12 research outputs found

    A Proposed Framework for Influencing Factors of Partnership in E-Taiwan Collaborative Commerce

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    This paper attempts to integrate concepts of a collaborative commerce and inter-organizational relationship to build a framework for influencing factors of e-Taiwan collaborative commerce partnership and empirically explore it. The importance for five dimensions of the Research Model based on seven top representatives of interviewed six Taiwanese companies engaged in E-Taiwan is summarized. Statistical analysis is used to decide which factors are vital for the success in three phases of partnership in e-Taiwan. Data are collected through a survey of organizations that are actively involved in the planning or operation of E-Taiwan collaborative commerce. The result has been shown the influencing factors are not the same in three phases of partnership in this collaborative commerce. It implies that to manage a collaborative commerce must have different strategies to select, develop, and maintain participants

    Prototyping for an E-Learning System of Organizational Procurement

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    This paper attempts to integrate concepts of framing, uncertainty expression, and negotiations to build a framework for influencing factors of pricing for organizational procurement and empirically explore it. System requirements based on the framework is analyzed by UML in building an E-Learning simulated system for novices of purchasing via hints from knowledge collected from veterans of procurement. Framework for negotiation of organizational market is built based on literature review of organizational negotiation and in-depth interviews with several top procurement representatives of Taiwanese high technology companies. Popular verbal terms using in purchasing area for possibility frequency and quantity are collected and analyzed, hypotheses for subjective estimation vs. verbal expressions under different types of market conditions, distributive bargaining vs. integrative negotiation, and risk choice framing are tested. The quantitative and qualitative data are collected to construct a verbal model for managerial decision-making on the organizational market. Findings on patterns of verbal expression among purchasing personnel with different backgrounds and risk attitudes might be useful for building a data bank in e-negotiation between buyer and seller. Also the relationship between framing, personal risk attitudes and efficiency and preference of pricing decision for an organizational procurement are proposed to assist the trades between industries

    A Proposed Framework for Influencing Factors of Partnership in E-Marketplace

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    This paper attempts to integrate concepts of e-marketplace and inter-organizational relationship to built a framework for influencing factors of e-business partnership and empirically explore it. The importance for five dimensions of the Research Model based on four top representatives of interviewed Taiwanese companies engaged in e-marketplaces is summarized. Fuzzy Delphi Method is used to decide which factors are vital for the success in three phases of partnership in e-marketplace. Data are collected through a survey of organizations that are actively involved in the planning or operation of e-marketplaces. Except exploiting of new market, the result has been shown the influencing factors are not the same in three phases of partnership in e-marketplace. It implies that to manage an e-marketplace must have different strategies to select, develop, and maintain participants

    Applying Information Integration Theory on the Modeling of Price Forecasting – An Example of Online Trading on Ebay

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    Because of the booming of internet technology and the great promotion internet portal, on-line exchange is more popular in the recent years. This study attempts to integrate concepts of Information Integrate Theory; Anchoring and Adjustment Method to explore the buyer’s trade behavior between two different cultures. After observing the historical data on Yahoo’s Taiwan and Yahoo’s America, the anchoring effect and order effect during the process of a C2C auction is proposed in this study. Chinese buyers seem willing to pay much their attention on pricing during the whole process of an auction than American people do. But, the same phenomenon does exist for American doing a bid on a higher-priced luxury commodity. It sounds for a luxury product, there is a common pricing strategy existed between people of two different cultures. The results provide a very promised direction for knowledge capture and decision analysis for trading, and more works for data mining on pricing for different commodities, cultures, or other kinds of variables related to products and members of market might be a possible future approach for building a knowledge management system for a pricing mechanism for the market

    A Proposed Framework of Service Quality for a Hospital Visiting

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    This paper attempts to integrate concepts of service quality and in-depth interviews with experts master on hospital management or medical care to build a framework for influencing factors of service quality for outpatient clinical care and empirically explore it. Data are collected through a survey of a large-scale medical center located in a megalopolis area that is actively involved in research and development of medical care. Five dimensions of service quality are constructed as process of healthcare, waiting for inspection and administration, environment of clinical visiting process, hospital environment, and supporting personnel by Factor Analysis in this study. The dimension of waiting for inspection and administration included service quality of inspection units, waiting time for inspection and inspection documentation. To improve and to computerize inspection process might upgrade customer satisfaction. Waiting for a doctor diagnosis is included into environment of clinical visiting process, so a comfortable waiting corner and plenty of seats near to a diagnosis waiting room might reduce complaints of a long waiting time for a doctor diagnosis. The convenient transportation and enough parking spaces are important for clinical visiting a large-scale hospital located in a megalopolis area

    Virology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, and control of enterovirus 71

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    First isolated in California, USA, in 1969, enterovirus 71 (EV71) is a major public health issue across the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. The virus, which is closely related to polioviruses, mostly affects children and causes hand, foot, and mouth disease with neurological and systemic complications. Specific receptors for this virus are found on white blood cells, cells in the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, and dendritic cells. Being an RNA virus, EV71 lacks a proofreading mechanism and is evolving rapidly, with new outbreaks occurring across Asia in regular cycles, and virus gene subgroups seem to differ in clinical epidemiological properties. The pathogenesis of the severe cardiopulmonary manifestations and the relative contributions of neurogenic pulmonary oedema, cardiac dysfunction, increased vascular permeability, and cytokine storm are controversial. Public health interventions to control outbreaks involve social distancing measures, but their effectiveness has not been fully assessed. Vaccines being developed include inactivated whole-virus, live attenuated, subviral particle, and DNA vaccines

    Endocrine, Paracrine and Autocrine Regulation of Testicular Steroidogenesis

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    Hypocretin/Orexin Peptides Excite Rat Neuroendocrine Dopamine Neurons through Orexin 2 Receptor-Mediated Activation of a Mixed Cation Current

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    Hypocretin/Orexin (H/O) neurons of the lateral hypothalamus are compelling modulator candidates for the chronobiology of neuroendocrine output and, as a consequence, hormone release from the anterior pituitary. Here we investigate the effects of H/O peptides upon tuberoinfundibular dopamine (TIDA) neurons – cells which control, via inhibition, the pituitary secretion of prolactin. In whole cell recordings performed in male rat hypothalamic slices, application of H/O-A, as well as H/O-B, excited oscillating TIDA neurons, inducing a reversible depolarising switch from phasic to tonic discharge. The H/O-induced inward current underpinning this effect was post-synaptic (as it endured in the presence of tetrodotoxin), appeared to be carried by a Na(+)-dependent transient receptor potential-like channel (as it was blocked by 2-APB and was diminished by removal of extracellular Na(+)), and was a consequence of OX2R receptor activation (as it was blocked by the OX2R receptor antagonist TCS OX2 29, but not the OX1R receptor antagonist SB 334867). Application of the hormone, melatonin, failed to alter TIDA membrane potential or oscillatory activity. This first description of the electrophysiological effects of H/Os upon the TIDA network identifies cellular mechanisms that may contribute to the circadian rhythmicity of prolactin secretion