155 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran RADEC Terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Teks Eksplanasi Siswa di SD Negeri 06 Payung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas model pembelajaran RADEC terhadap kemampuan menulis teks eksplanasi siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SD Negeri 06 Payung tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas V SD Negeri 06 Payung dengan sampel kelas V sebanyak 23 siswa yang diambil dengan teknik sampling jenuh. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes berbentuk soal uraian yang terdiri dari 4 soal yang mencakup pada materi menulis teks eksplanasi. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif jenis kuasi eksperimen dengan desain One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Data dianalisis dengan bantuan program IBM SPSS Statistics 22. Analisis data hasil tes dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji normalitas (uji Shapiro Wilk), uji homogenitas ( uji Lavene) dan uji hipotesis uji-t (Paired-Sample T-test). Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh pada kemampuan menulis teks eksplanasi siswa dengan nilai rata-rata pretest 47,39 sedangkan pada pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran RADEC rata-rata nilai posttest 79,78. Hasil nilai N-Gain score sebesar 0,627, artinya kriteria skor rata-rata Gain yaitu sedang. Sedangkan hasil rata-rata nilai N-Gain score pretest posttest sebesar 62,76, artinya tingkat efektivitas dikategorikan ke dalam cukup efektif. Uji hipotesis kemampuan menulis teks eksplanasi diperoleh nilai sig- tailed 0,000, karena nilai sig < 0,05, artinya H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Berdasarkan data tersebut sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran RADEC efektif terhadap kemampuan menulis teks eksplanasi siswa di SD Negeri 06 Payung. &nbsp

    Integrating mobile ad hoc network into mobile IPv6 network

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    In the future more and more devices connected to the Internet will be wireless. Wireless networks can be classified into two types of networks: network with infrastructure (i.e. networks with base stations, gateway and routing support), which is called Mobile IP, and network without infrastructure which is called ad hoc networks. Mobile IP tries to solve the problem of how a mobile node may roam from its network to foreign network and still maintain connectivity to the Internet. Ad hoc network tries to solve the problem if the infrastructure is not available or inconvenient for its use such as in rural environments. Integrating ad hoc into Mobile IP provide new feature for Mobile ad hoc network such as Internet connectivity, streamline communication with another network. This paper presents the development of a test bed for integrating Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) into Mobile IPv6

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Berbasis Realistics Mathematics Education Materi Bangun Datar Siswa Kelas III Sekolah Dasar

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    Based on observations made by researchers at SD Negeri 16 Banyuasin I that researchers found several problems encountered especially in mathematics subjects such as not optimal math scores and not optimal data structure material, this was due to lack of study time and not yet using a learning model that in accordance. With these problems, the research developed a student worksheet based on realistic mathematics education material for class III student data. This study aims to develop student worksheets that are valid and practical. This study uses a level 1 R&D research and development model which consists of several stages of Analysis (potentials and problems as well as data collection), Design, Development (product validation), Implementation and Evaluation. the N-Gain result of 0.84 based on the classification or classification of the N-Gainp interpretation in table 3.9 chapter III student learning outcomes have increased and student worksheets based on realistic mathematics educational materials building data are recorded as effective for use in the teaching and learning process in elementary schools . The results of this study obtained the percentage of experts by 76.66%, the percentage of teacher response questionnaires was 92%, the percentage of student response questionnaires was 82%. The results of this study indicate that the worksheets of students based on mathematics education material for building data for class III elementary school students are feasible to use


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    The objective of the research is the study of the structure and semantics of the English paremiological units (on the material of the thematic group "labour-idleness"). The following tasks are set and solved in the article: to give a definition to the term “paremiological unit”; to identify different aspects of the paremiological units which is belong to the branch of the linguistics, paremiology. The expected results of the doctoral thesis will contribute to the development of the theory of linguistics, paremiology, linguistic folklore, comparative linguistics and linguoculture. The results of the research will find application for conducting scientific courses and seminars, in the process of reading lectures and special courses in English language.&nbsp

    Co-citation and bibliographic coupling based on connected papers: Review of public opinion research in a broad sense in the West

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    The term “public opinion” (or “mass opinion”, “public sentiment”, “public voices”, etc.) comes from the Latin “opinio”, which means uncertain judgments that have not been fully demonstrated. Later, with the rise of Western humanism, the idea of “public opinion” came into being, which refers to the social and political attitudes of the people towards state administrators. Communication studies, which give a theoretical framework and methodological guidelines for examining the relationship between the mass media, the public, and policy agendas, are strongly linked to the development of public opinion research. Based on the Connected Papers, a document visualization research tool, this article reviews the related literature of public opinion research in a broad sense in the West, and explores the development and themes of the field. It provides a theoretical basis for the expansion of public opinion constructs and, at the same time, a reference for the further development of public opinion research methods

