225 research outputs found

    The Cultural Image of a Good Mother in Three Generations

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    In this article the image of a good Finnish mother is described and the images by daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers are compared. Three members of the same family (129 families) each from a different generation were interviewed (387 persons).The good mother loves, listens to, and controls her child. She gives advice and spends time with her child. She is patient and supportive. The good mother is an example for her child and she treats all her children equally. When the images of the different groups were compared, it was noted that the informants could be divided into two on the basis of the images they had produced: Mothers, daughters and sons formed the Informed group, and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers formed the Traditional group

    Sources of stress and scholarly identity: the case of international doctoral students of education in Finland

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    Although stressors and coping strategies have been examined in managing stress associated with doctoral education, stress continues to have a permeating and pernicious effect on doctoral students’ experience of their training and, by extension, their future participation in the academic community. International doctoral students have to not only effectively cope with tensions during their training and their socialization in their discipline but also address the values and expectations of higher education institutions in a foreign country. Considering the increase of international doctoral students in Finland, this study focuses on perceived sources of stress in their doctoral training and how their scholarly identity is involved when responding to them. The study draws on thematically analyzed interviews with eleven international doctoral students of educational sciences. The participants, one man and ten women, came from nine countries and conducted research in six Finnish universities. The principal sources of stress identified were intrapersonal regulation, challenges pertaining to doing research, funding and career prospects, and lack of a supportive network. Despite the negative presence of stress, most participants saw stress as a motivating element. However, in order for stress to become a positive and motivational force, participants had to mediate its presence and effects by means of personal resources, ascribing meaning and purpose to their research, and positioning themselves within their academic and social environment. The study argues for stress as a catalyst for scholarly identity negotiation and professional development when perceived positively.Peer reviewe

    International Master’s degree students’ well-being at a Finnish university during COVID-19

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    The rapid developments and consequences of the COVID-19 crisis for university students’ well-being are presently being studied across the world. This study contributes to the growing discourse on university students’ well-being by exploring changes in international Master’s degree students’ well-being in relation to the move to online teaching and learning at a Finnish university during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study draws on 37 answers to an open-ended question about remote teaching and learning at the end of a survey on university students’ stress. The text data were analysed conducting a preliminary quantitative content analysis and a more detailed thematic analysis, from which two themes were developed. The first theme concerned respondents’ well-being with regard to their friends and family, including the desire for human connection, ways of coping and health concerns. The second theme concerned respondents’ well-being with regard to their studies, including the importance of social life on campus, affected concentration and motivation, degree-related complications, and online teaching and supervision. The findings suggest that sociocultural well-being may extend beyond acculturation and that decreased psychological well-being has repercussions for international students’ studies. The study concludes with a discussion of the study’s limitations and practical implications.Peer reviewe

