29 research outputs found

    Development of Rubita Media Based on QR Code with Strengthening the Character of Hard Work of Class IV Elementary School

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    Abstract. Indonesia is a country that is rich in culture, each region has cultural characteristics that make the diversity of the nation, one of which is the archipelago dance. However, the archipelago dance is less attractive to students and begin to be ignored and even forgotten by the younger generation, they are more familiar with modern dance than the archipelago dance. This development research aims to test the feasibility of a QR Code-based Rubita media in terms of attractiveness, validity, and practicality. The research method used is a modification of the Borg and Gall development model that includes stages (1) potential and problems, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) design validation, (5) design revision, (6) testing try the product, (7) product revision, (8) trial use. The results of the research and development of QR Code-based Rubita media show the level of validity of the material experts by 94%, validation of media experts by 98%, and validation from users (teachers) by 96% percentage of QR Code-based Rubita media including highly valid media. The results of product trials in the field show that the appearance of instructional media is very compatible with learning in elementary schools, with the combination of shapes and colors on the QR Code-based Rubita makes students very interested in participating in learning with these media.Keywords: Rubita based on QR Code; Cultural Diversity; Elementary SchoolAbstrak.  Indonesia adalah negara yang kaya akan budaya, setiap daerah memiliki ciri khas budaya yang menjadikan keanekaragaman bangsa, salah satunya adalah tari nusantara. Namun, tari nusantara kurang diminati oleh siswa dan mulai diabaikan bahkan dilupakan oleh generasi muda, mereka lebih mengenal tari modern daripada tari nusantara. Penelitian pengembangan ini memiliki tujuan untuk menguji kelayakan media Rubita berbasis QR Code dari segi kemenarikan, kevalidan, dan kepraktisan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah modifikasi dari model pengembangan Borg and Gall yang meliputi tahap (1) potensi dan masalah, (2) pengumpulan data, (3) desain produk, (4) validasi desain, (5) revisi desain, (6) uji coba produk, (7) revisi produk, (8) uji coba pemakaian. Hasil penelitian  dan pengembangan media Rubita berbasis QR Code menunjukkan tingkat kevalidan dari ahli materi sebesar 94%, validasi ahli media sebesar 98%, dan validasi dari pengguna (guru) sebesar 96% persentase media Rubita berbasis QR Code termasuk media yang sangat valid. Hasil uji coba produk di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa tampilan media pembelajaran sangat sesuai dengan pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar, dengan perpaduan bentuk dan warna-warni pada Rubita berbasis QR Code  membuat siswa sangat tertarik untuk mengikuti pembelajaran dengan media tersebut.Kata Kunci: Rubita Berbasis QR Code; Keberagaman Budaya; Sekolah Dasa


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    Tourism is one of the activities in the field of business services and became the mainstay of Indonesia in order to improve the country's foreign reserves of non oil and gas sector. In Sibolga in addition to fishery and trade, tourism has become the leading sector and potentially able to give its contribution to the region's original revenue (PAD). This research aims to conduct internal and external environmental analysis Pemko Sibolga in regional tourism sector development efforts, and then strategize policies that can be implemented to improve the flow of tourist visits

    Pengaruh Komunikasi Siswa SMK dengan Orang Tua, Guru, dan Teman Sebaya terhadap Kematangan Kariernya

