31 research outputs found

    Computer based learning and comprehension of power generation cycles using a model programmed in Engineering Equation Solver (EES): Analysis of a Gas- Turbine Brayton cycle

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    [EN] The comprehension of the influence of each design and operation parameter in a power generation cycle requires a complex analysis mainly due to coupled effects existing in these cycles and which is too hard to be assessed manually by the students during a practical session. Therefore, the use of a software tool specially developed for this purpose becomes essential. The present work presents a model of a Gas-Turbine Brayton cycle developed in EES (Engineering Equation Solver), which enables the student to make simulations in the software and easily determine the optimal design parameters that would maximize the electric energy production in this kind of cycle. In order to evaluate the usefulness of this tool, two questionnaires with the same questions were prepared and were provided to the students before and after the practical session. After analyzing the results of the questionnaires, and taking into account the comments provided by the students, it was concluded that using this methodology helps to stimulate the student’s understanding during the session, and enables to verify that students put into practice their theoretical knowledge, being able to make a better transfer to more complicated and real applications in the future.Montagud, C.; Pons Llinares, J.; Rodríguez Monzonis, MC. (2015). Computer based learning and comprehension of power generation cycles using a model programmed in Engineering Equation Solver (EES): Analysis of a Gas- Turbine Brayton cycle. En 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION ADVANCES (HEAD' 15). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 467-474. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD15.2015.283OCS46747

    A Tool to Assess Architectural Education from the Sustainable Development Perspective and the Students' Viewpoint

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    Architectural education plays a fundamental role in achieving sustainable development by training future professionals who can contribute to sustainability through their practice. Nevertheless, to ensure the introduction of sustainable development in the education of future architects, it is fundamental to understand what is being done and what could be improved. Despite this, a big gap has been detected in the assessment of architectural education in Spain and worldwide. Thus, a close-ended questionnaire for students has been designed based on the outcomes from a literature review, exploratory interviews with specialists, and the qualitative analysis of two schools of architecture. Additionally, it has been revised by experts, through the pilot study of a preliminary version, and with the supplementary analysis of the answers to a final test with students from different schools from Spain. In particular, this questionnaire allows for comprehensively measuring the students' perception of their sustainability learning outcomes, their learning experience, and the connection between, with the aim of facilitating the adjustment of Spanish architectural education towards the introduction or enhancement of sustainable development by education managers, teachers, policymakers, and professional associations

    The cognitive effect of university classroom geometry. A virtual reality study focused on memory and attention

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    [EN] Space influences our cognitive-emotional state. In teaching spaces, with a considerable effect on performance. Many design variables are involved. Among them, geometry has been traditionally less explored despite its usual prominence in design, due to the complexity of its modification in existing physical classrooms. However, today this can be addressed through the use of virtual reality. This was the objective of the present study: to contribute to the study of the cognitive effect of different geometry parameters applied in a university classroom. It was tackled through a laboratory field study carried out with 80 university students. The geometry variable was studied through two parameters: ceiling height (3 settings) and width (3 settings) of the university classroom. The 9 combinations were implemented in a virtual reality. The cognitive effect was explored through memory and attention performances. Both of them, quantified through auditory psychological tasks: the former, using a list of words to memorize; and the latter, using a computer program to measure reaction times and errors. Analyses indicate that memory and attention can be affected by some of the geometry parameters. This suggests that they may be especially relevant in the design of university classrooms, which is of interest to the different agents involved in the university classroom project and design.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad of Spain (Project BIA2017-86157-R, and PRE2018-084051)Higuera Trujillo, JL.; Llinares Millán, MDC.; Montañana I Aviñó, A.; Torres Cueco, J.; Sentieri Omarrementeria, C. (2021). The cognitive effect of university classroom geometry. A virtual reality study focused on memory and attention. En Proceedings INNODOCT/20. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 121-128. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2020.2020.11857OCS12112

    Anemia and undernutrition in intestinally parasitized schoolchildren from Gakenke district, Northern Province of Rwanda

