16 research outputs found

    Estructura sanitaria de atención al tabaquismo

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    El presente artículo trata de analizar la necesidad de generar una estructura sanitaria de atención al tabaquismo en los distintos departamentos de salud, dependientes de la red pública sanitaria. Esta estructura cobra fuerza y llega a un mayor número de sujetos si se asienta sobre la Atención Primaria de salud, articulándose alrededor de las consultas específicas de tabaquismo en los distintos centros de Salud. Estas consultas deben contar como mínimo con un médico y una enfermera que se dediquen especialmente a atender la consulta al menos 4 horas a la semana. Aun siendo la Atención Primaria la principal puerta de entrada de los pacientes, no podemos descartar el papel de otras unidades o servicios como, medicina Preventiva, los servicios de Neumología o las Unidades de Conductas Adictivas, que también deben hacer un papel importante a la hora de su interrelación. Con todo esto hay que establecer una correcta coordinación entre los distintos servicios, consultas y unidades, sumando a ellas los recursos de Salud Pública e incluso el apoyo que se pueda ofrecer desde distintos ayuntamientos y otras administraciones no sanitarias. Al contar con una estructura definida y una organización coordinada se puede llegar al máximo número de pacientes, además de realizar otras tareas como la prevención o incluso la investigación en este campo, por parte de personas que conozcan toda la problemática de los fumadores. A pesar de los documentos previos, llega la hora de que los distintos gobiernos tanto a nivel autonómico como estatal, consensúen y establezcan un modelo de Atención sanitaria al tabaquismo para todo el Estado español. En este trabajo, aparte de presentar nuestro proyecto, ofrecemos los resultados preliminares que nos indica que nuestra experiencia es efectiva y eficiente en nuestro Departamento de Salud cuando se compara con otros trabajos. Esperamos que con el seguimiento aportemos datos más concluyentes

    Aurophilicity as a cofactor in crystal engineering. Dicyanoaurate(I) anion as a building block in a novel Co(II)–Au(I) bimetallic assembly

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    A 2D grid-shaped cyanide-bridged Co(II)–Au(I) bimetallic coordination polymer, [Co(DMF)2{Au(CN)2}2], has been prepared from the [Au(CN)2]2 building block; sheets associate pair-wise by aurophilic interactions and the compound exhibits zeolite-like properties.Lloret Pastor, Francisco, [email protected]

    Cyanide-bridged Fe(III)–Co(II) bis double zigzag chains with a slow relaxation of the magnetisation

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    Reaction of [FeIII(bipy)(CN)4]¯ with fully solvated MII cations [M = Co (1) and Mn (2)] produces the isostructural bis double zigzag chains [[FeIII(bipy)(CN)4]2MII(H2O)]·MeCN·1/2H2O; 1 exhibits intrachain ferromagnetic and interchain antiferromagnetic couplings, slow magnetic relaxation and hysteresis effects.Luminita Marilena, Toma, [email protected] ; Lescouezec, Alain Francois Rodri, [email protected] ; Lloret Pastor, Francisco, [email protected] ; Julve Olcina, Miguel, [email protected]

    Magnetic order in a CuII-DyIII oxamato-based two-dimensional coordination polymer

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    We report the synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic characterization of a novel two-dimensional copper(II)-dysprosium(III) coordination polymer of formula [LiI(OH2)4]2[DyIIICuII2(Me2pma)4Cl(H2O)] . 4H2O (1) [Me2pma = N-2,6-dimethylphenyloxamate]. Compound 1 was obtained by using the mononuclear anionic complex, [CuII(Me2pma)2]2-, as a bis(bidentate) metalloligand toward solvated dysprosium(III) cations and shows a square [DyIIICuII2] layered structure of (44.62) net topology. Interestingly, the combination of two factors, the well-known efficiency of oxamato ligands to transmit strong magnetic couplings between neighboring atoms and such structural topology, is responsible for the observation of a ferromagnetic interaction between copper(II) and dysprosium(III) cations and a magnetic ordering (TC = 7.5 K), paving the way for the obtention of novel future examples of the still very scarce magnetically ordered lanthanide-based coordination polymers

    A novel two-dimensional honeycomb-like bimetallic iron(iii)–nickel(ii) cyanide-bridged magnetic material [Ni(cyclam)]3[Fe(CN)6]2·nH2O (cyclam = 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclodecane)

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    The 2D honeycomb-like layered iron(iii)–nickel(ii) cyanidebridged complex [Ni(cyclam)]3[Fe(CN)6]2·nH2O exhibits ferromagnetic intralayer and antiferromagnetic interlayer interactions; above 3 K the magnetic properties are typical of a metamagnet with Hc = 5000 G, whereas below 3 K a canted structure is formed, leading to a long range ferromagnetic ordering.Lloret Pastor, Francisco, [email protected]

    The azido ligand: a useful tool in designing chain compounds exhibiting alternating ferro- and antiferro-magnetic interactions

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    A one-pot reaction of NiII 1, CoII 2, FeII 3 and MnII 4 with 2,2A-bipyridine (bipy) and azide in water leads to [M(bipy)(N3)2]n chains where the metal ion is alternatively bridged by double end-on (EO) and end-to-end (EE) azido bridges; theoretical analysis of the variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility data of 1 and 4 reveals the occurrence of intrachain alternating ferro- (through EO) and antiferro-magnetic (through EE) interactions.Julve Olcina, Miguel, [email protected] ; Lloret Pastor, Francisco, [email protected] ; Clemente Juan, Juan Modesto, [email protected]

    Alkane oxidation by a carboxylate-bridged dimanganese(III) complex

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    A new manganese(III) oxamato dimer possesing an unprecedented Mn2(μ-O2CR)(μ-OH2…O2CR) core has been synthesised, structurally and magnetically characterised, and used as a catalyst for the oxidation of alkanes to alcohols and ketones by Bu^tO2H and O2 in CH2Cl2 at rt.Blay Llinares, Gonzalo, [email protected] ; Fernandez Picot, Isabel, [email protected] ; Pedro Llinares, Jose Ramon, [email protected] ; Ruiz Garcia, Rafael, [email protected] ; Pardo Marin, Emilio Jose, [email protected] ; Lloret Pastor, Francisco, [email protected]

    Coexistence of ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions in a metal–organic radical-based (6,3)-helical network with large channels

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    A metal–organic open-framework with an unprecedented (6,3)-helical topology, large channels and mixed ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions has been synthesized using a three-connecting tricarboxylic polychlorotriphenylmethyl radical and Co(II) ions.Lloret Pastor, Francisco, [email protected]

    Single chain magnet behaviour in an enantiopure chiral cobalt(II)–copper(II) one-dimensional compound

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    The self-assembly of an enantiomerically pure, chiral dianionic oxamatocopper(II) complex with cobalt(II) ions leads to neutral oxamato-bridged heterobimetallic chains that combine chirality and slow magnetic relaxation, providing thus the first example of ‘‘chiral single chain magnets (CSCMs).Ruiz Garcia, Rafael, [email protected] ; Lloret Pastor, Francisco, [email protected]