92 research outputs found

    Abuso psicológico, autoestima e dependência emocional de mulheres durante a pandemia de COVID-19

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    Violence against women, like COVID-19, is a pandemic phenomenon that affects all social strata. The aim of this study was to understand the relations between psychological abuse, self-esteem, and emotional dependency in women during the pandemic, from the perspective of the Theory of Traumatic Bonding. The sample included 222 women, the majority heterosexual (76.6 %), dating (53.3 %) or married (44.1 %). The results showed that the greater the psychological abuse, the lower the self-esteem and the greater the dependence on the spouse. An alternative model has also been confirmed, demonstrating that the greater the dependency, the greater the susceptibility to maintaining abusive relationships, and the low self-esteem intensifies this cyclical process. In addition, we observed that women who live full-time with partners during social isolation showed greater psychological abuse and exclusive dependency.La violencia contra las mujeres, como la COVID-19, es un fenómeno pandémico, que afecta a todos los estratos sociales. El objetivo de este estudio fue comprender las relaciones entre el maltrato psicológico, la autoestima y la dependencia emocional de las mujeres durante la pandemia, desde la perspectiva de la teoría del vínculo traumático. La muestra se conformó por 222 mujeres, la mayoría heterosexuales (76.6 %), novias (53.3 %) o casadas (44.1 %). Los resultados mostraron que a mayor abuso psicológico, menor autoestima y mayor dependencia del cónyuge. También se confirmó un modelo alternativo, demostrando que a mayor dependencia, mayor susceptibilidad a mantener relaciones abusivas y la baja autoestima intensifica este proceso cíclico. Además, se observó que las mujeres que convivieron a tiempo completo con sus parejas durante el aislamiento social presentaron mayor abuso psicológico y dependencia exclusiva.A violência contra a mulher assim como a COVID-19 é um fenômeno pandêmico, que atinge todas as camadas sociais. O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer as relações entre o abuso psicológico, a autoestima e a dependência emocional de mulheres durante a pandemia, sob a ótica da teoria do vínculo traumático. Contamos com 222 mulheres, a maioria heterossexual (76,6 %), namorando (53,3 %) ou casadas (44,1 %). Os resultados demonstraram que quanto maior o abuso psicológico, menor é a autoestima e maior a dependência do cônjuge. Um modelo alternativo também foi confirmado, demonstrando que quanto maior a dependência, maior a susceptibilidade em manter relacionamentos abusivos e a baixa autoestima intensifica esse processo de caráter cíclico. Além disso, observamos que mulheres que convivem em tempo integral com parceiros durante o isolamento social apresentaram maior abuso psicológico e dependência exclusiva

    Abuso digital nas relações amorosas: um estudo das representações sociais com universitários brasileiros

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    The present study aimed at apprehending the social representations (SR) of Brazilian university students about digital Cyber Dating Abuse (CDA). A total of 447 participants participated in the study, responding to the Free Word Association Technique and the Cyber Dating Abuse Questionnaire (CDAQ). The data pointed to a high prevalence of involvement in CDA, both in victimization (87.6% control / monitoring, 34.7%, direct aggression); (92.6% control/monitoring, 25.1%, direct aggression). In addition, the results indicated that the structuring elements of SR were anchored in contemporary relational uncertainty and the conception of dominance within intimate relationships. Concerning the evocations of the peripheral nucleus, CDA was anchored in the violation of the rights to privacy and its causes and consequences, permeating psycho-affective and social aspects. Finally, the data revealed that "jealousy" presents itself as the central and organizing element of RS of this phenomenon, motivating abusive virtual actions.El objetivo del presente estudio fue aprehender las representaciones sociales (RS) de universitarios brasileños acerca del abuso online en el noviazgo (AON). Participaron de la encuesta 447 participantes los cuales respondieron a la Técnica de Asociación Libre de Palabras y al Cuestionario Abuso Online en el Noviazgo (CAON). Los datos apuntaron a una alta prevalencia de participación en el ADRA, tanto en victimización (87.6% control / monitoreo, 34.7%, agresión directa); como en la perpetración (92.6% control / monitoreo, 25.1%, agresión directa). Además, los resultados indicaron que los elementos estructurantes de las RS se anclaron en la incertidumbre relacional contemporánea y en la concepción de dominación dentro de las relaciones íntimas. En cuanto a las evocaciones del núcleo periférico, el CAON fue anclado en la violación de los derechos a la privacidad y en sus causas y consecuencias, atravesando aspectos psicoactivos y sociales. Finalmente, los datos revelaron que los "celos" se presentan como elemento central y organizador de las RS de ese fenómeno, motivando acciones virtuales abusivas.O presente estudo objetivou apreender as representações sociais (RS) de universitários brasileiros acerca do abuso digital nos relacionamentos amorosos (ADRA). Participaram da pesquisa 447 participantes os quais responderam à Técnica de Associação Livre de Palavras e ao Questionário de Abuso Digital nos Relacionamentos Amorosos (QADRA). Os dados apontaram para uma alta prevalência de envolvimento no ADRA, tanto em vitimização (87,6% controle/monitoramento; 34,7%, agressão direta); quanto, em perpetração (92,6% controle/monitoramento; 25,1%, agressão direta). Além disso, os resultados indicaram que os elementos estruturantes das RS se ancoraram na incerteza relacional contemporânea e na concepção de dominância dentro dos relacionamentos íntimos. Quanto as evocações do núcleo periférico, o ADRA foi ancorado na violação dos direitos à privacidade e nas suas causas e consequências, perpassando aspectos psicoafetivos e sociais. Finalmente, os dados revelaram que o "ciúme" se apresenta como elemento central e organizador das RS desse fenômeno, motivando ações virtuais abusivas

