372 research outputs found

    Testing the application of coastal altimetry in two South-Eastern African bights: the relationship between mesoscale features and chlorophyll-a, cyclonic eddies in the Indian Ocean

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    Enhanced coastal altimetry, adaptive Leading-Edge Subwaveform(ALES), was used to study wo well known eddies along the southeastern African coast, namely the Delagoa Bight Lee Eddy and the Durban Lee Eddy. I address a two part problem. Firstly, how well does the application of coastal altimetry techniques behave in the coastal region? Secondly, is there a relationship between the eddies’ presence and chlorophyll-a (chl-a). Sea level anomalies (SLA) were computed from the re-tracked ALES data of two satellite missions — Envisat (used for Delagoa Bight eddy) and Jason -2 (for the Durban eddy) with geophysical corrections removed. These datasets were compared with the original satellite, 1 Hz RADS, AND AVISO gridded data. Two regions were selected to see if there was a biophysical link. A centre region of the eddy and an outside region of the eddy were taken. Results indicate that coastal altimetrywas successful in delimiting both features. ALES was less noisey and able to recover more data that were missed by the 1 Hz RADS dataset. Hovmöller plots showed the Delagoa Bight eddy to be more of a transient feature than semi-permanent, as had previously been suggested. Results from the linear model indicate a negative correlation between SLA and chl-a. This influence could be through facilitation of chl-a in the bight or just retaining chla. This is hard to elucidate without in situ data. These results show a promising indication that coastal altimetry will be a useful and reliable product to further biophysical coupling research along the coast

    Testing the application of coastal altimetry in two South-Eastern African bights: the relationship between mesoscale features and chlorophyll-a, cyclonic eddies in the Indian Ocean

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    Enhanced coastal altimetry, adaptive Leading-Edge Subwaveform(ALES), was used to study wo well known eddies along the southeastern African coast, namely the Delagoa Bight Lee Eddy and the Durban Lee Eddy. I address a two part problem. Firstly, how well does the application of coastal altimetry techniques behave in the coastal region? Secondly, is there a relationship between the eddies’ presence and chlorophyll-a (chl-a). Sea level anomalies (SLA) were computed from the re-tracked ALES data of two satellite missions — Envisat (used for Delagoa Bight eddy) and Jason -2 (for the Durban eddy) with geophysical corrections removed. These datasets were compared with the original satellite, 1 Hz RADS, AND AVISO gridded data. Two regions were selected to see if there was a biophysical link. A centre region of the eddy and an outside region of the eddy were taken. Results indicate that coastal altimetrywas successful in delimiting both features. ALES was less noisey and able to recover more data that were missed by the 1 Hz RADS dataset. Hovmöller plots showed the Delagoa Bight eddy to be more of a transient feature than semi-permanent, as had previously been suggested. Results from the linear model indicate a negative correlation between SLA and chl-a. This influence could be through facilitation of chl-a in the bight or just retaining chla. This is hard to elucidate without in situ data. These results show a promising indication that coastal altimetry will be a useful and reliable product to further biophysical coupling research along the coast

    Different Outcomes of Experimental Hepatitis E Virus Infection in Diverse Mouse Strains, Wistar Rats, and Rabbits

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    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the causative agent of acute hepatitis E in humans in developing countries, but autochthonous cases of zoonotic genotype 3 (HEV-3) infection also occur in industrialized countries. In contrast to swine, rats, and rabbits, natural HEV infections in mice have not yet been demonstrated. The pig represents a well-established large animal model for HEV-3 infection, but a suitable small animal model mimicking natural HEV-3 infection is currently missing. Therefore, we experimentally inoculated C57BL/6 mice (wild-type, IFNAR−/−, CD4−/−, CD8−/−) and BALB/c nude (nu/nu) mice, Wistar rats, and European rabbits with a wild boar-derived HEV-3 strain and monitored virus replication and shedding, as well as humoral immune responses. HEV RNA and anti-HEV antibodies were detected in one and two out of eight of the rats and all rabbits inoculated, respectively, but not in any of the mouse strains tested. Remarkably, immunosuppressive dexamethasone treatment of rats did not enhance their susceptibility to HEV infection. In rabbits, immunization with recombinant HEV-3 and ratHEV capsid proteins induced protection against HEV-3 challenge. In conclusion, the rabbit model for HEV-3 infection may serve as a suitable alternative to the non-human primate and swine models, and as an appropriate basis for vaccine evaluation studies

    Citizen Science: BĂŒrgerforschung in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften

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    Citizen Science ist derzeit in aller Munde, der Begriff wird aber v. a. mit Natur- und Umweltwissenschaften in Zusammenhang gebracht. Doch auch in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften haben ForschungsaktivitĂ€ten Ehrenamtlicher eine lange Tradition. Im vorliegenden Artikel werden einerseits die GrĂŒnde fĂŒr den aktuellen „Boom“ von Citizen Science erkundet, andererseits die Schnittmengen mit verwandten Konzepten wie „Public History“ oder der ehrenamtlichen Denkmalpflege sowie die besonderen Potentiale einer gemeinsamen Weiterentwicklung benannt.Citizen science is on everyone’s lips, although the term is connected mainly with the natural and environmental sciences. At the same time, voluntary engagement in humanities research also has a long-standing tradition. This article discusses both the reasons for the current citizen science “boom” as well as connections to other concepts such as “public history” or voluntary monument preservation and the benefits of further cooperation

