242 research outputs found

    Biodeterioration of the Wooden Roof of the Phnom Penh National Museum

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    Within the framework of a training program in Cambodia, during a visit to the National Museum in Phnom Penh, the most important in the Kingdom of Cambodia, the authors noted the presence of some signs of a termite attack in the secondary elements of the roof of an inner garden. Following this observation, a further investigation was performed in order to evaluate the phytosanitary condition of the wooden bearing element of the roof. The inspection highlighted the presence of severe decay, constituting a real danger for the integrity of the roof; consequently, an intervention of restoration, conservation and safeguard was considered to be necessary and urgent. This paper presents the results of the investigation of the conservation state of the load bearing wooden structures of the National Museum in Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia; moreover, a proposal is put forward for a properly designed intervention to safeguard against the termites in the long term

    Biodeterioration of the Wooden Roof of the Phnom Penh National Museum

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    Within the framework of a training program in Cambodia, during a visit to the National Museum in Phnom Penh, the most important in the Kingdom of Cambodia, the authors noted the presence of some signs of a termite attack in the secondary elements of the roof of an inner garden. Following this observation, a further investigation was performed in order to evaluate the phytosanitary condition of the wooden bearing element of the roof. The inspection highlighted the presence of severe decay, constituting a real danger for the integrity of the roof; consequently, an intervention of restoration, conservation and safeguard was considered to be necessary and urgent. This paper presents the results of the investigation of the conservation state of the load bearing wooden structures of the National Museum in Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia; moreover, a proposal is put forward for a properly designed intervention to safeguard against the termites in the long term.Nella cornice di un programma di formazione in Cambogia, durante una visita al Museo Nazionale di Phnom Penh, il più importante nel Regno di Cambogia, gli autori hanno notato la presenza di alcuni segni di attacco di termiti negli elementi secondari del tetto di un giardino interno. In base a questa osservazione, un’ulteriore indagine fu effettuata per valutare la condizione fitosanitaria dell’elemento portante in legno del tetto. L’ispezione ha evidenziato la presenza di un grave decadimento che costituiva un chiaro pericolo per l’integrità del tetto, dunque un intervento di restauro, conservazione e salvaguardia è stato considerato come necessario ed urgente. In questo lavoro sono presentati i risultati del lavoro di indagine sullo stato di conservazione delle strutture portanti in legno del Museo Nazionale di Phnom Penh, Regno di Cambogia; inoltre è riportata una proposta di intervento correttamente progettato per la salvaguardia contro le termiti per un lungo periodo di tempo

    Signaling and Self-regulation in Venture Capital:Evidence from Investments in the Clean Technology Sector

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    This thesis proposes three studies that provide novel empirical evidence on how different types of VCs' characteristics signal the quality of an entrepreneurial venture and influence investment strategies of funds subject to self-regulation. In the first study we aim at contributing to the ongoing debate on the different effects of reputation and status on organizational outcomes. We explore the signaling value that these two organizational attributes exert on external parties judging the quality of entrepreneurial ventures under uncertainty. Moreover, we examine whether signaling mechanisms are valuable only if the external parties are affected by high information asymmetry with the valued venture. We test our hypotheses using a sample of 1,339 U.S. clean technology ventures that received the first round of Venture Capital (VC) between the years 1990 and 2012. We look at their ability to gather supplemental financial resources for survival and growth by completing an Initial Public Offering (IPO) or an acquisition by an incumbent firm. The findings indicate that VCs' reputation - an economic attribute based on past performance - can signal a venture's quality externally, while VCs' status - a social-standing attribute - does not have signaling value. The results also show that quality signals are more relevant for public investors at IPOs than for managers of acquiring companies. The second study looks at how inter-organizational ties with reputable VCs affect valuations received by entrepreneurial ventures that go public. I propose that the signaling effect of reputable VC ties is lower when there is misalignment of strategic interests between the venture and the VCs. I consider the amount of shares sold by insiders in the initial public offering (IPO) and investors' enforcement of demand registration rights as elements indicating misalignment of interests with the venture. The hypotheses are tested on using a sample of 86 IPOs in the main U.S. stock exchanges completed by entrepreneurial ventures operating in the Clean Technology sector. The results suggest that affiliation with reputable VCs elicits a positive response by public investors. However, public markets react less favorably to ties with reputable VCs when they sell large amount of their shares in the IPO or resort to demand registration rights to force the public offering of their shares. The third study investigates organizations' use of self-regulation as form of symbolic response to normative pressure that does not necessarily entail compliance in practices. I argue that, when self-regulatory initiatives are not supported by an explicit regulatory environment, opportunistic organizations might reduce their efforts to align with the normative ideals through compliant actions and behaviors. The "walking of the talk", which is the implementation of actions that are aligned with the symbolic response, might also be discouraged by alternative means to obtain organizational legitimacy, such as through an organization's status. The hypotheses are tested on a sample of Venture Capital (VC) funds whose limited or general partners voluntarily decided to join the United Nations' Principles of Responsible Investment (UNPRI, 2006) initiative between 2006 and 2014. The results from a difference-in-differences estimation show that VC funds' likelihood to invest in clean technology companies is lower after funds' stakeholders (i.e. general or limited partners) join the UNPRI initiative. I also find that the likelihood to invest in clean technologies after self-regulation is negatively moderated by the VC fund's status

    Active alkaline traps to determine acidic-gas ratios in volcanic plumes: Sampling techniques and analytical methods

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    In situ measurements have been the basis for monitoring volcanic gas emissions for many years and—being complemented by remote sensing techniques—still play an important role to date. Con- cerning in situ techniques for sampling a dilute plume, an increase in accuracy and a reduction of detection limits are still necessary for most gases (e.g., CO2, SO2, HCl, HF, HBr, HI). In this work, the Raschig-Tube tech- nique (RT) is modified and utilized for application on volcanic plumes. The theoretical and experimental absorption properties of the RT and the Drechsel bottle (DB) setups are characterized and both are applied simultaneously to the well-established Filter packs technique (FP) in the field (on Stromboli Island and Mount Etna). The comparison points out that FPs are the most practical to apply but the results are error- prone compared to RT and DB, whereas the RT results in up to 13 times higher analyte concentrations than the DB in the same sampling time. An optimization of the analytical procedure, including sample pretreat- ment and analysis by titration, Ion Chromatography, and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, led to a comprehensive data set covering a wide range of compounds. In particular, less abundant species were quantified more accurately and iodine was detected for the first time in Stromboli's plume. Simultane- ously applying Multiaxis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) the chemical transforma- tion of emitted bromide into bromine monoxide (BrO) from Stromboli and Etna was determined to 3–6% and 7%, respectively, within less than 5 min after the gas release from the active vents

    Puppy growth rate during early periods of labrador retriever development: role of litter size and photoperiod of birth

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    Several studies have recently investigated the birth weight of puppies from different pure-bred dogs. In general, birth weight decreased with litter size but there has been limited investigation into factors influencing growth during early development. The first month of life includes three stages of puppy development: neonatal (0–13 days), transitional (14–20 days), and first week of socialisation period (21–28 days). The aim of this study was to evaluate bodyweight and growth rate of 120 Labrador Retriever (LR) puppies during early development. Puppies from 19 show-line bitches under standardised composition of diet during pregnancy and lactation were involved in this study. Puppies were weighed weekly from birth to 28 days using an electronic digital balance. Relative weight gain (ΔW) was calculated for the neonatal period [ΔW1 = (Wday14-Wday0)/Wday0], transition period [ΔW2 = (Wday21-Wday14)/Wday14] and first week of socialisation period [ΔW2 = (Wday28-Wday21)/Wday21]. The effects of covariates on ΔW were assessed using generalised linear mixed models. Sex and photoperiod had no impact on relative weight gain, whereas litter size had a significant effect at ΔW1 (p < .01) but not at ΔW2 and at ΔW3. Relative weight gain was slightly lower in puppies from larger litter born during short photoperiod on ΔW1. A deeper knowledge of the factors that significantly influence weight gain during the first four weeks of life could be useful for physiological and behavioural science as well as for canine breeding management.Highlights 120 Labrador Retriever puppies were weighed weekly from birth to 28 days using an electronic digital balance. Relative weight gain (ΔW) was calculated for the neonatal period (ΔW1), transition period (ΔW2) and first week of socialisation period (ΔW3). Litter size had a significant effect on relative weight gain at ΔW1 but not at ΔW2 and ΔW3. Relative weight gain was slightly lower in puppies from larger litter born during short photoperiod on ΔW1