    Abuso digital nos relacionamentos amorosos: uma revisão sobre prevalência, instrumentos de avaliação e fatores de risco

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    With the advancement of technology, a new form of aggression between couples has emerged: digital abuse in loving relationships. Although it is a recent phenomenon, it has attracted the interest from studies because of its negative implications. In this sense, the purpose of this review was to make a survey of empirical research related to digital abuse in love relationships, knowing their prevalence, evaluation instruments, and associated risk factors. We found and analyzed 39 articles referring to the last ten years (2008-2018). The results pointed to a wide variation in the prevalence of this phenomenon beside different ways of operating it. In terms of evaluation measures, there is greater use of self-report instruments; nevertheless, most of them did not report psychometric parameters. Studies have observed that this phenomenon emerges as a psychosocial situation, which may be a result of risk factors of several orders, such as socio-demographic, relationship related, familiar, psychological, and related to perceptions, norms, and beliefs. In addition, several suggestions for future research were made throughout this article. Keywords: Intimate partner violence, cyber dating abuse, virtual aggression, technology.Con el avance de la tecnología, una nueva forma de agresión entre parejas ha emergido: el abuso digital en las relaciones amorosas. A pesar de ser un fenómeno reciente, ha despertado el interés de estudios debido a sus implicaciones negativas. En este sentido, el objetivo de esta revisión fue hacer un levantamiento de investigaciones empíricas relacionadas con el abuso digital en las relaciones amorosas para conocer sus prevalencias, instrumentos de evaluación y factores de riesgo asociados. Fueron encontrados y analizados 39 artículos referentes a los últimos 10 años (2008-2018). Los resultados apuntaron a una amplia variación en la prevalencia de este fenómeno, además de distintas formas de operacionalizarlo. En términos de medidas de evaluación, se verifica un mayor uso de instrumentos de autorrelato; no obstante, la mayoría de estos no relataron parámetros psicométricos. También se verificó que este fenómeno emerge como uno psicosocial, que puede ser ocasionado por factores de riesgo de diversos órdenes como sociodemográficos, relativos con la relación, familiares, psicológicos, relacionados a las percepciones, normas y creencias. Además, a lo largo de este artículo se hicieron diversas sugerencias para investigaciones futuras. Palabras clave: violencia por compañero íntimo, abuso digital en las relaciones amorosas, agresión virtual, tecnología.Com o avanço da tecnologia, uma nova forma de agressão entre casais tem emergido, o abuso digital nos relacionamentos amorosos. Embora seja um fenômeno recente, tem despertado interesse de estudos devido as suas implicações negativas. Nesse sentido, o objetivo dessa revisão foi fazer um levantamento de pesquisas empíricas relacionadas ao abuso digital nos relacionamentos amorosos, conhecendo suas prevalências, instrumentos de avaliação e fatores de risco associados. Foram encontrados e analisados 39 artigos referentes aos últimos 10 anos (2008-2018). Os resultados apontaram para uma ampla variação na prevalência desse fenômeno; além de distintas formas de operacionalizá-lo. Em termos de medidas de avaliação, verifica-se um maior uso de instrumentos de autorrelato, não obstante, a maioria desses não relataram parâmetros psicométricos. Também verificou-se que esse fenômeno emerge como um fenômeno psicossocial, podendo ser ocasionado por fatores de risco de diversas ordens, tais como: sociodemográficos; relativos ao relacionamento; familiares, psicológicos, relacionados às percepções, normas e crenças. Ademais, ao longo deste artigo foram feitas diversas sugestões de pesquisas futuras.Palavras-chave: violência por parceiro íntimo, abuso digital nos relacionamentos amorosos, agressão virtual, tecnologia

