3,203 research outputs found
Cobertura de las elecciones de abril de 1975 en el Diário de Notícias y el Jornal Novo: un caso de estudio
The Portuguese Revolution of April 1974 ended 48 years of dictatorship. The political evolution that followed the coup gave rise to a revolutionary process, the On-Going Revolutionary Period, which gained momentum, after March 11, 1975, opening "the path to socialism". As a side effect, the state became the owner of almost all the press. The first democratic elections took place on April 25, 1975. For the first time in almost 50 years, the press had the opportunity to do the cover in an environment of freedom of expression. However, the media were not immune to the revolutionary process and the newspapers were affected by the struggle for control of the information. The purpose of this study is a first approach in order to understand the news process and strategies to cover the electoral campaign in the press. The methodology will rely on a comparative analysis of the journalist formats in Diário de Notícas and Jornal Novo, chosen for de difference of each journalistic format and almost opposite editorial status.La Revolución portuguesa de abril de 1974 puso fin a 48 años de dictadura. La evolución política del golpe militar dio paso a un proceso revolucionario, Proceso Revolucionario en Curso, que cobró impulso, después del 11 de marzo de 1975, abriendo así "el camino al socialismo". Como efecto colateral, el Estado se convirtió en el propietario de casi toda la prensa, que pertenecía parcial o totalmente a empresas bancarias y grupos económicos. Las primeras elecciones democráticas tuvieron lugar el 25 de abril de 1975 y la prensa tuvo la oportunidad de cubrir este momento histórico en un ambiente de libertad de expresión. El propósito de este estudio es un primer abordaje para comprender el proceso de noticias y las estrategias para cubrir la campaña electoral en la prensa. La metodología se basará en un análisis comparativo de los formatos periodísticos en Diário de Notícias y Jornal Novo, justamente escogidos por la diferencia de dimensión y capacidad noticiosa y su estatuto editorial casi opuesto
Development of genetically encoded biosensors for Plasmodium falciparum
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da SaúdeA malária é uma das principais doenças em todo o mundo, com mais de 200 milhões
de infeções e aproximadamente 500 mil mortes associadas. A maior incidência ocorre em
crianças até dos 5 anos. O P. falciparum é o Plasmodium spp mais virulento, causando a
maioria das mortes e os casos mais graves da doença.
Os medicamentos antimaláricos são usados mundialmente como a primeira linha de
defesa. Dentro desta categoria, as terapias combinadas de artemisinina (ACTs) apresentam a
maior eficácia no controlo dos sintomas e na redução da taxa de infeções. No entanto,
resistência do parasita aos antimaláricos é um problema transversal aos tratamentos
disponíveis. Assim, urge compreender melhor os mecanismos moleculares subjacentes à
resistência aos medicamentos contra a malária.
O metabolismo redox é um sitema ubíquo associado à maioria dos processos
celulares. Este é crucial para o desenvolvimento do parasita, defesa antioxidante e está
envolvido em mecanismos de ação e resistência a fármacos. Este, para além de essencial para
a sobrevivência do parasita no ciclo assexuado, está também associado à resistência à CQ e,
mais recentemente, à resistência a ACTs.
Contudo, a falta de ferramentas moleculares para estudar este organismo limita o
conhecimento da sua biologia, das interações parasita-hospedeiro e dos mecanismos de ação
das drogas. O sensor hGrx1-roGFP2 é um biossensor fluorescente geneticamente codificado,
testado com sucesso em estudos redox em P. falciparum. Tem sido descrito como uma
ferramenta poderosa na compreensão do metabolismo redox do parasita, possibilitando
estudos in vitro em tempo real.
Tendo estas informações como base, nesta dissertação propomos o
desenvolvimento de novos sensores para aprofundar o estudo dos mecanismos básicos em P.
falciparum. O nosso objetivo é exportar hGrx1-roGFP2 para o eritrócito parasitado e realizar
estudos de interação parasita-hospedeiro. Para isso, o sinal peptídico PEXEL - um motivo de
transporte, que sinaliza proteínas para exportação - será acoplado ao sensor e integrado no
genoma do parasita. O desenvolvimento de um biossensor com emissão no comprimento de
onda do vermelho é também um objetivo. Se realizados com sucesso, esses sensores
possibilitarão diferentes análises do comportamento redox do parasita.Malaria is one of the major illnesses worldwide. The highest incidence occurs in
children under five years. P. falciparum is the most virulent Plasmodium spp. causing the
majority of the deaths and the most severe cases of the disease.
