113 research outputs found

    A multivariate dispersion ordering based on quantiles more widely separated

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    AbstractA multivariate dispersion ordering based on quantiles more widely separated is defined. This new multivariate dispersion ordering is a generalization of the classic univariate version. If we vary the ordering of the components in the multivariate random variable then the comparison could not be possible. We provide a characterization using a multivariate expansion function. The relationship among various multivariate orderings is also considered. Finally, several examples illustrate the method of this paper

    Seasonal changes of nuclear DNA fragmentation in boar spermatozoa in Spain

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    There are numerous cases when conventional spermiogram parameters are all within an acceptable range but boar subfertility persists. The total sperm nuclear DNA fragmentation index (tDFI) is a trait related to fertility and prolificacy problems that is not routinely evaluated in commercial AI boars. The aim of this research was to study the effect of the photoperiod, season and reproductive age of the boar on tDFI (measured by SCSA) of 1279 ejaculates from 372 different boars belonging to 6 different breeds located in 6 AI studs in Spain. tDFI data ranged from 0.018% to 20.1%. Although there was a significant single boar effect in the tDFI occurrence, a negative correlation between the tDFI and the age of the boar was found (p < 0.001). tDFI would decrease due to aging of the boar 0.66% each year old within the observed age range. After including age as a covariate in the ANCOVA, no differences were found in tDFI between photoperiods when the sperm collection date was evaluated. However, when the date of the production of semen in the testis was evaluated, the total percentage of spermatozoa with fragmented nuclear DNA was 1.46% higher in the increasing photoperiod in comparison to the decreasing photoperiod (p < 0.0001). On the other hand, for both dates, the lowest tDFI values corresponded to minimum day length for decreasing photoperiod phase (autumn), while the highest tDFI values were found in summer (maximum day length for decreasing photoperiod phase)

    Study of association between Pre-Senile cataracts and the polymorphisms rs2228000 in XPC and rs1042522 in p53 in Spanish population

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    To determine if the presence of certain polymorphisms in the DNA repair gene XPC and the apoptosis inductor gene p53 is associated with pre-senile cataract development. Methods We have performed a retrospective study over three groups of patients. The group with presenile cataract formed by 72 patients younger than 55 with cataract surgery. The group with senile cataract formed by 101 patients older than 55 with cataract surgery. The group without cataract was formed by 42 subjects older than 55 without lens opacities. We analyzed the presence of SNP rs2228000 from XPC and rs1042522 from p53; and the relationship between risk factors such as smoking, alcohol intake, hypertension or diabetes. Results The comparison of the genotype distribution in XPC, within the different groups, did not show any statistically significant association in any of our analysis (p>0, 05). The comparison of the genotype distribution in p53 within the different groups did not show any statistically significant association (p>0, 05); except for the comparison between the pre-senile cataract group and the group with senile cataract where the genotype Pro/Pro (C/C) in the recessive inheritance model showed a higher risk for developing pre-senile cataract (p = 0, 031; OR = 1.04-15.97). This association decreased when we performed the analysis adjusting by the studied risk factors (p = 0.056). Conclusions Allelic variants in the gene XPC are not associated with an increased risk for developing pre-senile cataract. The presence of the genotype Pro/Pro in p53 might be associated with a major risk for developing pre-senile cataract

    Analysis of the modified optical properties and band structure of GaAs12xSbx-capped InAs/GaAs quantum dots

