21 research outputs found

    The Biology of Amazonian Anophelines an Evaluation of the Occurrence of Species of Anopheles,and Other Culicids at the Balbina Hydroletric Dam - Five Years After the Filling of the Reservoir.

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    The Biology of Amazonian Anophelines an Evaluation of the Occurrence of Species of Anopheles,and Other Culicids at the Balbina Hydroletric Dam - Five Years After the Filling of the Reservoir. An entolomogical study was conducted in the area of influence of the Balbina Hydroelectric Dam (UHB), situated about 146 km from Manaus, Amazonas, in order to evaluate the effect it might have on populations of Anophelesand other culicids. Five years after the lake was formed, An. darlingi, An. nuneztovariand An. triannulatuswere the most frequently encountered species. Collection areas were: 1 - Road BR-174, 2 - Access to UHB and 3 - Uatumã-Morena Area. The mosquito/man/hour for each specie in the three areas were respectively: Area 1 - 0,57; 12,85; 0,43. Area 2 - 0; 3,75; 0,18 and Area 3 - 0; 26,38; 0,34. Representatives of the first two of these species were found to be positive for Plasmodiumby using an immunoenzymatic test. The prevalence of positive mosquitos was 1:35 for An. darlingiand only 1:548 for An* mmezjovciri.The density of the other culicids was low even though the diversity was comparable ( 32 different species) to that found in the areas of other hydroelectric dams built on clear or white water rivers in Amazonia. In the black waters of Balbina, an initial proliferation of macrophytes was followed by a reduction in these plants possibly caused by lack of nutrients in the water. The fall off in macro-phyte production relates to a scarcity of Mansoniasp. in the area.Um inquérito entomològico foi realizado na área de influência da Hidrelétrica de Balbina, situada a 146 km de Manaus, Amazonas, para avaliar os possíveis efeitos sobre as populações de Anophelese de outros culicídeos. Cinco anos após a formação do lago, An. darlingi, An. nuneztovarie An. triannulatusforam as espécies encontradas com maior freqüência nas coletas realizadas em 1. Rodovia BR-174, 2. Acceso á Usina Hidrelétrica de Balbina e 3. Área Uatumã-Morena. Para cada espécie os índices mosquito/homem/hora foram respectivamenteArea 1 - 0,57; 12,85; 0,43. Área 2 - 0; 3,75; 0,18 e Área 3 - 0; 26,38; 0,34. Representantes das duas primeiras espécies se mostraram positivas para Plasmodiumcom testes imunoenzimáticos. A prevalência de mosquitos positivos foi 1:35 para An. darlingie apenas 1:548 para An. nuneztovari.A densidade dos outros culicídeos foi baixa (Área 1 - 3,23 m/h/h; Área 2 - 4,5 m/h/h; Área 3 - 7,40 m/h/h) embora a diversidade foi comparável ( 32 espécies diferentes) com as encontradas em outras hidrelétricas construídas em rios de águas brancas ou claras da Amazônia. Nas águas pretas da Balbina, uma proliferação inicial de macrófitas foi seguida pela redução destas possivelmente pela falta de nutrientes na água. A diminuição no crescimento de macrófitas deve estar relacionada com a escassez de Mansoniasp. na área

    Conditions of working and social security in peasant communities with solidarity economy practices in three municipalities in eastern Antioquia, Colombia 2015

