55 research outputs found

    How Can Idea Campaigns Generate Ideas to Trigger Innovation?

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    Issue of study: The starting point for innovation is ideas, which can be seen as fuel to the innovation process as it supplies the innovation funnel with new or improved concepts that finally may spark innovation. There is a vast literature on the success of a few radical ideation methods and the use of creativity tools, while few have dealt with the use and effects of ideation approaches in practice. The idea for this master's thesis initially came from E.ON, a large utility company, which expressed a need to address the problem of internal ideation and how to take advantage of employees’ ideas to trigger innovation. Tapping into the creativity of employees and collecting their ideas is, in fact, a general desire of companies. However, managing ideation is a common challenge for large organisations. This is because ideation is often done autonomously in smaller organisations, whereas in large organisations a more structured approach towards idea management is needed in order to attain employees’ ideas. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of how large organisations in general, and E.ON in particular, can conduct an idea campaign successfully in the front end of innovation Methodology: Based on the purpose of this study, a qualitative case study with a deductive approach was chosen for this thesis. The data collection mainly includes responses gathered from surveys and interviews with representatives at pre-study companies, as well as with E.ON employees. Conclusions: Six key factors for managing ideation, namely communication, collaboration, incentives, innovation climate, management support, and idea management, have been identified during the course of this master’s thesis. These factors have been studied in literature and then been validated as important in a pre-study including six large Swedish companies, as well as in a case study conducted at E.ON. All of the key factors are considered to be important for managing ideation successfully in large organisations. Based on the identified key factors, an Idea Campaign Framework for how to conduct an idea campaign successfully was developed in this thesis. The framework as a whole includes three phases of ideation: ideation planning, ideation execution and ideation follow up. The main focus in this thesis has been on the execution phase, which was developed to help large organisations to conduct an idea campaign successfully. The execution phase illustrates how key factors should be addressed in order to trigger certain features, which in turn would lead to desired effects of a successful idea campaign. The Idea Campaign Framework has been empirically tested at E.ON in Malmö, through the launch of an idea competition called ‘Bright Ideas’. The idea competition was launched during two weeks in the spring of 2013 and resulted in 160 ideas. The empirical evidence from the test at the case company conclude that the elements in the Idea Campaign Framework are important to consider in attaining employees’ ideas in large organisations. To conclude, the framework may be used as a guide for how to conduct an idea campaign successfully in order to attain employees’ ideas and feed the innovation funnel

    Att beskriva platser

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    Vid gestaltning av landskapsarkitektur finns en mÀngd aspekter att ta hÀnsyn till. Detta arbete undersöker om det finns teorier som kan stödja och inspirera i en sÄdan process. Huvudsyftet med arbetet var att ge oss kunskaper för att i framtiden kunna skapa vÀlfungerande platser i ett gestaltande, funktionellt och socialt perspektiv. Uppsatsens mÄl var att lÀsa och förstÄ sÄvÀl klassiska verk som nutida författare och jÀmföra deras tankar. För att fÄ en djupare förstÄelse för litteraturen har platsstudier utförts pÄ tvÄ olika gaturum i Malmö. I en litteraturstudie sammanfattas litteraturen med hÀnsyn till de valda platserna. Genom att lÀsa litteratur, besöka och studera platserna har vi analyserat och fört ett resonemang kring vÄra frÄgestÀllningar: Finns det teorier som kan anvÀndas för att beskriva platser/gaturum och hur de anvÀnds? Vad har dessa teorier gemensamt och pÄ vilket sÀtt motsÀger de varandra? Svaren pÄ vÄra frÄgestÀllningar Àr att det finns mÄnga teorier för att beskriva platser/gaturum och hur de anvÀnds. De teorier vi valde gav oss ett nytt synsÀtt pÄ staden, dess innehÄll och anvÀndning. Den valda litteraturen visade sig ha flera gemensamma synsÀtt pÄ offentliga platser, som bland annat den sociala betydelsen av mÀnniskor i det offentliga rummet, behovet av en mÄngfald av olika mÀnniskor pÄ de offentliga platserna och hur viktigt det Àr att platser innehar en identitet. Litteraturens olika uppfattningar kan sÀgas bero pÄ deras olika ÀmnesomrÄden och de olika skalorna i staden de verkar pÄ. Litteraturen gick isÀr i frÄgor om orientering i staden, gaturummets gestaltning och betydelsen av handel. Slutsatsen Àr att vi endast skrapat pÄ ytan av den kunskap som finns om gestaltning inom landskapsarkitektur, men att lÀrdomarna vi fÄtt ger oss en grund att stÄ pÄ för vidare resonemang.When designing landscape architecture there are a lot of aspects to take into consideration. This work examines whether there are theories which can support and inspire in such a process. The main objective of this task was to obtain the knowledge about how to create well-functioning places in aspects of design, functionality and in social perspective. The thesis goal was to read and understand both classical works and contemporary writers and to compare their thoughts. To gain a deeper understanding of the literature, place studies have been carried out on two different streets in Malmö. In a literature study we summarized the literature with regard to the selected sites. By reading literature, visiting and studying the sites we have analyzed and discussed our questions: Are there theories that can be used to describe places/streets and how they are used? What do these theories have in common and how do they contradict each other? The answers to our questions is that there are many theories to describe places/streets and how they are used. The theories we chose gave us a new perspective on the city, its content and use. The selected literature was found to have several common perceptions about public space, including the social importance of people in the public space, the need for a diversity of people in public space and how important it is for places to have an identity. The differences in the literature can be due to the variation of the authors opinions what they find are the most important aspects in a city. The literature differed on questions of orientation, the design of the street and regarding the importance of commerce. The conclusion is that we have only scratched the surface of the knowledge available about designing landscape architecture, but that our work have given us a foundation for further discussion