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    The origin of the modified optical properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QD) capped with a thin GaAs1−xSbx layer is analyzed in terms of the band structure. To do so, the size, shape, and composition of the QDs and capping layer are determined through cross-sectional scanning tunnelling microscopy and used as input parameters in an 8 × 8 k·p model. As the Sb content is increased, there are two competing effects determining carrier confinement and the oscillator strength: the increased QD height and reduced strain on one side and the reduced QD-capping layer valence band offset on the other. Nevertheless, the observed evolution of the photoluminescence (PL) intensity with Sb cannot be explained in terms of the oscillator strength between ground states, which decreases dramatically for Sb > 16%, where the band alignment becomes type II with the hole wavefunction localized outside the QD in the capping layer. Contrary to this behaviour, the PL intensity in the type II QDs is similar (at 15 K) or even larger (at room temperature) than in the type I Sb-free reference QDs. This indicates that the PL efficiency is dominated by carrier dynamics, which is altered by the presence of the GaAsSb capping layer. In particular, the presence of Sb leads to an enhanced PL thermal stability. From the comparison between the activation energies for thermal quenching of the PL and the modelled band structure, the main carrier escape mechanisms are suggested. In standard GaAs-capped QDs, escape of both electrons and holes to the GaAs barrier is the main PL quenching mechanism. For small-moderate Sb (<16%) for which the type I band alignment is kept, electrons escape to the GaAs barrier and holes escape to the GaAsSb capping layer, where redistribution and retraping processes can take place. For Sb contents above 16% (type-II region), holes remain in the GaAsSb layer and the escape of electrons from the QD to the GaAs barrier is most likely the dominant PL quenching mechanism. This means that electrons and holes behave dynamically as uncorrelated pairs in both the type-I and type-II structures

    Therapeutical Management for Ocular Rosacea

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe a case of ocular rosacea with a very complex evolution. Rosacea is a chronic dermatological disease that may affect the ocular structures up to 6-72% of all cases. This form is often misdiagnosed, which may lead to long inflammatory processes with important visual consequences for affected patients. Therefore, an early diagnosis and an adequate treatment are important. Methods: We report the case of a 43-year-old patient who had several relapses of what seemed an episode of acute bacterial conjunctivitis. Two weeks later, he developed a corneal ulcer with a torpid evolution including abundant intrastromal infiltrators and calcium deposits. He was diagnosed with ocular rosacea and treated with systemic doxycycline and topical protopic. Results: A coating with amniotic membrane was placed in order to heal the ulcer, but a deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty to restore the patient''s vision because of the corneal transparency loss was necessary. Conclusions: Ocular rosacea includes multiple ophthalmic manifestations ranging from inflammation of the eyelid margin and blepharitis to serious corneal affectations. A delayed diagnosis can result in chronic inflammatory conditions including keratinization and loss of corneal transparency, which lead to important visual sequelae for affected patients. (C) 2016 The Author(s) Published by S. Karger AG, Base

    High efficient luminescence in type-II GaAsSb-capped InAs quantum dots upon annealing

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    The photoluminescence efficiency of GaAsSb-capped InAs/GaAs type II quantum dots (QDs) can be greatly enhanced by rapid thermal annealing while preserving long radiative lifetimes which are ∼20 times larger than in standard GaAs-capped InAs/GaAs QDs. Despite the reduced electron-hole wavefunction overlap, the type-II samples are more efficient than the type-I counterparts in terms of luminescence, showing a great potential for device applications. Strain-driven In-Ga intermixing during annealing is found to modify the QD shape and composition, while As-Sb exchange is inhibited, allowing to keep the type-II structure. Sb is only redistributed within the capping layer giving rise to a more homogeneous composition

    Disordered hyperuniformity in superconducting vortex lattices

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    The current carrying capability of type II superconductors under magnetic fields is determined to a large extent by the interaction of superconducting vortices with pinning centers. Vortices are arranged in lattices with varying degrees of disorder depending on the balance between the intervortex interactions and the pinning strength. We analyze here vortex arrangements in disordered vortex lattices of different superconducting systems, single crystals (Co-doped NbSe2, LiFeAs, and CaKFe4As4), and amorphous W- based thin films (with critical temperatures T-c from 4 K to 35 K and critical fields from 3.4 T to more than 90 T). We calculate for each case the structure factor and number variance and compare to calculations on an interacting set of partially pinned particles. We find that random density fluctuations appear when pinning overcomes interactions and show that the suppression of density fluctuations is correlated to the presence of interactions. We discuss the results within the framework of hyperuniform distributions and find that all studied lattices follow a similar increase of the number variance with the defect density