    Dating and Dating Violence: Social Representations of School Adolescents

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    This study aimed to analyze the Social Representations of adolescents on dating and dating violence from their social anchors. This is a quantitative-qualitative, descriptive-exploratory study, involving 215 adolescents from public schools located in the city of João Pessoa – Paraíba, aged between 14 and 18 (M=16.16; SD=1.26), predominantly female (60.5%). Participants answered the Free Word Association Technique (FWAT); the Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationship Inventory (CADRI); and, a sociodemographic questionnaire. Data from the CADRI and sociodemographic characterization were submitted to descriptive analysis, while those from the FWAT to the Correspondence Factor Analysis. Results anchored social objects in the affective, behavioral, psycho-affective, psycho-organic and valorative spheres. Dating was objectified as complicity, fidelity, respect, love, commitment, deception, betrayal, kiss, and fight. While dating violence was objectified as jealousy, disrespect, sadness, quarrel, cowardice, rape, wrong, hate, death and verbal. Keywords: Dating; Violence; Social representations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Depression and adolescence: Relation of quality of life and subjective well-being

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    This study aimed to verify the relation between Quality of Life (QoL) and Subjective Well-Being (BES) with the indicative of depression in adolescents. This was a cross-sectional field study with a quantitative approach. The study consisted of a non-probabilistic sample, with 300 adolescents between 12 and 18 years old (M = 14.84; SD = 1.84), the majority of females (56%), of João Pessoa, Paraíba. They answered the socio-demographic questionnaire, the Child Depression Inventory (CDI-20), the QoL Kidscreen-52 questionnaire and the Life Satisfaction Scales and Positive and Negative Affects. Through SPSS (version 21), the Mann-Whitney test and Spearman correlation, the results indicated that girls (Median = 139.87) presented more indicative of depression than boys (Median = 116.19), U = 6689, p <0.01, r = -0.15. The depressive symptomatology still correlated negatively and statistically with QoL (rs = -0.69, p <0.001), positive affects (rs = -0.50, p <0.01) and life satisfaction (rs = -0.62, p <0.001). Thus, the findings point to the need to prevent the incidence of depression through the promotion of QoL and BES among adolescents

    Vitimization and Perception of Bullying: Relationship with Depressive Symptoms of Adolescents

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    The present study aimed to comprehend the relationship between victimization, perception about bullying and depressive symptomatology in the adolescent's school context. For this, a sample of 243 adolescents with a mean age of 14.81 (SD = 1.41) was counted. These responded to the School Bullying Perceptions Scale, the California Bullying Victimization Scale, and the Child Depression Inventory (CDI-20). The main results pointed to the effects of victimization on the perception of coping with bullying and on depressive symptomatology. It was also found that female high school students who feel safe at school had a greater perception of coping with bullying. On the other hand, the male students of elementary school who feel insecure at school present themselves as the most victimized. As for the depressive symptomatology, the students of the elementary school and who feel insecure in the school, pointed to higher indices. In addition, it is believed that these findings can contribute to a theoretical and conceptual deepening about bullying and its correlate with depression in adolescent students. It is hoped that the results of this study may contribute to the implementation of public policies aimed at health promotion of this identity group

    Aedes albopictus appearance in epizootic areas of jungle yellw fever in south-eastern and southern regions of Brazil (Diptera; Culicidae)

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    Durante estudo biológico e ecológico sobre mosquitos levado a cabo em área com registro de epidemia de febre amarela silvestre e epizootia em macacos, foram encontrados adultos de Aedes Albopictus. A tendência da espécie para invadir ambiente extradomiciliar potencializa a chance de infecção natural, ao tempo em que evolui para formar um elo entre focos naturais de vírus e o ambiente urbano. Esta Nota Técnica representa um alerta aos gestores dos três poderes públicos sobre perspectivas de mudanças no perfil epidemiológico atual da febre amarela no BrasilDuring biological and ecological study on mosquitoes carried out on area with registers of epidemic of jungle yellow fever and monkey epizootic were found some adults of Aedes albopictus. The tendency of this species to invade the extra-domicile environment brings out the possibility of natural infection, and at the same time evolving to form a link between natural focus of the virus and the urban environment. This Technical Note represents an alert to the three government levels about the perspectives of changes in the actual epidemiological profile of yellow fever in Brazi

    Consequence of Phishing during the pandemic in Manaus

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    In results, we sought to identify the ways in which phishing is used during the pandemic.  The discussion sought to report the ways in which the phishing attack works and discussed ways to prevent phishing attacks and make people aware of the risks and precautions when browsing the Interne

    Jugar en la pandemia: implicaciones para la educación física a partir del inventario de la cultura lúdica