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    Background: Rwanda is a sub-Saharan country, where intestinal parasite infections, anemia and undernutrition coexist. The purpose of this research is to study the relationship between intestinal parasite infections and undernutrition/anemia to clarify the priorities of intervention in the rural area of Gakenke district in the Northern Province of Rwanda. Materials and methods: A total of 674 students from Nemba I School, participated in a cross-sectional study, in which their parasitological and nutritional status were analysed. Statistical analysis was performed by χ2 test, univariate analysis and Odds ratios (OR). Results: A total of 95.3% of children presented intestinal parasitism, most of whom (94.5%) infected by protozoa and 36.1% infected by soil-transmitted helminths (STH), with Trichuris trichiura (27.3%) being the most prevalent. Multiple infections were found to be high (83.8%), with protozoa and STH co-infections in 30.6%. STH infections were mainly of low/moderate intensity. Neither infection nor STH infection of any intensity profile, was significantly related to anemia. In addition, STH infection, regardless of the intensity profile, was not associated with stunting, underweight or thinness. There was no difference between genders nor among ages in odds of anemia and nutritional status in STH-infected schoolchildren. Conclusion: Multiparasitism remains high among Rwandan schoolchildren and is likely to cause nutritional problems. This work emphasizes the importance of keeping up health programs to reduce the prevalence of infection

    Hookworm-like eggs in children’s faecal samples from a rural area of Rwanda

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    Background: Hookworm eggs identification and quantification is usually carried out by Kato-Katz method. However various structures present in the smear may be confused with eggs of such parasites.Objective: To document the presence of structures in Kato-Katz slides that could initially be misinterpreted as hookworm eggs.Method: 497 faecal samples were analysed by Kato-Katz technique, diphasic concentration technique, agar-plate coprocultive and larvae obtained were analysed by PCR and characterized by sequencing.Result: Hookworm-like eggs were found in 159 (32%) of the samples by Kato Katz, finally identified as Caenorhabditis elegans by PCR technique.Conclusion: The diagnosis of human hookworm eggs, only by the use of Kato Katz technique can lead to false positives because of similarities with eggs of other free-living worms, from wet soils like those of Rwanda that could contaminate stool samples.Keywords: Hookworm eggs, Kato-Katz method, misclassification, Rwand

    Navigation Comparison between a Real and a Virtual Museum: Time-dependent Differences using a Head Mounted Display

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    [EN] The validity of environmental simulations depends on their capacity to replicate responses produced in physical environments. However, very few studies validate navigation differences in immersive virtual environments, even though these can radically condition space perception and therefore alter the various evoked responses. The objective of this paper is to validate environmental simulations using 3D environments and head-mounted display devices, at behavioural level through navigation. A comparison is undertaken between the free exploration of an art exhibition in a physical museum and a simulation of the same experience. As a first perception validation, the virtual museum shows a high degree of presence. Movement patterns in both `museums¿ show close similarities, and present significant differences at the beginning of the exploration in terms of the percentage of area explored and the time taken to undertake the tours. Therefore, the results show there are significant time-dependent differences in navigation patterns during the first 2 minutes of the tours. Subsequently, there are no significant differences in navigation in physical and virtual museums. These findings support the use of immersive virtual environments as empirical tools in human behavioural research at navigation level.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España (Project TIN2013-45736-R); Dirección General de Tráfico, Ministerio del Interior de España (Project SPIP2017-02220); and the Institut Valencià d’Art Modern.Marín-Morales, J.; Higuera-Trujillo, JL.; Juan-Ripoll, CD.; Llinares Millán, MDC.; Guixeres Provinciale, J.; Iñarra Abad, S.; Alcañiz Raya, ML. (2019). Navigation Comparison between a Real and a Virtual Museum: Time-dependent Differences using a Head Mounted Display. Interacting with Computers. 31(2):208-220. https://doi.org/10.1093/iwc/iwz018S20822031

    Fish morphological and parasitological traits as ecological indicators of habitat quality in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon

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    1. Coastal lagoons are key ‘transitional’ aquatic environments for biodiversity conservation. Ecological indicators are useful tools for the management of water resources in the European Union. Among different biological communities, fish are a very sensitive tool to assess environmental integrity. Indeed, their parasites can be used as complementary indicators of habitat quality. Yet there is still a deep lack of information on ecological assessment using fish (along with their parasites) for coastal lagoons, particularly for the Iberian Peninsula. 2. The aim of the present study was to assess the use of fish morphology and their parasite communities as ecological indicators of anthropogenic impact within the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (SE Spain), a Mediterranean area of special conservation concern for European/Iberian biodiversity. 3. Fish samples (black-striped pipefish Syngnathus abaster and marbled goby Pomatoschistus marmoratus) were collected in August 2022 from the Littoral (high level of nutrient enrichment) and Barrier habitats. Physical status (both external and internal indices), asymmetry (level of developmental instability), parasite load, diversity and life-cycle complexity were compared between habitat types. 4. Body condition and mainly the health assessment index were better in the Barrier habitat. Except for pectoral fins in pipefish, the fluctuating asymmetry was statistically greater in the Littoral habitat (i.e. with eutrophication leading to poorer fish development). The parasite load was higher in the Littoral habitat for both host fish species. However, the diversity and life-cycle complexity of parasite communities were statistically lower in the Barrier habitat (a structurally simpler environment) only for gobies. 5. This study demonstrates an elevated potential for certain fish morphological and parasitological traits to be considered as good ecological indicators of environmental health. This could help environmental managers and policy makers to design effective monitoring programmes to detect impacts within valuable areas for conservation, such as the Mar Menor coastal lagoon

    Evidence for Transmission of Taenia solium Taeniasis/Cysticercosis in a Rural Area of Northern Rwanda

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    Cysticercosis is a parasitic infection caused by the metacestode larval stage (cysticercus) of Taenia solium. In humans, cysticercosis may infect the central nervous system and cause neurocysticercosis, which is responsible for over 50,000 deaths per year worldwide and is themajor cause of preventable epilepsy cases, especially in low-income countries. Cysticercosis infection is endemic in many less developed countries where poor hygiene conditions and free-range pig management favor their transmission. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 680 children from a rural primary school in Gakenke district (Northern province of Rwanda). Stool samples were collected from participants and analyzed using the Kato-Katz method (KK), formol-ether concentration (FEC), and/or copro-antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (CoAg-ELISA) to detect taeniasis. Blood samples were collected and analyzed using enzyme-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot (EITB) and antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Ag-ELISA) to detect human cysticercosis. The overall proportion of taeniasis positivity was 0.3%(2/680), and both cases were also confirmed by CoAg-ELISA. A total of 13.3% (76/572) of the children studied were positive to cysticercosis (T. solium-specific serum antibodies detected by EITB), of whom 38.0% (27/71) had viable cysticercus (T. solium antigens by Ag-ELISA). This study provides evidence of the highest cysticercosis prevalence reported in Rwanda in children to date. Systematic investigations into porcine and human cysticercosis as well as health education and hygiene measures for T. solium control are needed in Gakenke district