    Industry 4.0 Readiness of Technology Companies: A Pilot Study from Malaysia

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    Industry 4.0 has the potential to cause both evolutionary (operational) and revolutionary (strategic) changes, but assessing the readiness of companies towards Industry 4.0 has largely been a challenge. Industry 4.0 readiness is also important as it is the first step for companies that want to adopt Industry 4.0 technologies. This paper pilot surveys 100 technology companies in Malaysia to understand their overall readiness towards Industry 4.0. In particular, this research paper contributes to the assessment of Industry 4.0 readiness in terms of seven key areas: (i) Market pressure, (ii) risk-taking, (iii) knowledge, (iv) management support, (v) competencies, (vi) motivation and (vii) freedom. These findings can act as stepping stones for managers and companies that are aiming towards the implementation of Industry 4.0 readiness

    Event Causality Identification with Causal News Corpus -- Shared Task 3, CASE 2022

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    The Event Causality Identification Shared Task of CASE 2022 involved two subtasks working on the Causal News Corpus. Subtask 1 required participants to predict if a sentence contains a causal relation or not. This is a supervised binary classification task. Subtask 2 required participants to identify the Cause, Effect and Signal spans per causal sentence. This could be seen as a supervised sequence labeling task. For both subtasks, participants uploaded their predictions for a held-out test set, and ranking was done based on binary F1 and macro F1 scores for Subtask 1 and 2, respectively. This paper summarizes the work of the 17 teams that submitted their results to our competition and 12 system description papers that were received. The best F1 scores achieved for Subtask 1 and 2 were 86.19% and 54.15%, respectively. All the top-performing approaches involved pre-trained language models fine-tuned to the targeted task. We further discuss these approaches and analyze errors across participants' systems in this paper.Comment: Accepted to the 5th Workshop on Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE 2022

    Design and optimize microstrip patch antenna array using the active element pattern technique

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    Microstrip patch antennas are widely used in modern day communication devices due to their light weight, low cost and ease of fabrication. In this paper, we have designed and fabricated two Microstrip Patch Antennas (slotted-ring and truncated-slotted ring) and array at 2.4 GHz for Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) applications using Computer Simulation Technology, CST. The antenna design consists of rectangular radiating patch on Rogers RT5880 substrate and is excited by using coaxial probe feeding technique. The truncated-slotted ring has been designed on top of the radiating patch to improve bandwidth. The simulation and measurement results of the both antennas are in close agreement with each other. Due to the good agreement of simulation and measurement results of truncatedslotted ring antenna in comparison with slotted-ring antenna, it has been selected for antenna array design. The simulated and measured S11 of truncated-slotted ring antenna shows -21dB and -15.6 dB at 2.4 GHz respectively. Then, the antenna has been formed into 1x4 array in order to observe its beamforming capability. The proposed antenna array is suitable for 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi standard which is proposed to be used for IoT

    Muscle-specific deletion of Arid5b causes metabolic changes in skeletal muscle that affect adipose tissue and liver

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    Emerging evidence suggests that AT-Rich Interaction Domain 5b (Arid5b) may play a role in energy metabolism in various tissues. To study the metabolic function of Arid5b in skeletal muscle, we generated skeletal muscle-specific Arid5b knockout (Arid5b MKO) mice. We found that Arid5b MKO skeletal muscles preferentially utilized fatty acids for energy generation with a corresponding increase in FABP4 expression. Interestingly, in Arid5b MKO mice, the adipose tissue weight decreased significantly. One possible mechanism for the decrease in adipose tissue weight could be the increase in phospho-HSL and HSL expression in white adipose tissue. While glucose uptake increased in an insulin-independent manner in Arid5b MKO skeletal muscle, glucose oxidation was reduced in conjunction with downregulation of the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (MPC). We found that glucose was diverted into the pentose phosphate pathway as well as converted into lactate through glycolysis for export to the bloodstream, fueling the Cori cycle. Our data show that muscle-specific deletion of Arid5b leads to changes in fuel utilization in skeletal muscle that influences metabolism in other tissues. These results suggest that Arid5b regulates systemic metabolism by modulating fuel selection