384 research outputs found

    O regulamento sanitário internacional (2005) e a vigilância em saúde

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    Aborda-se no presente artigo a participação do Brasil e do Mercado Comum do Sul (MERCOSUL) no processo de revisão do Regulamento Sanitário Internacional da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), que teve início em 1995 e foi finalizado em maio de 2005. Numa visão retrospectiva — a partir do exame documental e de relatos da experiência do autor, enquanto testemunha ocular desse processo — são analisadas as principais mudanças introduzidas neste instrumento de direito internacional, bem como as medidas necessárias para a sua implementação em cada país e, especificamente, no Brasil. As conclusões apontam para a necessidade de uma ampla articulação entre os diversos segmentos do setor de saúde e demais setores envolvidos no tráfego e comércio entre países, além da cooperação internacional e do apoio da própria OMS, objetivando evitar a propagação internacional de doenças e seus agentes patógenos

    Distribuição e impacto de espécies incrustantes na maricultura de Santa Catarina

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    Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Rosana M. da RochaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Conservação. Defesa : Curitiba, 30/09/2021Inclui referênciasResumo: A maricultura é responsável tanto pela introdução intencional de espécies não nativas para fins comerciais, como por fornecer substrato para espécies epibiontes/incrustantes introduzidas, que podem reduzir a qualidade dos bivalves e causar a depreciação de equipamentos (boias, cordas, embarcações, etc.). Neste sentido, o Capítulo I e II apresentam uma lista de espécies-alvo com resultados de levantamentos de distribuição, frequência e do impacto das incrustações, realizados em oito fazendas de mexilhões nos municípios de maior produtividade em Santa Catarina. Styela plicata foi a espécie mais difundida e ocorreu em mais de 70% de todos os substratos avaliados em cada local. De norte a sul, outras espécies muito frequentes (> 50% dos substratos) foram Megabalanus coccopoma, Aplidium accarense e Didemnum perlucidum na Penha, Schizoporella errata em Governador Celso Ramos, Branchiomma luctuosum e M. coccopoma em Palhoça e Florianópolis. As espécies-alvo eram geralmente mais frequentes em boias do que em long-lines, e as principais espécies incrustantes eram M. coccopoma, S. plicata e S. errata. Já nas pencas de mexilhões, S. plicata (98% das pencas), B. luctuosum, M. coccopoma, S. errata (>50%) e D. perlucidum (40%). Também descobrimos que os mexilhões eram 19-36% menores em tamanho e até 60% mais leves quando recobertos pelas espécies D. perlucidum, M. coccopoma e/ou S. errata, mas, considerando a classificação de impacto, Mytilus galloprovincialis classificou-se com maiores impactos negativos para os produtores. Mytilus foi introduzido recentemente em Santa Catarina e tem causado prejuízos sem precedentes à produção na região de Bombinhas. O monitoramento do mexilhão invasor e de Perna perna em Bombinhas, ao longo de um ano, revela que o recrutamento é sazonal e semelhante ao longo do ano, tornando impossível evitar a espécie invasora nos coletores de Perna. Análises moleculares apontam para a possibilidade de um único evento de introdução e o Mar Mediterrâneo como a região de origem dos indivíduos introduzidos no estado. No Capítulo final desta tese, apresentamos um estudo do potencial da maricultura de Santa Catarina em tornarse fonte de propágulos de espécies incrustantes para outras regiões do país. Considerando dois cenários representativos de emissões de gases do efeito estufa, descobriu-se que as áreas de habitat com alta adequabilidade ambiental permanecem no futuro (2040-50). Os estados de Pernambuco e Ceará, estão em maior risco devido à alta adequabilidade às espécies D. perlucidum e M. coccopoma e conectividade relativamente maior apontada pelo volume de cargas recebido em navios de contêineres saindo de Santa Catarina.Abstract: Mariculture is responsible both for the intentional introduction of non-native species for commercial purposes, as well as for providing substrate for introduced epibiont/fouling species, which can reduce the quality of bivalves and cause depreciation of equipment (buoys, ropes, vessels, etc.). In this sense, Chapter I and II present a list of target species with results of the distribution and frequency survey, carried out in eight mussel farms in the municipalities with higher productivity and estimates of species impact in southern Brazil. The ascidian Styela plicata was the most widespread species and occurred in more than 70% of all substrates evaluated at each site. From north to south, other very frequent species (> 50% of substrates) were the barnacle Megabalanus coccopoma and the ascidians Aplidium accarense and Didemnum perlucidum in Penha, the bryozoan Schizoporella errata in Governador Celso Ramos, the polychaete Branchiomma luctuosum and M. coccopoma in Palhoça and Florianópolis. The target species were usually more frequent on buoys than on long-lines, and the main fouling species were M. coccopoma, S. plicata and S. errata. Fouling mussel socks were S. plicata (98% of the socks), B. luctuosum, M. coccopoma, S. errata (>50%) and D. perlucidum (40%). We found that mussels were 19-36% smaller in size and weighed 60% less when covered by species D. perlucidum, M. coccopoma and/or S.errata but, considering the impact classification, Mytilus galloprovincialis ranked higher in the negative impacts to the producers. Mytilus was recently introduced in Santa Catarina and has caused unprecedented damage to production in Bombinhas. The monitoring of the invasive mussel and Perna perna in Bombinhas, over the course of one year, reveals that similar trends in seasonal recruitment makes it impossible to avoid the invasive species in Perna collectors. Molecular analyses point to the possibility of a single introduction event and the Mediterranean Sea as the region of origin of the individuals introduced into the state. In the final Chapter of this thesis, we present a study on the potential of Santa Catarina mariculture becoming a source of propagules of fouling species to other regions of the country. Considering two representative scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions, we found that habitat areas with high suitability remain in the future (2040-50). The states of Pernambuco and Ceará are at greater risk due to the high environmental suitability to the species D. perlucidum and M. coccopoma and connectivity indicated by the volume of goods transported in container ships with Santa Catarina as port of call

