738 research outputs found

    Associating polymer-surfactant systems

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    Some recent illustrations of the phase behavior of polymer-amphiphile systems in solution are presented. Surfactant-polymer association is demonstrated for various amphiphilic synthetic and biological polymers both on a macroscopic and on a single molecular level

    Polyion Adsorption onto Catanionic Surfaces. A Monte Carlo Study

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    The adsorption of a single and negatively charged polyion with varying flexibility onto a surface carrying both negative and positive charges representing a charged membrane surface has been investigated by using a simple model employing Monte Carlo simulations. The polyion was represented by a sequence of negatively charged hard spheres connected with harmonic bonds. The charged surface groups were also represented by charged hard spheres, and they were positioned on a hard surface slightly protruding into the solution. The surface charges were either frozen in a liquidlike structure or laterally mobile. With a large excess of positive surface charges, the classical picture of a strongly adsorbed polyion with an extended and flat configuration emerged. However, adsorption also appeared at a net neutral surface or at a weakly negatively charged surface, and at these conditions the adsorption was stronger with a flexible polyion as compared to a semiflexible one, two features not appearing in simpler models containing homogeneously charged surfaces. The presence of charged surface patches (frozen surface charges) and the ability of polarization of the surface charges (mobile surface charges) are the main reasons for the enhanced adsorption. The stronger adsorption with the flexible chain is caused by its greater ability to spatially correlate with the surface charges

    Chiral molecules split light: Reflection and refraction in a chiral liquid

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    A light beam changes direction as it enters a liquid at an angle from another medium, such as air. Should the liquid contain molecules that lack mirror symmetry, then it has been predicted by Fresnel that the light beam will not only change direction, but will actually split into two separate beams with a small difference in the respective angles of refraction. Here we report the observation of this phenomenon. We also demonstrate that the angle of reflection does not equal the angle of incidence in a chiral medium. Unlike conventional optical rotation, which depends on the path-length through the sample, the reported reflection and refraction phenomena arise within a few wavelengths at the interface and thereby suggest a new approach to polarimetry that can be used in microfluidic volumes

    Mixed Protein-DNA Gel Particles for DNA Delivery: Role of Protein Composition and Preparation Method on Biocompatibility

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    Mixtures of two cationic proteins were used to prepare protein-DNA gel particles, employing associative phase separation and interfacial diffusion (Morán et al., 2009a). By mixing the two proteins, we have obtained particles that displayed higher loading efficiency and loading capacity values than those obtained in single-protein systems. However, nothing is known about the adverse effects on haemocompatibility and cytotoxicity of these protein-DNA gel particles. Here, we examined the interaction of protein-DNA gel particles obtained by two different preparation methods, and their components, with red blood cells and established cells. From a haemolytic point of view, these protein-DNA gel particles were demonstrated to be promising long-term blood-contacting medical devices. Safety evaluation with the established cell lines revealed that, in comparison with proteins in solution, the cytotoxicity was reduced when administered in the protein-DNA systems. In comparison with large-sized particles, the cytotoxic responses of small-sized protein-DNA gel particles showed to be strongly dependent of both the protein composition and the cell line being the tumour cell line HeLa more sensitive to the deleterious effects of the mixed protein-based particles. The observed trends in haemolysis and cell viabilities were in agreement with the degree of complexation values obtained for the protein-DNA gel particles prepared by both preparation methods
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