3,100 research outputs found

    Parametric entry corridors for lunar/Mars aerocapture missions

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    Parametric atmospheric entry corridor data are presented for Earth and Mars aerocapture. Parameter ranges were dictated by the range of mission designs currently envisioned as possibilities for the Human Exploration Initiative (HEI). This data, while not providing a means for exhaustive evaluation of aerocapture performance, should prove to be a useful aid for preliminary mission design and evaluation. Entry corridors are expressed as ranges of allowable vacuum periapse altitude of the planetary approach hyperbolic orbit, with chart provided for conversion to an approximate flight path angle corridor at entry interface (125 km altitude). The corridor boundaries are defined by open-loop aerocapture trajectories which satisfy boundary constraints while utilizing the full aerodynamic control capability of the vehicle (i.e., full lift-up or full lift-down). Parameters examined were limited to those of greatest importance from an aerocapture performance standpoint, including the approach orbit hyperbolic excess velocity, the vehicle lift to drag ratio, maximum aerodynamic load factor limit, and the apoapse of the target orbit. The impact of the atmospheric density bias uncertainties are also included. The corridor data is presented in graphical format, and examples of the utilization of these graphs for mission design and evaluation are included

    Contribution of natural milk culture to microbiota, safety and hygiene of raw milk cheese produced in alpine malga

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    Processing of alpine milk in malga farms is carried out under conditions that can favor contamination by coliforms, coagulase-positive staphylococci, or pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes. With the aim to improve the hygienic characteristics and safety of cheese produced in four malga farms the use of lyophilized Natural Milk Culture prepared with selected strains was tested.. Two cheesemaking tests were carried out in the same day always starting from the same milk: in the first case following the malga recipe that uses either Natural Whey Culture or without the addition of a starter, in the second one using a Natural Milk Culture. Cheesemaking were carried out in four malga farms located in the west area of Trentino region within the same week. For hygienic and safety evaluation, aerobic colony count, coagulase-positive staphylococci, Escherichia coli, staphylococcal toxins, Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella spp, pH and aw were determined in raw milk from evening and morning milking, curd in vat, curd after extraction and two months-ripened cheese. Pathogens or toxins, high values of coagulase- positive staphylococci and E. coli were not found in cheese samples. However, in the curd coagulase-positive staphylococci reached values almost of 5 Log CFU/g in the two malga without starter cultures. The use of Natural Milk Culture reduced E. coli counts. In addition, DNA was extracted from cheese samples and from Natural Milk Culture and the composition of the microbial community determined by Next Generation Sequencing method. The determination of cheese microbial communities demonstrated that the use of Natural Milk Culture exerted different effects in the different malga, in any case preserving bacterial biodiversity

    The relevance of EU directive 2010/53/EU for living organ donation practice

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    With the recent transposition of Directive 2010/53/EU into the transplant regulation of EU Member States, the time is right to have a closer look at its implications for living organ donation practice. We first discuss the relevance of the Action Plan which forms the basis for the policy of the European Commission in the field of organ donation and transplantation. We then analyze the impact of Directive 2010/53/EU which was adopted to support the implementation of the Priority Actions set out in the Action Plan. We more specifically focus on the obligations of transplant centers engaged in living organ donation and highlight their significance for clinical practice. Finally, we point out some strengths and weaknesses of the Directive in addressing living organ donation

    A vivência emocional dos enfermeiros nos cenários da prestação de cuidados ao doente oncológico: o caso dos enfermeiros de um serviço de oncologia médica do Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa Francisco Gentil, E.P.E.