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    ABSTRACT: The agricultural-based solidarity economy practiced by rural communities in Eastern Antioqua, Colombia, has become a tool for resistance, as well as an alternative source of employment for a socially and economically vulnerable population. Economies based on agriculture and the uncertainties of the productive transformations derived from a community’s proximity to Medellin metropolitan area, are important factors that should be taken into account when examining the potentials of a solidary economy. Objective: To analyze the working and social conditions of a group of small and medium-scale farmers, from 3 towns in Eastern Antioquia, who follow the solidarity economy and are committed to food security. Methodology: A descriptive, transversal study was carried out with 111 active producers belonging to 10 legally consolidated solidarity economy farmers associations. Primary data was gathered through polls and workshops. Variables in respondents sociodemographics, work and social security were analyzed based on the statistical measurements of frequency, proportion and central tendency. Results: 85.6% of respondents are independent workers and belong to a lower socioeconomical strata with a mean monthly income of COP 296.000; 72% have health insurance through the country’s subsidized system; 91% work without occupational hazard insurance; 88.3% do not contribute to a pension fund. Discussion: Income of the surveyed population was found to be lower than both the legal minimum wage and average wages of workers in the same field; income inequalities are very pronounced compared to other Colombian workers; increasing pension enrollment and occupational hazard coverage are challenges the government continues to face. Key words: Farmer economy, farmers associations, agriculture, organic agriculture, social security, employment, Eastern AntioquiaRESUMEN: En algunas asociaciones de pequeños y medianos productores agropecuarios del oriente de Antioquia se identifican prácticas de economía solidaria y de producción agrícola que se han constituido en escenarios de resistencia y alternativas de trabajo para una población económica y socialmente vulnerable. La economía campesina fundamentada en el trabajo agrícola y las incertidumbres relacionadas con las transformaciones productivas que supone la cercanía del oriente antioqueño al Área Metropolitana son aspectos relevantes que deben considerarse a la hora de propender por el fortalecimiento de las organizaciones campesinas de la economía solidaria. Objetivo: Analizar las condiciones de trabajo y de seguridad social de un grupo de pequeños y medianos agricultores del sector solidario, comprometidos con la seguridad alimentaria, en tres municipios del oriente de Antioquia. Metodología: Se hizo un estudio descriptivo transversal de 111 productores, asociados activos de diez asociaciones campesinas de economía solidaria, legalmente constituidas. Se recolectó información primaria mediante encuestas. Se analizaron variables sociodemográficas, laborales y de seguridad social. Resultados: 85,6 % de los asociados pertenecen a estratos bajos y son trabajadores independientes, con ingreso promedio de $296 000 mensual; el 72 % posee seguridad social en salud en régimen subsidiado; el 91 % presenta desprotección en riesgos laborales, y el 88,3 %, en pensiones. Conclusión: Los ingresos de estos colectivos de agricultores del sector solidario son inferiores al salario mínimo legal y al ingreso promedio de los trabajadores del campo colombiano; las desigualdades son protuberantes en relación con los ingresos del resto de trabajadores del país. La protección social supone retos para el Gobierno, en cuanto a incrementar la cobertura en pensiones y riesgos laborales. Palabras clave: Economía campesina, Economía solidaria, Asociaciones de agricultores, Condiciones laborales, Seguridad social, Agricultura orgánica, Oriente antioqueño

    Epidemiological characterization of incident cases of Rickettsia infection in rural areas of Urabá region, Colombia

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    Introduction Most of the studies related to rickettsial infection in Colombia are cross-sectional because of the challenge in conducting prospective studies on infectious disease that may have a difficult diagnosis. Although cross-sectional studies are essential to detect people exposed to rickettsiae, they are not suited to demonstrate the recent circulation of this pathogen in areas at risk of transmission. Objective To characterize the epidemiology of incident cases of Spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsial infection in humans and equines from rural areas of Uraba´ region in Colombia where outbreaks of rickettsiae previously occurred. Materials and methods A prospective study was conducted in the Alto de Mulatos and Las Changas in the Uraba´ region. Serum samples and socio-ecological information were collected from 597 people enrolled in 2015, and a second sample was collected from 273 people a year later. Indirect immune-fluorescence assays for detection of IgG antibody against rickettsiae were done using slides with Rickettsia rickettsii antigens. A titer 128 was considered positive. Incident cases were defined as (i) serological conversion of IgG titers from seronegative to seropositive or (ii) at least a four-fold increase in IgG end point titers in the second sample. Results The cumulative incidence of rickettsial infection was 6.23% (95%CI 3.67–9.78) in humans and 32.31% (21/65) of incident cases in equines. Incident cases were mostly females (82.35%), the median age of cases was 41.02 years (IQR 18.62–54.1), and 29.41% reported tick bites during the study period. Results from multivariate analysis showed that removal of ticks after working outdoors is a protective factor for rickettsial infection (RR 0.26, 95%CI 0.08–0.84) and that a higher incidence of infection occurred in people who reported fever in the last year (RR 4.26, 95%CI 1.15–9.31). Conclusions These results showed recent circulation of SFG rickettsiae in areas where previous lethal outbreaks have been reported, supporting the implementation of preventive measures to halt rickettsial transmission in the studied communities.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Centro de Investigación en Enfermedades Tropicales (CIET