    A screening study of relationships among concentrations of algal toxins, PFAS, thiamine deficiency and biomarkers in the European flounder from the southern Baltic Sea

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    In the disturbed Baltic Sea ecosystem, several animal species display failing health related to exposure to toxic compounds, reduced energy metabolism and immune system disorders. In order to investigate possible associations between fish health and exposure to chemicals affecting the energy metabolism and immune defence, the levels of algal toxins (bromophenols, hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers and nodularin), perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) and thiamine (vitamin B1) were determined in European flounder (Platichthys flesus). Several biomarkers indicating health status were examined in the fish, including ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD), and activities of glutathione reductase, glutathione S-transferase and catalase, in addition to a large set of blood variables. The fish were collected from Hanobukten in the south-western parts of the Baltic Sea in late August 2018. Regression analyses of algal toxins, PFAS and thiamine concentration displayed several significant associations with biomarkers associated with detoxification and liver function, immune system function and blood status of the fish. (c) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Linking process rates with modelling data and ecosystem characteristics

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    This report is related to the BONUS project “Nutrient Cocktails in COAstal zones of the Baltic Sea” alias COCOA. The aim of BONUS COCOA is to investigate physical, biogeochemical and biological processes in a combined and coordinated fashion to improve the understanding of the interaction of these processes on the removal of nutrients along the land-sea interface. The report is especially related to BONUS COCOA WP 6 in which the main objective is extrapolation of results from the BONUS COCOA learning sites to coastal sites around the Baltic Sea in general. Specific objectives of this deliverable (D6.4) were to connect observed process rates with modelling data and ecosystem characteristics. In the report we made statistical analyses of observations from BONUS COCOA study sites together with results from the Swedish Coastal zone Model (SCM). Eight structural variables (water depth, temperature, salinity, bottom water concentrations of oxygen, ammonium, nitrate and phosphate, as well as nitrogen content in sediment) were found common to both the experimentally determined and the model data sets. The observed process rate evaluated in this report was denitrification. In addition regressions were tested between observed denitrification rates and several structural variables (latitude, longitude, depth, light, temperature, salinity, grain class, porosity, loss of ignition, sediment organic carbon, total nitrogen content in the sediment,  sediment carbon/nitrogen-ratio, sediment chlorphyll-a as well as bottom water concentrations of oxygen, ammonium, nitrate, and dissolved inorganic  phosphorus and silicate) for pooled data from all learning sites. The statistical results showed that experimentally determined multivariate data set from the shallow, illuminated stations was mainly found to be similar to the multivariate data set produced by the SCM model. Generally, no strong correlations of simple relations between observed denitrification and available structural variables were found for data collected from all the learning sites. We found some non-significant correlation between denitrification rates and bottom water dissolved inorganic phosphorous and dissolved silica but the reason behind the correlations is not clear. We also developed and evaluated a theory to relate process rates to monitoring data and nutrient retention. The theoretical analysis included nutrient retention due to denitrification as well as burial of phosphorus and nitrogen. The theory of nutrient retention showed good correlations with model results. It was found that area-specific nitrogen and phosphorus retention capacity in a sub-basin depend much on mean water depth, water residence time, basin area and the mean nutrient concentrations in the active sediment layer and in the water column