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    Com a presente investigação pretendemos conhecer a vivência das emoções dos enfermeiros nos cenários da prestação de cuidados ao doente oncológico e simultaneamente contribuir para uma melhoria das práticas de intervenção e de gestão emocional em enfermagem nos contextos de trabalho em Oncologia, procurando dar resposta à pergunta inicial de investigação: Qual a vivência emocional dos enfermeiros nos cenários da prestação de cuidados ao doente oncológico? Nas opções metodológicas optámos pelo paradigma qualitativo, onde a entrevista narrativa foi a técnica privilegiada de recolha de informação, tendo permitido compreender com profundidade a forma como os enfermeiros vivem a prestação de cuidados ao doente oncológico. As experiências emocionais consideradas mais marcantes foram na generalidade aquelas que mais penosas se constituíram para os entrevistados, relacionadas com uma relação mais próxima e profunda com o doente e com situações de morte e sofrimento. Consequentemente os sentimentos e emoções referidos foram na sua maioria negativa. Na prática de cuidar do doente oncológico verificou-se a influência marcada dos mitos sociais e pessoais associados à doença cancro, tendo sido reconhecida de forma global a complexidade e especificidade inerentes a esta prestação de cuidados, tão gratificante, quanto desgastante. O uso de mecanismos de gestão das experiências emocionais refletiu-se no recurso a estratégias pessoais e externas, usadas na sua maioria com o objetivo de o desgaste emocional. Foram sugeridas várias medidas de intervenção organizacional no reconhecer uníssono da necessidade de acompanhamento e suporte por parte da organização de saúde. Os resultados desta investigação acrescentam assim todo um conjunto de novos dados que ajudam na compreensão da problemática da vivência emocional dos enfermeiros, na certeza de que esta melhorará a prestação de cuidados ao doente oncológico, com consequente otimização organizacional. /ABSTRACT - With this present investigation we intend to study the emocional life of nurses while providing health care to oncological patients and simultaneously contribute to an improvement of the intervention and emotional management practices in nursing in the contexts of working in Oncology, trying to answer the initial question of the inquiry: What is the emotional life of nurses in health care scenerjy to oncological patients? As far as the methodology is concerned we chose the qualitative paradigm, in which the narrative interview was the privileged technique to gather information. That allowed us to deeply understand the way nurses live the providing of health care to the oncological patient, their emotional experiences, what they feel and express, what moves and consumes them, as well as the forms of emotional management. The most striking emotional experiences have, in general, been those considered most painful by the interviewed nurses, usually related to a closer and deeper relation with the patient and situations of death and suffering. The consequent feelings and emotions have been mostly negative. Health care provided to oncologic patients is strongly influenced by social and personal myths related to cancer and both the complexity and specificity inherent to this kind of health care has been acknowledged as rewarding, as consuming. The use of means of emotional management is visible in the resource to personal and external strategies, used to diminish the emotional consumption. They have also suggested some measures of organizational intervention in the unison recognition of the need of accompaniment and support from the health care institution. The results of this investigation, thus add whole a set of new data that helps in the understanding of the problematic of the emotional life of nurses, in the certainty that this will improve the providing of care to the oncolologically sick person, with consequent organizational optimization

    Intervenção de enfermagem à pessoa com ferida maligna

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    Como os números indicam, a doença oncológica tem uma incidência cada vez maior, em Portugal e no mundo, sendo mesmo considerada uma das doenças do presente e do futuro (Miranda & Portugal, 2014). Esta realidade tem levado a um crescimento progressivo do número de novos casos anuais, e um aumento da idade média da população afetada, perspetivando-se mesmo que em 2030 existam cerca de 50000 novos casos (Miranda & Portugal, 2014). É, pois, fácil perceber que embora o número de pessoas com ferida maligna seja baixo, este irá certamente aumentar. O tema deste trabalho tem por foco a pessoa com ferida maligna, por esta representar uma fonte de sofrimento para os utentes, bem como para as suas famílias, e pelo desafio que traz para as equipas de enfermagem que lhes prestam cuidados. Devido a toda a complexidade inerente à abordagem à pessoa com ferida maligna, torna-se imprescindível que os enfermeiros estejam capacitados para dar respostas às suas necessidades. Com base nesta temática, e por uma necessidade pessoal surgiu este projeto que teve como ponto de partida a questão: “Quais são as intervenções de enfermagem à pessoa com Ferida Maligna?” Este relatório de estágio foi realizado no âmbito do 8º Curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica, vertente em Enfermagem Oncológica, e visa ser o reflexo do percurso percorrido e das aprendizagens decorrentes do mesmo, através da reflexão sobre os conhecimentos adquiridos e alicerçado pela Teoria do Fim de Vida Tranquilo de Ruland & More (1998). Com a elaboração do projeto proposto foi possível a aquisição de competências e de conhecimentos através da observação da prática, da participação nos cuidados prestados e da reflexão acerca dos mesmos, que se refletirão na melhoria dos cuidados prestados à pessoa com ferida maligna, e consequentemente na sua satisfação e qualidade de vida

