We then perform a seismic modeling of these stars using the evolutionary codes CESAM2k and ASTEC. By using the observed splittings and the rotational kernels of the optimal models, we perform inversions of the internal rotation profiles of the six stars. Results: We obtain estimates of the mean rotation rate in the core and in the convective envelope of these stars. We show that the rotation contrast between the core and the envelope increases during the subgiant branch. Our results also suggest that the core of subgiants spins up with time, contrary to the RGB stars whose core has been shown to spin down. For two of the stars, we show that a discontinuous rotation profile with a deep discontinuity reproduces the observed splittings significantly better than a smooth rotation profile. Interestingly, the depths that are found most probable for the discontinuities roughly coincide with the location of the H-burning shell, which separates the layers that contract from those that expand. These results will bring observational constraints to the scenarios of angular momentum transport in stars.Comment: Accepted in A&A, 27 pages, 18 figure

    A Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Survey of Luminous Cool Stars

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    FUSE ultraviolet spectra of 8 giant and supergiant stars reveal that high temperature (3 X 10^5 K) atmospheres are common in luminous cool stars and extend across the color-magnitude diagram from Alpha Car (F0 II) to the cool giant Alpha Tau (K5 III). Emission present in these spectra includes chromospheric H-Lyman Beta, Fe II, C I, and transition region lines of C III, O VI, Si III, Si IV. Emission lines of Fe XVIII and Fe XIX signaling temperatures of ~10^7 K and coronal material are found in the most active stars, Beta Cet and 31 Com. A short-term flux variation, perhaps a flare, was detected in Beta Cet during our observation. Stellar surface fluxes of the emission of C III and O VI are correlated and decrease rapidly towards the cooler stars, reminiscent of the decay of magnetically-heated atmospheres. Profiles of the C III (977A) lines suggest that mass outflow is underway at T~80,000 K, and the winds are warm. Indications of outflow at higher temperatures (3 X 10^5K) are revealed by O VI asymmetries and the line widths themselves. High temperature species are absent in the M-supergiant Alpha Ori. Narrow fluorescent lines of Fe II appear in the spectra of many giants and supergiants, apparently pumped by H Lyman Alpha, and formed in extended atmospheres. Instrumental characteristics that affect cool star spectra are discussed.Comment: Accept for publication in The Astrophysical Journal; 22 pages of text, 23 figures and 8 table

    Atmospheric parameters of 82 red giants in the Kepler field

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    Context: Accurate fundamental parameters of stars are essential for the asteroseismic analysis of data from the NASA Kepler mission. Aims: We aim at determining accurate atmospheric parameters and the abundance pattern for a sample of 82 red giants that are targets for the Kepler mission. Methods: We have used high-resolution, high signal-to-noise spectra from three different spectrographs. We used the iterative spectral synthesis method VWA to derive the fundamental parameters from carefully selected high-quality iron lines. After determination of the fundamental parameters, abundances of 13 elements were measured using equivalent widths of the spectral lines. Results: We identify discrepancies in log g and [Fe/H], compared to the parameters based on photometric indices in the Kepler Input Catalogue (larger than 2.0 dex for log g and [Fe/H] for individual stars). The Teff found from spectroscopy and photometry shows good agreement within the uncertainties. We find good agreement between the spectroscopic log g and the log g derived from asteroseismology. Also, we see indications of a potential metallicity effect on the stellar oscillations. Conclusions: We have determined the fundamental parameters and element abundances of 82 red giants. The large discrepancies between the spectroscopic log g and [Fe/H] and values in the Kepler Input Catalogue emphasize the need for further detailed spectroscopic follow-up of the Kepler targets in order to produce reliable results from the asteroseismic analysis.Comment: 16 Pages, 12 Figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Developing reading-writing connections; the impact of explicit instruction of literary devices on the quality of children's narrative writing

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    The purpose of this collaborative schools-university study was to investigate how the explicit instruction of literary devices during designated literacy sessions could improve the quality of children's narrative writing. A guiding question for the study was: Can children's writing can be enhanced by teachers drawing attention to the literary devices used by professional writers or “mentor authors”? The study was conducted with 18 teachers, working as research partners in nine elementary schools over one school year. The research group explored ways of developing children as reflective authors, able to draft and redraft writing in response to peer and teacher feedback. Daily literacy sessions were complemented by weekly writing workshops where students engaged in authorial activity and experienced writers' perspectives and readers' demands (Harwayne, 1992; May, 2004). Methods for data collection included video recording of peer-peer and teacher-led group discussions and audio recording of teacher-child conferences. Samples of children's narrative writing were collected and a comparison was made between the quality of their independent writing at the beginning and end of the research period. The research group documented the importance of peer-peer and teacher-student discourse in the development of children's metalanguage and awareness of audience. The study suggests that reading, discussing, and evaluating mentor texts can have a positive impact on the quality of children's independent writing

    Bolometric luminosity variations in the Luminous Blue Variable AFGL2298

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    We characterise the variability in the physical properties of the luminous blue variable AFGL2298 between 1989-2008. In conjunction with published data from 1989-2001, we have undertaken a long term (2001-2008) near-IR spectroscopic and photometric observational campaign for this star and utilise a non-LTE model atmosphere code to interpret these data. We find AFGL2298 to have been highly variable during the two decades covered by the observational datasets. Photometric variations of >1.6 mag have been observed in the JHK wavebands; however, these are not accompanied by correlated changes in near-IR colour. Non-LTE model atmosphere analysis of 4 epochs of K band spectroscopy obtained between 2001-7 suggests that the photometric changes were driven by expansion and contraction of the stellar photosphere accompanied by comparatively small changes in the stellar temperature. Unclumped mass loss rates throughout this period were modest and directly comparable to those of other highly luminous LBVs. However, the bolometric luminosity of AFGL2298 appears to have varied by at least a factor of ~2 between 1989-2008, with it being one of the most luminous stars in the Galaxy during maximum. Comparison to other LBVs that have undergone non bolometric luminosity conserving `eruptions' shows such events to be heterogeneous, with AFGL2298 the least extreme example. These results - and the diverse nature of both the quiescent LBVs and associated ejecta - may offer support to the suggestion that more than one physical mechanism is responsible for such behaviour. [ABRIDGED]Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic