791 research outputs found

    A Smart Modular Wireless System for Condition Monitoring Data Acquisition

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    Smart sensors, big data, the cloud and distributed data processing are some of the most interning changes in the way we collect, manage and treat data in recent years. These changes have not significantly influenced the common practices in condition monitoring for shipping. In part this is due to the reduced trust in data security, data ownership issues, lack of technological integration and obscurity of direct benefit. This paper presents a method of incorporating smart sensor techniques and distributed processing in data acquisition for condition monitoring to assist decision support for maintenance actions addressing these inhibitors

    The Time of Baton Exchange in the PJP Obstacle Race

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    Correlates of the Learning Engagement in Mathematics of Grade 10 Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) Students

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the factors correlated to the learning engagement in Mathematics of the Grade 10 Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) Students. To determine the learning engagement, the researcher utilized the descriptive-correlational method of research using the modified Mathematics Classroom Engagement Scale developed by Qi-Ping Kong, Ngai-Ying Wong, and Chi-Chung Lam administered to the 35 Grade 10 STE students. Statistical tools such as the mean, standard deviation, and Pearson r were used to answer the problems of the study. Results show that the level of cognitive and affective learning engagement in mathematics of the students was high while their behavioral engagement was only average. Results also reflected that none of the factors is significantly correlated to the cognitive engagement of the students in Mathematics. However, students’ attitude towards mathematics and their self-efficacy in the subject are significantly and moderately correlated to their affective engagement. Moreover, study habits, self-esteem, attitude towards mathematics, self-efficacy, and teachers’ competence are significantly and moderately correlated to the students’ behavioral engagement. On the other hand, all factors except the physical learning environment are significantly correlated to the overall learning engagement in mathematics of the students. The study concluded that the STE students are engaged cognitively and affectively in their mathematics class. Likewise, it is concluded that students who have better study habits, higher self-esteem and self-efficacy, more favorable attitude towards mathematics, and those who have competent teachers have high learning engagement in mathematics

    Turismo: llevar el derecho al día a día

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    [Resumen] La asignatura de Derecho del Grado de Turismo de la Universidad de A Coruña es una materia de primer curso de carrera con seis créditos que constituye la única aproximación al ámbito jurídico civil y mercantil de todo el grado a diferencia de lo que ocurre en su entorno universitario más próximo donde o bien existen más asignaturas del mismo campo de conocimiento o bien su contenido se amplía hasta los 9 créditos. Esto provoca que la enorme densidad del contenido docente, que incluye una parte general civil y una parte especial contractual, hace de la asignatura una materia árida y de muy difícil seguimiento por parte del alumnado, que se ve inmerso en una dinámica frenética de un tema cada semana y media. La experiencia puesta en marcha en los últimos años mediante la reconversión del contenido docente en temas de debate en el aula a través de ejemplos prácticos del día a día del alumnado, ha permitido una mayor implicación de este y una mejora en el rendimiento de los alumnos[Abstract] The subject of Law of the Degree of Tourism of the University of A Coruña is a subject of first course of career with six credits that constitutes the only approximation to the civil and commercial legal scope of the whole degree unlike what happens in its university environment nearest where there are more subjects from the same field of knowledge or their content is extended to 9 credits. This causes that the enormous density of the teaching content, which includes a general civil part and a special contractual part, makes a dry subject and difficult to be followed by the students, who see themselves involved in a frantic dynamics that makes them comprehend a unit every week and a half. The experience launched in recent years, consisting of the restructuration of the educational content in discussion topics seen in the classroom using practical examples taken from students’ day-to-day issues, has allowed students to be more involved and an improvement of their performanc

    Study of Senior Citizens in Fargo, North Dakota, and their Perception of Television Commercials and Television\u27s Influence on Medication-taking Habits

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    Elliot Schreiber and Douglas Boyd, colleagues in the Department of Communication at the University of Delaware, conducted a study in 1980 to find out whether the elderly found television commercials useful in making consumer decisions and what other factors might affect their perception of television advertising. These researchers used a self-administered questionnaire to survey 442 persons at group meetings in senior centers and apartment houses for the elderly in Wilmington, Delaware. The present study was initiated to determine if the same results would be obtained when elderly persons were interviewed individually about their media habits and perceptions of television advertising. The author went a step further and asked participants specifically about television were designed for the young and had little appeal for them. A survey conducted in 1971 by Richard Davis, publications editor for the Gerontology Center at the University of Southern California, reported nearly 80 percent of respondents denied television advertising influenced their buying habits. But the 1980 study by Elliot Schreiber and Douglas Boyd found elderly persons had generally a high regard for television advertising. These investigators reported that 68 percent of the elderly they surveyed said commercials were often or always useful to them, while only 30 percent found commercials never useful. Commercials chosen as most useful and best-liked in this study were those for food and health products (e.g., Geritol, denture cream). Heavy viewers, defined as those who watch three or more hours of television each day, were more likely to find commercials useful than were lighter viewers, those watching one to two hours daily. Findings in these studies that health product commercials were favored and that heavy viewers were more likely to find television commercials useful takes on greater significance when coupled with another aspect of aging the increase in chronic disease and consequent increase in drug use. Approximately 77 percent of the elderly are taking drugs, the number of drugs increases with age. Almost 40 percent of the elderly must take at least one drug per day to be able to perform the activities of daily living, and as many as 70 percent of elderly persons use self-selected over-the-counter drugs, usually without discussing it with either their physician or pharmacist. Given the growth of the elderly population and the large share of the television viewing audience this age group represents, this study explores: 1) How are television commercials generally perceived by persons over age 65; 2) To what extent do television commercials influence preference, knowledge, and use of over-the-counter medications; 3) Is there a relationship between increased television viewing and a corresponding rise in the use of nonprescribed medications


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    The study is focused on mindful self-care development and practice as a guide to healthy lifestyle where it examines self-care and mindful development and practice among health care professionals. It also examines the challenges on mindful self-care development and practice among the respondents, and addresses self-care and mindful development and practice as guide to a healthy lifestyle. The research design employs the qualitative descriptive approach which deals with the Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The participants of the study are the various health care professionals, and clinical psychologists from the various professional allies where it comprised ninety (90) respondents only. Results show that the study creates relaxation through their own hobbies, show to practice exercising their body and mind, show to acknowledge difficulties and challenges with passion and faith that they can surpass such situation, show that people are confident in expressing their thoughts and feelings, honestly of saying yes or no depends on the situation where they believe that in expressing their feelings would free them from any stress, show that most of them need a manageable time frame and maintenance for the support and structure, and show that they need to exercise thought of being calm because it is needed to maintain self-care development and support.O estudo está focado no desenvolvimento e prática consciente do autocuidado como um guia para um estilo de vida saudável onde se examina o autocuidado e o desenvolvimento e prática consciente entre os profissionais de saúde. Ele também examina os desafios do desenvolvimento e prática de autocuidado entre os respondentes, e aborda o desenvolvimento e prática de autocuidado e de autocuidado como um guia para um estilo de vida saudável. O desenho da pesquisa emprega a abordagem descritiva qualitativa que lida com a Discussão do Grupo de Foco (FGD). Os participantes do estudo são os vários profissionais de saúde e psicólogos clínicos dos vários aliados profissionais, onde o estudo incluiu apenas noventa (90) respondentes. Os resultados mostram que o estudo cria relaxamento através de seus próprios passatempos, mostra para praticar o exercício de seu corpo e mente, mostra para reconhecer as dificuldades e desafios com paixão e fé que podem superar tal situação, mostra que as pessoas estão confiantes em expressar seus pensamentos e sentimentos, honestamente dizer sim ou não depende da situação em que acreditam que ao expressar seus sentimentos os libertaria de qualquer estresse, mostra que a maioria deles precisa de um período de tempo e manutenção gerenciável para o apoio e estrutura, e mostra que precisam exercitar o pensamento de estar calmos porque é necessário para manter o desenvolvimento e o apoio do autocuidado


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    The application of teaching profession in the teacher theory and adaptable model defines a teaching work and features that involves the change, novelty, and daily basis of uncertainty. The change is effectively a response to the necessary adaptability among teachers in their function and healthy effectiveness in their work. It assesses the various approaches and adaptability to describe the practice and implication on the development of teachers’ relevance to the knowledge for further experiences. It provides adaptability and technological impact and change in the teaching process. On the other hand, the teacher theory and adaptable model in the application of the teaching profession refers to the following acronym, T stands for Talent, E stands for Enthusiastic, A stands for Adaptable, C stands for Creative, H stands for Honest, E stands for Effective, and R stands for Resourcefulness where the approach and the process consider teaching and learning perspective manner considering the student performance in the learning process. The teaching provides rich knowledge of the profession of teachers as specialists in molding and shaping the future of students in their professional fields. Moreover, the teacher theory and adaptable model cycle highlights the characteristics and features of expert teachers to include content knowledge, extensive pedagogy, diverse learners, adaptation, problem solving strategies and techniques, decision making, event classroom perception, context sensitivity, and respect for students. It stresses the knowledge that holds teachers in the academic assimilation and highlights knowledge in the classroom practical experiences. Furthermore, the application of the theory and adaptable model in the teaching profession is very essential in the structure and understanding the domain of learning and teaching as to affective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains in different approaches of teaching as to student reinforcement and learning guide, make relevant learning meaningful, foster learning, self-direction, and incorporate interes t and prior learning knowledge.  Article visualizations


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    English for Academic Purposes and Study Skills (EAPSS) is a module that develops skills of students in terms of their listening, reading, reflective writing and in their oral presentation. It supports and motivates students in their skills in learning the module through strategies and academic achievement. The study aims to identify the reflective writing performance of students in their English for Academic Purposes and Study Skills (EAPSS) module along the area of comprehension, key points, language proficiency, organization, and reliability. The study employs the quantitative descriptive approach as this design is judgmental. It provides a better analysis on the study under investigated. It elaborates the methods of research in the reflective writing and performance of the students. The respondents of the study are the students in Gulf College who are officially enrolled in English for Academic Purposes and Study Skills (EAPSS). They belong to Level 3 Block 2 for the academic year 2019-2020. The study comprised of Thirty (30) respondents only. Random Sampling is utilized in the study to assess the sample size of the study under investigated. It is focused on the variables of the comprehension level, key points, language proficiency, organization, and reliability on the assignment of students in their reflective writing journal under the English for Academic Purposes and Study Skills module and to achieve the desire sample size of the study (Gregoire, and Affleck, 2018). Result shows that performance level of students in their English for Academic Purposes and Study Skills (EAPSS) in the area of comprehension is satisfactory which means level of performance is moderate, key points is satisfactory which means level of performance of students is moderate, language proficiency is satisfactory which means level of performance of students is moderate, organization is satisfactory which means level of performance of students is moderate, and reliability is poor which means level of performance of students is low.  Article visualizations

    Adaptive Theory Approach In Leadership: A Guide to Educational Management System and Mechanisms

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    The study aims to examine the process of adaptive theory in leadership as a guide to educational management mechanisms in terms of qualities and characteristics of leadership, challenges of leadership, strengthening accountability in leadership, the problem-solving process in leadership, and the decision-making process in leadership. The study employs a quantitative research design. It adopts the immersive pedagogical method in education and leadership mechanisms that constitutes challenges in the educational leadership theory and mechanism. The study employs a convenient sampling technique. The study comprised thirty-two (32) respondents only. Results show that qualities and characteristics of leadership foresee the change and understanding of the process in the educational system, understand the persistence and process of the pressure gradually. Willingness to handle the situation and leadership challenges focus on effective teachers and effective leaders, the principles and competency in learning, innovate change for leaders to enact new resources in the educational system in creative challenges for new development realities and solutions to work. Strengthening accountability in leadership, ensuring precautionary measures in a better relationship in school organization and educational system and innovating change and behavior in the educational system, and diagnosing the symptoms of the situation to include the techniques in solving the expected and decision-making process in leadership style in the educational system. Finally, it explores the adaptive theory application in leadership as a guide in the educational management system and mechanisms to provide suggestions and follow-up for further study and development


