408 research outputs found

    Optical frequency synthesis and measurement using fibre-based femtosecond lasers

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    We report the synthesis and measurement of an ultra-precise and extremely stable optical frequency in the telecommunications window around 1543 nm. Using a fibre-based femtosecond frequency comb we have phase-stabilised a fibre laser at 194 THz to an optical frequency standard at 344 THz, thus transferring the properties of the optical frequency standard to another spectral region. Relative to the optical frequency standard, the synthesised frequency at 194 THz is determined to within 1 mHz and its fractional frequency instability is measured to be less than 2*10^{-15} at 1 s, reaching 5*10^{-18} after 8000 s. We also measured the synthesised frequency against a caesium fountain clock: here the frequency comparison itself contributes less than 4 mHz (2*10^{-17}) to the uncertainty. Our results confirm the suitability of fibre based frequency comb technology for precision measurements and frequency synthesis, and enable long-distance comparison of optical clocks by using optical fibres to transmit the frequency information

    Investigating Long-Term Diet and Marine Resource Use in Kohala, Hawaiʻi

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    Social and Behavioral Sciences: 3rd Place (The Ohio State University Denman Undergraduate Research Forum)Marine animals, including fish, mollusk, octopus and squid, were key components of the Hawaiian diet in prehistory. The goal of my research project is to examine long-term prehistoric gathering strategies and to determine if resource depression of mollusk populations in prehistory. I am currently investigating mollusk use in prehistory by analyzing remains from archaeological household sites in Kohala, Hawaiʻi. I am looking at the distribution of different species of mollusk remains throughout Kohala, and analyzing the changes through time. This project is ongoing, but so far I have found no significant changes in species consumed that indicate resource depression. The species and amount of mollusk consumed through time varies within regions in Kohala, but does not indicate a negative human impact on marine resources through time.Academic Major: Anthropological Science

    “Europeans” and “Whites”:: Biomedical Knowledge about the “European Race” in Early Twentieth Century Colonial Contexts

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    Akademische und Alltagsdiskurse über „den Europäer“ haben selten einen empirischen Gehalt. Die Lebenswissenschaften bieten eine wichtige Ausnahme zu dieser Regel. Seit dem Beginn des 8. Jahrhunderts bis heute betonen Wissenschaftler, dass Europäer sich in biologischer Hinsicht von anderen Menschen unterscheiden. Hinzu kommt, dass die Überzeugung von einem biologischen Kern des Europäerseins immer wieder in Alltagsdiskurse eindringt. Neuere historische Arbeiten haben die Bedeutung der Rassenanthropologie für die Herausbildung nationaler Identitäten und die schrecklichen politischen Folgen, die sich daraus ergeben haben, herausgestellt. Indes geht die Bedeutung der Rassenanthropologie weit über den Nationalismus hinaus. Ich untersuche in diesem Beitrag die Rolle der Rassenanthropologie und der Rassenklassifikationen für die europäische Identitätskonstruktion, wobei ich mich vor allem auf die Kolonialmedizin des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts konzentriere. „Weiße“ und „Europäer“ waren keine austauschbaren Begriffe in der biomedizinischen Wissensproduktion. Das heißt nicht, dass sie nicht gelegentlich verwechselt wurden. Aber sie transportierten verschiedene Bedeutungen. „Weiße“ scheinen hauptsächlich biologische Konnotationen gehabt zu haben, während sowohl eine Beachtung von Natur als auch von Kultur notwendig gewesen ist, um das Europäische des „Europäers“ zu erfassen

    Fibrogenic Secretome of Sirtuin 1-Deficient Endothelial Cells: Wnt, Notch and Glycocalyx Rheostat

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    Sirtuins (SIRT) are ubiquitous histone and protein deacetylases and a member of this family, SIRT1, is the best-studied one. Its functions in endothelial cells encompass branching angiogenesis, activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, regulation of proapoptotic and proinflammatory pathways, among others. Defective SIRT1 activity has been described in various cardiovascular, renal diseases and in aging-associated conditions. Therefore, understanding of SIRT1-deficient, endothelial dysfunctional phenotype has much to offer clinically. Here, we summarize recent studies by several investigative teams of the characteristics of models of global endothelial SIRT1 deficiency, the causes of facilitative development of fibrosis in these conditions, dissect the protein composition of the aberrant secretome of SIRT1-deficient endothelial cells and present several components of this aberrant secretome that are involved in fibrogenesis via activation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts. These include ligands of Wnt and Notch pathways, as well as proteolytic fragments of glycocalyx core protein, syndecan-4. The latter finding is crucial for understanding the degradation of glycocalyx that accompanies SIRT1 deficiency. This spectrum of abnormalities associated with SIRT1 deficiency in endothelial cells is essential for understanding the origins and features of endothelial dysfunction in a host of cardiovascular and renal diseases

    EHLSSA: Europe-Wide Online Learning for Seniors

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    La tecnología domina el futuro, y cada vez en mayor medida penetra en la cultura y en la sociedad. En el curso de esta tendencia, el aprendizaje en línea está adquiriendo importancia y se está convirtiendo en un componente fundamental e integral del aprendizaje permanente. Sin embargo, el grupo de ciudadanos de la tercera edad es uno de los principales que quedan excluidos del uso de las nuevas tecnologías, aunque los dispositivos digitales proporcionan a cada ciudadano nuevas oportunidades y perspectivas. El proyecto EHLSSA –siglas de European Home Learning Service for Seniors Association, Asociación de Servicios Europeos para el Aprendizaje de las Personas Mayores desde el Hogar– toma este hallazgo como punto de partida y desarrolla soluciones de aprendizaje en línea para la tercera edad en toda Europa. El presente artículo presenta la importancia y el valor añadido de modelos de aprendizaje en línea específicamente adaptados a este grupo tan heterogéneo.Technology dominates the future and it is increasingly penetrating culture and society. In the course of this trend, online learning is gaining importance and becoming a crucial and integral component of lifelong learning. Still, the group of senior citizens is one of the groups that are predominantly excluded from using new technologies, though digital devices provide each citizen with new opportunities and perspectives. The EHLSSA project– European Home Learning Service for Seniors Association – takes this finding as its starting point and develops e-learning solutions for seniors around Europe. The importance and added-value of specially adapted e-learning models for this highly heterogeneous group is presented in this article
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