22 research outputs found

    Studi Pengolahan Manisan Kering Buah Nipah (Nypa fruticans)

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    Nipah (Nypa fruticans (thund.)Wurmb)) termasuk tanaman dari suku Palmae dan dikelompokkan ke dalam tanaman hutan mangrove. Nipah merupakan sumber pangan dan energi, namun belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal sebagai bahan pangan yang memiliki mutu gizi yang tinggi. Dengan komposisi yang tepat, buah nipah bisa dimanfaatkan dan diolah menjadi manisan yang nantinya memiliki nilai ekonomis sebagai sumber penghasilan masyarakat sekitar hutan mangrove. Sebanyak 100 gr buah nipah dipotong kecil. Kemudian direndam air kapur 15 gram kapur/750 ml air selama 15-30 menit lalu dicuci dan ditiriskan. Buah nipah lalu diblancing selama 5 menit dan disiapkan larutan gula dengan konsentrasi 40%, 50% dan 60% dan dimasak selama 10-15 menit dan direndam dalam larutan gula selama 24 jam, lalu ditiriskan. Untuk mendapatkan manisan kering digunakan oven dengan suhu 60OC selama 10 jam. Hasil uji sensoris rasa, warna, aroma dan tekstur yang disukai adalah perlakuan 1 dengan niali masing-masing adalah 3.49, 3.44, 3.31 dan 3.11. Sedangkan untuk sifat kimia yang masuk dalam SNI Manisan adalah perlakuan 1 dengan kadar air 11%, kadar abu 0.5%, rendemen 64.33% dan kandungan gula (total padatan terlarut adalah 12.17%

    Impact Of Climate Change On Cognitive Aspect And Income Of Marn Farmers In Marginal Area In Lombok Timur District

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    Climate change is a phenomenon that farmers do not want to exist because the production risk it creates is quite high. Given that the ability of farmers in anticipation is still minimal with limited information and knowledge so that the potential for crop failure is large. The purpose of this study is to estimate the impact of climate change on the cognitive aspects and income of corn farmers in marginal areas. The research location was determined purposively in Jerowaru District. The research sample of 30 was determined by census in the Temodo Lestari farmer group. Estimation of the cognitive aspects uses the EPIC model with the Likerts Summated Rating Scale (LSRS) while income is estimated using the concept of total revenue minus the total cost while running a corn farming business. The results showed that more than 60 percent of farmers know about climate change and the risks it poses. While the climate change adaptation strategy for the majority of farmers has not implemented it as a result of more than 30 percent of farmers still lack information related to climate change. The income of corn farmers due to climate change is more than 40 million per hectare

    Role of Ureaplasma urealyticum and Ureaplasma parvum as Risk Factors for Cervical Dysplasia with Human Papillomavirus

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) can be transmitted sexually and causes cervical malignancies in women. Among the risk factors, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) caused by bacteria have raised concerns because they are asymptomatic and persistent and can increase the risk of HPV infection. This study assessed the correlation among Ureaplasma urealyticum, Ureaplasma parvum, Chlamydia trachomatis, and Mycoplasma hominis infections towards abnormal cervical cells positive for HPV. Seventy outpatients at the Colposcopy Outpatient Clinic, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia, were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. Viruses and bacteria were detected using polymerase chain reaction and compared with liquid-based cytology results for cervical cytology. Of the 70 patients, 24 (34.28%) showed abnormal cervical cytology. Among those with abnormal cervical cytology, C.trachomatis was reported in 1 patient (4.2%), M.hominis in 6 patients (25%), U.urealyticum in 13 patients (54.2%), and U.parvum in 10 patients (41.7%). Statistical analysis demonstrated an association between U.urealyticum and U.parvum infections and HPV infection (U.urealyticum p = 0.012; U.parvum p = 0.022). U.urealyticum and U.parvum were more prevalent than C.trachomatis and M.hominis in HPV-positive women, suggesting their role in HPV infection

    Forest Land Change Assessment of Karang Mumus Sub-Watershed Area

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    Karang Mumus watershed is an important area as a port and gateway to the inland of East Kalimantan, causing the trade sector and water transportation services in this city to be very developed. Traders and immigrants from various regions who came in, stopped by, performed business, and stayed have caused the riverbanks to develop into economic and trade centers. One of the issues in the Karang Mumus sub-watershed is the conversion of forest area to agricultural land. With the improper use of agrotechnology and soil conservation, agricultural operations result in erosion and reduced land yield. This study aims to evaluate the Karang Mumus sub-potential watersheds to support land capability by using the overlay method (geoprocessing) of a geographic information system (GIS) based on criteria for classifying land capabilities and a data analysis approach. The findings revealed that the Karang Mumus sub-land watersheds primarily are categorized as land capacity class III, with a moderate erosion limiting factor that covers 15,864 ha (50.45%). The remaining areas are categorized into land capability classes IV and VI, with class IV having a severe slope limiting factor and class VI having a severe slope limiting factor with a fairly strong soil sensitivity to erosion, covering 8,751.14 ha (27.83%) and 6,829.85 ha (21.72%), respectively. Class III land is recommended for agricultural cultivation, application of appropriate agro-technology, and soil and water conservation. This study recommends that class IV and VI lands area are used for community forests or plantation forests managed by government agencies involved in the forest area stabilization center (BPKH) Region IV Samarinda.

