124 research outputs found

    On the Road to the New Beginning: History and Utopia in Frank Beyer’s Karbid und Sauerampfer (Carbide and Sorrel)

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    Today, the film Carbide and Sorrel, by the eminent and recently deceased DEFA director Frank Beyer, is a valuable retrospective look at the construction of the new Germany. Through the story of a worker tossed by his workmates onto the country’s roads in search of carbide in the summer of 1945, this 1963 comedy, made two years after the construction of the Berlin Wall, is a portrait of German society in the grip of the future protagonists of the Cold War. The protagonist’s comic peregrinations between the American and Soviet occupiers are an oblique depiction, reinforced by popular songs of the day, of a utopian existence beyond the dominant political powers.Carbure et oseille de Frank Beyer (Ă©minent rĂ©alisateur de la DEFA rĂ©cemment disparu), apparaĂźt aujourd’hui comme un prĂ©cieux tĂ©moignage documentant de maniĂšre rĂ©trospective la construction d’une nouvelle Allemagne. À travers le parcours d’un ouvrier jetĂ© sur les routes Ă  l’étĂ© 1945 par ses camarades en quĂȘte de carbure, cette comĂ©die de 1963 — produite deux ans aprĂšs la construction du Mur de Berlin — esquisse le portrait d’une sociĂ©tĂ© allemande aux prises avec les futurs protagonistes de la guerre froide. Les pĂ©rĂ©grinations bouffonnes, entre occupants amĂ©ricains et soviĂ©tiques, du protagoniste y Ă©voquent de maniĂšre dĂ©tournĂ©e, soutenue par une ingĂ©nieuse utilisation d’airs populaires, l’utopie d’une existence au-delĂ  des blocs politiques dominants

    Das »empirische Idiom«: Geschichtsschreibung, Theorie und Politik in The Making of the English Working Class

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    AnlĂ€ĂŸlich der deutschen Übersetzung von Edward P. Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class (Die Entstehung der englischen Arbeiterklasse, Frankfurt a.M. 1987) wird die historiographische Funktion des Erfahrungsansatzes in diesem Klassiker der westeuropĂ€ischen Sozialgeschichte untersucht- in expliziter Abgrenzung zu deutschen und englischen Rezeptionsweisen, die ausschließlich die klassentheoretische, also auf den historischen Gegenstand »Arbeiterklasse « bezogene Bedeutung von »Erfahrung« diskutieren. Interpretiert man The Making als eine an bestimmte historische Konstellationen (Anfang der 60er in GB) gebundene Autor-Leser-Interaktion, so werden die historischen Schilderungen Thompsons auch als Interpretationen je spezifischer E1fahrungen der britischen Linken erkennbar. Diese im »empirischen Idiom« dichter Beschreibungen und nicht in der »Hochsprache« theoretischer Abstraktionen zu verarbeiten, machte die ĂŒber fachliche Belange weit hinausreichende politische Bedeutung von The Making aus

    Human Aging Magnifies Genetic Effects on Executive Functioning and Working Memory

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    We demonstrate that common genetic polymorphisms contribute to the increasing heterogeneity of cognitive functioning in old age. We assess two common Val/Met polymorphisms, one affecting the Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) enzyme, which degrades dopamine (DA) in prefrontal cortex (PFC), and the other influencing the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein. In two tasks (Wisconsin Card Sorting and spatial working memory), we find that effects of COMT genotype on cognitive performance are magnified in old age and modulated by BDNF genotype. Older COMT Val homozygotes showed particularly low levels of performance if they were also BDNF Met carriers. The age-associated magnification of COMT gene effects provides novel information on the inverted U-shaped relation linking dopaminergic neuromodulation in PFC to cognitive performance. The modulation of COMT effects by BDNF extends recent evidence of close interactions between frontal and medial-temporal circuitries in executive functioning and working memory

    Coordinated within-Trial Dynamics of Low-Frequency Neural Rhythms Controls Evidence Accumulation

