92 research outputs found

    Gamete differentiation : a genetic, biochemical and evolutionary study using Ectocarpus siliculosus

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    Despite its prevalence among eukaryotes, there are still many questions awaiting answers and plenty of discoveries to be made with regard to the mechanisms and maintenance of sexual reproduction. Brown algae (Phaeophyceae) represent a very interesting group to study the evolution of sexual reproduction, owing to the rich variation of life cycles, fertilization modes and sex determination systems displayed by this lineage. Particularly unique are various degrees of sexual dimorphism between gametes of closely related species, ranging from isogamy through anisogamy to oogamy. Therefore, the opportunity to compare these systems on the molecular level in Phaeophyceae promises advancement in our understanding of the evolution of sexual reproduction not only in algae, but in all living organisms. In this thesis we investigated the molecular basis of sexual reproduction and its link to reproductive isolation using a brown algal model organism Ectocarpus siliculosus. We constructed whole transcriptome libraries of male and female gametes to explore their functional differentiation at the gene expression level. We sequenced sex biased genes in a representative number of strains from distant geographical locations and varying stages of reproductive isolation, to search for signatures of positive selection. This thesis has offered the first insight into protist gametes transcriptomes, revealing complex, functional organization and differentiation according to the adopted sexual roles, as well as evolutionary variation of sex biased genes. Our study supports the relevance of algal systems in the research of sexual reproduction and provides a starting point for more exciting discoveries in that field

    Molecular evolution of candidate male reproductive genes in the brown algal model Ectocarpus

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    Background: Evolutionary studies of genes that mediate recognition between sperm and egg contribute to our understanding of reproductive isolation and speciation. Surface receptors involved in fertilization are targets of sexual selection, reinforcement, and other evolutionary forces including positive selection. This observation was made across different lineages of the eukaryotic tree from land plants to mammals, and is particularly evident in free-spawning animals. Here we use the brown algal model species Ectocarpus (Phaeophyceae) to investigate the evolution of candidate gamete recognition proteins in a distant major phylogenetic group of eukaryotes. Results: Male gamete specific genes were identified by comparing transcriptome data covering different stages of the Ectocarpus life cycle and screened for characteristics expected from gamete recognition receptors. Selected genes were sequenced in a representative number of strains from distant geographical locations and varying stages of reproductive isolation, to search for signatures of adaptive evolution. One of the genes (Esi0130_0068) showed evidence of selective pressure. Interestingly, that gene displayed domain similarities to the receptor for egg jelly (REJ) protein involved in sperm-egg recognition in sea urchins. Conclusions: We have identified a male gamete specific gene with similarity to known gamete recognition receptors and signatures of adaptation. Altogether, this gene could contribute to gamete interaction during reproduction as well as reproductive isolation in Ectocarpus and is therefore a good candidate for further functional evaluation

    Human Hsp40 proteins, DNAJA1 and DNAJA2, as potential targets of the immune response triggered by bacterial DnaJ in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Hsp40 proteins of bacterial and human origin are suspected to be involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). It has been shown that sera of RA patients contain increased levels of antibodies directed to bacterial and human Hsp40s. The aim of this work was to explore immunological similarities between the bacterial (DnaJ) and human (DNAJA1 and DNAJA2) Hsp40 proteins in relation to their possible involvement in the RA. Using polyclonal antibodies directed against a full-length DnaJ or its domains, against DNAJA1 and DNAJA2, as well as monoclonal anti-DnaJ antibodies, we found immunological similarities between the bacterial and human Hsp40s. Both ELISA and Western blotting showed that these similarities were not restricted to the conserved J domains but were also present in the C-terminal variable regions. We also found a positive correlation between the levels of the anti-DnaJ and anti-DNAJA1 antibodies in the sera of RA patients. This finding supports the molecular mimicry hypothesis that human Hsp40 could be the targets of antibodies originally directed against bacterial DnaJ in RA. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12192-013-0407-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Local Membrane Deformations Activate Ca2+-Dependent K+ and Anionic Currents in Intact Human Red Blood Cells

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    BACKGROUND: The mechanical, rheological and shape properties of red blood cells are determined by their cortical cytoskeleton, evolutionarily optimized to provide the dynamic deformability required for flow through capillaries much narrower than the cell's diameter. The shear stress induced by such flow, as well as the local membrane deformations generated in certain pathological conditions, such as sickle cell anemia, have been shown to increase membrane permeability, based largely on experimentation with red cell suspensions. We attempted here the first measurements of membrane currents activated by a local and controlled membrane deformation in single red blood cells under on-cell patch clamp to define the nature of the stretch-activated currents. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The cell-attached configuration of the patch-clamp technique was used to allow recordings of single channel activity in intact red blood cells. Gigaohm seal formation was obtained with and without membrane deformation. Deformation was induced by the application of a negative pressure pulse of 10 mmHg for less than 5 s. Currents were only detected when the membrane was seen domed under negative pressure within the patch-pipette. K(+) and Cl(-) currents were strictly dependent on the presence of Ca(2+). The Ca(2+)-dependent currents were transient, with typical decay half-times of about 5-10 min, suggesting the spontaneous inactivation of a stretch-activated Ca(2+) permeability (PCa). These results indicate that local membrane deformations can transiently activate a Ca(2+) permeability pathway leading to increased [Ca(2+)](i), secondary activation of Ca(2+)-sensitive K(+) channels (Gardos channel, IK1, KCa3.1), and hyperpolarization-induced anion currents. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The stretch-activated transient PCa observed here under local membrane deformation is a likely contributor to the Ca(2+)-mediated effects observed during the normal aging process of red blood cells, and to the increased Ca(2+) content of red cells in certain hereditary anemias such as thalassemia and sickle cell anemia

    The Pseudoautosomal Regions of the U/V Sex Chromosomes of the Brown Alga Ectocarpus Exhibit Unusual Features

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    International audienceThe recombining regions of sex chromosomes (pseudoautosomal regions, PARs) are predicted to exhibit unusual features due to their being genetically linked to the nonrecombining, sex-determining region. This phenomenon is expected to occur in both diploid (XY, ZW) and haploid (UV) sexual systems, with slightly different consequences for UV sexual systems because of the absence of masking during the haploid phase (when sex is expressed) and because there is no homozygous sex in these systems. Despite a considerable amount of theoretical work on PAR genetics and evolution, these genomic regions have remained poorly characterized empirically. We show here that although the PARs of the U/V sex chromosomes of the brown alga Ectocarpus recombine at a similar rate to autosomal regions of the genome, they exhibit many genomic features typical of nonrecombining regions. The PARs were enriched in clusters of genes that are preferentially, and often exclusively, expressed during the sporophyte generation of the life cycle, and many of these genes appear to have evolved since the Ectocarpales diverged from other brown algal lineages. A modeling-based approach was used to investigate possible evolutionary mechanisms underlying this enrichment in sporophyte-biased genes. Our results are consistent with the evolution of the PAR in haploid systems being influenced by differential selection pressures in males and females acting on alleles that are advantageous during the sporophyte generation of the life cycle

    DISTAG/TBCCd1 Is Required for Basal Cell Fate Determination in Ectocarpus

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    International audienceBrown algae are one of the most developmentally complex groups within the eukaryotes. As in many land plants and animals, their main body axis is established early in development, when the initial cell gives rise to two daughter cells that have apical and basal identities, equivalent to shoot and root identities in land plants, respectively. We show here that mutations in the Ectocarpus DISTAG (DIS) gene lead to loss of basal structures during both the gametophyte and the sporophyte generations. Several abnormalities were observed in the germinating initial cell in dis mutants, including increased cell size, disorganization of the Golgi apparatus, disruption of the microtubule network, and aberrant positioning of the nucleus. DIS encodes a TBCCd1 protein, which has a role in internal cell organization in animals, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and trypanosomes. Our study highlights the key role of subcellular events within the germinating initial cell in the determination of apical/basal cell identities in a brown alga and emphasizes the remarkable functional conservation of TBCCd1 in regulating internal cell organization across extremely distant eukaryotic groups

    Repeated co-option of HMG-box genes for sex determination in brown algae and animals

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    In many eukaryotes, genetic sex determination is not governed by XX/XY or ZW/ZZ systems but by a specialized region on the poorly studied U (female) or V (male) sex chromosomes. Previous studies have hinted at the existence of a dominant male-sex factor on the V chromosome in brown algae, a group of multicellular eukaryotes distantly related to animals and plants. The nature of this factor has remained elusive. Here, we demonstrate that an HMG-box gene acts as the male-determining factor in brown algae, mirroring the role HMG-box genes play in sex determination in animals. Over a billion-year evolutionary timeline, these lineages have independently co-opted the HMG box for male determination, representing a paradigm for evolution’s ability to recurrently use the same genetic “toolkit” to accomplish similar tasks.</p

    Analysis of the link between the redox state and enzymatic activity of the HtrA (DegP) protein from Escherichia coli

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    Bacterial HtrAs are proteases engaged in extracytoplasmic activities during stressful conditions and pathogenesis. A model prokaryotic HtrA (HtrA/DegP from Escherichia coli) requires activation to cleave its substrates efficiently. In the inactive state of the enzyme, one of the regulatory loops, termed LA, forms inhibitory contacts in the area of the active center. Reduction of the disulfide bond located in the middle of LA stimulates HtrA activity in vivo suggesting that this S-S bond may play a regulatory role, although the mechanism of this stimulation is not known. Here, we show that HtrA lacking an S-S bridge cleaved a model peptide substrate more efficiently and exhibited a higher affinity for a protein substrate. An LA loop lacking the disulfide was more exposed to the solvent; hence, at least some of the interactions involving this loop must have been disturbed. The protein without S-S bonds demonstrated lower thermal stability and was more easily converted to a dodecameric active oligomeric form. Thus, the lack of the disulfide within LA affected the stability and the overall structure of the HtrA molecule. In this study, we have also demonstrated that in vitro human thioredoxin 1 is able to reduce HtrA; thus, reduction of HtrA can be performed enzymatically

    Contrasting effect of dark-chilling on chloroplast structure and arrangement of chlorophyll-protein complexes in pea and tomato: plants with a different susceptibility to non-freezing temperature

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    The effect of dark-chilling and subsequent photoactivation on chloroplast structure and arrangements of chlorophyll-protein complexes in thylakoid membranes was studied in chilling-tolerant (CT) pea and in chilling-sensitive (CS) tomato. Dark-chilling did not influence chlorophyll content and Chl a/b ratio in thylakoids of both species. A decline of Chl a fluorescence intensity and an increase of the ratio of fluorescence intensities of PSI and PSII at 120 K was observed after dark-chilling in thylakoids isolated from tomato, but not from pea leaves. Chilling of pea leaves induced an increase of the relative contribution of LHCII and PSII fluorescence. A substantial decrease of the LHCII/PSII fluorescence accompanied by an increase of that from LHCI/PSI was observed in thylakoids from chilled tomato leaves; both were attenuated by photoactivation. Chlorophyll fluorescence of bright grana discs in chloroplasts from dark-chilled leaves, detected by confocal laser scanning microscopy, was more condensed in pea but significantly dispersed in tomato, compared with control samples. The chloroplast images from transmission-electron microscopy revealed that dark-chilling induced an increase of the degree of grana stacking only in pea chloroplasts. Analyses of O-J-D-I-P fluorescence induction curves in leaves of CS tomato before and after recovery from chilling indicate changes in electron transport rates at acceptor- and donor side of PS II and an increase in antenna size. In CT pea leaves these effects were absent, except for a small but irreversible effect on PSII activity and antenna size. Thus, the differences in chloroplast structure between CS and CT plants, induced by dark-chilling are a consequence of different thylakoid supercomplexes rearrangements