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    Preparing future career includes developmental tasks for vocational students. This study aimed to describe the career maturity of vocational students and  analyze the influence of vocational students communication with parents, teachers and peers on their career maturity. We had 84 vocational students as sample in XII grade from four SMK in Kabupaten Tanngerang (2 private dan 2 public). We used data of career maturity inventory (CMI) Form C, which were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Data of the communication were analyzed using Smart PLS 3.0. The results showed that (1) the career maturity of vocational students 59,52% were in the medium category, 29,79% were in the low category, and 10,71% at the high category. This rate is caused by low self-confidence and students are still confused in making choices Beside that, female students have a higher career maturity rate than male students (2) there was a significant influence between vocational students communication   with teachers on career maturity, but there was no significant influence between vocational students communication with parents and peers on career maturity. This showed that communication interventions with career guidance service and counseling by teachers at the school can increase the career maturity of students.Mempersiapkan karier masa depan termasuk tugas perkembangan yang harus dijalani oleh remaja usia SMK, terlebih bagi para lulusan SMK yang diharapkan dapat diterima di dunia usaha dan industri. Orang tua, guru, dan teman sebaya merupakan faktor eksternal yang memengaruhi kematangan karier. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kematangan karier siswa berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan status sekolah lalu menganalisis pengaruh komunikasi siswa dengan orang tua, guru dan teman sebaya terhadap kematangan kariernya. Menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan memilih responden sebanyak 84 siswa SMK kelas XII di dua SMK berstatus negeri dan dua SMK berstatus swasta di Kabupaten Tangerang yang dipilih secara purposive. Data kematangan karier dianalisis secara deskriptif sedangkan data komunikasi dianalisis dengan bantuan Smart PLS 3.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) kematangan karier siswa mayoritas pada kategori sedang sebesar 59,52%, kategori rendah sebesar 29,79%, dan kategori tinggi 10,71% serta siswa perempuan memiliki angka kematangan karier lebih tinggi daripada siswa laki-laki (2) terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara komunikasi siswa SMK dengan guru terhadap kematangan karier namun tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara komunikasi siswa SMK dengan orang tua dan teman sebaya terhadap kematangan karier. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa intervensi komunikasi dengan layanan bimbingan karier dan konseling oleh guru di sekolah dapat meningkatkan kematangan karier siswa


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    Objective: To evaluate the level of salivary Bone specific Alkaline Phosphatase (BALP) during the pubertal growth phases in Indonesian Children.Materials and Methods: The study conducted on 64 boys and 72 girls who were age group of 8 – 18 years old were randomly selected. Salivary BALP level was estimated using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) commercial kits and pubertal growth phase were assessed using Cervical Vertebral Maturation (CVM) method according to Baccetti. Mean salivary BALP were compared based on pubertal growth groups by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test.Results: Test revealed no significant differences between groups with p value 0.312. The highest mean of salivary BALP level was found in the pre peak pubertal growth phase (CVM stage 1-2) and the lowest one was detected in the post peak pubertal growth phase (CVM stage 5-6).Conclusion: The using of salivary BALP as a biomarker for pubertal growth prediction is questionable.Â


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    Bali cattle as one of the local cattle are known have uniquely genetic characteristics. They are easy toadapt at a less favorable environment, so that they are known as a pioneer cattle. According to theiruniquely, it may allow for the discovery of specific types of acid lactic bacteria compared with others. Thishypothesis is based on the assumption that the types of bacteria as a normal flora in the intestine tract ofcattle are highly dependent on several factors, and one of which is a feed factor. Based on the abovebackground, this study was conducted. The aim of study was to isolate and identify of a specific species oflactic acid bacteria that has anti-microbial substances. The study began by isolation of acid lacticbacteria originated from 20 fecal samples of colon of bali cattle through the growth on selective medium i.e.deMann, Rogosa, Sharpe (MRS) medium followed by Gram staining and catalase test. The screening ofantimicrobial activity of each isolate was performed by culturing of isolates again indicator bacterial on blood agar medium. The selected isolates were continuously tested on medium contains 15% NaCl ,medium with ph 9.6, and medium with temperature 10°C, respectively in order to identification genus ofbacteria. The final stage of identification in order to know the specific isolate, which has antimicrobialsubstances, was confirmated by using the API 50 CHL kit. The results of study showed that one of theisolates that known have widely antimicrobial activities was isolate with 3A code. This isolate hasinhibitory zone to indicator bacterial i.e. Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213 and Escherichia coli ATCC25922. This isolate is known as Lactococcus lactis ssp lactis 1 with its similarity value 65.7%. This isolateis potentially to continuously study in order to know the potency of isolate as a probiotic candidate and oras a food preservative

    Microbiological, chemical and sensory characteristics of yoghurt prepared from blended cow and goat milk