    Eco-epidemiological analysis of rickettsial seropositivity in rural areas of Colombia: A multilevel approach

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    ABSTARCT: Rickettsiosis is a re-emergent infectious disease without epidemiological surveillance in Colombia. This disease is generally undiagnosed and several deadly outbreaks have been reported in the country in the last decade. The aim of this study is to analyze the eco-epidemiological aspects of rickettsial seropositivity in rural areas of Colombia where outbreaks of the disease were previously reported. A cross-sectional study, which included 597 people living in 246 households from nine hamlets in two municipalities of Colombia, was conducted from November 2015 to January 2016. The survey was conducted to collect sociodemographic and household characteristics (exposure) data. Blood samples were collected to determine the rickettsial seropositivity in humans, horses and dogs (IFA, cut-off = 1/128). In addition, infections by rickettsiae were detected in ticks from humans and animals by real-time PCR targeting gltA and ompA genes. Data was analyzed by weighted multilevel clog-log regression model using three levels (person, household and hamlets) and rickettsial seropositivity in humans was the main outcome. Overall prevalence of rickettsial seropositivity in humans was 25.62% (95%CI 22.11-29.12). Age in years (PR = 1.01 95%CI 1.01-1.02) and male sex (PR = 1.65 95%CI 1.43-1.90) were risk markers for rickettsial seropositivity. Working outdoors (PR = 1.20 95%CI 1.02-1.41), deforestation and forest fragmentation for agriculture use (PR = 1.75 95%CI 1.51-2.02), opossum in peridomiciliary area (PR = 1.56 95%CI 1.37-1.79) and a high proportion of seropositive domestic animals in the home (PR20-40% vs 40% vs <20% = 3.14 95%CI 2.43-4.04) were associated with rickettsial seropositivity in humans. This study showed the presence of Rickettsia antibodies in human populations and domestic animals. In addition, different species of rickettsiae were detected in ticks collected from humans and animals. Our results highlighted the role of domestic animals as sentinels of rickettsial infection to identify areas at risk of transmission, and the importance of preventive measures aimed at curtailing deforestation and the fragmentation of forests as a way of reducing the risk of transmission of emergent and re-emergent pathogens

    Sandfly Lutzomyia longipalpis in a cutaneous leishmaniasis focus in central Colombia

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    Lutzomyia longipalpis, 15 other species of the genus Lutzomyia, and one species of Brumptomyia were collected in an endemic focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in a river canyon 450 m above sea-level, in Rio Claro, Antioquia, Colombia. The presence of Lu. longipalpis is associated with the destruction of the primary forest and the development of new farmland and rural settlement in this region. The composition of species identified a different habitat for Lu. longipalpis in Colombia. Lu. yuilli and Lu. longipalpis were predominant (68.26%) followed by Lu. trapidoi, Lu. hartmani, Lu. triramula, Lu. panamensis, Lu. gomezi

    Sandfly Lutzomyia longipalpis in a cutaneous leishmaniasis focus in central Colombia