    Pengaruh Faktor Sosial Ekonomi terhadap Daya Saing Kelapa Sawit di Kabupaten Paser

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    Many factors influence the development of oil palm, including socio-economic factors. Factors supporting success in oil palm cultivation must be considered as their contribution to the competitiveness of Indonesian palm oil to be accepted in export-destination countries. This study aims to determine the influence of socioeconomic factors on the competitiveness of oil palm. This research was conducted in Kertabumi Village, Kuaro District, Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province. Data was collected in July-August 2023 with the questionnaires and interviews with respondents. Respondents in this study amounted to 65 farmers were determined using purposive sampling who members of the Bumi Subur cooperative in Kertabumi Village, Kuaro District, Paser Regency. The data analysis method uses the structural equation model-partial least square with the help of Smart-PLS software to find out what socio-economic factors affect the competitiveness of oil palm in Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province. The results showed that the innovation factor of oil palm cultivation and the factor of production facilities had a positive and significant effect on the competitiveness of oil palm in Paser Regency, especially in Kuaro District, Kerta Bumi Village. This states that one way to improve the competitiveness of oil palm is to pay attention to the old factors of oil palm cultivation innovation, such as cultivating according to operational standards and environmentally friendly, to get an ISPO certificate. In addition, it is important to have complete production facilities by farmers to support oil palm cultivation and increase palm oil production.Many factors influence the development of oil palm, including socio-economic factors. Factors supporting success in oil palm cultivation must be considered as their contribution to the competitiveness of Indonesian palm oil to be accepted in export-destination countries. This study aims to determine the influence of socioeconomic factors on the competitiveness of oil palm. This research was conducted in Kertabumi Village, Kuaro District, Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province. Data was collected in July-August 2023 with the questionnaires and interviews with respondents. Respondents in this study amounted to 65 farmers were determined using purposive sampling who members of the Bumi Subur cooperative in Kertabumi Village, Kuaro District, Paser Regency. The data analysis method uses the structural equation model-partial least square with the help of Smart-PLS software to find out what socio-economic factors affect the competitiveness of oil palm in Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province. The results showed that the innovation factor of oil palm cultivation and the factor of production facilities had a positive and significant effect on the competitiveness of oil palm in Paser Regency, especially in Kuaro District, Kerta Bumi Village. This states that one way to improve the competitiveness of oil palm is to pay attention to the old factors of oil palm cultivation innovation, such as cultivating according to operational standards and environmentally friendly, to get an ISPO certificate. In addition, it is important to have complete production facilities by farmers to support oil palm cultivation and increase palm oil production

    Pengaruh Faktor Sosial Ekonomi terhadap Daya Saing Kelapa Sawit di Kabupaten Paser

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    Many factors influence the development of oil palm, including socio-economic factors. Factors supporting success in oil palm cultivation must be considered as their contribution to the competitiveness of Indonesian palm oil to be accepted in export-destination countries. This study aims to determine the influence of socioeconomic factors on the competitiveness of oil palm. This research was conducted in Kertabumi Village, Kuaro District, Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province. Data was collected in July-August 2023 with the questionnaires and interviews with respondents. Respondents in this study amounted to 65 farmers were determined using purposive sampling who members of the Bumi Subur cooperative in Kertabumi Village, Kuaro District, Paser Regency. The data analysis method uses the structural equation model-partial least square with the help of Smart-PLS software to find out what socio-economic factors affect the competitiveness of oil palm in Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province. The results showed that the innovation factor of oil palm cultivation and the factor of production facilities had a positive and significant effect on the competitiveness of oil palm in Paser Regency, especially in Kuaro District, Kerta Bumi Village. This states that one way to improve the competitiveness of oil palm is to pay attention to the old factors of oil palm cultivation innovation, such as cultivating according to operational standards and environmentally friendly, to get an ISPO certificate. In addition, it is important to have complete production facilities by farmers to support oil palm cultivation and increase palm oil production.Many factors influence the development of oil palm, including socio-economic factors. Factors supporting success in oil palm cultivation must be considered as their contribution to the competitiveness of Indonesian palm oil to be accepted in export-destination countries. This study aims to determine the influence of socioeconomic factors on the competitiveness of oil palm. This research was conducted in Kertabumi Village, Kuaro District, Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province. Data was collected in July-August 2023 with the questionnaires and interviews with respondents. Respondents in this study amounted to 65 farmers were determined using purposive sampling who members of the Bumi Subur cooperative in Kertabumi Village, Kuaro District, Paser Regency. The data analysis method uses the structural equation model-partial least square with the help of Smart-PLS software to find out what socio-economic factors affect the competitiveness of oil palm in Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province. The results showed that the innovation factor of oil palm cultivation and the factor of production facilities had a positive and significant effect on the competitiveness of oil palm in Paser Regency, especially in Kuaro District, Kerta Bumi Village. This states that one way to improve the competitiveness of oil palm is to pay attention to the old factors of oil palm cultivation innovation, such as cultivating according to operational standards and environmentally friendly, to get an ISPO certificate. In addition, it is important to have complete production facilities by farmers to support oil palm cultivation and increase palm oil production

