43 research outputs found

    Un cadre d'analyse structurationniste des relations partenariales.

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    L’objectif de cette communication est de proposer un cadre d’analyse de l’évolution des relations partenariales. Ce cadre d’analyse est centrĂ© sur les dimensions interactives au sein de la relation modĂ©lisĂ©e comme systĂšme social complexe. Dans un premier temps nous proposons une revue de la littĂ©rature consacrĂ©e Ă  ce sujet de la dynamique partenariale pour en dĂ©gager les principales caractĂ©ristiques. Nous distinguons ainsi deux courants majeurs. Le premier courant privilĂ©gie l’étude des facteurs explicatifs influençant la relation partenariale : son Ă©volution apparaĂźt ainsi conditionnĂ©e par l’existence d’élĂ©ments endogĂšnes et/ou exogĂšnes. Le second courant met l’accent sur la dimension systĂ©mique de la relation : celle -ci est alors vue comme ayant sa logique propre et son Ă©volution peut ĂȘtre Ă©clairĂ©e par une Ă©tude de la nature des forces Ă  l’Ɠuvre. Dans un second temps nous prĂ©cisons les bases conceptuelles de notre cadre d’analyse, en relation avec ces travaux. Nous considĂ©rerons que la relation partenariale constitue un systĂšme social complexe, oĂč les interactions entre individus, organisations et Ă©lĂ©ments contextuels sont Ă  l’origine des modifications dans la structuration de la relation. Par nature non prĂ©dictive, cette Ă©volution peut nĂ©anmoins ĂȘtre Ă©clairĂ©e en considĂ©rant le processus par lequel les individus et les organisations construisent, par leurs interactions constantes, la structure et sont en retour modelĂ©s par elle. Pour ce faire, notre cadre d’analyse se compose de deux Ă©tapes complĂ©mentaires. La premiĂšre Ă©tape fait rĂ©fĂ©rence aux Ă©lĂ©ments structurants du systĂšme partenarial : mode de coordination de la relation partenariale d’une part, relations individu/organisation d’autre part. Cette identification d’élĂ©ments structurants est Ă  la base d’une dĂ©finition de six formes archĂ©typales de relations partenariales. Dans une seconde Ă©tape, nous proposons une grille de lecture des interactions fortes au sein du systĂšme partenarial . Ces interactions sont regroupĂ©es en familles de phĂ©nomĂšnes liant entre eux les Ă©lĂ©ments de la structure Ă  un triple niveau : inter-individuel, inter-organisationnel et en lien au contexte. Dans un troisiĂšme temps nous appliquons ce cadre d’analyse Ă  une relation partenariale entre un producteur agricole et un grossiste. Cette relation se dĂ©roule sur une pĂ©riode de douze annĂ©es. De sa mise en place jusqu’à sa dissolution, elle passe par une suite d’évĂšnements qui en modifie la structure. Le cadre d’analyse proposĂ© permet de mieux comprendre son Ă©volution. Il met notamment en Ă©vidence la dimension interactive forte du phĂ©nomĂšne partenarial, son caractĂšre mouvant, contingent et alĂ©atoire, ainsi que l’importance des dimensions individuelles et contextuelles dans son devenir.SystĂšme social; Structuration; Relation; Partenariat; Organisation; Interaction; Individu; Evolution;

    Ins1 Gene Up-Regulated in a ÎČ-Cell Line Derived from Ins2 Knockout Mice

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    The authors have derived a new ÎČ-cell line (ÎČIns2−/−lacZ) from Ins2−/− mice that carry the lacZ reporter gene under control of the Ins2 promoter. ÎČIns2−/−lacZ cells stained positively using anti-insulin antibody, expressed ÎČ-cell–specific genes encoding the transcription factor PDX-1, glucokinase, and Glut-2, retained glucose-responsiveness for insulin secretion, and expressed the lacZ gene. Analysis of Ins1 expression by reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) showed that Ins1 transcripts were significantly raised to compensate for the lack of Ins2 transcripts in ÎČIns2−/−lacZ cells, as compared to those found in ÎČTC1 cells expressing both Ins1/Ins2. Thus, transcriptional up-regulation of the remaining functional insulin gene in Ins2−/− mice could potentially contribute to the ÎČ-cell adaptation exhibited by these mutants, in addition to the increase in ÎČ-cell mass that we previously reported.We have also shown that lacZ expression, as analyzed by determining ÎČ-galactosidase activity, was up-regulated by incubating ÎČIns2−/−lacZ cells with GLP-1 and/or IBMX, 2 known stimulators of insulin gene expression. These cells thus represent a new tool for testing of molecules capable of stimulating Ins2 promoter activit