    Avaliação global do risco de invasão de ascídias (Chordata:Tunicata) utilizando modelagem de nicho

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    Orientador : Profª. Drª. Rosana Moreira da RochaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Conservação. Defesa: Curitiba, 04/11/2016Inclui referências : f. 46-58Área de concentraçãoResumo: Os ecossistemas podem ser transformados pelas espécies invasoras que causam tanto perdas ecológicas, quanto econômicas. Ascídias são invertebrados sésseis e seus representantes são modelos importantes para o estudo de dinâmicas de introduções. Estes organismos são abundantes em substratos artificiais e possuem larvas de curta duração, impossibilitando transpor grandes distâncias geográficas. Portanto, a dispersão transoceânica geralmente depende do transporte humano. Além disso, introduções recorrentes são comuns, aumentando o risco de invasão. Análises de risco que avaliem a probabilidade de organismos de portos doadores sobreviverem em portos receptores permitem antecipar medidas mitigatórias. Apresentamos uma avaliação, considerando dezenove espécies-alvo (algumas consideradas invasoras de preocupação global), utilizando como ferramenta a modelagem de distribuição de espécies baseada no nicho (MNE). A MNE consiste na combinação de variáveis ambientais e registros de presença (ocorrência) de espécies para parametrizar modelos de previsão de locais adequados à sobrevivência das espécies. Neste estudo testamos um conjunto de algoritmos (Random Forest - RF, Support Vector Machine - SVM e MaxEnt) por sua habilidade de predição, validamos utilizando medidas independentes (area under the curve - AUC) e dependentes do limiar (true skill statistics - TSS). As variáveis ambientais utilizadas na análise foram temperatura oceânica superficial, salinidade e clorofila a. Os três algoritmos foram bem sucedidos para as espécies (TSS>0,4) e os valores AUC para os conjuntos de modelos para cada espécie apresentaram pouca variação (AUC>0,7). Os modelos finais obtidos a partir do ensemble destes três algoritmos mostraram que existem condições ambientais para a expansão da distribuição de todas as espécies avaliadas em novas áreas de introdução. Considerando a adequabilidade ambiental e a conectividade entre áreas doadoras e receptoras através de rotas comerciais marítimas, foi possível determinar que as áreas mais vulneráveis à invasão pelas espécies estudadas foram o Atlântico sudoeste e o Pacífico nordeste. Regiões bastante invadidas como o Atlântico noroeste e o Mediterrâneo ainda comportam possibilidade de expansão regional das populações já conhecidas. Testando uma combinação de algoritmos informamos áreas que devem ser priorizadas para o monitoramento de futuras introduções e áreas em que medidas imediatas no controle populacional de espécies já estabelecidas devem ser tomadas devido ao risco de expansão de sua distribuição.Abstract: Ecosystems can be transformed by invasive species that cause both ecological and economic losses. Sea squirts are sessile invertebrates and their representants are important models for the study of issues on introduction dynamics. These organisms are abundant in artificial substrates and have short life span larvae, making it impossible to transpose large geographic distances. Therefore, the transoceanic dispersion generally depends on the human transport. In addition, oftentimes introductions are common issues, increasing the risk of invasion. Risk assessments on the likelihood of donors ports species survive in recipients ports allow anticipate mitigation measures. We present an evaluation