29 research outputs found

    Maten mÀrks: förutsÀttningar för konsumentmakt

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    MĂ„nga mĂ€nniskor anser sig numera ha större makt i rollen som konsumenter Ă€n som medborgare som röstar i partival. Som konsumenter kan vi idag ta stĂ€llning till en rad olika ansprĂ„k som görs pĂ„ produkter och tjĂ€nster. Hur ser vi konsumenter pĂ„ livsmedel som genom olika mĂ€rken pĂ„stĂ„s ha unika egenskaper i produktionsledet: för miljön, för konsumentens hĂ€lsa, för arbetsförhĂ„llanden för fabriks- och jordbruksarbetarna, för djurens vĂ€l och ve, eller för det egna produktionslandets vĂ€lstĂ„nd? Förekommer motsĂ€ttningar och konkurrens mellan olika miljö- och varumĂ€rken? Vilka aktörer har makt att vara med och bestĂ€mma om vad som ska rĂ€knas som miljövĂ€nligt, socialt rĂ€ttvis eller djurvĂ€nlig produktion? GĂ„r det – om det Ă€r önskvĂ€rt – att göra den gröna och etiska konsumtionens informationsredskap mer “demokratiska”? Finns det viktiga egenskaper hos varor och produktion som mĂ„ste falla utanför konsumentmakten? Dessa frĂ„gor, som alla behandlas i boken, knyter an till frĂ„gan om vilka förutsĂ€ttningar konsumenter egentligen har att fatta fria och politiska beslut som Ă€ven gĂ„r bortom var och ens egennytta. I den allmĂ€nna samhĂ€llsdebatten ses konsumenters makt av allt fler aktörer som en central förutsĂ€ttning för att miljöproblem och andra samhĂ€llsproblem ska kunna lösas. DĂ€rmed blir en ökad kunskap om konsumentmaktens förutsĂ€ttningar extra betydelsefull. Boken riktar sig till studenter, forskare, myndigheter och till alla andra med intresse för samhĂ€llsvetenskap och humaniora med inrikning pĂ„ konsument- och livsmedelsfrĂ„gor, samt andra livsmedelsrelaterade vetenskaper. Mikael Klintman Ă€r docent och universitetslektor vid Forskningspolitiska institutet, Lunds universitet. Magnus Boström Ă€r docent, lektor och forskare vid institutionen för livsvetenskaper, Södertörns Högskola. Lena Ekelund Ă€r fil dr i nationalekonomi och docent i trĂ€gĂ„rdsvetenskap med ekonomisk inriktning vid Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet i Alnarp. Anna-Lisa LindĂ©n Ă€r professor vid sociologiska institutionen, Lunds universitet

    Neighbourhood characteristics, social capital and self-rated health - A population-based survey in Sweden

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In previous public health surveys large differences in health have been shown between citizens living in different neighbourhoods in the Örebro municipality, which has about 125000 inhabitants. The aim of this study was to investigate the determinants of health with an emphasis on the importance of neighbourhood characteristics such as the influence of neighbourhood social cohesion and social capital. The point of departure in this study was a conceptual model inspired by the work of Carpiano, where different factors related to the neighbourhood have been used to find associations to individual self-rated health.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used data from the survey 'Life & Health 2004' sent to inhabitants aged 18-84 years in Örebro municipality, Sweden. The respondents (n = 2346) answered a postal questionnaire about living conditions, housing conditions, health risk factors and individual health. The outcome variable was self-rated health. In the analysis we applied logistic regression modelling in various model steps following a conceptual model.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results show that poor self-rated health was associated with social capital, such as lack of personal support and no experience of being made proud even after controlling for strong factors related to health, such as age, disability pension, ethnicity and economic stress. Also the neighbourhood factors, housing area and residential stability were associated with self-rated health. Poor self-rated health was more common among people living in areas with predominately large blocks of flats or areas outside the city centre. Moreover, people who had lived in the same area 1-5 years reported poor health more frequently than those who had lived there longer.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The importance of the neighbourhood and social capital for individual health is confirmed in this study. The neighbourhoods could be emphasized as settings for health promotion. They can be constructed to promote social interaction which in turn supports the development of social networks, social support and social capital - all important determinants of health.</p

    Health trajectories in regeneration areas in England:the impact of the New Deal for Communities intervention

