469 research outputs found

    The role of experience in processing foreign-accented speech

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    The present study examines the perceptual accommodation of the bilabial stop-consonant voicing contrast (i.e., /b/ vs. /p/), in several English- and Spanish-accented contexts, by native Spanish listeners with different degrees of experience with accented speech. In a series of four experiments, we confronted three potential mechanisms for the perceptual accommodation of foreign-accented sounds. According to the first mechanism (phonetic relaxation), listeners accommodate foreign-accented sounds by relaxing the phonetic boundary between native speech sound categories. According to the second mechanism (phonetic calibration), listeners accommodate foreign-accented sounds by adjusting the location of native perceptual boundaries according to the phonetic realization of native categories in the foreign-accented speech context. Finally, according to the third mechanism (phonetic switching), foreign-accented speech sounds are accommodated by switching to a non-native system of phonetic representations that was previously developed through long-term experience with the speech norm of the foreign accent. Experimental results indicate that Spanish listeners did not relax the phonetic boundary between /b/ and /p/ in an English-accented Spanish context (Experiments 1 and 3). However, they accommodated English-accented Spanish voicing differently, depending on their degree of experience with the English-accented speech norm. When Spanish listeners had little or no experience with the English norm, they calibrated the location of the perceptual boundary between /b/ and /p/ according to the Spanish or English phonetic realization of these sounds in the speech context (Experiment 4). Alternatively, when they had a high degree of experience with English-accented speech, they accommodated English-accented Spanish /b/ and /p/ by using an English-like system of phonetic representations that was not predictable from the phonetic realization of /b/ and /p/ in the speech context (Experiments 1 and 2). These experimental results contribute to a better understanding of the role played by non-native experience in the perceptual accommodation of foreign-accents. In particular, they indicate that native listeners may rely on previous long-term experience with the native language of the foreign-accented speaker to efficiently accommodate foreign-accented speech variability in a different way to which they accommodate speech variability from different native-accented speakers

    La detención y prisión domiciliaria en el régimen penal militar colombiano

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    El presente ensayo se realiza con fundamento en el análisis jurídico de la normatividad positiva vigente y la doctrina jurisprudencial de las altas cortes en Colombia, buscando una respuesta al hecho de no aplicarse la detención preventiva en la residencia del imputado y la prisión domiciliaria como sustitutiva de la pena de prisión en el sistema de responsabilidad penal militar colombiano, diferente a la autonomía legislativa

    The Black Pacific and the Pacific’s Black: Contrasting Gilroy’s Theses about Peruvian Black Music

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    El presente análisis discute y establece contrapuntos críticos sobre el “renacimiento” afroperuano de 1950 y la circulación de conceptos estéticos importados sobre negritud en América Latina, partiendo de construcciones teóricas que buscan entender dicho fenómeno a la luz de un abordaje posmoderno sobre la globalización y la cultura popular. También ofrecemos las alternativas de la noción de afroandino para el entendimiento de las particularidades históricas del sujeto negro latinoamericano, en contrapunto a los discursos anglosajones al respecto, y un estudio de caso sobre el guitarrista negro Félix Casaverde y su noción de negritud peruana.A presente análise discute e estabelece contrapontos críticos sobre o “renacimento” afro-peruano de 1950 e a circulação de conceitos estéticos importados sobre a negritude na América Latina. Parte de construções teóricas que buscam entender este fenômeno à luz de uma abordagem pós moderna sobre a globalização e a cultura popular. Propõe ainda alternativas à noção de afro-andino para o entendimento das particularidades históricas do sujeito negro latinoamericano, em oposição aos discurso anglo-saxónicos sobre o assunto, e apresenta um estudo de caso sobre o violonista negro Félix Casaverde e sua noção de negritude peruana.This analysis discusses and establishes critical counterpoints on the Afro-Peruvian “rebirth” of the 50s and the circulation of imported aesthetic concepts of Blackness in Latin America, based on theoretical constructs seeking to understand this phenomenon in the light of a postmodern approach on globalization and popular culture. We also offer the alternatives of the notion of Afro-Andean for understanding the historical particularities of the Latin American black subject, in counterpoint to Anglos discourses on the matter, and a case study of black guitar player Félix Casaverde and its notion of Peruvian blackness

    El ‘renacer afroperuano’ de 1950: discursos sobre la música negra de la costa peruana

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    Disertaremos sobre la construcción histórica del discurso hegemónico que vehiculó las prácticas musicales de familias negras y reificó el “Negro del Perú” (sujeto social e histórico) a favor de un “Perú Negro” (comodificación del simbolismo). Por esta lógica, y suponiendo que aún se desconocen ‘otras’ afroperuanidades, se trabajará con la hipótesis que considera el corpus canónico de la denominada música afroperuana como dispositivo silenciador de una cultura que, hoy como ayer, posee sus propias características performáticas (manifestaciones expresivas). La investigación concluye que resulta urgente relativizar (responder críticamente) la vigencia del discurso musical afroperuano de 1950 redireccionando las preguntas metodológicas hacia las ‘lagunas’ o ‘vacíos’ que dicho ‘renacimiento’ provocó