considering nineteen target species (some considered invasive of global concern), using distribution modeling based on the niche of species as tool (ENM). The ENM is the combination of environmental variables and presence records (occurrence) of species to parameterize forecasting models of suitable sites for species survival. This study tested a set of algorithms (Random Forest - RF, Support Vector Machine - SVM and MaxEnt) for its predictive ability, validated using independent (area under the curve - AUC) and dependent threshold measurements (true skill statistics - TSS). Environmental variables used in the analysis were sea surface temperature, salinity and chlorophyll a. The three algorithms produced good predictions for the species (TSS> 0.4) and AUC values for each species showed little variation (AUC> 0.7). The final model obtained from the ensemble of these three algorithms showed environmental conditions for the expansion of distribution of all species assessed and new suitable áreas for introductions. Considering the environmental suitability and connectivity between donor and recipient areas through maritime trade routes, it was determined that the areas most vulnerable to invasion by species studied were the Southwest Atlantic and Northeast Pacific. Regions often invaded as the Northwest Atlantic and the Mediterranean also contain possibility of regional expansion of known populations. Testing a combination of algorithms we reported areas that should be prioritized for monitoring future issues and areas where immediate action on population control of already established species should be taken because of the risk of expansion of its distribution given its environmental suitability

    The product field of values

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    For two n-by-n matrices, A, B, the product field of values is the set P(A, B) = {\u3c AX, X \u3e \u3c Bx, X \u3e : X is an element of C-n, parallel to X parallel to = 1}. In this paper, we establish basic properties of the product field of values. The main results are a proof that the product field is a simply connected subset of the complex plane and a characterization of matrix pairs for which the product field has nonempty interior. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Toward Conceptualizing Perplexity in Cybersecurity: An Exploratory Study

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    As cybersecurity threats continue to evolve, and cybersecurity teams strive to protect digital infrastructures, employees often get perplexed by the threats and corresponding countermeasures. Drawing from a literature review and a qualitative exploratory study with 85 participants, this paper conceptualizes a novel concept, namely, cybersecurity perplexity. Cybersecurity perplexity refers to a paradoxical psychological state that individuals experience when facing adverse cybersecurity conditions in the workplace (e.g., ambiguous or surprising information security (ISec) policies or awareness of cybersecurity threats). Cybersecurity perplexity has three interrelated dimensions: cybersecurity confusion, cybersecurity pressure, and cybersecurity response uncertainty. Central to cybersecurity perplexity is that individuals are confused and uncertain about responding to adverse cybersecurity conditions yet feel pressure to act. We contribute to the ISec literature by providing a conceptualization of cybersecurity perplexity and initiating a discussion about this novel phenomenon encouraging future research

    O Caso Nissan: superação da antinomia liderança versus burocracia?

