25 research outputs found

    Arte y Comunicación I

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    Este libro es la primera parte de tres volúmenes dedicados a la historia del arte. Tiene una marcada finalidad didáctica y es el resultado de la práctica docente que su autora ha venido desarrollando en UNAPEC. En él son debidamente presentadas, caracterizadas y contextualizadas las manifestaciones artísticas del período prehistórico, de las civilizaciones del oriente antiguo (Egipto, Mesopotamia y Persia), de las culturas del oriente asiático (mundo árabe, la India, China y Japón) y de la América precolombina

    Arte y Comunicación II

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    Este libro es la segunda parte de tres volúmenes dedicados a la historia del arte. Tiene una marcada finalidad didáctica, y es el resultado de la práctica docente que su autora ha venido desarrollando en UNAPEC. En él son debidamente presentadas, caracterizadas y contextualizadas las manifestaciones artísticas de la antigüedad clásica grecorromana, de la Edad Media y del Renacimiento. Este volumen sintetiza con sencillez y agudeza la complejidad y la riqueza de la evolución artística de esos importantes períodos de la evolución humana

    Mechanisms of Activation of Brain’s Drainage during Sleep: The Nightlife of Astrocytes

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    The study of functions, mechanisms of generation, and pathways of movement of cerebral fluids has a long history, but the last decade has been especially productive. The proposed glymphatic hypothesis, which suggests a mechanism of the brain waste removal system (BWRS), caused an active discussion on both the criticism of some of the perspectives and our intensive study of new experimental facts. It was especially found that the intensity of the metabolite clearance changes significantly during the transition between sleep and wakefulness. Interestingly, at the cellular level, a number of aspects of this problem have been focused on, such as astrocytes–glial cells, which, over the past two decades, have been recognized as equal partners of neurons and perform many important functions. In particular, an important role was assigned to astrocytes within the framework of the glymphatic hypothesis. In this review, we return to the “astrocytocentric” view of the BWRS function and the explanation of its activation during sleep from the viewpoint of new findings over the last decade. Our main conclusion is that the BWRS’s action may be analyzed both at the systemic (whole-brain) and at the local (cellular) level. The local level means here that the neuro-glial-vascular unit can also be regarded as the smallest functional unit of sleep, and therefore, the smallest functional unit of the BWRS.Russian Science FoundationPeer Reviewe

    Impact of the light profile on circadian and homeostatic markers in the sleep-wake switching model

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    Background and Objectives: The goal of this work is to study the impact of the shape of the 24-hour light profile on the behavior of the «sleep-wake» switching model using physiological markers: the time of minimum core body temperature, the time of melatonin peak of plasma, and sleep and wake times. Based on them, you can conclude about the synchronism between circadian, homeostatic and daily rhythms, which is an important criterion for normal human life. Mathematical model: We used the trigger population model of arousal state dynamics, which demonstrates the most realistic process of “sleep-wake” and is based on numeric experimental data. By the means of a mathematical model, we calculated the values of physiological markers and studied the influence of the daily intensity profile on them. Results: As a result of our study, we have found that the light profile, represented by a harmonic function, differs in its impact from non-differentiated forms of profiles and has a stronger influence on the moments of switching between sleep-wake states than on the duration of these states. Also, in the process of our work, we have shown that the shape of the cycle a light-dark is important in the synchronous regime, while at low values of light intensity (synchronism is absent), it has a negligible effect on the behavior of the system and it is required to proceed to the assessment of their dynamics over time. Conclusion: Features of the shape of the light profile must be taken into account when developing experimental protocols

