16 research outputs found

    The use of nature materiāls for solving the social interaction and learning difficulties

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    Diplomdarbā „Dabas materiālu izmantošana pusaudžu sociālās saskarsmes un mācību grūtību risināšanā”, autore pēta sociālās saskarsmes un mācību grūtību iespējamos risinājumu veidus un ceļus. Diplomdarba mērķis- izzināt, kā darbs ar dabas materiāliem, izmantots sociālpedagoģiskajā darbā, palīdz risināt pusaudžu sociālās saskarsmes problēmas un mācību grūtības. Mērķa sasniegšanai tika izvirzīti sekojoši uzdevumi. Darbā ir veikta literatūras avotu izpēte un analīze par sociālās saskarsmes būtību un tās nozīmību pusaudžu dzīvē, kā arī teorētiskās atziņas par pusaudžu vecumposmu īpatnībām. Autore izzina sociālo prasmju nepieciešamību pusaudžu dzīvē. Apkopota informācija par sociālpedagoģisko darbību un Valdemārpils vidusskolā veikta 8. b korekcijas klašu pusaudžu sākotnējā izpēte. Balstoties uz teorētiskajiem pētījumiem, tiek izstrādāta sociālpedagoģiskā darbības programma. Diplomdarba praktiskajā daļa tiek aprobēta sociālpedagoģiskā darbības programma, ar mērķi veicināt korekcijas klases pusaudžu sociālo prasmju pilnveidošanos vispārizglītojošā klasē. Veikta iegūto datu apstrāde, analīze un izdarīti secinājumi. Sociālpedagoģiskās programmas realizācija devusi būtiskus rezultātus- ir mainījusies skolēnu attieksme pret sevi un apkārtējo, skolēni veiksmīgi sāka iejusties klases kolektīvā, kā rezultātā uzlabojās sociālā saskarsme gan ar klasesbiedriem un pedagogiem. Manāmi uzlabojās skolēnu sekmes, un skolēni rod motivāciju izvirzīt mērķus savai turpmākai dzīvei. Arī korekcijas klases skolēniem neattaisnotie kavējumi samazinājušies, skolēnu uzvedība kļuvusi ieturēta, un pārdomāta. Atslēgvārdi: sociālā saskarsme, mācību grūtības, korekcijas klases pusaudži, sociālpedagoģiskā darbība, darbs ar dabas materiāliem .In the diploma work „ The use of natural materials in the developing of teenagers social interaction and learning difficulties” ,the authoress is investigating the possible developing ways of social interaction and learning difficulties. The aim of the diploma work - to research, how the work with natural materials, used in the social pedagogy, helps to develope the teenagers social interaction and learning difficulties. There were worked out following tasks to achieve the aim. In the work is managed the selection of the literature sources and analysis of the importance of the social interaction in the teenagers lives, and a literature summarize about the teenagers age periods peculiarities. The authoress is finding out the necessity of the social skills in the teenagers lives. It is summed up the information about the social pedagogical action and managed the initial research of the teenagers in the correction class 8.b in the Valdemārpils Secondary School. It is worked out a social pedagogy program, based on the theoretical researches. In the practical part is approbated the plan of the socialpedagogical action with the aim, to enable the social skill improvement of the correction class in the general education class. It is managed the processing and analysis of the acquisited data, and maked conclusions. The realisation of the socialpedagogical plan in the praxis gave intrinsic work results- changed the teenager attitude to themselves and others, they started successfully to fit in the class collective, as a result amended the social interaction with the classmates and the educators. Visibly improved their school results and the learners aspired to move out ames for their further lives. Also are decreased the unjustified school absences in the correction class, the learners behaviour is becamed low- keyed and thought- out

    Location of Eigenvalues Influenced by Different Models of Synchronous Machines

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    This paper provides understanding in how different synchronous machine models influence locations of its eigenvalues in the complex plane. Four different synchronous machine models are presented. By simulating and linearizing them in a small network the paper shows how each expansion of them influence the number of eigenvalues and their locations. It is shown how the damping constant D for low-order models can be set to obtain the same damping as for high-order models. The paper also shows how the eigenvalues of the synchronous machine are affected when the output signal from a turbine model is defined as either mechanical power or mechanical torque.Qc 2012011