    The marine fish food web is globally connected

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    The productivity of marine ecosystems and the services they provide to humans are largely dependent on complex interactions between prey and predators. These are embedded in a diverse network of trophic interactions, resulting in a cascade of events following perturbations such as species extinction. The sheer scale of oceans, however, precludes the characterization of marine feeding networks through de novo sampling. This effort ought instead to rely on a combination of extensive data and inference. Here we investigate how the distribution of trophic interactions at the global scale shapes the marine fish food web structure. We hypothesize that the heterogeneous distribution of species ranges in biogeographic regions should concentrate interactions in the warmest areas and within species groups. We find that the inferred global metaweb of marine fish—that is, all possible potential feeding links between co-occurring species—is highly connected geographically with a low degree of spatial modularity. Metrics of network structure correlate with sea surface temperature and tend to peak towards the tropics. In contrast to open-water communities, coastal food webs have greater interaction redundancy, which may confer robustness to species extinction. Our results suggest that marine ecosystems are connected yet display some resistance to perturbations because of high robustness at most locations.Using a global interaction dataset, the authors quantify the distribution of trophic interactions among marine fish, finding a high degree of geographic connectivity but low spatial modularity.C.A. was supported by a MELS-FQRNT Postdoctoral Fellowship and a Ressources Aquatique QuĂ©bec (RAQ) fellowship during the conception and writing of this manuscript. T.P., D.G. and D.B.S. acknowledge financial support by the CIEE through their working group programme. M.B.A. is funded through FCT project No. PTDC/AAG-MAA/3764/2014. A.R.C. is funded by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) PGS-D scholarship. D.G., T.P., M.-J.F., P.A. and S.J.L. are supported by NSERC Discovery Grants. T.P. also acknowledges a FRQNT New Investigator award and a UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al starting grant. D.B.S. acknowledges support from the Royal Society of New Zealand (via Marsden Fast-Start No. UOC-1101 and a Rutherford Discovery Fellowship)

    Viral entry and escape from antibody-mediated neutralization influence hepatitis C virus reinfection in liver transplantation

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    End-stage liver disease caused by chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a leading cause for liver transplantation (LT). Due to viral evasion from host immune responses and the absence of preventive antiviral strategies, reinfection of the graft is universal. The mechanisms by which the virus evades host immunity to reinfect the liver graft are unknown. In a longitudinal analysis of six HCV-infected patients undergoing LT, we demonstrate that HCV variants reinfecting the liver graft were characterized by efficient entry and poor neutralization by antibodies present in pretransplant serum compared with variants not detected after transplantation. Monoclonal antibodies directed against HCV envelope glycoproteins or a cellular entry factor efficiently cross-neutralized infection of human hepatocytes by patient-derived viral isolates that were resistant to autologous host-neutralizing responses. These findings provide significant insights into the molecular mechanisms of viral evasion during HCV reinfection and suggest that viral entry is a viable target for prevention of HCV reinfection of the liver graft

    Un cadre d'analyse structurationniste des relations partenariales

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    International audienceL'objectif de cette communication est de proposer un cadre d'analyse de l'Ă©volution des relations partenariales. Ce cadre d'analyse est centrĂ© sur les dimensions interactives au sein de la relation modĂ©lisĂ©e comme systĂšme social complexe. Dans un premier temps nous proposons une revue de la littĂ©rature consacrĂ©e Ă  ce sujet de la dynamique partenariale pour en dĂ©gager les principales caractĂ©ristiques. Nous distinguons ainsi deux courants majeurs. Le premier courant privilĂ©gie l'Ă©tude des facteurs explicatifs influençant la relation partenariale : son Ă©volution apparaĂźt ainsi conditionnĂ©e par l'existence d'Ă©lĂ©ments endogĂšnes et/ou exogĂšnes. Le second courant met l'accent sur la dimension systĂ©mique de la relation : celle-ci est alors vue comme ayant sa logique propre et son Ă©volution peut ĂȘtre Ă©clairĂ©e par une Ă©tude de la nature des forces Ă  l'oeuvre. Dans un second temps nous prĂ©cisons les bases conceptuelles de notre cadre d'analyse, en relation avec ces travaux. Nous considĂ©rerons que la relation partenariale constitue un systĂšme social complexe, oĂč les interactions entre individus, organisations et Ă©lĂ©ments contextuels sont Ă  l'origine des modifications dans la structuration de la relation. Par nature non prĂ©dictive, cette Ă©volution peut nĂ©anmoins ĂȘtre Ă©clairĂ©e en considĂ©rant le processus par lequel les individus et les organisations construisent, par leurs interactions constantes, la structure et sont en retour modelĂ©s par elle. Pour ce faire, notre cadre d'analyse se compose de deux Ă©tapes complĂ©mentaires. La premiĂšre Ă©tape fait rĂ©fĂ©rence aux Ă©lĂ©ments structurants du systĂšme partenarial : mode de coordination de la relation partenariale d'une part, relations individu/organisation d'autre part. Cette identification d'Ă©lĂ©ments structurants est Ă  la base d'une dĂ©finition de six formes archĂ©typales de relations partenariales. Dans une seconde Ă©tape, nous proposons une grille de lecture des interactions fortes au sein du systĂšme partenarial. Ces interactions sont regroupĂ©es en familles de phĂ©nomĂšnes liant entre eux les Ă©lĂ©ments de la structure Ă  un triple niveau : inter-individuel, inter-organisationnel et en lien au contexte. Dans un troisiĂšme temps nous appliquons ce cadre d'analyse Ă  une relation partenariale entre un producteur agricole et un grossiste. Cette relation se dĂ©roule sur une pĂ©riode de douze annĂ©es. De sa mise en place jusqu'Ă  sa dissolution, elle passe par une suite d'Ă©vĂšnements qui en modifie la structure. Le cadre d'analyse proposĂ© permet de mieux comprendre son Ă©volution. Il met notamment en Ă©vidence la dimension interactive forte du phĂ©nomĂšne partenarial, son caractĂšre mouvant, contingent et alĂ©atoire, ainsi que l'importance des dimensions individuelles et contextuelles dans son devenir