    Estudio descriptivo de un modelo de orientación universitario

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    ABSTRACTThis study aims at describing the most relevant variables concerning the intervention carried out in the Personal Counseling Service at Faculty of Psicologia i Ciencies de l’Educació Blanquerna since 1997, and conducting a detailed analysis of the last two academic years in order to get to know the current situation. This is a descriptive and inferential cross-sectional study, with participation of 1,528 university students that have been attended to in the last 15 years. With regard to the first objective, the most outstanding results are the number of follow-up visits, which were 2,368, with a total number of in-person visits of 3,896, and an average number of visits per student of 2.54. Besides, 50% of attended students were followed up via email. With regard to the second objective, concerning the results of context of demand, 47.36% were academic, whereas 31.58% were at a personal level. Regarding the reason of demand, remarkably, 33.67% of undergraduates had learning difficulties. In conclusion, the opportunity that the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) offers us and our results give support to the sense of these services in the university setting, where it is transcendent to start or keep a healthy lifestyle at an integral level, bearing in mind academic, social and personal issues.RESUMENLos objetivos de este estudio son describir las variables más relevantes de la intervención realizada en el Servicio de Orientación Personal de la Facultad de Psicologia i Ciencies de l’Educació Blanquerna desde 1997 y realizar un análisis pormenorizado de los dos últimos cursos para conocer la situación actual. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo e inferencial de corte transversal, en el que participaron 1.528 estudiantes universitarios que fueron atendidos en los últimos 15 años. Respecto al primer objetivo, los resultados más destacados son el número de visitas de seguimiento, que fueron de 2.368, con un total de visitas presenciales de 3.896, por lo que el promedio de visitas por estudiante fue de 2.54. Además, el 50% de los alumnos atendidos realizaron seguimiento mediante el correo electrónico. Respecto al segundo objetivo, y en relación al contexto en el que se realizó la demanda, se destaca que un 47.36% fue académico frente el 31.58% que fue a nivel personal. En lo referente al motivo de demanda, destacar que el 33.67% de los estudiantes presentaron dificultades de aprendizaje. En conclusión, la oportunidad que nos ofrece el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) como los resultados obtenidos avalan el sentido de estos servicios en el marco universitario, donde es trascendente el inicio o el mantenimiento de un estilo de vida saludable a nivel psico-social, teniendo presentes tanto el ámbito académico como el personal y el social.ABSTRACTThis study aims at describing the most relevant variables concerning the intervention carried out in the Personal Counseling Service at Faculty of Psicologia i Ciencies de l’Educació Blanquerna since 1997, and conducting a detailed analysis of the last two academic years in order to get to know the current situation. This is a descriptive and inferential cross-sectional study, with participation of 1,528 university students that have been attended to in the last 15 years. With regard to the first objective, the most outstanding results are the number of follow-up visits, which were 2,368, with a total number of in-person visits of 3,896, and an average number of visits per student of 2.54. Besides, 50% of attended students were followed up via email. With regard to the second objective, concerning the results of context of demand, 47.36% were academic, whereas 31.58% were at a personal level. Regarding the reason of demand, remarkably, 33.67% of undergraduates had learning difficulties. In conclusion, the opportunity that the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) offers us and our results give support to the sense of these services in the university setting, where it is transcendent to start or keep a healthy lifestyle at an integral level, bearing in mind academic, social and personal issues.

    Estudio para la reducción del impacto de vertidos en la EDAR de Villafranca del Cid (Castellón)

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    [EN] The municipality of Villafranca del Cid has a sewage treatment plant managed by the Diputación de Castellón that requires reform and adaptation works to guarantee the safety of the discharge for groundwater. The objective of the present study is to carry out a comparative analysis of the different solutions proposed, all of them leading to guarantee the effluent of the Villafranca wastewater treatment plant and to increase the capacity of wastewater storage in the event of malfunctioning of it[CA] El municipi de Vilafranca té una estació depuradora d'aigües residuals gestionada per la Diputació de Castelló que requereix obres de reforma i adequació per a garantir la innocuïtat de l'abocament per a les aigües subterrànies. L'objecte del present estudi és el de dur a terme una anàlisi comparativa de les diferents solucions plantejades, totes elles conduents a garantir la innocuïtat de l'efluent de l'EDAR de Vilafranca ia augmentar la capacitat d'emmagatzematge d'aigües residuals davant episodis de mal funcionament de la mateixa.[ES] El municipio de Villafranca del Cid tiene una estación depuradora de aguas residuales gestionada por la Diputación de Castellón que requiere obras de reforma y adecuación para garantizar la inocuidad del vertido para las aguas subterráneas. El objeto del presente estudio es el de llevar a cabo un análisis comparativo de las distintas soluciones planteadas, todas ellas conducentes a garantizar la inocuidad del efluente de la EDAR de Villafranca y a aumentar la capacidad de almacenaje de aguas residuales ante episodios de mal funcionamiento de la misma.Llinares Palanques, C. (2017). Estudio para la reducción del impacto de vertidos en la EDAR de Villafranca del Cid (Castellón). http://hdl.handle.net/10251/87923.Archivo delegad