    Bayesian Mixed Multidimensional Scaling for Auditory Processing

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    The human brain distinguishes speech sound categories by representing acoustic signals in a latent multidimensional auditory-perceptual space. This space can be statistically constructed using multidimensional scaling, a technique that can compute lower-dimensional latent features representing the speech signals in such a way that their pairwise distances in the latent space closely resemble the corresponding distances in the observation space. The inter-individual and inter-population (e.g., native versus non-native listeners) heterogeneity in such representations is however not well understood. These questions have often been examined using joint analyses that ignore individual heterogeneity or using separate analyses that cannot characterize human similarities. Neither extreme, therefore, allows for principled comparisons between populations and individuals. The focus of the current literature has also often been on inference on latent distances between the categories and not on the latent features themselves, which are crucial for our applications, that make up these distances. Motivated by these problems, we develop a novel Bayesian mixed multidimensional scaling method, taking into account the heterogeneity across populations and subjects. We design a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for posterior computation. We then recover the latent features using a post-processing scheme applied to the posterior samples. We evaluate the method's empirical performances through synthetic experiments. Applied to a motivating auditory neuroscience study, the method provides novel insights into how biologically interpretable lower-dimensional latent features reconstruct the observed distances between the stimuli and vary between individuals and their native language experiences

    Suggestions for an Ethnomusicological Study of the Guitar: A Theoretical Review

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    A partir de um recorte das pesquisas sobre violão indexadas na Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD), observou-se abordagens que ora buscam explorar suas possibilidades performáticas e técnicas ou as peculiaridades de sua linguagem composicional, ora visibilizam violonistas até então desconhecidos para a literatura ou refletem sobre as correntes pedagógicas do ensino do instrumento. Porém, detectou-se a escassez de pesquisas que auxiliem na compreensão do violão enquanto chave de leituras sociais e da prática violonista enquanto dado etnográfico. Visando incrementar as referências para um estudo etnomusicológico do violão, o artigo (re) apresenta e contextualiza diversas teorias que discorrem sobre a sua vida social, sua forma, função e significado, assim como as suas leituras interculturais.A partir de una muestra de los trabajos sobre la guitarra indexados en la Biblioteca Digital Brasileña de Tesis y Disertaciones (BDTD) encontramos abordajes que, tanto buscan explorar sus posibilidades performativas y técnicas, y las peculiaridades de su lenguaje composicional,  cuanto traen a la luz nombres hasta entonces desconocidos para la literatura o reflexionan sobrelas corrientes pedagógicas en la enseñanza del instrumento. Sin embargo, se advirtió la escasez de trabajos que ayuden a la comprensión de la guitarra como llave de lecturas sociales y de lapráctica guitarrística como dato etnográfico. Con el propósito de incrementar las referencias para un estudio etnomusicológico de la guitarra, el artículo (re)presenta y contextualiza diversasteorías que discurren sobre su vida social, su forma, función y significado, así como sus lecturas interculturales.From a sample of the research into the guitar indexed in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), we find approaches that both seek to explore its performative and technical possibilities, and the peculiarities of its compositional language, as well as make visible names previously unknown to the literature or reflect on the pedagogical trends in the teaching of the instrument. However, a shortage of works which help to understand the guitar as a key to social readings and the guitar practice as ethnographic data have been identified. With the purpose of increasing references for an ethnomusicological study of the guitar, the article (re) presents and contextualizes diverse theories that explain its social life, its form, function and meaning, as well as its intercultural readings

    Violão e identidade nacional: a “moral” do instrumento

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    The text analyzes part of the literature on the history of the guitar in Brazil, during the first decades of the twentieth century, in the context of complex social and political relations of the First Republic in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The central idea is to discuss the notion of guitar-art that would have arisen from the tradition of European classical guitar (as a discourse construction), as opposed to other guitar practices not mentioned in instrument’s historiography or, when it does, is by highlighting its gradual “moral” acceptance and distance of stigma of bohemian and vagrancy. The text concludes questioning how the guitar set up as a means of implementation and embodiment of social representations, we call instrument-document, violently depleted (because, in the late nineteenth to the twentieth century it was synonymous with marginality), precariously employed, with little or no formal education (there was nowhere to learn to play) and mainly self-taught (learned in practice and oral tradition).O texto analisa parte da literatura sobre a história do violão no Brasil nas primeiras décadas do século XX, no contexto das complexas relações sociais e políticas da Primeira República na cidade de Rio de Janeiro. A ideia central é discutir a noção de violão-arte, que teria surgido a partir da tradição do violão erudito europeu (como construção de discurso), em contraposição a outras práticas violonisticas que a historiografia do instrumento não menciona ou o faz ressaltando sua progressiva aceitação “moral” e distanciamento do estigma da boêmia e a vadiagem. O texto conclui problematizando como o violão configurou-se como meio de execução e corporificação de representações sociais, que chamamos de instrumento-documento, violentamente empobrecido (pois, na passagem do século XIX ao XX ele era sinônimo de marginalidade), precariamente empregado, com escassa ou nula instrução formal (não havia onde aprender a tocar) e principalmente autodidata (aprendido na prática e na tradição oral)

    Las actividades de enseñanza y evaluación en las aulas multigrado rurales

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    En el 2019, el proyecto CREER desarrolló un estudio cualitativo sobre las prácticas pedagógicas y de género en 12 instituciones educativas multigrado, con un máximo de tres docentes, en Piura,Cajamarca y Loreto. El estudio buscó comprender las diversas dinámicas pedagógicas y de género que se llevan a cabo en las escuelas rurales multigrado de primaria en las tres regiones del Perú (costa, sierra y selva), en el marco de la política de atención educativa para población de ámbitos rurales y de la implementación del CNEB. Este artículo presenta algunos de los principales hallazgos de dicho estudio, de manera específica, los vinculados a las actividades de enseñanza y evaluación predominantes en las aulas multigrado, identificando sus dificultades, fortalezas y/o posibilidades, así como señalando sugerencias para orientar la formación docente