    Diegetic display, player performance and presence in virtual reality video games

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    International audienceThe goal of the present study was to investigate the effect of the diegetic display of contextual information on user experience and performance in virtual reality (VR) video games.Contextual information in video games, such as score, health status or mini-map, is traditionally presented in a head-up display superimposed on the main action scene. Such display in which information is not integrated in the game world may be considered as an extra-diegetic display. In contrast, a diegetic display integrates contextual information within the action scene. For instance, the health status may be displayed directly on the avatar or the mini-map can be represented on an electronic device that the avatar holds in the hand.A few previous studies investigate the influence of diegetic displays in video games on classic 2D screens. They generally showed that such display could improve player experience, but not necessarily their performance. However, to the best of our knowledge, it has not been studied in VR game conditions, i.e. with a stereoscopic display that covers a large part of the user’s field of view.In line with previous literature, the hypotheses of the present study were that (1) player performance is higher with an extra-diegetic display than with a diegetic display, but that (2) player’s feeling of presence (one of the main dimensions of player experience) is higher with a diegetic display than with an extra-diegetic display.An experimental study was designed in which 39 participants played a first-person shooter video game with a head-mounted display. The game task was to protect some animals in their pen from predators. Players had to neutralize the predators by shooting at them with a gun equipped with anesthetic ammunition. They also had to treat the animals that were contaminated by predators by shooting at them with the same gun, but with different treatment ammunition. The number of ammunition was limited for both types. Contextual information display (diegetic or extra-diegetic) was manipulated between-participants. In the extra-diegetic condition, the type and number of ammunition, the mini-map and the current scores were displayed in a line at the bottom of the user’s field of view. In the diegetic condition, ammunition information was displayed directly on the gun. The mini-map and scores were displayed on an electronic device that was handled by the avatar in the game. Player performance at the game was measured with the main score which was the number of saved animals. Player presence was measured with a standardized questionnaire.The results showed that player performance was higher in the extra-diegetic display condition than in the diegetic condition. However, there was no significant effect of the display conditions on the feeling of presence.These results were partly in line with previous literature. In a VR situation, displaying contextual information in a traditional extra-diegetic head-up display seems to be more efficient regarding information accessibility, and consequently for performance in the game task. However, presence would not be impacted by diegetic displaying when an immersive system, such as head-mounted displays, is used

    Les plaques dĂ©corĂ©es en schiste de la Bretagne armoricaine sous l’empire romain

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    International audienceAt present, we have a sample of 50 sculpted schist plates found in Gallo-Roman, urban and rural sites of Brittany. Thecartography we established reveals that they were used mainly in the eastern part of the country. The analysis of the techniquesemployed made it possible to study their craftsmanship involved and the location of the plates in buildings. Thanks to aclassification of the ornamental designs we have been able to distinguish architectural designs, marine and aquatic animais,weapons, figurative wildlife and geometrical patterns. A symbolic interpretation of the shields is suggested.Actuellement on dispose d'un échantillonnage de 50 plaques sculptées en schiste, provenant de sites gallo-romains, urbains etruraux de Bretagne. La cartographie montre leur usage principalement dans la partie orientale de cette région. L'analyse destechniques de réalisation permet de faire des observations sur leur travail et sur leur disposition dans les édifices. Unclassement des décors permet de distinguer les décors architecturaux, les animaux marins et aquatiques, les armes, les motifsnaturalistes figuratifs et les motifs géométriques. Une symbolique des boucliers est proposée