    A blue light receptor that mediates RNA binding and translational regulation

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    Sensory photoreceptor proteins underpin light-dependent adaptations in nature and enable the optogenetic control of organismal behavior and physiology. We identified the bacterial light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) photoreceptor PAL that sequence-specifically binds short RNA stem loops with around 20 nM affinity in blue light and weaker than 1 ”M in darkness. A crystal structure rationalizes the unusual receptor architecture of PAL with C-terminal LOV photosensor and N-terminal effector units. The light-activated PAL–RNA interaction can be harnessed to regulate gene expression at the RNA level as a function of light in both bacteria and mammalian cells. The present results elucidate a new signal-transduction paradigm in LOV receptors and conjoin RNA biology with optogenetic regulation, thereby paving the way toward hitherto inaccessible optoribogenetic modalities

    Understanding the (inter) disciplinary and institutional diversity of citizen science: A survey of current practice in Germany and Austria

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    Citizen science has become more popular in recent years, quickly taking on a variety of potentially conflicting characteristics: a way to collect massive data sets at relatively low cost, a way to break science out of the ivory tower and better engage the public, an approach to educate lay people in scientific methods. But the extent of current citizen science practice-the types of actors and scientific disciplines who take part-is still poorly understood. This article builds on recent surveys of citizen science in PLOS One by analyzing citizen science practice in Germany and Austria through the projects on two online platforms. We find evidence supporting previous findings that citizen science is a phenomenon strongest in biodiversity and environmental monitoring research, but at home in a number of scientific fields, such as history and geography. In addition, our survey method yields new insights into citizen science projects initiated by non-scientific actors. We close by discussing additional methodological considerations in attempting to present a cross-disciplinary overview of citizen science

    Preservice teachers' online self-regulated learning: does digital readiness matter?

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    (1) Background: Teaching in today’s schools asks teachers to foster self-regulated learning and digital competences in children and young people. In order to do so, teachers first need to acquire and use these competences themselves. (2) Methods: Based on a mixed-methods approach, the study investigates self-regulated learning in online courses of N = 129 preservice teachers at a German university. (3) Results and conclusions: Perceiving their digital readiness as generally high, preservice teachers appear to not overly self-regulate their learning in the online environment. Finally, preservice teachers’ digital readiness was related only weakly to their online self-regulated learning. A discussion is offered which shows teacher education as a broader phenomenon and implies the need for professional development for teacher educators. Additionally, it is argued to link research on self-regulated learning more closely to research on online learning environments in teacher education

    LogIKTram: Nachhaltiger straßenbahnbasierter GĂŒtertransport

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    Zunehmender stĂ€dtischer und regionaler GĂŒterverkehr belastet die Anwohner, Verkehrsteilnehmer und die Umwelt. Das Projekt LogIKTram verfolgt das Ziel, regionalen GĂŒterverkehr von der Straße auf die Schiene zu verlagern und somit eine Entlastung zu erzielen. Diese Idee soll am Beispiel einer GĂŒtertram in der Region Karlsruhe erprobt werden. DafĂŒr entwickelt die Hochschule Offenburg unter anderem ein Logistikkonzept und ein Planungsmodell. Beides wird in einer IKT-Plattform umgesetzt.Increasing urban and regional freight traffic is a source of concern for local residents, road users and the environment. The LogIKTram project pursues the goal of shifting regional freight traffic from road to rail and thus achieving relief. This idea is to be tested using the example of a cargo tram in the Karlsruhe region. To this end, Offenburg University of Applied Sciences is developing, a logistics concept and a planning model. Both will be implemented in an ICT platform

    Induced hyperlipaemia and immune challenge in locusts

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    Injections of immunogens, such as ÎČ-1,3-glucan or lipopolysaccharide (LPS), bring about a marked hyperlipaemia with associated changes in lipophorins and apolipophorin-III in the haemolymph of Locusta migratoria. These changes are similar to those observed after injection of adipokinetic hormone (AKH). The possibility that endogenous AKH is released as part of the response to these immunogens is investigated using passive immunisation against AKH-I, and measurement of AKH-I titre in the haemolymph after injection of immunogens. The data presented show that, despite the similarity of the changes brought about by the presence of immunogens in the haemolymph to those brought about by AKH, there is no release of endogenous AKH after injection of laminarin or LPS. A direct effect of the immunogens on release of neutral lipids by the fat body cannot be demonstrated in vitro, and the mechanism by which hyperlipaemia is induced during immune challenge remains uncertain

    Crisis communication in the area of risk management: the CriCoRM project

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    Background. During the last H1N1 pandemic has emerged the importance of crisis communication as an essential part of health crisis management. The Project aims specifically to improve the understanding of crisis communication dynamics and effective tools and to allow public health institutions to communicate better with the public during health emergencies.Design and Methods. The Project will perform different activities: i) state of the art review; ii) identification of key stakeholders; iii) communicational analysis performed using data collected on stakeholder communication activities and their outcomes considering the lessons learnt from the analysis of the reasons for differing public reactions during pandemics; iv) improvement of the existing guidelines; v) development of Web 2.0 tools as web-platform and feed service and implementation of impact assessment algorithms; vi) organization of exercises and training on this issues.Expected impact of the study for public health. In the context of health security policies at an EU level, the project aims to find a common and innovative approach to health crisis communication that was displayed by differing reactions to the H1N1 pandemic policies. The focus on new social media tools aims to enhance the role of e-health, and the project aims to use these tools in the specific field of health institutions and citizens. The development of Web 2.0 tools for health crisis communication will allow an effective two-way exchange of information between public health institutions and citizens. An effective communication strategy will increase population compliance with public health recommendations