    Passiivisuuden vaikutus viivÀstysvastuuseen

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    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan passiivisuuden vaikutusta viivÀstyksestÀ seuraavaan vastuuseen irtaimen tavaran kaupassa. TyössÀ selvitetÀÀn, miten kaupan osapuolet, myyjÀ ja ostaja, voivat omalla toiminnallaan vaikuttaa viivÀstysvastuuseen niin sopimusta tehdessÀ, sitÀ tÀytettÀessÀ kuin sopimushÀiriön sattuessa. Tutkielman ensisijaisena lÀhteenÀ on vuonna 1987 pohjoismaisen yhteistyön tuloksena sÀÀdetty kauppalaki esitöineen. Oleellisin kohdin kauppalakia vertaillaan kansainvÀliseen kauppalakiin eli CISG-yleissopimukseen, joka on sisÀllöllisesti lÀhellÀ kauppalakia ja myös vaikuttanut olennaisesti kauppalain sisÀltöön. ViivÀstysvastuun osalta vertailua tehdÀÀn myös kuluttajansuojalakiin sekÀ vanhentumislakiin, jota voi pitÀÀ passiivisuusseuraamusten yleislakina. Muina lÀhteinÀ on kÀytetty kauppa- ja velvoiteoikeudellisia teoksia. MyyjÀn puolelta tutkielman kannalta olennaisinta on tavaran sopimuksen mukainen luovuttaminen ostajalle. PÀÀhuomio on siinÀ, miten myyjÀ voi passiivisuutensa vuoksi ensin aiheuttaa tavaran viivÀstyksen ja sen jÀlkeen lisÀtÀ vastuutaan suuremmaksi kuin, mikÀ vastuu olisi ollut, jos myyjÀ olisi reagoinut viivÀstykseen asianmukaisesti. Aktiivisimmillaan myyjÀ voi varautua vastuuseen jo sopimusneuvotteluissa rajaamalla korvattavaksi tulevia eriÀ ja sopimalla esteistÀ, joiden vallitessa suoritusta ei tarvitse tehdÀ. Ostajan tulee toimia aktiivisesti viivÀstystilanteissa, jotta hÀn voi vedota suojakeinoihin. Passiivisuuden myötÀ ostaja menettÀÀ oikeuden vaatia niin suoritusta, kaupan purkua kuin vahingonkorvausta. Ostajan passiivisuusseuraamuksia voi pitÀÀ ankarina, varsinkin jos syy viivÀstykseen on myyjÀn puolella. Toisaalta aktiivisella toiminnalla ostaja yleensÀ sÀilyttÀÀ nÀmÀ oikeudet. Kaupan ollessa merkittÀvÀ ostajan kannattaa jo sopimusneuvotteluissa tehdÀ vastapuoli tietoiseksi oikea-aikaisen luovutuksen olennaisuudesta, jotta hÀn voi tarvittaessa purkaa kaupan ja saada asianmukaisen korvauksen.fi=OpinnÀytetyö kokotekstinÀ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LÀrdomsprov tillgÀngligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Home economics through means of drama – Teachers’ views on drama education as a home economics teaching method