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    Lutzomyia longipalpis, 15 other species of the genus Lutzomyia, and one species of Brumptomyia were collected in an endemic focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in a river canyon 450 m above sea-level, in Rio Claro, Antioquia, Colombia. The presence of Lu. longipalpis is associated with the destruction of the primary forest and the development of new farmland and rural settlement in this region. The composition of species identified a different habitat for Lu. longipalpis in Colombia. Lu. yuilli and Lu. longipalpis were predominant (68.26%) followed by Lu. trapidoi, Lu. hartmani, Lu. triramula, Lu. panamensis, Lu. gomezi

    Conocimientos sobre malaria y prácticas de uso de mosquiteros con insecticidas de larga duración en dos departamentos de Colombia

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    Objetivos. Determinar los conocimientos sobre malaria y prácticas del uso de mosquiteros tratados con insecticidas en los departamentos de Antioquia y Chocó en Colombia, 2013. Materiales y métodos. Estudio transversal y descriptivo con muestreo probabilístico de conglomerados, estratificado y bietápico. La encuesta dirigida a jefes de hogar se elaboró usando diez preguntas sobre conocimientos, transmisión, síntomas y medidas preventivas contra la malaria, utilizado en los cuestionarios de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud en Colombia 2007, e involucrando 13 preguntas sobre los mosquiteros insecticidas de larga duración (MILD), tenencia, uso, motivos de no uso, efectos secundarios sobre la salud a corto plazo, lavado y secado. Resultados. 2078 residentes respondieron la encuesta. El 89% (IC 95%: 87,5-89,9) en Antioquia y el 94% (IC 95%: 93,0-94,0) en Chocó reconoce las causas, síntomas, tratamiento y métodos de prevención. En Antioquia el 86% (IC 95%: 84,9-87,3) tuvo al menos un mosquitero y 72% (IC 95%: 70,0-73,4) lo usó diariamente, y para el departamento de Chocó fue de 93% (IC 95%: 92,2-94,4) y 73% (IC 95%: 72,0-74,4) respectivamente. Conclusiones. Hay altos niveles de conocimiento sobre malaria; sin embargo, el cuidado de los mosquiteros no está de acuerdo a lo recomendado para aumentar su vida útil, por lo tanto, se requieren estrategias sociales propias para cada departamento

    Vigilancia de la mortalidad en los municipios del área de influencia durante la construcción del proyecto hidroeléctrico Porce II (Empresas Públicas de Medellín, ESP, Antioquia, Colombia, 1997-2000)

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    Este estudio permitió conocer el comportamiento de la mortalidad en los cuatro municipios del área de de influencia del proyecto hidroeléctrico Porce II en su etapa de construcción desarrollada por Empresas Públicas de Medellín, ESP (Empresa de Servicios Públicos), como parte de la gestión social y ambiental a través del Sistema de Vigilancia Epidemiológica Porce II. Todas las muertes sucedidas en cada uno de los cuatro municipios fueron registradas mensualmente según su causa, género y edad a partir de diferentes fuentes de información. La mortalidad se agrupó tomando como referencia la nueva lista OPS 6/67 para la tabulación de datos de mortalidad CIE 10. Desde 1997 los hombres jóvenes procedentes del área rural fallecieron primordialmente por homicidio, evento que se constituyó como la principal causa de mortalidad y de mayor aporte en el número de años de vida potenciales perdidos, seguida por las enfermedades del sistema circulatorio, cáncer y neoplasias y las enfermedades crónicas respiratorias que afectaron tanto a hombres como a mujeres. Un aspecto importante fue el descenso de la mortalidad por enfermedades infecciosas tropicales en la región, debido posiblemente al mejoramiento de los servicios de salud y por las actividades de promoción y prevención; se considera necesario que el sector salud continúe con el desarrollo de estrategias para reducir y prevenir la mortalidad por enfermedades crónicas