473 research outputs found

    Dating and Dating Violence: Social Representations of School Adolescents

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    This study aimed to analyze the Social Representations of adolescents on dating and dating violence from their social anchors. This is a quantitative-qualitative, descriptive-exploratory study, involving 215 adolescents from public schools located in the city of João Pessoa – Paraíba, aged between 14 and 18 (M=16.16; SD=1.26), predominantly female (60.5%). Participants answered the Free Word Association Technique (FWAT); the Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationship Inventory (CADRI); and, a sociodemographic questionnaire. Data from the CADRI and sociodemographic characterization were submitted to descriptive analysis, while those from the FWAT to the Correspondence Factor Analysis. Results anchored social objects in the affective, behavioral, psycho-affective, psycho-organic and valorative spheres. Dating was objectified as complicity, fidelity, respect, love, commitment, deception, betrayal, kiss, and fight. While dating violence was objectified as jealousy, disrespect, sadness, quarrel, cowardice, rape, wrong, hate, death and verbal. Keywords: Dating; Violence; Social representations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Atrizes negras amapaenses e o teatro negro em Macapá

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    O presente texto apresenta um relato da presença e importância do Teatro Negro Brasileiro na formação de graduandos em Teatro a partir de uma experiência realizada junto ao Curso de Teatro da Universidade Federal do Amapá. Busca-se apresentar as bases teóricas e metodológicas utilizadas/vivenciadas analisando o reflexo deste processo na efetivação de um currículo formativo descolonizado

    Expedition on the Lower São Francisco: An X-ray of fisheries and agriculture, pollution, silting and saline intrusion / Expedição no Baixo São Francisco: um raio-X da pesca e agricultura, poluição, assoreamento e intrusão salina

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    The São Francisco River represents 2/3 of the Northeast Region freshwater availability. Its basin is divided into Upper São Francisco, Middle São Francisco, Sub-Middle São Francisco, and Lower São Francisco. The Lower São Francisco is one of the most impacted regions of the Northeast, considering factors related to fishing, electric power generation and city sewage pollution. The first Scientific Expedition of the Lower São Francisco aimed at evaluating the water quality, pollution, silting, deforestation of the ciliary forest, socio-economic survey, environmental education, ictiofaunal composition, analysis of metals in fish, fishing and catching and salt intrusion. The samples were collected in seven coastal municipalities in the states of Alagoas and Sergipe. The results indicate that all the municipalities studied have water pollution problems from household and diffuse sewages, pesticides, and organic matter deposited in the sediment. Much of the crops are dependent on the use of agrochemical in crops on the banks of the river, with a prevailing environmental degradation scenario. There was a decrease in the number of native fish species and predominance of exotic and invasive marine species. In addition, it was possible to detect the occurrence of catch methods with high impact on the fishes. The saline wedge is already 16 km from the river mouth, replacing agricultural activities by shrimp farming. Fish show metal content, but a large part of them are within acceptable limits and a georeferenced database with the results of the expedition was made available for consultation

    Neuroticism, stress, and rumination in anxiety and depression of people with Vitiligo: An explanatory model

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    Psychological impacts of Vitiligo have been demonstrated, and associations of the skin disease with anxiety and depression disorders have already been shown. However, it is still unclear the role of individuals’ personality factors, such as neuroticism, stress, and rumination, as well as sociodemographic characteristics of people with Vitiligo in such disorders. We conducted a study in a community sample of individuals with Vitiligo (N = 324) aiming to test the hypothesis that neuroticism, stress, and rumination are subjacent to these individuals’ anxiety and depression symptomatology. We also explored whether individuals’ gender might favor the onset or wors- ening of the psychological consequences of such disorders. Results showed that the relationship between neuroticism, anxiety and depression was mediated by stress and rumination (brooding), being this effect moderated by the participants’ gender. Specifically, women’s reflection and stress seemed to be important mechanisms to predict their anxiety and depression symptoms, whereas brooding predicts such disorders’ symptomatology in men with Vitiligo. These findings may guide future research and clinical interventions for this population, for which it is necessary to consider the psychological consequences of the disease and not just its physiological aspects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Probiotics in Aquaculture Review: Current Status and Application in Tambaqui Cultivation (Colossoma macropomum)