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    Maisteritutkielman tavoitteena on draamaopettajien nĂ€kemysten analysointi draamakasvatuksen hyödyntĂ€misestĂ€ sekĂ€ sen tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista kotitalouden oppiaineessa. Tutkimus tarkastelee nĂ€in draamakasvatuksen ja kotitalouden yhdistĂ€mistĂ€ opettajan, oppilaan ja oppimisympĂ€ristön nĂ€kökulmista. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa viitekehyksessĂ€ muodostetaan kuvaukset draamakasvatuksesta koulussa kĂ€ytettĂ€vĂ€nĂ€ opetusmenetelmĂ€nĂ€ ja kotitaloudesta ylĂ€koulun oppiaineena. Draamakasvatuksen ja kotitalouden yhdistĂ€misestĂ€ ei ole juurikaan aikaisempaa tutkimusta, mutta kotitaloutta on esitetty sellaisena, ettĂ€ sen opettamisessa voisi hyödyntÀÀ draamaa. Aikaisemmat draamakasvatuksen tutkimukset osoittavat, ettĂ€ draamakasvatusta voidaan hyödyntÀÀ monipuolisesti tavoitteellisessa opetuksessa. Tutkielman aineistonkeruumenetelmĂ€nĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin puolistrukturoitua teemahaastattelua. Haastatteluihin osallistui kuusi eri draamakasvatuksen konteksteissa toimivaa draamaopettajaa. Tutkimushenkilöiden haastattelut toteutettiin maaliskuun 2022 aikana. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavan sisĂ€llönanalyysin avulla. Tutkimusote tĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa oli fenomenografinen. Tutkielman teoreettisessa viitekehyksessĂ€ hyödynnettiin Toivasen (2007) draamasta oppimisen alueita, Heikkisen (2005) draamasta oppimista sekĂ€ Neelandsin (1998) oppilaan osallistumisen tasoja draamatoiminnassa. LisĂ€ksi yhteistyön syvyydessĂ€ hyödynnettiin Pöntisen (2019) oppiaineyhteistyön intensiteettimallia. Draamakasvatuksen hyödyntĂ€minen kotitalousopetuksessa nĂ€yttĂ€ytyi positiivisena ja mahdollistavana yhteistyönĂ€ niin opettajan, oppilaan kuin kotitalousoppiaineen nĂ€kökulmista. Draamakasvatuksen nĂ€htiin mahdollistavan toiminnallisempi ja vuorovaikutuksellisempi oppimisympĂ€ristö. Oppilaan nĂ€kökulmista draamakasvatus tarjoaisi kotitalouden oppiaineessa moninaista oppimista. Opettajalle se tarjoaisi työkaluja mutta vaatisi suunnittelua, innostamista ja hyvÀÀ tilannehallintaa. Draamakasvatus nĂ€htiin kotitalouteen sopivana opetusmenetelmĂ€nĂ€, mutta opettajat painottivat pĂ€tevĂ€n draamaopettajan vastuuta punnita sen kĂ€ytön tarpeellisuutta tilannekohtaisesti. Kotitalousoppiaineessa opettajalla voisi olla hyödyllisenĂ€ taitona draamakasvatuksen opettajapĂ€tevyys.The goal of this master’s thesis is to analyze the opinions of drama teachers in utilising dra-ma education and the possibilities drama education offers for home economics teaching. The study focuses on combining drama education and home economics teaching from the point of view teachers, students and the learning environment. The theoretical framework is formed by describing drama education as a teaching method and home economics as a secondary school subject. There is very little previous research on combining drama educa-tion and home economics education. However, home economics has been presented as subject in which drama education could be utilized. Previous research on drama education demonstrates that drama education can be utilized in multitudes of ways in goal-centric teaching. The research method used in this master’s thesis was semi-structured interviews. Six drama teachers working in different drama education contexts were interviewed. The interviews were held during March 2022. The data was analyzed using theory-based content analysis. The research approach in this study was phenomenographic. Toivanen (2007), Heikkinen (2005), Pöntinen (2019) and Neelands (1998) were used as references for the theoretical framework. Utilizing drama education in home economics education was viewed as positive and enabling from the teachers, students, and educational perspective. Drama education was seen as an enabler for a more active and interactive learning environment. From the students’ point of view drama education offered more versatile learning in home economics education. For teachers it offered teaching tools but required planning, motivating students and good situation management. Drama education was seen as a suitable teaching method in home economics education; however, teachers emphasized the responsibility of a competent drama teacher to consider its necessity situationally. All in all, a drama education qualification could be a beneficial skill for home economics teachers

    Determination of surface-accessible acidic hydroxyls and surface area of lignin by cationic dye adsorption

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    A new colorimetric method for determining the surface-accessible acidic lignin hydroxyl groups in lignocellulose solid fractions was developed. The method is based on selective adsorption of Azure B, a basic dye, onto acidic hydroxyl groups of lignin. Selectivity of adsorption of Azure B on lignin was demonstrated using lignin and cellulose materials as adsorbents. Adsorption isotherms of Azure B on wheat straw (WS), sugarcane bagasse (SGB), oat husk, and isolated lignin materials were determined. The maximum adsorption capacities predicted by the Langmuir isotherms were used to calculate the amounts of surface-accessible acidic hydroxyl groups. WS contained 1.7-times more acidic hydroxyls (0.21 mmol/g) and higher surface area of lignin (84 m2/g) than SGB or oat husk materials. Equations for determining the amount of surface-accessible acidic hydroxyls in solid fractions of the three plant materials by a single point measurement were developed. A method for high-throughput characterization of lignocellulosic materials is now available

    Backward and forward linkages, specialization and concentration in Finnish manufacturing in the period 1995-1999