    The Key Role of Heavy Precipitation Events in Climate Model Disagreements of Future Annual Precipitation Changes in California

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    Climate model simulations disagree on whether future precipitation will increase or decrease over California, which has impeded efforts to anticipate and adapt to human-induced climate change. This disagreement is explored in terms of daily precipitation frequency and intensity. It is found that divergent model projections of changes in the incidence of rare heavy (\u3e60 mm day−1) daily precipitation events explain much of the model disagreement on annual time scales, yet represent only 0.3% of precipitating days and 9% of annual precipitation volume. Of the 25 downscaled model projections examined here, 21 agree that precipitation frequency will decrease by the 2060s, with a mean reduction of 6–14 days yr−1. This reduces California\u27s mean annual precipitation by about 5.7%. Partly offsetting this, 16 of the 25 projections agree that daily precipitation intensity will increase, which accounts for a model average 5.3% increase in annual precipitation. Between these conflicting tendencies, 12 projections show drier annual conditions by the 2060s and 13 show wetter. These results are obtained from 16 global general circulation models downscaled with different combinations of dynamical methods [Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF), Regional Spectral Model (RSM), and version 3 of the Regional Climate Model (RegCM3)] and statistical methods [bias correction with spatial disaggregation (BCSD) and bias correction with constructed analogs (BCCA)], although not all downscaling methods were applied to each global model. Model disagreements in the projected change in occurrence of the heaviest precipitation days (\u3e60 mm day−1) account for the majority of disagreement in the projected change in annual precipitation, and occur preferentially over the Sierra Nevada and Northern California. When such events are excluded, nearly twice as many projections show drier future conditions

    Probabilistic estimates of future changes in California temperature and precipitation usingstatistical and dynamical downscaling

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    Sixteen global general circulation models were used to develop probabilistic projections of temperature (T) and precipitation (P) changes over California by the 2060s. The global models were downscaled with two statistical techniques and three nested dynamical regional climate models, although not all global models were downscaled with all techniques. Both monthly and daily timescale changes in T and P are addressed, the latter being important for a range of applications in energy use, water management, and agriculture. The T changes tend to agree more across downscaling techniques than the P changes. Year-to-year natural internal climate variability is roughly of similar magnitude to the projected T changes. In the monthly average, July temperatures shift enough that that the hottest July found in any simulation over the historical period becomes a modestly cool July in the future period. Januarys as cold as any found in the historical period are still found in the 2060s, but the median and maximum monthly average temperatures increase notably. Annual and seasonal P changes are small compared to interannual or intermodel variability. However, the annual change is composed of seasonally varying changes that are themselves much larger, but tend to cancel in the annual mean. Winters show modestly wetter conditions in the North of the state, while spring and autumn show less precipitation. The dynamical downscaling techniques project increasing precipitation in the Southeastern part of the state, which is influenced by the North American monsoon, a feature that is not captured by the statistical downscaling

    Desarrollo y Educación del Perú en el Contexto de América Latina y del Tercer Mundo “Educación Popular” – Una Teoría Educativa Alternativa - Una Educación de Supervivencia en el Sistema Formal de la Educación Peruana

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    Analiza la situación de la educación y el desarrollo del Perú dentro de la problemática de América Latina y del tercer mundo y concebir una visión alternativa “Educación popular” desde y para los sectores urbanomarginales en el Perú. El trabajo consta de cinco capítulos: 1. Se analiza el desarrollo y la educación en el contexto del tercer mundo. 2. Se abarca el desarrollo del Perú en el contexto de América Latina 3. Se hace un recorrido histórico de la Educación en el Perú. 4. Se presenta un visión educativa nueva que en América Latina se llama “Educación Popular”. 5. Se elabora una alternativa teórico-práctica desde la visión de la “Educación Popular” para el sistema educativo formal en el Perú.Stipendienwerk Lateinamerika - Deutschland – (Intercambio Académico entre América Latina y Alemania) Beca reconocida por INABEC del Perú