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    Higher cognitive functions, such as human perceptual decision making, require information processing and transmission across widespread cortical networks. Temporally synchronized neural firing patterns are advantageous for efficiently representing and transmitting information within and between assemblies. Computational, empirical, and conceptual considerations all lead to the expectation that the informational redundancy of neural firing rates is positively related to their synchronization. Recent theorizing and initial evidence also suggest that the coding of stimulus characteristics and their integration with behavioral goal states require neural interactions across a hierarchy of timescales. However, most studies thus have focused on neural activity in a single frequency range or on a restricted set of brain regions. Here we provide evidence for cooperative spatiotemporal dynamics of slow and fast EEGsignals during perceptual decision making at the single-trial level. Participants performed three masked two-choice decision tasks, one each with numerical, verbal, or figural content. Decrements in posterior power (8 -14 Hz) were paralleled by increments in high-frequency (>30 Hz) signal entropy in trials demanding active sensory processing. Simultaneously, frontocentral power (4 -7 Hz) increased, indicating evidence integration. The coordinated a/0 dynamics were tightly linked to decision speed and remarkably similar across tasks, suggesting a domain-general mechanism. In sum, we demonstrate an inverse association between decision-related changes in widespread low-frequency power and local high-frequency entropy. The cooperation among mechanisms captured by these changes enhances the informational density of neural response patterns and qualifies as a neural coding system in the service of perceptual decision making

    Theoretical analysis of the mechanisms of a gender differentiation in the propensity for orthostatic intolerance after spaceflight

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A tendency to develop reentry orthostasis after a prolonged exposure to microgravity is a common problem among astronauts. The problem is 5 times more prevalent in female astronauts as compared to their male counterparts. The mechanisms responsible for this gender differentiation are poorly understood despite many detailed and complex investigations directed toward an analysis of the physiologic control systems involved.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study, a series of computer simulation studies using a mathematical model of cardiovascular functioning were performed to examine the proposed hypothesis that this phenomenon could be explained by basic physical forces acting through the simple common anatomic differences between men and women. In the computer simulations, the circulatory components and hydrostatic gradients of the model were allowed to adapt to the physical constraints of microgravity. After a simulated period of one month, the model was returned to the conditions of earth's gravity and the standard postflight tilt test protocol was performed while the model output depicting the typical vital signs was monitored.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The analysis demonstrated that a 15% lowering of the longitudinal center of gravity in the anatomic structure of the model was all that was necessary to prevent the physiologic compensatory mechanisms from overcoming the propensity for reentry orthostasis leading to syncope.</p

    Characteristics of Nondisabled Older Patients Developing New Disability Associated with Medical Illnesses and Hospitalization

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify demographic, clinical, and biological characteristics of older nondisabled patients who develop new disability in basic activities of daily living (BADL) during medical illnesses requiring hospitalization. DESIGN: Longitudinal observational study. SETTING: Geriatric and Internal Medicine acute care units. PARTICIPANTS: Data are from 1,686 patients aged 65 and older who independent in BADL 2 weeks before hospital admission, enrolled in the 1998 survey of the Italian Group of Pharmacoepidemiology in the Elderly Study. MEASUREMENTS: Study outcome was new BADL disability at time of hospital discharge. Sociodemographic, functional status, and clinical characteristics were collected at hospital admission; acute and chronic conditions were classified according to the International Classification of Disease, ninth revision; fasting blood samples were obtained and processed with standard methods. RESULTS: At the time of hospital discharge 113 patients (6.7%) presented new BADL disability. Functional decline was strongly related to patients’ age and preadmission instrumental activities of daily living status. In a multivariate analysis, older age, nursing home residency, low body mass index, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, acute stroke, high level of comorbidity expressed as Cumulative Illness Rating Scale score, polypharmacotherapy, cognitive decline, and history of fall in the previous year were independent and significant predictors of BADL disability. CONCLUSION: Several factors might contribute to loss of physical independence in hospitalized older persons. Preexisting conditions associated with the frailty syndrome, including physical and cognitive function, comorbidity, body composition, and inflammatory markers, characterize patients at high risk of functional decline

