12 research outputs found

    Immunohistochemical Evidence from APP-Transgenic Mice for Glutaminyl Cyclase as Drug Target to Diminish pE-Abeta Formation

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    Oligomeric assemblies of neurotoxic amyloid beta (Abeta) peptides generated by proteolytical processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) play a key role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). In recent years, a substantial heterogeneity of Abeta peptides with distinct biophysical and cell biological properties has been demonstrated. Among these, a particularly neurotoxic and disease-specific Abeta variant is N-terminally truncated and modified to pyroglutamate (pE-Abeta). Cell biological and animal experimental studies imply the catalysis of this modification by the enzyme glutaminyl cyclase (QC). However, direct histopathological evidence in transgenic animals from comparative brain region and cell type-specific expression of transgenic hAPP and QC, on the one hand, and on the formation of pE-Abeta aggregates, on the other, is lacking. Here, using single light microscopic, as well as triple immunofluorescent, labeling, we report the deposition of pE-Abeta only in the brain regions of APP-transgenic Tg2576 mice with detectable human APP and endogenous QC expression, such as the hippocampus, piriform cortex, and amygdala. Brain regions showing human APP expression without the concomitant presence of QC (the anterodorsal thalamic nucleus and perifornical nucleus) do not display pE-Abeta plaque formation. However, we also identified brain regions with substantial expression of human APP and QC in the absence of pE-Abeta deposition (the Edinger-Westphal nucleus and locus coeruleus). In these brain regions, the enzymes required to generate N-truncated Abeta peptides as substrates for QC might be lacking. Our observations provide additional evidence for an involvement of QC in AD pathogenesis via QC-catalyzed pE-Abeta formation

    TWISTED DWARF1 mediates the action of auxin transport inhibitors on actin cytoskeleton dynamics

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    Plant growth and architecture is regulated by the polar distribution of the hormone auxin. Polarity and flexibility of this process is provided by constant cycling of auxin transporter vesicles along actin filaments, coordinated by a positive auxin-actin feedback loop. Both polar auxin transport and vesicle cycling are inhibited by synthetic auxin transport inhibitors, such as 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), counteracting the effect of auxin; however, underlying targets and mechanisms are unclear. Using NMR, we map the NPA binding surface on the Arabidopsis thaliana ABCB chaperone TWISTED DWARF1 (TWD1). We identify ACTIN7 as a relevant, although likely indirect, TWD1 interactor, and show TWD1-dependent regulation of actin filament organization and dynamics and that TWD1 is required for NPA-mediated actin cytoskeleton remodeling. The TWD1-ACTIN7 axis controls plasma membrane presence of efflux transporters, and as a consequence act7 and twd1 share developmental and physiological phenotypes indicative of defects in auxin transport. These can be phenocopied by NPA treatment or by chemical actin (de)stabilization. We provide evidence that TWD1 determines downstream locations of auxin efflux transporters by adjusting actin filament debundling and dynamizing processes and mediating NPA action on the latter. This function appears to be evolutionary conserved since TWD1 expression in budding yeast alters actin polarization and cell polarity and provides NPA sensitivity

    NMR assignments of the FKBP-type PPIase domain of FKBP42 from Arabidopsis thaliana

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    The Atfkbp42 gene is associated with reduced and disoriented growth of Arabidopsis thaliana. Resonance assignments are reported for the FKBP-type PPIase domain of AtFKBP42. Signal intensities reveal an additional structure element that is atypical for such FKBP domains

