213 research outputs found

    Metastable states of 92,94Se: identification of an oblate K isomer of 94Se and the ground-state shape transition between N = 58 and 60

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    Priorizando portafolios de inversión en Agricultura Sostenible Adaptada al Clima (ASAC) en Guatemala

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    El Corredor Seco en Centroamérica ha sido afectado por la recurrencia de graves sequías en los últimos dos años, que afectan especialmente la producción de maíz y frijol, amenazando la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de aproximadamente 2.5 millones de personas en la región. Más del 50% de la población afectada practica agricultura de subsistencia y se encuentran en las zonas central, no-reste y noroeste de Guatemala. En estas regiones, la sequía prolongada en 2014 dio lugar a pérdidas de alrededor del 70% en la cosecha de frijol (equivalentes a 70.000 toneladas) y 80% en maíz (200.000 toneladas), en comparación con los rendimientos de 2013. Estas pérdidas fueron avaluadas en US$ 58 millones y han tenido consecuencias importantes sobre las reservas de alimentos locales y regionales, la nutrición y la salud de las personas, así como el acceso al agua potable. Se ha estimado que alrededor de 275,000 familias se han visto afectadas por la falta de lluvias en el Corredor Seco de Guatemala durante el 2014 (UNOCHA, 2014). Estos acontecimientos han puesto de relieve la necesidad urgente de estrategias a corto plazo que pueden ayudar a las familias afectadas, pero a su vez de una visión de mediano y largo plazo que ayude a incrementar la resiliencia de los productores a eventos climáticos extremos e inesperados. La visión tendría que incorporar variables climáticas (tales como los cambios en los patrones de lluvia) en la planificación agrícola y otras intervenciones de desarrollo, dado que el sector agropecuario es uno de los mayores contribuyentes a la economía del país

    Shielding and compton supression capabilities of the EUROBALL BGO back-catchers

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    Complete Coding Sequences of Five Dengue Virus Type 2 Clinical Isolates from Venezuela Obtained through Shotgun Metagenomics

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    Dengue is a disease endemic in Latin American countries, like Venezuela, and has become one of the most important public health problems. We report five complete coding sequences of dengue virus serotype 2 (DENV-2) isolated from DENV-infected patients in Venezuela. Phylogenetic analysis placed the isolates within the American/Asian genotype

    The application of a mechanistic model to analyze the factors that affect the lactation curve parameters of dairy sheep in Mexico

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    Pollott́s mechanistic model has been designed to describe lactation curve parameters based on the known biology of milk production and can be useful for analyzing the factors that affect this process. A total of 553 lactations (9956 weekly test-day records) of crossbred dairy sheep from four commercial farms located in Mexico, were analyzed to investigate environmental factors that influenced lactation curve parameters, using Pollott’s 5-parameter additive model. This model was fitted to each lactation using an iterative nonlinear procedure. The estimated parameters were maximum milk secretion potential (MSmax), relative rate of increase in cell differentiation (GR), maximum secretion loss (MSLmax), relative rate of decline in cell numbers (DR) and the proportion of parenchyma cells dead at parturition. A general linear model procedure was used to determine the effect of type of lambing, lambing number, flock and lambing season on total lactation milk yield (TMY), lactation length and estimated parameters of the Pollott model. Ewes had an average milk yield of 74.4 L with an average lactation length of 140 days. Flock had a significant (P < 0.05) effect on most of the analyzed traits, which can be explained by the different farmś management practices. The TMY were significantly (P = 0.005) higher for twin-lambing than single-lambing lactations. Sheep in their first lambing had lower TMY than those in their fourth lambing (P = 0.01), possibly explained by the lower values of MSmax (2.85 vs. 5.3 L) and the decrease in DR throughout life (P = 0.03). However, the relative GR was greatest (P = 0.04) during first lambing and then decreased as lambing number increased. Both lambing number and type of lambing also affected milk yield. The parameters of the Pollott model can be useful to explain, with a biological approximation, the dynamics of differentiation, secretion and death of mammary cells in dairy sheep

    Anticuerpos anti-Ro y anti-La. Caracterización molecular, correlación clínica e inmunogenética

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    The anti-Ro and Anti-La antibodies have been studied since 25 years ago, but theirs molecular structure, clinical association and genetics relation have aquiered special relevance only in the last past seven years. These antibodies have special interest in the physiopathology of SLE, and in the Sjogren syndrome. In the so called neonatal lupus these antibodies seems to playa direct role in its physiopathology, while in others situations such as vasculitis and nephiritis the tissue damage could be due to the inmune complexes deposition in the vascular structures.Los anticuerpos anti-Ro y anti-La se vienen estudiando desde hace 25 años, pero su estructura molecular, asociación clínica y relación genética adquieren relevancia en los últimos siete (7) años. Estos anticuerpos tienen especial lugar en la nosología del LES y del síndrome Sjögren. En el lupus neonatal los anticuerpos tienen un papel patológico directo, mientras que en otras condiciones (vasculitis, nefritis ), el daño tisular puede resultar por depósito de complejos inmunes en las estructuras vasculares

    Necrosis óseas asépticas avasculares

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    Se presentan 30 casos de necrosis osea aséptica avascular. Se hace el análisis de los hallazgos clínicos, de los métodos de laboratorio empleados para el diagnóstico, de los factores que pueden desempeñar algún papel en su génesis y de los diferentes tipos de tratamiento empleados.30 cases of avascular aseptic bone necrosis are presented. The clinical findings, the laboratory methods used for diagnosis, the factors that may play a role in the pathogenesis and the different schedules of treatment used are analyzed

    Agricultura Climáticamente Inteligente en Nicaragua

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    The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects an ambition to improve the integration of agriculture development and climate responsiveness. It aims to achieve food security and broader development goals under a changing climate and increasing food demand. CSA initiatives sustainably increase productivity, enhance resilience, and reduce/remove greenhouse gases (GHGs), and require planning to address tradeoffs and synergies between these three pillars: productivity, adaptation, and mitigation. The priorities of different countries and stakeholders are reflected to achieve more efficient, effective, and equitable food systems that address challenges in environmental, social, and economic dimensions across productive landscapes. While the concept is new, and still evolving, many of the practices that make up CSA already exist worldwide and are used by farmers to cope with various production risks. Mainstreaming CSA requires critical stocktaking of ongoing and promising practices for the future, and of institutional and financial enablers for CSA adoption. This country profile provides a snapshot of a developing baseline created to initiate discussion, both within countries and globally, about entry points for investing in CSA at scale