26 research outputs found

    Phylogeography of screaming hairy armadillo <i>Chaetophractus vellerosus</i>: Successive disjunctions and extinctions due to cyclical climatic changes in southern South America

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    Little is known about phylogeography of armadillo species native to southern South America. In this study we describe the phylogeography of the screaming hairy armadillo Chaetophractus vellerosus, discuss previous hypothesis about the origin of its disjunct distribution and propose an alternative one, based on novel information on genetic variability. Variation of partial sequences of mitochondrial DNA Control Region (CR) from 73 individuals from 23 localities were analyzed to carry out a phylogeographic analysis using neutrality tests, mismatch distribution, median-joining (MJ) network and paleontological records. We found 17 polymorphic sites resulting in 15 haplotypes. Two new geographic records that expand known distribution of the species are presented; one of them links the distributions of recently synonimized species C. nationi and C. vellerosus. Screaming hairy armadillo phylogeographic pattern can be addressed as category V of Avise: common widespread linages plus closely related lineages confined to one or a few nearby locales each. The older linages are distributed in the north-central area of the species distribution range in Argentina (i.e. ancestral area of distribution). C. vellerosus seems to be a low vagility species that expanded, and probably is expanding, its distribution range while presents signs of genetic structuring in central areas. To explain the disjunct distribution, a hypothesis of extinction of the species in intermediate areas due to quaternary climatic shift to more humid conditions was proposed. We offer an alternative explanation: long distance colonization, based on null genetic variability, paleontological record and evidence of alternance of cold/arid and temperate/humid climatic periods during the last million years in southern South America.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasCentro Regional de Estudios GenómicosFacultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    El proceso de licenciamiento y música original en contenidos

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    Este documento busca generar recomendaciones para el proceso de licenciamiento y música original, pero no reemplaza la asesoría con un abogado especializado

    Rifting under steam – how rift magmatism triggers methane venting from sedimentary basins

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    During opening of a new ocean magma intrudes into the surrounding sedimentary basins. Heat provided by the intrusions matures the host rock creating metamorphic aureoles potentially releasing large amounts of hydrocarbons. These hydrocarbons may migrate to the seafloor in hydrothermal vent complexes in sufficient volumes to trigger global warming, e.g. during the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). Mound structures at the top of buried hydrothermal vent complexes observed in seismic data off Norway were previously interpreted as mud volcanoes and the amount of released hydrocarbon was estimated based on this interpretation. Here, we present new geophysical and geochemical data from the Gulf of California suggesting that such mound structures could in fact be edifices constructed by the growth of black-smoker type chimneys rather than mud volcanoes. We have evidence for two buried and one active hydrothermal vent system outside the rift axis. The vent releases several hundred degrees Celsius hot fluids containing abundant methane, mid-ocean-ridge-basalt (MORB)-type helium, and precipitating solids up to 300 m high into the water column. Our observations challenge the idea that methane is emitted slowly from rift-related vents. The association of large amounts of methane with hydrothermal fluids that enter the water column at high pressure and temperature provides an efficient mechanism to transport hydrocarbons into the water column and atmosphere, lending support to the hypothesis that rapid climate change such as during the PETM can be triggered by magmatic intrusions into organic-rich sedimentary basins