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    BACKGROUND: A large body of evidence documents the adverse relationship between concentrated deprivation and health. Among the evaluations of regeneration initiatives to tackle these spatial inequalities, few have traced the trajectories of individuals over time and fewer still have employed counterfactual comparison. We investigate the impact of one such initiative in England, the New Deal for Communities (NDC), which ran from 1999 to 2011, on socioeconomic inequalities in health trajectories. METHODS: Latent Growth Curve modelling of within-person changes in self-rated health, mental health and life satisfaction between 2002 and 2008 of an analytical cohort of residents of 39 disadvantaged areas of England in which the NDC was implemented, compared with residents of comparator, non-intervention areas, focusing on: (1) whether differences over time in outcomes can be detected between NDC and comparator areas and (2) whether interventions may have altered socioeconomic differences in outcomes. RESULTS: No evidence was found for an overall improvement in the three outcomes, or for significant differences in changes in health between respondents in NDC versus comparator areas. However, we found a weakly significant gap in life satisfaction and mental health between high and low socioeconomic status individuals in comparator areas which widened over time to a greater extent than in NDC areas. Change over time in the three outcomes was non-linear: individual improvements among NDC residents were largest before 2006. CONCLUSIONS: There is limited evidence that the NDC moderated the impact of socioeconomic factors on mental health and life satisfaction trajectories. Furthermore, any NDC impact was strongest in the first 6 years of the programmes

    Analyzing Stakeholder Water Source Preference Based upon Social Capital: a Case Study of the Fajr Jam Gas Refinery in Iran

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    Gas refineries are among the most water-intensive industries in the world. The Fajr Jam gas refinery is one such example, located in the southern Iran. The indiscriminate use of aquifer resources for this highly profitable industry creates tragedy of the commons effects, causing significant environmental controversy and threatening the long-term water security of the region. It behooves decision makers, therefore, to examine a broad range of adaptive water management strategies for this industry. The implementation of such strategies requires understanding the preferences and potential conflicts that may emerge among competing stakeholder interests. This quantitative social scientific study examines stakeholder preferences among water management options through the lens of social capital. Elite stakeholder representatives (including agricultural organizations, governmental organizations, the Water, and Power Authority, Department of Health, Bureau of Water and Wastewater) were canvassed through a survey instrument using paired comparisons. Data were analyzed using Expert Choice software and an analytic hierarchy process technique. The results show that accountability is the main criterion for selecting the best water sources and ranked first with the Eigenvector 0.62. Also, the results show that the least important criterion was social cohesion with the Eigenvalue 0.033. The criteria of partnership and trust ranked as two and three with Eigenvalues 0.215 and 0.133, respectively. The results indicate that the construction of salt water transmission from the sea (A = 0.240) is the preferred option among other alternatives, and this is confirmed by sensitivity analysis

    Att höra eller nĂ€stan inte höra : Liv &amp; hĂ€lsa ung 2005 och 2007 i Örebro lĂ€n

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    I linje med FN:s barnkonvention och Konventionen om rÀttigheter förpersoner med funktionshinder ska ungdomars röst göras hörd. Den hÀrrapporten bygger helt pÄ ungdomars uppgifter om sin verklighet.Studierna Liv &amp; hÀlsa ung 2005 och 2007 visar att i den reguljÀra skolanupplever drygt fem procent av eleverna att de har ett funktionshinder nÀrdet gÀller hörseln och de rapporterar ofta en utsatt situation. Det finns Àven hörselskadade ungdomar pÄ specialskolan/riksgymnasiet för döva och hörselskadade. De hörselskadade ungdomarna Àr en grupp som rapporterar en mÀngd hÀlsorelaterade problem, mÄnga kÀnner sig mobbade av kamrater eller krÀnkta av vuxna i skolan. Det Àr ocksÄ en grupp som förhÄllandevis ofta rapporterar bruk av alkohol, tobak och narkotika. De kan Àven ha andra funktionsnedsÀttningar eller tinnitus. De hörselskadade ungdomarna Àr en högriskgrupp som behöver uppmÀrksammas och fÄ ett bÀttre anpassat stöd. Det behövs fördjupade studier hur stödet kan utformas pÄ ett relevant sÀtt, speciellt gÀller det dem med flera funktionshinder. För att göra detta Àr det viktigt att ungdomarna sjÀlva involveras i arbetet. Fördjupade studier behövs ocksÄ om hur hörselskadade ungdomars delaktighet i den reguljÀra skolan kan förbÀttras samt om vad som skapar exempelvis stress, trötthet och olyckor. Det behövs ÄtgÀrder för att minska den mobbning som sker och inte minst minska det ungdomar rapporterar om krÀnkning frÄn vuxna. Det behövs riktade insatser för att öka de hörselskadade ungdomarnas simkunnighet och fysiska aktivitet. Det Àr ocksÄ av stor betydelse för de hörselskadade och döva ungdomarna att det finns kompetent tvÄsprÄkig (svenska och teckensprÄk) personal pÄ ungdomsmottagningar och barnahus