    Biased probability judgment: Evidence of incidence and relationship to economic outcomes from a representative sample

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    International audienceMany economic decisions involve a substantial amount of uncertainty, and therefore crucially depend on how individuals process probabilistic information. In this paper, we investigate the capability for probability judgment in a representative sample of the German population. Our results show that almost a third of the respondents exhibits systematically biased perceptions of probability. The ïŹndings also indicate that the observed biases are related to individual economic outcomes, which suggests potential policy relevance of our ïŹndings

    From Children to Adults: Motor Performance across the Life-Span

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    The life-span approach to development provides a theoretical framework to examine the general principles of life-long development. This study aims to investigate motor performance across the life span. It also aims to investigate if the correlations between motor tasks increase with aging. A cross-sectional design was used to describe the effects of aging on motor performance across age groups representing individuals from childhood to young adult to old age. Five different motor tasks were used to study changes in motor performance within 338 participants (7–79 yrs). Results showed that motor performance increases from childhood (7–9) to young adulthood (19–25) and decreases from young adulthood (19–25) to old age (66–80). These results are mirroring results from cognitive research. Correlation increased with increasing age between two fine motor tasks and two gross motor tasks. We suggest that the findings might be explained, in part, by the structural changes that have been reported to occur in the developing and aging brain and that the theory of Neural Darwinism can be used as a framework to explain why these changes occur

    Genome-wide meta-analysis associates HLA-DQA1/DRB1 and LPA and lifestyle factors with human longevity

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    Genomic analysis of longevity offers the potential to illuminate the biology of human aging. Here, using genome-wide association meta-analysis of 606,059 parents' survival, we discover two regions associated with longevity (HLA-DQA1/DRB1 and LPA). We also validate previous suggestions that APOE, CHRNA3/5, CDKN2A/B, SH2B3 and FOXO3A influence longevity. Next we show that giving up smoking, educational attainment, openness to new experience and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels are most positively genetically correlated with lifespan while susceptibility to coronary artery disease (CAD), cigarettes smoked per day, lung cancer, insulin resistance and body fat are most negatively correlated. We suggest that the effect of education on lifespan is principally mediated through smoking while the effect of obesity appears to act via CAD. Using instrumental variables, we suggest that an increase of one body mass index unit reduces lifespan by 7 months while 1 year of education adds 11 months to expected lifespan.Variability in human longevity is genetically influenced. Using genetic data of parental lifespan, the authors identify associations at HLA-DQA/DRB1 and LPA and find that genetic variants that increase educational attainment have a positive effect on lifespan whereas increasing BMI negatively affects lifespan

    Kinder und Jugendliche in der Coronavirus-Pandemie: psychosoziale und edukative Herausforderungen und Chancen : 8. Ad-hoc-Stellungsnahme - 21. Juni 2021

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    Die Coronavirus-Pandemie hat fĂŒr Kinder und Jugendliche vielfĂ€ltige Auswirkungen auf deren Bildung, soziale Interaktion, sozioemotionale Entwicklung, körperliche AktivitĂ€t sowie auf das psychische Wohlbefinden. Viele Betroffene werden in der Lage sein, die Auswirkungen zu ĂŒberwinden. Manche dagegen werden mittel- und wahrscheinlich auch langfristig von den erlittenen Defiziten begleitet. Um diesen zu begegnen, empfiehlt die Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina in der Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme „Kinder und Jugendliche in der Coronavirus-Pandemie: psychosoziale und edukative Herausforderungen und Chancen“ den Auf- und Ausbau von UnterstĂŒtzungs- und Bildungsstrukturen. Diese sollten die derzeit bestehenden Ungleichheiten in Bildungs- und Entwicklungschancen nachhaltig adressieren und nicht nur pandemiebedingte Nachteile ausgleichen, sondern die Situation im Vergleich zum Status Quo vor der Pandemie verbessern