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    This article presents the results of a study about the Nissan’s succession process, which happened after the transference of shareholding control from the Japanese company to the French Renault and that appointed Brazilian executive Carlos Ghosn as Nissan’s CEO. Having personal characteristics which distinguish him as a charismatic leader, the Brazilian executive had the challenger of rescuing Nissan from a nearly bankrupt. For characterization and analysis of the Brazilian executive and Nissan, it was applied the analytical model multidimensional-reflexivo of Alves (2003), which is founded on Max Weber’s typology ofsocial action and ideal types of domination. Comparing Carlos Ghosn´s management with his predecessor, the Japanese Y. Kume, it was possible to conclude, based on the analytical instrument used, that the antinomy between leadership and bureaucracy happens in ideal types theory, however, in practice, these two concepts can be visualized as non–opposed

    Filosofia, retomada e sentido

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    O presente artigo pretende expor a Filosofia de Eric Weil a partir da relação intrínseca, tanto da categoria Sentido, como do conceito de retomada, presentes em todo o seu corpo filosófico. O texto apresenta, ainda, o próprio conceito de retomada como elemento teórico que permite a abertura do sistema weiliano e uma forma privilegiada de aplicação da cate­goria Sentido. Assim, Filosofia, Sentido e Retomada são compreendidos enquanto termos entrelaçados que permitem a apreensão da história humana como algo sensato.Cet article a pour but d’envisager la philosophie d’Eric Weil sous l’angle du rapport intrinsèque entre la catégorie du Sens et le concept de reprise, lesquels sont présents dans tout le corpus philosophique de Weil. L’article présente aussi le concept de reprise en tant qu’élément théorique qui permet l’ouverture du système weilien, ainsi qu’une forme privilégiée d’application de la catégorie du Sens. Philosophie, Sens et reprise sont ainsi envisagés en tant que termes enchevêtrés qui, ensemble, permettent la compréhension de l’histoire humaine en tant que sensée

    Emotion regulation and trader expertise: heart rate variability on the trading floor

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    We describe a psychophysiological study of the emotion regulation of investment bank traders. Building on work on the role of emotions in financial decision-making, we examine the relationship between market conditions, trader experience and emotion regulation whilst trading, as indexed by high frequency heart rate variability (HF HRV). We find a significant inverse relationship between HF HRV and market volatility and a positive relationship between HF HRV and trader experience. We argue that this suggests that emotion regulation may be an important facet of trader expertise and that learning effects demonstrated in financial markets may include improved emotion regulation as an important component of that learning. Our results also suggest the value of investigating the role of effective emotion regulation in a broader range of financial decision-making contexts. Keywords: Emotion Regulation, Financial Decision-Making, Market Volatility, Trading, Heart Rate Variabilit

    Marine aquaculture as a source of propagules of invasive fouling species

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    Non-indigenous species tend to colonize aquaculture installations, especially when they are near international ports. In addition to the local environmental hazard that colonizing non-indigenous species pose, they can also take advantage of local transport opportunities to spread elsewhere. In this study, we examined the risk of the spread of eight invasive fouling species that are found in mussel farms in southern Brazil. We used ensemble niche models based on worldwide occurrences of these species, and environmental variables (ocean temperature and salinity) to predict suitable areas for each species with three algorithms (Maxent, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine). As a proxy for propagule pressure, we used the tonnage transported by container ships from Santa Catarina (the main mariculture region) that travel to other Brazilian ports. We found that ports in the tropical states of Pernambuco, Ceará, and Bahia received the largest tonnage, although far from Santa Catarina and in a different ecoregion. The ascidians Aplidium accarense and Didemnum perlucidum are known from Bahia, with a high risk of invasion in the other states. The bryozoan Watersipora subtorquata also has a high risk of establishment in Pernambuco, while the ascidian Botrylloides giganteus has a medium risk in Bahia. Paraná, a state in the same ecoregion as Santa Catarina is likely to be invaded by all species. A second state in this region, Rio Grande do Sul, is vulnerable to A. accarense, the barnacle Megabalanus coccopoma, and the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. Climate change is changing species latitudinal distributions and most species will gain rather than lose area in near future (by 2050). As an ideal habitat for fouling organisms and invasive species, aquaculture farms can increase propagule pressure and thus the probability that species will expand their distributions, especially if they are close to ports. Therefore, an integrated approach of the risks of both aquaculture and nautical transport equipment present in a region is necessary to better inform decision-making procedures aiming at the expansion or establishment of new aquaculture farms. The risk maps provided will allow authorities and regional stakeholders to prioritize areas of concern for mitigating the present and future spread of fouling species