    Correlation between sperm parameters and circulating thyroid hormones and testosterone concentrations in Labrador Retriever dog

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    Thyroid hormones physiologically regulate the semen quality, by altering testosterone concentrations, and different seminal parameters, as well as sperm motility, viability and semen volume. Serum thyroxine (T4), free thyroxine (fT4), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and testosterone (T) concentrations were measured in 26 adult Labrador Retriever dogs (n. 20 normospermic and n. 6 azoospermic groups), aged 3 ± 0.5 years old, to determine their specific references, by taking into account the related conventional and kinematic sperm parameters and clinical ultrasound evaluations. The mean values of T4, fT4, TSH and T concentrations, as soon as those of sperm parameters and clinical evaluations of normospermic group were in line with dog's physiological range of literature data. Normospermic group showed significant correlations between T4 and T (r = −0.681; p < .01), sperm progressive motility (%) (r = −0.623; p < .01), and sperm non-progressive motility (%) (r = 0.625; p < .02). The azoospermic group showed higher T4, fT4, TSH and lower T concentrations, compared to normospermic group, and a positive correlation between T4 and T (r = 0.8548; p < .046). The use of breed-specific hormonal ranges and sperm parameters will improve the knowledge of their interaction in Labrador Retriever dogs, adding a new segment of scientific literature.Highlights Thyroxine (T4), free thyroxine (fT4), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and testosterone (T) concentrations were measured in male dogs. Conventional and kinematic sperm parameters were also evaluated. Dogs were divided in 20 normospermic and n. 6 azoospermic Labrador Retrivers. Azoospermic group showed higher values of T4, fT4, TSH and lower values of T compared to normospermic Use of breed-specific hormonal ranges and sperm parameters will improve the knowledge of scientific literature

    Spatial anomaly detection in sensor networks using neighborhood information

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    The field of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), embedded systems with sensing and networking capability, has now matured after a decade-long research effort and technological advances in electronics and networked systems. An important remaining challenge now is to extract meaningful information from the ever-increasing amount of sensor data collected by WSNs. In particular, there is strong interest in algorithms capable of automatic detection of patterns, events or other out-of-the order, anomalous system behavior. Data anomalies may indicate states of the system that require further analysis or prompt actions. Traditionally, anomaly detection techniques are executed in a central processing facility, which requires the collection of all measurement data at a central location, an obvious limitation for WSNs due to the high data communication costs involved. In this paper we explore the extent by which one may depart from this classical centralized paradigm, looking at decentralized anomaly detection based on unsupervised machine learning. Our aim is to detect anomalies at the sensor nodes, as opposed to centrally, to reduce energy and spectrum consumption. We study the information gain coming from aggregate neighborhood data, in comparison to performing simple, in-node anomaly detection. We evaluate the effects of neighborhood size and spatio-temporal correlation on the performance of our new neighborhood-based approach using a range of real-world network deployments and datasets. We find the conditions that make neighborhood data fusion advantageous, identifying also the cases in which this approach does not lead to detectable improvements. Improvements are linked to the diffusive properties of data (spatio-temporal correlations) but also to the type of sensors, anomalies and network topological features. Overall, when a dataset stems from a similar mixture of diffusive processes precision tends to benefit, particularly in terms of recall. Our work paves the way towards understanding how distributed data fusion methods may help managing the complexity of wireless sensor networks, for instance in massive Internet of Things scenarios
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