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Tepat Guna Dalam Meningkatkan Produksi Rengginang Di Kelurahan Sidodadi Kota Samarinda

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    Rengginang is one of the traditional foods of the archipelago that has been consumed as a snack or main food since time immemorial. At the first rengginang is a food made from the rest of rice that does not run out, rather than being wasted in rice, it is processed into savory and crunchy food in the form of rengginang. Usually the processing is very simple, it is only dried by drying and frying and can be consumed immediately. Along with the time the tasty and crunchy food is very popular with consumers, so that the prestige of rengginang extends among the community and becomes one of the business opportunities for the culprit, especially the housewife, namely Mrs. Darmini. This science and technology for the community has a positive effect on partners and other business people that the importance of using simple technology is effective, thus increasing the production process of rice. The introduction and administration of a sealer is also very important to maintain the quality of the rengginang. Besides that, the need for legality of business such as P-IRT to ensure food security for consumers. This science and technology activity for the community is expected to continue as an effort to provide coaching and mentoring for micro-businesses that have the prospect of being able to survive and develop in the futur


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    Pembuatan VCO dengan menggunakan alat  sentripugal sederhana yaitu mixer bertujuan untuk  mengetahui dan mempelajari pengaruh tingkat ketuaan kelapa dan waktu pengadukan terhadap berat jenis dan bilangan asam serta tingkat kesukaan terhadap warna dan aroma yang dihasilkan.  Pembuatan Virgin Coconut Oil dilakukan dengan perbedaan tingkat ketuaan kelapa yaitu sangat tua (sudah bertunas) dan tua serta lama pengadukan yaitu 10 menit, 15 menit, 20 menit dan 25 menit dan masing-masing sampel ini diuji kualitasnya yang meliputi Berat Jenis, dan Bilangan Asam serta tingkat ksukaan yang diperoleh dan dilanjutkan dengan analisis factorial RAL untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari perlakuan yang diberikan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa perbedaan tingkat ketuaan kelapa dan lama pengadukan mempengaruhi kualitas virgin coconut oil yang dihasilkan, yaitu  semakin tua kelapa dan semakin lama pengadukan, maka persentase Berat Jenis semakin besar begitupun dengan bilangan asamnya  semakin besar.&nbsp

    Karakteristik Kimia dan Sensori Abon Nangka Muda dengan Penambahan Daging Ayam pada Rasio yang Berbeda

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    Nangka muda merupakan salah satu sayuran yang selama ini hanya digunakan dan dimanfaatkan sebagai sayuran, memiliki daya simpan yang relative cukup singkat, dan kandungan proteinnya yang rendah, sehingga perlu tambahan bahan lain untuk meningkatkan kandungan proteinnya. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, pada penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan abon dari nangka muda dengan penambahan daging ayam. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial dengan 2 faktor dan masing-masing 2 taraf, sehingga ada 4 perlakuan yaitu: P1(80% nangka kukus:20% daging ayam), P2(80% nangka direbus : 20% daging ayam), P3(60% nangka dikukus : 40% daging ayam) dan P4(60% nangka direbus: 40%  daging ayam). Parameter yang diuji pada penelitian ini adalah kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein, serta uji organoleptic yang meliputi aroma, rasa, warna dan tekstur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai kadar air terendah, kadar abu tertinggi dan kadar protein tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan P3 yang secara berturut-turut nilainya adalah 9,25%,  7,73%, dan 22,12%. Adapun hasil uji organoleptik menunjukkan bahwa secara umum abon disukai panelis dimana skor tertinggi untuk warna 4,08, rasa sebesar 3,96, aroma sebesar 3,88  serta tekstur sebesar 3,92