    Serological assessment for celiac disease in IgA deficient adults

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    Purpose: Selective immunoglobulin A deficiency is the most common primary immunodeficiency disorder that is strongly overrepresented among patients with celiac disease (CD). IgG antibodies against tissue transglutaminase (tTG) and deamidated gliadin peptides (DGP) serve as serological markers for CD in IgA deficient individuals, although the diagnostic value remains uncertain. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of these markers in a large cohort of IgA deficient adults with confirmed or suspected CD and relate the findings to gluten free diet. Methods: Sera from 488,156 individuals were screened for CD in seven Swedish clinical immunology laboratories between 1998 and 2012. In total, 356 out of 1,414 identified IgA deficient adults agreed to participate in this study and were resampled. Forty-even IgA deficient blood donors served as controls. Analyses of IgG antibodies against tTG and DGP as well as HLA typing were performed and a questionnaire was used to investigate adherence to gluten free diet. Available biopsy results were collected. Results: Out of the 356 IgA deficient resampled adults, 67 (18.8%) were positive for IgG anti-tTG and 79 (22.2%) for IgG anti-DGP, 54 had biopsy confirmed CD. Among the 47 IgA deficient blood donors, 4 (9%) were positive for IgG anti-tTG and 8 (17%) for anti- DGP. Four were diagnosed with biopsy verified CD, however, 2 of the patients were negative for all markers. Sixty-eight of 69 individuals with positive IgG anti-tTG were HLA-DQ2/DQ8 positive whereas 7 (18.9%) of the 37 individuals positive for IgG anti-DGP alone were not. Conclusions: IgG anti- tTG seems to be a more reliable marker for CD in IgA deficient adults whereas the diagnostic specificity of anti-DGP appears to be lower. High levels of IgG antibodies against tTG and DGP were frequently found in IgA deficient adults despite adhering to gluten free diet

    Organiska miljögifter i fisk från svenska bakgrundsområden

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    Fisk från nio svenska lokaler, representerande sötvatten, kust och utsjö, har analyserats på PBDE (polybromerade difenyletrar), HBCD, PAH (polycykliska aromatiska kolväten), Klorerade bensener, PCB, ftalater, och klorerade dioxiner och furander i fiskmuskel. Dessutom har pentaklorfenol, triclosan och tetrabrombisfenol A analyserats i fiskgalla från tre av dessa lokaler.

    Organiska miljögifter i fisk från svenska bakgrundsområden

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    Fisk från nio svenska lokaler, representerande sötvatten, kust och utsjö, har analyserats på PBDE (polybromerade difenyletrar), HBCD, PAH (polycykliska aromatiska kolväten), Klorerade bensener, PCB, ftalater, och klorerade dioxiner och furander i fiskmuskel. Dessutom har pentaklorfenol, triclosan och tetrabrombisfenol A analyserats i fiskgalla från tre av dessa lokaler.

    Organiska miljögifter i fisk från svenska bakgrundslokaler

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    Fisk från nio svenska lokaler, representerande sötvatten, kust och utsjö, har analyserats på PBDE (polybromerade difenyletrar), HBCD, PAH (polycykliska aromatiska kolväten), klorerade bensener, PCB, ftalater, och klorerade dioxiner och furaner i fiskmuskel. Dessutom har pentaklorfenol, triclosan och tetrabrombisfenol A analyserats i fiskgalla från tre av dessa lokaler.Fisk från nio svenska lokaler, representerande sötvatten, kust och utsjö, har analyserats på PBDE (polybromerade difenyletrar), HBCD, PAH (polycykliska aromatiska kolväten), klorerade bensener, PCB, ftalater, och klorerade dioxiner och furaner i fiskmuskel. Dessutom har pentaklorfenol, triclosan och tetrabrombisfenol A analyserats i fiskgalla från tre av dessa lokaler