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    The study aims to identify the utilization of course refresher in assessing and facilitating teacher-learning (CRAFT) for professional faculty development and analyses what makes utilization of course refresher in assessing and facilitating teacher-learning (CRAFT) becomes professional faculty development such as role, understanding, expectation, development of trust and respect, organizational and institutional development culture, and perspective faculty success. Mixed method is utilized in the study through Focus Group Discussion (FGD). It is a combination of quantitative and qualitative research. Likewise, purposive sampling is employed in the study. It is appropriate in collecting the sample population of the target population. It is subjective sampling, selective, and judgmental. The study comprised one hundred seventy-five (175) respondents only. Results show that utilization of course refresher in assessing and facilitating teacher-learning (CRAFT) for professional faculty development promote collaboration and decision making on dynamic converging issues requiring leadership setting, attention, and teamwork goal orientation in the school culture environment, roles, understanding, and expectation shows to build professional development of faculty benefit and ability for personal goals and potentials, development of trust and respect show to have socialization in education provided by the school organization behaviour process of individual employee faculty, organizational and institutional development culture show to promote and engage healthy behaviour in organizational and institutional development culture among faculty and staff to display high professional standards, and perspective faculty success shows to be responsible for academic output and achievement instruction guide task assignment of faculty success and responsibility to improve academic performance and support student success and experience in teaching and learning. Findings show that there is a significant relationship on the course refresher in assessing and facilitating teacher-learning (CRAFT) for professional faculty development as observed by the respondents.El estudio tiene como objetivo identificar la utilización del curso de actualización en la evaluación y facilitación del aprendizaje del profesorado (CRAFT) para el desarrollo profesional del profesorado y analiza lo que hace que la utilización del curso de actualización en la evaluación y facilitación del aprendizaje del profesorado (CRAFT) se convierta en el desarrollo profesional del profesorado, como el papel, la comprensión, las expectativas, el desarrollo de la confianza y el respeto, la cultura de desarrollo organizativo e institucional y la perspectiva de éxito del profesorado. En el estudio se utiliza un método mixto a través de debates en grupos focales. Se trata de una combinación de investigación cuantitativa y cualitativa. Asimismo, en el estudio se emplea el muestreo intencional. Es apropiado para recoger la muestra de la población objetivo. Se trata de un muestreo subjetivo, selectivo y crítico. En el estudio participaron sólo ciento setenta y cinco (175) encuestados. Los resultados muestran que la utilización del curso de actualización en la evaluación y facilitación del aprendizaje del profesorado (CRAFT) para el desarrollo profesional del profesorado promueve la colaboración y la toma de decisiones sobre cuestiones dinámicas convergentes que requieren el establecimiento de liderazgo, la atención y el trabajo en equipo la orientación de objetivos en el entorno de la cultura escolar, las funciones, la comprensión y la expectativa muestra para construir el desarrollo profesional del beneficio de la facultad y la capacidad de los objetivos personales y potenciales, el desarrollo de la confianza y el respeto muestran a tener la socialización en la educación proporcionada por la organización escolar proceso de comportamiento de los empleados individuales facultad, cultura de desarrollo organizacional e institucional muestran para promover y comprometer un comportamiento saludable en la cultura de desarrollo organizacional e institucional entre el profesorado y el personal para mostrar altos estándares profesionales, y el éxito de la facultad perspectiva muestra ser responsable de la producción académica y el logro de instrucción guía de asignación de tareas de éxito de la facultad y la responsabilidad de mejorar el rendimiento académico y apoyar el éxito del estudiante y la experiencia en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Los resultados muestran que existe una relación significativa en el curso de actualización en la evaluación y facilitación de la enseñanza-aprendizaje (CRAFT) para el desarrollo profesional de la facultad según lo observado por los encuestados.O estudo visa identificar a utilização da actualização do curso na avaliação e facilitação da aprendizagem do professor (CRAFT) para o desenvolvimento profissional do corpo docente e analisa o que torna a utilização da actualização do curso na avaliação e facilitação da aprendizagem do professor (CRAFT) no desenvolvimento profissional do corpo docente, tais como papel, compreensão, expectativa, desenvolvimento da confiança e respeito, cultura de desenvolvimento organizacional e institucional, e perspectiva de sucesso do corpo docente. O método misto é utilizado no estudo através da Discussão de Grupos de Discussão (FGD). É uma combinação de investigação quantitativa e qualitativa. Do mesmo modo, é utilizada uma amostragem propositada no estudo. É apropriado na recolha da população da amostra da população alvo. É uma amostragem subjetiva, seletiva, e julgadora. O estudo incluiu apenas cento e setenta e cinco (175) inquiridos. Os resultados mostram que a utilização da actualização do curso para avaliar e facilitar a aprendizagem do professor (CRAFT) para o desenvolvimento profissional do corpo docente promove a colaboração e a tomada de decisões sobre questões dinâmicas convergentes que requerem o estabelecimento de liderança, atenção, e orientação de objetivos de trabalho em equipa no ambiente de cultura escolar, papéis, compreensão, e expectativa mostra que o desenvolvimento profissional do corpo docente beneficia e capacita para objetivos e potenciais pessoais, o desenvolvimento da confiança e respeito mostra que a socialização na educação é proporcionada pelo processo de organização escolar do comportamento individual do corpo docente empregado, a cultura de desenvolvimento organizacional e institucional mostra-se para promover e envolver um comportamento saudável na cultura de desenvolvimento organizacional e institucional entre o corpo docente e o pessoal para demonstrar elevados padrões profissionais, e a perspectiva de sucesso do corpo docente mostra-se para ser responsável pela produção académica e pelo guia de instrução de realização tarefa de sucesso e responsabilidade do corpo docente para melhorar o desempenho académico e apoiar o sucesso e experiência dos estudantes no ensino e aprendizagem. Os resultados mostram que existe uma relação significativa na actualização do curso ao avaliar e facilitar a aprendizagem do professor (CRAFT) para o desenvolvimento profissional do corpo docente, tal como observado pelos inquiridos