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Upplevelsen av rehabilitering i hemmiljö hos Àldre personer i Mariehamn : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

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    Detta examensarbete Ă€r en del av hemrehabiliteringsprojektet ”Rehabilitering i hemmiljö i Mariehamn” och Ă€r utformat som en kvalitativ studie. Syftet med studien Ă€r att utvĂ€rdera klienternas upplevelse av hemrehabiliteringen samt utreda hur klienternas egna uppfattning av rehabiliteringens resultat ser ut. Studiens frĂ„gestĂ€llning Ă€r: ”Hur har klienterna upplevt rehabiliteringen i hemmiljö?” I Finland Ă€r detta det första projektet av detta slag medan det i Sverige har utförts ett antal liknande projekt de senaste Ă„ren. Skribenten i denna studie har anvĂ€nt sig av halvstrukturerad temaintervju som datainsamlingsmetod. Intervjuerna har bandats och transkriberats. Analysen av materialet skedde genom innehĂ„llsanalys dĂ€r materialet kategoriserades in i fyra kategorier. Åtta informanter deltog i studien. Resultatet visar att samtliga informanter upplevde rehabiliteringen i hemmiljö som mycket positiv sĂ€rskilt med tanke pĂ„ att de slapp Ă„ka nĂ„gonstans för att fĂ„ rehabilitering. Informanterna kĂ€nde sig trygga att komma hem efter sjukhusvistelsen tack vare hemrehabiliteringsteamet (HRT). HRT upplevdes som trevliga och positiva vilket gjorde hemrehabiliteringen som en höjdpunkt i veckan för informanterna. Oklarheter fanns med tanke pĂ„ hur man ska fĂ„ rehabilitering igen om man behöver och det kom fram att fler rehabiliteringstillfĂ€llen önskas.This thesis is part of the home rehabilitation project "Rehabilitation in the home environment in Mariehamn" and is designed as a qualitative study. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clientsÂŽ experience of the home rehabilitation and examine how the clients perceive the results from their rehabilitation. The study question is: "How have the clients experienced rehabilitation in a home environment?” This is the first project of its kind in Finland while a number of similar projects have been carried out in sweden in recent years. The writer of this study has used semi-structured theme interview as data collection method. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. The analysis of the material was done by content analysis where the material was categorized into four categories. A total of eight respondents were included in the study. The results show that all respondents experienced rehabilitation in the home environment as very positive, especially considering that they did not have to go anywhere to get rehabilitation. The informants felt safe to come home after hospitalization due to the home rehabilitation team (HRT). HRT were experienced as pleasant and positive, which made the home rehabilitation a highlight of the week for the informants. There were ambiguities regarding how to get rehabilitation again if you need and desires for more rehabilitation opportunities were unveiled

    Good nursing care regardless of weight - A literature review of deficiencies and resources in the care of patients with overweight and obesity