Antimalarial drugs are used worldwide as a first-line defense against the disease, with
the artemisinin combined therapies (ACTs) being the most effective in controlling the disease
symptoms and slowing the rate of infections. However, an antimalarial resistance problem is
widespread for most treatments deployed against P. falciparum. Therefore, urges to better
understand the molecular mechanisms underlying drug resistance.
Intracellular redox metabolism is a ubiquitous system associated with most cellular
processes. This metabolism is crucial for redox balance and antioxidant defense and is
involved in drug action and resistance mechanisms. Besides the fact that it is vital for
erythrocytic stage survival, glutathione is also engaged in CQ resistance and, more recently,
has been associated with ACTs resistance.
It is crucial to better understand the biology of the parasite. However, the lack of
molecular tools for this organism limits the knowledge of parasite-host interactions and
mechanisms of drug action. hGrx1-roGFP2 is a fluorescent genetically encoded biosensor
successfully tested in P. falciparum redox studies. It has been described as a powerful tool in
understanding the parasite redox metabolism, as it makes possible in vitro real-time studies.
Therefore, we propose to develop new genetically encoded biosensors to go deeper in
the study of fundamental mechanisms in P. falciparum. We aim to export hGrx1-roGFP2 into
the parasitized erythrocyte and perform parasite-host interaction studies. For this, the signal
peptide PEXEL - a trafficking motif that signals proteins to export - will be coupled to the sensor
and integrated into the P. falciparum genome. We also propose to develop a biosensor with
red fluorescence emission. If successfully made, these sensors will able different analyses of
the parasite redox behavior.The work presented in this thesis was performed in the Life and Health Sciences Research
Institute (ICVS), University of Minho. Financial support was provided by grants from the National
funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) - project UIDB/50026/2020 and
UIDP/50026/2020, IF/00143/2015/CP1294/CT0001 and PTDC/SAU-PAR/28066/2017
a case study
UID/HIS/04209/2013The Portuguese Revolution of April 1974 ended 48 years of dictatorship. The political evolution that followed the coup gave rise to a revolutionary process, the OnGoing Revolutionary Period, which gained momentum, after March 11, 1975, opening"the path to socialism". As a side effect, the state became the owner of almost all the press. The first democratic elections took place on April 25, 1975. For the first time in almost 50 years, the press had the opportunity to do the cover in an environment of freedom of expression. However, the media were not immune to the revolutionary process and the newspapers were affected by the struggle for control of the information. The purpose of this study is a first approach in order to understand the news process and strategies to cover the electoral campaign in the press. The methodology will rely on a comparative analysis of the journalist formats in Diário de Notícas and Jornal Novo, chosen for de difference of each journalistic format and almost opposite editorial status.publishersversionpublishe
Cardiomiopatia da sepsis: uma revisão narrativa
© 2023 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Published by Elsevier Espa˜na, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response syndrome of suspected or documented infectious origin, whose outcome is multiorgan failure. Sepsis-induced myocardial dysfunction (SIMD), present in more than 50% of septic patients, is characterized by (i) left ventricular (LV) dilatation with normal or low filling pressure, (ii) right and/or LV (systolic and/or diastolic) dysfunction and (iii) reversibility. Since the first definition proposed by Parker et al. in 1984, attempts have been made to define SIMD. Many parameters are used to assess cardiac function in septic patients, sometimes making it more difficult to measure due to the intrinsic hemodynamical changes in this condition. Nevertheless, with advanced echocardiographic techniques, such as speckle tracking analysis, it is possible to diagnose and assess systolic and diastolic dysfunction, even in the earliest stages of sepsis. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging brings new insights into the reversibility of this condition. Many uncertainties still remain regarding the mechanisms, characteristics, treatment and even prognosis of this condition. There are also inconsistent conclusions from studies, therefore this review attempts to summarize our current knowledge of SIMD.Sépsis é uma síndrome de resposta inflamatória sistémica de origem infecciosa, suspeita ou documentada, cujo resultado é falência multiorgânica. Disfunção miocárdica induzida por sépsis (SIMD), presente em mais de 50% dos doentes com sépsis, é caracterizada por (i) dilatação ventricular esquerda com pressão de preenchimento normal ou baixa, (ii) disfunção ventricular direita e/ou esquerda (sistólica e/ou diastólica) e (iii) reversibilidade. Ao longo dos anos, houve tentativas de definir SIMD, desde a primeira definição proposta por Parker et al. em 1984 até à atual era tecnológica. Há vários parâmetros utilizados para avaliar a função cardíaca em doentes sépticos, por vezes difíceis de medir devido às alterações hemodinâmicas intrínsecas desta condição. No entanto, com técnicas ecocardiográficas avançadas, como speckle tracking, é possível diagnosticar e avaliar a disfunção sistólica e diastólica, mesmo em fases precoces da sépsis. A ressonância magnética cardíaca traz novos conhecimentos acerca da reversibilidade desta condição. Existem muitas incertezas acerca dos mecanismos, características, tratamento e prognóstico desta condição, com conclusões inconsistentes entre os estudos, logo, esta revisão tenta sumarizar o nosso conhecimento atual sobre SIMD.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Development of graphene oxide based nanomaterials for cancer therapy
Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world, affecting mostly women. The most common treatments for this disease include radio- and chemo-therapies. However, these therapeutic approaches have a sub-optimal efficacy and can induce adverse side effects to patients. In this way, there is an urgent demand for the development of novel breast cancer treatments.
To improve the breast cancer treatment, researchers are developing new therapeutic approaches. In particular, photothermal therapy (PTT) mediated by nanomaterials has captured the attention of researchers and clinicians. This type of therapy takes advantage from the physicochemical and optical properties of some light-responsive nanostructures. These can accumulate preferentially in the tumor zone, and induce, after external irradiation with near infrared (NIR) light, a temperature increase that can damage cancer cells.
In this thesis, reduced graphene oxide (rGO) was produced by using an environmentally-friendly method. Then rGO was functionalized with a novel hyaluronic acid (HA)-based amphiphilic polymer to be applied in targeted breast cancer PTT. HA was selected due to its hydrophilic character and targeting capacity to the CD44 receptors, which are overexpressed on breast cancer cells’ membrane. The obtained results revealed that the treatment of graphene oxide with L-ascorbic acid (3 mM) for 60 minutes at 80 °C is ideal considering the NIR absorption and the size distribution of the obtained materials. Then, rGO was functionalized with the HA-based amphiphilic polymer through non-covalent interactions. The functionalization of rGO improved its stability, cytocompatibility, and internalization by CD44 overexpressed by breast cancer cells, which indicates the targeting capacity of this nanoformulation. Furthermore, the on-demand PTT mediated by HA functionalized rGO induced cancer cells’ death, thereby confirming the potential of this nanoformulation for targeted breast cancer therapy.O cancro da mama é uma das principais causas de morte em todo o mundo, afetando principalmente as mulheres. Os tratamentos mais comuns para esta doença incluem a radioterapia e a quimioterapia. No entanto, estas abordagens terapêuticas apresentam uma baixa eficácia e podem, também, induzir efeitos secundários adversos nos pacientes. Desta forma, existe uma enorme necessidade em desenvolver novos tratamentos mais eficazes para o cancro da mama.
Neste contexto, diferentes investigadores estão a desenvolver novas abordagens terapêuticas. Em particular, a terapia fototérmica mediada por nanomateriais tem recebido um interesse crescente por parte dos investigadores e profissionais de saúde. Esta abordagem tira partido das propriedades físico-químicas e óticas de alguns tipos de nanomateriais. Estas nanoestruturas responsivas à luz conseguem acumular-se preferencialmente na zona tumoral e posteriormente induzir, após irradiação com luz com um comprimento de onda na região do infravermelho próximo (NIR), um aumento de temperatura que pode danificar as células cancerígenas.