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    This study focuses on industrial concentration and regional specialization in Finland in the late 1990s. Our results show increasing specialization and at least for some industries increased geographical concentration. Thus, there was no single process driving all industries in the same direction. Our results are in line with previous studies reporting increased regional specialization and industrial concentration in Europe (see e.g. Puga, 1999; Monfort and Nicolini (2000); Amiti, 1998; Niiranen, 1997 and 1999; and Koutaniemi, 2003). In addition, our results suggest that the most concentrated industries benefit from high economies of scale or a high level of technology. We also examine the linkages in Finnish manufacturing industries. The most interesting outcome of the study is that the most concentrated industries were found to be more reliant on imports from other countries than on intra or inter industry linkages. This indicates that there was no ‘home-market effect’, meaning that upstream firms are located in areas where there are a relatively high number of downstream firms. This is a particularly interesting result, because linkages are at the centre of location theory (Venables, 1996; Krugman and Venables, 1995; and Tervo, 1999). It may however be that technological change and a shift in economic policy thinking towards research and development, with a focus on technology, and the gravitation towards international trade and collaboration played a more important role than industrial linkages in shaping industrial concentration patterns in Finland during the 1990s

    A pathway in vocational education in English language to enhance students’ curricula in Italy and in Spain

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    This comparative study analyzes the vocational training regulations and practicesin Italy and in Spain and it searches for the opportunities to look for a better coherenceto vocational training in both countries through a fruitful exchange of good practices. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of the Italian andSpanish legislation in use for the PCTO in Italy and FP Dual in Spain, in order to drawuseful modules for the continuous improvement of programs regarding the vocational guidance in high schools. This comparative analysis contributes to the understanding of how educational policies can promote a more effective transition of students from school to the world of work, fostering the development of practical skills and improving the employability of young people in both countries. The two PCTO projects describedshow how using CLIL methodology, helps students to use and to improve their English language communication (L2) with classmates, tutors and supervisors. Additionally,the use of the Flipped Classroom approach significantly enhances studentspractical learning skills. Questo studio comparativo analizza le normative e le prassi in materia di formazione professionale in Italia e in Spagna e analizza le opportunità per una maggiore coerenza della formazione professionale in entrambi i Paesi attraverso un proficuo scambio di buone pratiche.L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di fornire una panoramica completa della legislazione italiana e spagnola in uso rispettivamente per il PCTO in Italia e per la FPDual in Spagna, al fine di tracciare elementi utili per il miglioramento continuo dei programmi di orientamento professionale nelle scuole superiori. Questa analisi comparativa contribuisce alla comprensione di come le politiche educative possano promuovere una transizione più efficace degli studenti dalla scuola al mondo del lavoro, favorendolo sviluppo di competenze pratiche e migliorando l’occupabilità dei giovani in entrambi i paesi. I due progetti PCTO descritti mostrano come l’utilizzo della metodologia CLIL aiuti gli studenti a utilizzare e migliorare la loro conoscenza della lingua inglese(L2) nella comunicazione con compagni, tutor e supervisori. Inoltre, l’uso dell’approccio Flipped Classroom migliora significativamente le capacità di apprendimentopratico degli studenti

    Small business owners’ success criteria, a values approach to personal differences

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    This study of 150 Dutch small business owners, identified through business/ network directories, investigated relationships between owners’ understanding of success and their personal values. Business owners ranked 10 success criteria. Per- sonal satisfaction, profitability, and satisfied stakeholders ranked highest. Multidi- mensional scaling techniques revealed two dimensions underlying the rank order of success criteria: person-oriented (personal satisfaction versus business growth) and business-oriented (profitability versus contributing back to society). Furthermore, business growth, profitability, and innovativeness were guided by self-enhancing value orientations (power and achievement). Softer success criteria, such as having satisfied stakeholders and a good work–life balance, were guided by self-transcendent value orientations (benevolence and universalism)