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    A pesquisa teve como objetivo descrever a cultura lúdica de crianças entre quatro e 11 anos, desenvolvida no ambiente doméstico, durante a pandemia de Coronavírus, e refletir sobre os impactos desse inventário na Educação Física escolar. Para tal aplicamos um questionário de forma online, seguindo a técnica de amostragem por conveniência e bola de neve. Participaram do estudo 611 adultos que convivem com crianças entre quatro e 11 anos, os quais responderam questões sobre elementos da cultura lúdica: parceiros, espaço, tempo e inventário de brincadeiras. Os dados foram analisados e apresentados por meio de estatística descritiva (frequência absoluta e relativa) e para comparar as frequências entre os grupos etários utilizamos o teste de Qui-Quadrado (P<0,05). Os resultados apontam que o inventário dos jogos é diversificado, a maioria das crianças brinca mais tempo sozinha e utiliza o espaço interno da casa. Diferenças significativas entre os grupos etários foram encontradas no tempo destinado ao brincar, sendo que o grupo das crianças mais velhas brinca menos horas que os demais. Concluímos, portanto, que a cultura lúdica, enquanto co-construção sociocultural, foi afetada pelo contexto da pandemia, o que pode acarretar possíveis implicações para o campo da Educação Física, especialmente a escolar.The research aimed to describe the ludic culture of children aged between 4 and 11 in the home environment during the Coronavirus pandemic and to reflect on the impacts of this inventory on school Physical Education. To do this, we applied an online questionnaire, following the convenience and snowball sampling techniques. The study included 611 adults who live with children aged between 4 and 11, who answered questions about the elements of game culture: partners, space, time, and game inventory. The data were analyzed and presented using descriptive statistics (absolute and relative frequency) and to compare the frequencies between the age groups we used the Chi-square test (P<0.05). The results point out that the inventory of games is diversified, most children play longer alone and use the inner space of the house. Significant differences between the age groups were found in the time spent playing, with the group of older children playing fewer hours than the others. We conclude, therefore, that the ludic culture, as a sociocultural co-construction, was affected by the context of the pandemic, which may have possible implications for the field of Physical Education, especially at school.La investigación tuvo como objetivo describir la cultura lúdica de los niños de entre cuatro y 11 años, desarrollada en el entorno familiar, durante la pandemia del Coronavirus y reflexionar sobre los impactos de este inventario en la Educación Física escolar. Para ello, aplicamos un cuestionario en línea, siguiendo las técnicas de muestreo por conveniencia y bola de nieve. Participaron en el estudio 611 adultos que conviven con niños de entre cuatro y 11 años, los cuales respondieron a preguntas sobre los elementos de la cultura lúdica: compañeros, espacio, tiempo y el inventario de juegos. Los datos se analizaron y presentaron mediante estadísticas descriptivas (frecuencia absoluta y relativa) y para comparar las frecuencias entre los grupos de edad se utilizó la prueba de Chi-cuadrado (P<0,05). Los resultados señalan que el inventario de juegos está diversificado, la mayoría de los niños juegan más tiempo solos y utilizan el espacio interior de la casa. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos de edad en el tiempo asignado al juego, con el grupo de niños mayores jugando menos horas que los demás. Por lo tanto, concluimos que la cultura lúdica, como co-construcción sociocultural, se vio afectada por el contexto de la pandemia, lo que puede llevar a posibles implicaciones para el campo de la Educación Física, especialmente el escolar.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Health literacy and self-efficacy associations with non-adherence to dental treatment among young adults

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    Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate associations of health literacy (HL), general self-efficacy (GSE), and sociodemographic variables with non-adherence to dental treatment among Brazilian young adults. This is a cross-sectional study based on a cohort study of 248 young adults aged 19 to 25 years followed up in an earlier study. The participants completed the perceived general self-efficacy scale (GSE), a questionnaire on socioeconomic and demographic variables and were examined for oral conditions. HL was measured using the Brazilian version of the health literacy questionnaire (HLQ-Br), which provides nine individual scores based on an average of the items within each of the nine scales. Dental treatment adherence was evaluated as the decision of young adults to seek a dentist to finish the recommended restorative treatment for dental caries. The effects of HL domains on the adherence to dental treatment were analyzed by logistic regression and the effect was adjusted for sex, age, family income, paternal and maternal education, type of housing, and self-efficacy. The results of the adjusted analysis showed associations among young adults who did not adhere to dental treatment with lower self-efficacy levels, living in non-owner-occupied homes, and lower HL levels in almost all of the HL domains (p 0.05). Adherence to dental treatment in primary care among young adults was associated with their general self-efficacy levels, socioeconomic characteristics, and individual's lower HL aspects