Nesta dissertação, materiais à base de óxido de grafeno reduzido (rGO) foram produzidos através de um método de redução ecológico e funcionalizados com um novo polímero anfifílico à base de ácido hialurónico (HA) para aplicação na terapia fototérmica do cancro da mama. O HA foi escolhido devido ao seu carácter hidrofílico e por possuir capacidade de direcionamento para os recetores CD44, que são sobreexpressos na membrana citoplasmática das células do cancro da mama. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que o tratamento do óxido de grafeno com ácido L-ascórbico (3 mM), durante 60 minutos, a 80 ºC, constituem as condições ideais de redução tendo em conta a absorção no NIR apresentada pelo rGO e a distribuição de tamanhos dos materiais obtidos. Posteriormente, a funcionalização do rGO com o polímero anfifílico à base de HA foi efetuada através de interações não-covalentes. A funcionalização melhorou a estabilidade, citocompatibilidade e internalização dos nanomateriais pelas células do cancro da mama que sobreexpressam o recetor CD44, o que confirma a capacidade de direcionamento desta nanoformulação. Adicionalmente, a terapia fototérmica mediada pelo rGO funcionalizado induziu a morte das células cancerígenas, confirmando assim o potencial desta nanoformulação para aplicação na terapia direcionada do cancro da mama
Ciclos de aprendizagem e reprovação escolar: reflexões sobre representações sociais de professores
This paper presents aspects of the organization of the school in cycles and its relation with the retention practices based on the Theory of Social Representation (TRS) as well as studies on the schooling in cycles in Brazil. The research involved the analysis of interviews with 11 teachers of the state school system. The data analysis involved: content analysis, lexical analysis of content (software ALCESTE), and spontaneous classification of words. The findings pointed out that the repetition as central element of the teaching-learning relationships. Thus, the social representations of the teacher indicate that cultural factors overlap structural factors and it is essential aspects to understand the implementation of the schooling in cycles policy
Mediating towards digital inclusion: the monitors of internet access places
Local dynamics play a key role in individual and collective empowerment for digital literacy and citizenship. This paper presents the results and reflections from a broader investigation into the public Internet access places in Portugal in the inland municipalities of the country's coast, undertaken by ObLID Network. Specifically, we intend to reflect on the actual mission of these places and reveal the actual profile, activities and training needs of their monitors and coordinators. In the first stage of the empirical study, several documents available on the Internet Spaces Network are analyzed. In the second stage, a questionnaire was applied to monitors and coordinators of the Internet access places, in seventeen Portuguese municipalities. The research results warn of the need to redefine and clarify the social and educational value of Internet spaces, indicating that the dominant activities of monitors in the Internet access places do not induce the foster of literacy and digital inclusion of the most vulnerable groups. In this context, actions are proposed that can contribute to improving the mission of Internet places, as well as the training quality of their monitors and coordinators. Internet Access Spaces, made available by municipalities, should be used to promote digital literacy programs, for individuals and groups.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Unusual red tide of the dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedra during an upwelling event off the Algarve coast (SW Iberia)
Low biomass, but highly toxic algal blooms are frequent in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon and adjacent coastal zone (southern Portugal), usually associated with specific oceanographic and nutrient conditions. In June 2019, a massive bloom of the dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedra developed along the coast, causing water discolouration, and the closure of beaches and of bivalve harvesting, with significant socioeconomic consequences. This study aims to evaluate the relationships between phytoplankton composition and environmental conditions before, during, and after the L. polyedra bloom. Water samples were collected in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon throughout June and July 2019 for determination of nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentration using spectrophotometric methods. Phytoplankton composition and abundance were evaluated using inverted microscopy. Upwelling intensity was estimated considering a wind-based index, the cross-shore Ekman transport. Results show strong relationships between phytoplankton community composition and nutrients, particularly a positive relationship between centric diatoms and nitrogen, and a negative relationship between several dinoflagellate genera, and phosphorus and silicon. L. polyedra was not significantly associated with any nutrient variable, most likely due to its mixotrophic capabilities. A clear phytoplankton succession, typical of eastern boundary upwelling locations, was observed throughout the different bloom phases, from dominance of type II dinoflagellates (Heterocapsa, Prorocentrum) in the pre-bloom period, to dominance of L. polyedra (type V) during the bloom, and finally dominance of centric diatoms in the post-bloom period. However, the L. polyedra bloom was not associated with upwelling relaxation, but rather with an active upwelling event. (c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).LA/P/0069/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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