    Технологія спеціалізованих жирів на основі пальмового стеарину

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    New technology of modification of fats was developed, which allows, by fermentative ethanolysis, obtaining a new type of specialty fats for use in the food industry (culinary, bakery and dairy products). We proposed, for the modification of fatty raw materials, restructuring of the fats, namely, their active parts (acyl groups) with obtaining of derivatives of fatty acids that have functional properties.  Obtained fats meet the requirements of normative documentation by the indicators of quality, and are additionally enriched with physiologically–active ingredients – ethyl esters of fatty acids, which are better digested and reduce the resynthesis of fat in a human body. The influence of conditions of fermentative alcoholysis of palm stearin by ethyl alcohol on the degree of its conversion to ethyl esters of fatty acids was defined.It was established that when using ethyl alcohol as a reagent in the presence of lipolytic enzyme, ethyl  esters and incomplete acylglycerols accumulate that causes the change of physical and chemical indicators (including the melting temperature decrease), the composition of the reaction mixture, and allows obtaining fats with given composition and properties. Thus, using this method, selecting necessary raw materials and varying the conditions of the reaction, one can obtain a whole range of specialty fats.Разработана новая технология модифицирования жиров, которая позволяет путем ферментативного этанолиза получить жиры специального назначения (кулинарные, хлебопекарные и для молочной промышленности). Такие жиры по показателям качества соответствуют требованиям нормативных документов и, кроме того, обогащены физиологически-активными ингредиентами – этиловыми эфирами жирных кислот, которые лучше усваиваются организмом человека и уменьшают ресинтез жира.Розроблена нова технологія модифікування жирів, яка дозволяє шляхом ферментативного етанолізу одержати жири спеціального призначення (кулінарні, хлібопекарські та для молочної промисловості). Такі жири за показниками якості відповідають вимогам нормативних документів і, крім того, збагачені фізіологічно-активними інгредієнтами – етиловим ефірами жирних кислот, які краще засвоюються організмом людини і зменшують ресинтез жиру

    Economic Clusters as a Form of Self-Organization of the Economic System

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    The creation of clusters of domestic innovative economy in the Russian Federation is one of the actual directions of intensification of economic and innovative development of the city, region, and country. The importance of this is proved by the fact that when analyzing the direction of development of the country the Government of the Russian Federation has invited Harvard professor Michael Porter, ancestor of the modern theory of competition (Markov, 2007) one of which main provisions is the need for economy clustering as the only independent expert. Nowadays there is the pressing problem and the need for self-organization of the domestic economic system including its regionalization (Larina & Makeev, 2006). Economic clusters are the most theoretically developed and passed experimental test way of self-organization. Economic clusters as structures of self-organization can occur spontaneously or due to induction. In the first case it is the usual process of the economic basis with corresponding criteria of increasing economic feasibility and, in particular, competitiveness. Participation of the Russian Federation in this case comes down to various ways of assistance. The second one is expressed through a system case of organizational innovation. It can be mostly realized with direct interests and spearheaded by the government. Keywords: cluster, system, economy, self-organization, region JEL Classifications: A10, C38, O1

    Stratigraphy of Late Cenozoic sediments of the western Chukchi Sea: New results from shallow drilling and seismic-reflection profiling

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    The Quaternary history of Beringia and of the Arctic–Pacific marine connection via the Bering Strait is poorly understood because of the fragmentary stratigraphic record from this region. We report new borehole and seismic-reflection data collected in 2006 in the southwestern Chukchi Sea. Sediment samples were analyzed for magnetic properties, grain size, heavy minerals, and biostratigraphic proxies (spores and pollen, foraminifers, ostracodes, diatoms, and aquatic palynomorphs). Two shallow boreholes drilled between the Chukotka Peninsula and the Wrangel Island recovered sediments of two principal stratigraphic units with a distinct unconformity between them. Based on predominantly reverse paleomagnetic polarity of the lower unit and pollen spectra indicative of forested coasts and climate warmer than present, the age of this unit is estimated as Pliocene to early Pleistocene (broadly between ca. 5 and 2 Ma). Attendant sedimentary environments were likely alluvial to nearshore marine. These deposits can be correlated to the seismic unit infilling valleys incised into sedimentary bedrock across much of the study area, and possibly deposited during a transgression following the opening of the Bering Strait. The upper unit from both boreholes contains Holocene 14C ages and is clearly related to the last, postglacial transgression. Holocene sediments in Borehole 2 indicate fast deposition at the early stages of flooding (between ca. 11 and 9 ka) to very low deposition, possibly related to expansive sea ice. Closer to shore, deposition at Borehole 1 resumed much later (ca. 2 ka), likely due to a change in the pattern of coastal erosional processes and/or the demise of a landbridge between the Chukotka Peninsula and the Wrangel Island inferred from studies on mammoth distribution

    Information characteristics of an orbital side-scan synthetic aperture radar

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    Ratios are given for estimating the amount of information in the channels of sensing and data transmission of the orbital synthetic aperture radars (SAR) based on information-theoretic and statistical methods. They are presented in terms of the indicators characterizing the amount of information received about the state of the object of observation. It is shown that the sensing channel should use significantly redundant information in relation to the final result of radar observation. On the example of the SAR of the “Venera-15” and “Venera-16” spacecrafts, the specific conditions of an orbital radar imaging are illustrated, and its informational characteristics are given for both methods of transmitting observation data. The qualitative consideration carried out in the paper makes it possible to estimate the potentially achievable reduction in the amount of information in the data transmission channel when using on-board SAR signal processing under specific radar imaging conditions