    Randomized study of aprotinin and DDAVP to reduce postoperative bleeding after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery

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    BACKGROUND: Patients on cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) have an increased susceptibility to postoperative bleeding. Previous reports using desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) for the prevention of postoperative bleeding have given contradictory results, whereas the protease inhibitor aprotinin has been shown to reduce blood loss after this type of surgery. This randomized study was performed to assess the efficacy of DDAVP versus aprotinin in the prevention of bleeding after CPB. METHODS AND RESULTS: One hundred nine of 122 eligible patients were randomized to four different groups: Group A (n = 28) received aprotinin starting with a bolus of 2 x 10(6) KIU followed by a continuous infusion of 0.5 x 10(6) KIU/h until the end of surgery; group B (n = 25) received of DDAVP 0.3 micrograms/kg i.v. on completion of CPB; group C (n = 28) received two doses of DDAVP, the first as in group B and an additional dose 6 hours after surgery; group D (n = 28) received no treatment. There was a marked reduction of postoperative blood loss either at 12 hours (P < .01) or 72 hours (P < .02) in the aprotinin group compared with all other groups, whereas no significant effect was observed in either of the two DDAVP regimens. A significant reduction in the amount of blood used was observed only in the aprotinin group (P < .01). Of the plasma fibrinolytic components assayed, there was a significant reduction of the fibrin degradation product generation in the aprotinin group (P < .001), whereas a significant systemic hyperfibrinolysis was observed in both DDAVP-treated groups and the control group. No side effects related to the study drugs were observed in any patient. CONCLUSIONS: Aprotinin inhibited fibrinolysis; this correlated with a significant reduction of postoperative blood loss and need for blood replacement after CPB. Neither one nor two doses of DDAVP had a beneficial effect. Aprotinin offers a better alternative than DDAVP in the prevention of bleeding after CPB

    Optimum single-gap solar cells for missions to Mercury

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    The power supply for space probes is usually based on photovoltaic (PV) systems. The first solar cells used in these systems were single-gap solar cells fabricated with Si and GaAs. Later on, multijunction solar cells (MJSC) based on III–V semiconductors were developed because of their higher efficiency and tolerance to a radiation environment [1]. All these solar cells have been based on semiconductors that fulfill the needs of most near-Earth missions. However, those same semiconductors fail to meet the needs of some other missions involving harsh environments such as high-intensity high-temperature (HIHT) environments [2]. In this work, we investigate which semiconductor material is optimum to implement single-gap solar cells for missions to Mercury, where HIHT conditions are expected. Because solar cell efficiency decreases as temperature increases [3], achieving high-efficiency photovoltaic conversion at HIHT conditions is a big challenge. Previous works have pointed out the need of using wide-bandgap semiconductors to reach this goal [4,5]. In this context, we will study the potential of solar cells based on AlxGa1−xAs, a well-known semiconductor whose physical properties have been extensively investigated. The limiting efficiency of these solar cells performing in near-Mercury missions will be calculated to determine the optimum composition for AlxGa1−xAs

    Current perspectives on the use of anti-VEGF drugs as adjuvant therapy in glaucoma

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    The approval of one of the first anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) agents for the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration one decade ago marked the beginning of a new era in the management of several sight-threatening retinal diseases. Since then, emerging evidence has demonstrated the utility of these therapies for the treatment of other ocular conditions characterized by elevated VEGF levels. In this article we review current perspectives on the use of anti-VEGF drugs as adjuvant therapy in the management of neovascular glaucoma (NVG). The use of anti-VEGFs for modifying wound healing in glaucoma filtration surgery (GFS) is also reviewed. Selected studies investigating the use of anti-VEGF agents or antimetabolites in GFS or the management of NVG have demonstrated that these agents can improve surgical outcomes. However, anti-VEGF agents have yet to demonstrate specific advantages over the more established agents commonly used today. Further studies are needed to evaluate the duration of action, dosing intervals, and toxicity profile of these treatments
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