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    The development of aquaculture guarantees the supply of animal protein of great nutritional value, contributing to food security. Currently one of the main problems faced is the occurrence of diseases, responsible for a worldwide economic loss, equivalent to US $ 9 billion per year. Aiming to increase resistance to diseases, increasing growth rates and food efficiency in intensive crops, some strategies have been developed, one of them is the use of probiotic bacteria. These, when in contact with the digestive tract of the host generates a series of benefits, among them, the modulation of the immune system, developing defense mechanisms and increasing resistance to stress. However, there are few documented reports on the efficiency of probiotics in native species, such as tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum). This species shows some resistance to stress, through physiological mechanisms of adaptation, such as lip expansion when subjected to hypoxia situations, which added to the positive effects of using probiotics would represent an increase in its resistance. The purpose of this work is to review the literature on the use of probiotics in aquaculture in order to provide a comprehensive synthesis of the current knowledge about its use in aquaculture, with emphasis on the intensive cultivation of tambaqui


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    This article investigates the novel Em nome do desejo, of the São Paulo writer João Silvério Trevisan, having as touchstone, primordially, the Bakhtinian theory on the polyphonic novel. At the same time, questions concerning literary homoeroticism, which, in the novel in question, are articulated with religion, adolescence and abandonment are investigated.Este artigo investiga o romance Em nome do desejo, do escritor paulista João Silvério Trevisan, tendo como pedra de toque, primordialmente, a teoria bakhtiniana sobre o romance polifônico. Concomitantemente, são averiguadas questões concernentes ao homoerotismo literário, que, no romance em questão, articula-se junto à religião, à adolescência e ao abandono

    Inclusion complexes of β and HPβ-cyclodextrin with α, β amyrin and in vitro anti-inflammatory activity

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    α, β amyrin (ABAM) is a natural mixture of pentacyclic triterpenes that has a wide range of biological activities. ABAM is isolated from the species of the Burseraceae family, in which the species Protium is commonly found in the Amazon region of Brazil. The aim of this work was to develop inclusion complexes (ICs) of ABAM and β-cyclodextrin (βCD) and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD) by physical mixing (PM) and kneading (KN) methods. Interactions between ABAM and the CD's as well as the formation of ICs were confirmed by physicochemical characterization in the solid state by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Physicochemical characterization indicated the formation of ICs with both βCD and HPβCD. Such ICs were able to induce changes in the physicochemical properties of ABAM. In addition, the formation of ICs with cyclodextrins showed to be an effective and promising alternative to enhance the anti-inflammatory activity and safety of ABAM

    You smell different! Temperature interferes with intracolonial recognition in Odontomachus brunneus

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    Intracolonial recognition among social insects is performed mainly by means of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) that provide chemical communication, although their primary function is the avoidance of desiccation. Therefore, the ability to adjust to climatic variation may be related to the composition of CHCs. The hypothesis adopted in this work was that workers of the ant Odontomachus brunneus, when exposed to higher or lower average temperatures, change the CHCs composition, as a readjustment to the new conditions, and that this, in turn, leads to a change in intraspecific recognition capacity. To test this hypothesis, colonies of O. brunneus reared in the laboratory were subdivided into four groups. Two groups were kept at the same temperature, in order to assess the effect of isolation itself, while one group was kept at high temperature and another was kept at low temperature. Two groups were maintained at 25 °C, with no further conditions imposed. Subsequently, encounters were induced between individuals from these groups and from the high and low temperature groups, followed by the extraction of CHCs from each individual. The results indicated significant differences in recognition time and CHC composition between the high/low temperature groups and those kept at 25 °C. Antennation time during nestmate encounters was significantly longer for the groups submitted to temperature treatments (high and low), compared to those kept at 25 °C, suggesting recognition difficulty. In order to adjust to changing temperature conditions, O. brunneus undergoes changes in the composition of CHCs and in intraspecific recognition capacity