    Caracterização de cardiopatias congênitas em Manizales, Colômbia, 2010-2016

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    Congenital heart defects are the third cause of congenital malformations and one of the main causes of mortality in the neonatal period in the world; they originate from alterations in embryonic development. The incidence is variable; in Colombia, it is estimated that they affect 2 to 3% of live newborns. In 2015, 20.8% of children under the age of five affected with congenital heart defects died from these disorders. This is a descriptive and retrospective study. Data of 252 clinical records of patients diagnosed with congenital heart defect between 2010 and 2016 were included, showing that 56% of this population were female. Acyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases predominated (87%). The highest prevalence was patent ductus arteriosus (35.3%). Doppler echocardiography was used in 98.4% of cases; regarding management, 47.2% of patients were in follow-up, this being more common than medical or surgical alternatives. In conclusion patent ductus arteriosus, ventricular septal defect and interatrial septal defect are the most frequent acyanotic heart diseases in the population under study and they are associated with pulmonary hypertension that require higher follow-up. Tetralogy of Fallot was the most common cyanotic congenital heart disease.Las cardiopatías congénitas son la tercera causa de malformaciones congénitas y una de las principales responsables de la mortalidad en periodo neonatal en el mundo; se originan a partir de alteraciones en el desarrollo embrionario. La incidencia es variable; en Colombia, se estima que afectan del 2 al 3 % de los recién nacidos vivos. En 2015, 20,8 % de los niños menores de cinco años afectados con cardiopatías congénitas fallecieron a causa de estas alteraciones. El presente es un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo. Se incluyeron los datos de 252 historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico de cardiopatía congénita entre los años 2010 y 2016, el 56 % de la población encontrada fue de sexo femenino. Predominaron las cardiopatías congénitas no cianosantes (87 %). La mayor revalencia fue el ductus arterioso permeable (35,3 %). La ecocardiografía Doppler se utilizó en 98,4 % de los casos; con respecto al manejo, el 47,2 % de los pacientes estuvieron en seguimiento, siendo este más común que las alternativas médicas o quirúrgicas. En conclusión, el ductus arterioso permeable, la comunicación interventricular y la comunicación interatrial son las cardiopatías no cianosantes más frecuentes en la población estudiada y se asocian a hipertensión pulmonar que ameritan mayor seguimiento. La tetralogía de Fallot fue la cardiopatía congénita cianosante más común.As cardiopatias congênitas são a terceira causa de malformações congênitas e uma das principais responsáveis pela mortalidade no período neonatal no mundo. São originadas a partir de alterações no desenvolvimento embrionário. A incidência é variável; na Colômbia, é estimado que afetam de 2 a 3 % dos recém-nascidos vivos. Em 2015, 20,8 % das crianças menores de cinco anos afetadas com cardiopatias congênitas faleceram por causa dessas alterações. Este estudo é descritivo e retrospectivo. Foram incluídos dados de 252 prontuários de pacientes com diagnóstico de cardiopatia congênita entre 2010 e 2016, 56 % da população encontrada foi do sexo feminino. Predominaram as cardiopatias congênitas não&nbsp; ianóticas (87 %). A maior persistência foi o ducto arterioso permeável (35,3 %). A ecocardiografia Doppler foi utilizada em 98,4 % dos casos; quanto ao manejo, 47,2 % dos pacientes estiveram em seguimento, o que foi mais comum do que as alternativas médicas ou cirúrgicas. Em conclusão, o ducto arterioso permeável, a comunicação interventricular e a comunicação interatrial são as cardiopatias não cianóticas mais frequentes na população estudada e são associadas com a hipertensão pulmonar que merecem maior seguimento. A tetralogia de Fallot foi a cardiopatia congênita cianótica mais comum

    A Cruel Peace: The Barí Epidemics after Contact

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    Una Historia de la Antropología venezolana según Roberto Lizarralde: investigadores de campo entre los pueblos indígenas desde la Colonia hasta 1990

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    A traves de una entrevista del autor a Roberto Lizarralde, se exponen los antecedentes coloniales y republicanos tempranos de&nbsp;la antropolog&iacute;a venezolana, as&iacute; como la historia de los trabajos de campo y la profesionalizaci&oacute;n e institucionalizaci&oacute;n de esta ciencia en el pa&iacute;s durante el siglo XX e inicios del siglo XX, gracias a las vivencias de ese investigador y sus contactos con numerosos especialistas venezolanos y del extranjero, con &eacute;nfasis en los estudios sobre las sociedades ind&iacute;genas

    Constitutive Cultural Diversity and the Barí

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    Abstract. Constituitive diversity is a phenomenon commonly observed inindigenous populations. The term refers to the heterogeneous composition of a sociocultural group that, when seen from the outside, appears to present a uniform culture;but which, on closer examination, reveals a continuing internal differentiation based onintra-cultural variation that arose historically from importation rather than autochthonous invention. We here explore various sources of internal differentiation among theBar&iacute;, all based in the differing historical experiences of the ancestors of current membersof this society&nbsp;Diversidad Cultural Constitutiva y los Bar&iacute;&nbsp;Resumen. La diversidad constitutiva es un fen&oacute;meno frecuentemente observadoentre poblaciones ind&iacute;genas. Se refiere a la composici&oacute;n heterog&eacute;nea de un grupo sociocultural, que, cuando se le examina desde afuera, parece tener una cultura uniforme;pero que, examinado con m&aacute;s atenci&oacute;n, revela distinciones internas contempor&aacute;neas,basadas en variaciones intraculturales, hist&oacute;ricamente que surgieron de la incorporaci&oacute;n de elementos externos y no de la invenci&oacute;n aut&oacute;ctona. Exploramos aqu&iacute; lasfuentes de diferenciaci&oacute;n entre los Bar&iacute;, todas basadas en las distintas experienciashist&oacute;ricas de los antepasados de los socios actuales de esta sociedad

    [Carta a Ignacio Hernando de Larramendi y Montiano]

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    Información adicional de autor de la carta: nullFotografía número: 37