    Structure and Dynamics of Meprin β in Complex with a Hydroxamate-Based Inhibitor

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    The astacin protease Meprin β represents an emerging target for drug development due to its potential involvement in disorders such as acute and chronic kidney injury and fibrosis. Here, we elaborate on the structural basis of inhibition by a specific Meprin β inhibitor. Our analysis of the crystal structure suggests different binding modes of the inhibitor to the active site. This flexibility is caused, at least in part, by movement of the C-terminal region of the protease domain (CTD). The CTD movement narrows the active site cleft upon inhibitor binding. Compared with other astacin proteases, among these the highly homologous isoenzyme Meprin α, differences in the subsites account for the unique selectivity of the inhibitor. Although the inhibitor shows substantial flexibility in orientation within the active site, the structural data as well as binding analyses, including molecular dynamics simulations, support a contribution of electrostatic interactions, presumably by arginine residues, to binding and specificity. Collectively, the results presented here and previously support an induced fit and substantial movement of the CTD upon ligand binding and, possibly, during catalysis. To the best of our knowledge, we here present the first structure of a Meprin β holoenzyme containing a zinc ion and a specific inhibitor bound to the active site. The structural data will guide rational drug design and the discovery of highly potent Meprin inhibitors

    The FKBP-Type Domain of the Human Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Interacting Protein Reveals an Unusual Hsp90 Interaction

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    The aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein (AIP) has been predicted to consist of an N-terminal FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl <i>cis</i>/<i>trans</i> isomerase (PPIase) domain and a C-terminal tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain, as typically found in FK506-binding immunophilins. AIP, however, exhibited no inherent FK506 binding or PPIase activity. Alignment with the prototypic FKBP12 showed a high sequence homology but indicated inconsistencies with regard to the secondary structure prediction derived from chemical shift analysis of AIP<sup>2–166</sup>. NMR-based structure determination of AIP<sup>2–166</sup> now revealed a typical FKBP fold with five antiparallel β-strands forming a half β-barrel wrapped around a central α-helix, thus permitting AIP to be also named FKBP37.7 according to FKBP nomenclature. This PPIase domain, however, features two structure elements that are unusual for FKBPs: (i) an N-terminal α-helix, which additionally stabilizes the domain, and (ii) a rather long insert, which connects the last two β-strands and covers the putative active site. Diminution of the latter insert did not generate PPIase activity or FK506 binding capability, indicating that the lack of catalytic activity in AIP is the result of structural differences within the PPIase domain. Compared to active FKBPs, a diverging conformation of the loop connecting β-strand C′ and the central α-helix apparently is responsible for this inherent lack of catalytic activity in AIP. Moreover, Hsp90 was identified as potential physiological interaction partner of AIP, which revealed binding contacts not only at the TPR domain but uncommonly also at the PPIase domain

    Mammalian-like type II glutaminyl cyclases in Porphyromonas gingivalis and other oral pathogenic bacteria as targets for treatment of periodontitis.

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    The development of a targeted therapy would significantly improve the treatment of periodontitis and its associated diseases including Alzheimer's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and cardiovascular diseases. Glutaminyl cyclases (QCs) from the oral pathogens Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, and Prevotella intermedia represent attractive target enzymes for small-molecule inhibitor development, as their action is likely to stabilize essential periplasmic and outer membrane proteins by N-terminal pyroglutamination. In contrast to other microbial QCs that utilize the so-called type I enzymes, these oral pathogens possess sequences corresponding to type II QCs, observed hitherto only in animals. However, whether differences between these bacteroidal QCs and animal QCs are sufficient to enable development of selective inhibitors is not clear. To learn more, we recombinantly expressed all three QCs. They exhibit comparable catalytic efficiencies and are inhibited by metal chelators. Crystal structures of the enzymes from P. gingivalis (PgQC) and T. forsythia (TfQC) reveal a tertiary structure composed of an eight-stranded β-sheet surrounded by seven α-helices, typical of animal type II QCs. In each case, an active site Zn ion is tetrahedrally coordinated by conserved residues. Nevertheless, significant differences to mammalian enzymes are found around the active site of the bacteroidal enzymes. Application of a PgQC-selective inhibitor described here for the first time results in growth inhibition of two P. gingivalis clinical isolates in a dose-dependent manner. The insights gained by these studies will assist in the development of highly specific small-molecule bacteroidal QC inhibitors, paving the way for alternative therapies against periodontitis and associated diseases