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    Personer som lider av övervikt och fetma kan till följd av detta drabbas av ett flertal följdsjukdomar som krÀver slutenvÄrd. Antalet individer med övervikt och fetma ökar i Sverige liksom i mÄnga andra lÀnder. Till följd av brist pÄ kommunikation, material och specialanpassad utrustning, samt det antal personal som krÀvs för att ge god omvÄrdnad till patienter med övervikt och fetma kan bÄde sjuksköterskans och patientens sÀkerhet och hÀlsa Àventyras. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie Àr att identifiera och beskriva hur sjuksköterskan kan bemöta eventuella hinder och svÄrigheter samt vilka förutsÀttningar som finns för att ge god omvÄrdnad till överviktiga patienter utifrÄn deras specifika behov dÄ de vÄrdas pÄ sjukhus. De 12 studier som utgör resultatet inkluderar bÄde kvalitativ och kvantitativ forskning och Àr publicerade mellan 2005 och 2011. Resultatet visar att brister i omvÄrdnaden kring överviktiga patienter förekommer och gÀller bland annat utrustning, material, attityder hos vÄrdpersonalen samt kommunikation mellan sÄvÀl vÄrdare och patient som vÄrdare emellan

    Severe poisonings in Sweden : demography, intensive care, and death

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    Background: Poisonings are common and diverse in their origins, clinical presentations, and outcomes. Poisoning accounts for a substantial number of hospital admissions with need for a higher level of care. The hospital mortality is low but never the less around 1,000 people die from poisoning each year in Sweden. Patients suffering from the most severe poisonings are treated in the intensive care unit and may suffer a cardiac arrests prior to admission or during hospitalisation. A significant proportion of patients dies outside of hospital. Robust information regarding these patients is scares. Aim: The overall aim of the thesis was to increase knowledge about patients suffering from severe poisoning in Sweden. The specific aims were to describe national data for characteristics, short and long-term mortality for patients treated in the intensive care unit (ICU) due to poisoning, to compare key characteristics and outcomes between out-of-hospital cardiac arrest caused by poisoning vs. other causes, and to describe the national patient population deceased due to poisoning including toxicology results. Methods and results: Four epidemiological studies are included in the thesis. Study I and II were cohort studies based on three national registers, the Swedish intensive care register, the national patient register, and the cause of death register. Variables were collected for all adult patients treated in a Swedish ICU during 2010-2011, with 8,155 registered ICU admissions. Patients had a median age of 38 years and men and women were equally represented. Almost half of the patients had a previous hospitalisation due to poisoning. Approximately 30% were unconscious on admission to the ICU and 14.6% were mechanically ventilated during their stay. The in-hospital mortality was 1.9% and the subgroup with the highest mortality was older men without a previously known poisoning. The population’s one-year mortality was 4.5% and also here it was higher for older men. The whole population had a nine-fold increased risk of death during the year following ICU admission compared to population based controls. The highest mortality was found in women between 19-39 years, with a 50 times higher mortality compared to controls and the clear majority of deaths after hospital discharge (94%) was caused by suicide and/or accidents. Study III was a cohort study based on the Swedish register for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the national patient register, and the cause of death register. All adult patients with an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) during 2007-2021 were included. In total, 66,261 OHCA patients were included, of whom 5.2% were found to receive a diagnosis of poisoning. Poisoned OHCA patients had a median age of 43 years (compared to 73 of the whole group) and included more men. The cardiac arrests due to poisoning were less likely to be witnessed and less likely to have a shockable first rhythm. Despite this, they had a somewhat lower mortality than the other cardiac arrests groups (84% vs 88%). Study IV was a cohort study which included all adult patients who died from poisoning between 2000-2021, according to the cause of death register. Variables were also added from the national forensic database. The results showed that 1.3% of annual deaths in Sweden were caused by poisoning (n poisoning deaths=27,057/n deaths=2,018,495). Patients who died due to poisoning had a median age of 53 years and 70% were men. In total, 87% of these deaths underwent some sort of forensic examination. Drugs (synthetic narcotics and opioids) caused 46% of deaths and alcohols caused 33%. Positive toxicologic tests were found in 83% of patients. Temporal trends show an increase in opioids, antidepressants/neuroleptics, and sedative/antiepileptic substances in femoral blood of patients who died around 2014-2017. Conclusion: Poisoning is a common cause of ICU admission, non-medical OHCA, and death in Sweden. Many patients have a previous history of poisoning before ICU admission, and a mix of substances is the most common poisoning. The ICUmortality is low but the long-term mortality is high for these often young patients, and death is in many cases caused by a new poisoning. Patients with OHCA due to poisoning are younger than patients with OHCA of other causes and have better survival. Deaths out of hospital are often due to illicit drug use