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    Chemical composition, microbiological and sensory properties of five different yoghurt prepared from blended cow and goat milk were analyzed. The result of the chemical analysis indicated that, the water percentage, pH of the yoghurt samples were not significantly different (P>0.05). The total acidity of yoghurt samples, however, were significantly different (P<0.05). Microbiological analysis showed that, yoghurt prepared from 75% goat milk had the highest bacterial population of log 8.8692 cfu/g, while yoghurt made of 100% cow milk showed the lowest bacterial load of log 8.3979 cfu/g. The result of sensory analysis showed that, yoghurt made from 100% goat milk obtained the highest score in colour and aroma of 6.9 and 7.0 respectively, though they were not significantly different (P>0.05). Analysis of texture showed that, yoghurt made of blended cow and goat milk were significantly preferable (P<0.05). Taste and overall acceptability of yoghurt made from blended 75% cow and 25% goat milk showed the highest score and were significantly different (P<0.05), compared to yoghurt made from 100% cow milk. Keywords: microbiological, chemical, sensory, yoghurt, cow milk, goat mil


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    Objective: To assess the relationship between serum osteocalcin and periodontal clinical attachment loss (CAL) in postmenopausal women in relation to their osteoporosis risk status.Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on 71 postmenopausal women in Kenari District, Central Jakarta, Indonesia. The periodontal examination for all the subjects included a CAL measurement. The serum osteocalcin level was analyzed using ELISA.Results: The correlation between the serum osteocalcin level in patients with CAL and the risk of osteoporosis was analyzed with the Spearman test. The normal group had 29 subjects (40.84%), the osteopenic group had 23 subjects (32.39%), and the osteoporotic group had 19 subjects (26.76%). There was a significant correlation between CAL and the osteoporosis high-risk status (p<0.05) and no significant correlation between the serum osteocalcin level and the osteoporosis status (p>0.05).Conclusion: No correlation was found between CAL and the serum osteocalcin level (p>0.05)


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      Objective: The study aimed to assess the association between the A1298C polymorphism of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene and risk to osteoporosis in post-menopausal Indonesian women.Methods: After ethical approval, calcaneus bone mineral density (BMD) (T-scoring) was assessed from 194 consenting post-menopausal Indonesian women by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and DNA of the participants was isolated from peripheral blood samples. To determine the status of A1298C polymorphism of MTHFR, isolated DNA was polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified in 35 cycles, to result in PCR product sizes of 302 bp (1298A) and 275 bp (1298C). For fragment detection, the PCR product was subjected to electrophoresis on agarose gel. The results were statistically assessed for genotype and allotype comparison according to the T-score grouping by Chi-square analysis, assuming statistical significance at p<0.05.Results: The results show no significant association between the T-score (BMD) grouping and genotype (or allotype) of the tested polymorphism of MTHFR. The observed genotype distribution of the tested MTHFR polymorphism (A1298C) differs clearly from those previously reported, with AC as the dominant genotype in the Indonesian sample population of the present work.Conclusion: The MTHFR (A1298C) polymorphism is relatively infrequent in the Indonesian female population, and no significant association was observed between this polymorphism, bone mineral density, and osteoporotic status

    Inhibition Activities of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme and Amino Acid Kefir Whey Profile of Skim Milk Fermented by Kefir Grains

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    Bioactive peptides fermented milk is very potential as functional food products for health. The aim of this study is to analyze the inhibition activity of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme and kefir whey amino acid profile and IC50. The design being applied is a comprehensive random design with five treatments (fermentation time 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days) and 3 replications. ACE inhibition indicators include ACE inhibition with IC50, protein, peptide concentration, total proteolytic and amino acid profiles. The results show that ACE inhibition activity ranges from 35.94 - 66.67% with peptide levels of 872.80 - 1084.74 mg/mL and IC50 of 65.48 µg/mL, and contained hydrophobic amino acids which functioned for ACE inhibition. The conclusion of this study, that the highest ACE inhibition is obtained at 0 days of fermentation with inhibition ability (IC50) of 65.48 µg / mL and functioning as nutraceuticals food