130 research outputs found

    Extração de nemátodes de quisto de amostras de solo: método de decantação e crivagem de Cobb vs. método de Fenwick

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    Potato cyst nematodes are a threat to several agricultural crops around the world with some species considered quarantine pests and subjected to strict regulatory measures in many countries. Usually, cysts nematodes co-exist in the soil with other species of plant-parasitic nematodes, so, a time and cost-efficient extraction technique becomes of primary importance. The ideal extraction method should be able to obtain cysts as well as detecting the presence of other motile plant-parasitic nematodes with a potential impact on potato farming (such as Meloidogyne sp. and Pratylenchus sp.). In recent years, studies have been carried out to test the efficiency of various methods of nematode extraction but few results have been published. Therefore, to test if a method that extracts simultaneously cysts and motile nematodes can be used instead of the reference method that extracts cysts only, the efficiency of Cobb’s decanting and sieving technique was compared to Fenwick’s technique. As a result, in the 74 samples evaluated, a greater number of cysts were extracted from 24 samples using Fenwick’s method and from 11 samples employing Cobb’s decanting and sieving technique. The statistics results showed a significance level of 0,05 using Fenwick’s can allowing to conclude that this method is much more efficient than Cobb’s decanting and sieving technique, and confirming it should not be replaced by alternative methods for cysts extractioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Contribuição para o estudo de bactrocera invadens em cabo verde

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    Bactrocera invadens (Drew, Tsuruta & White) (Diptera:Tephritidae) é uma das espécies de moscas-das-frutas de maior importância económica para a fruticultura mundial. De origem asiática, surgiu em África em 2003, tendo sido detectada em Cabo Verde, Ilha de Santiago, em 2007. Desde então, espalhou-se para Santo Antão, Fogo e Brava. Tendo em vista a avaliação da eficiência de armadilhas para captura em massa da mosca, procedeu-se, durante curtos períodos de tempo em 2009, 2010 e 2011, à recolha de adultos com recurso a dois tipos de atractivos, ‘Creolax’® e proteína hidrolisada, e a três tipos de armadilhas, ABT®, armadilha do tipo funil e garrafa mosqueira da CeraTrap®. As armadilhas foram instaladas em quatro localidades de Santiago, na cultura de mangueira ou de bananeira. O ‘Creolax’ foi significativamente superior à proteína hidrolisada e a armadilha ABT apresentou elevada eficiência na captura de adultos da mosca. Num ensaio em 2009, na Cidade Velha, foram capturados 195, 59 e 30 adultos/armadilha para as combinações, respectivamente, de ABT x ‘Creolax’, armadilha do tipo funil x ‘Creolax’ e garrafa mosqueira x proteína hidrolisada. Em 2011, na bananeira, em Monte Negro, foram capturados 8500 adultos/armadilha ABT x ‘Creolax’ em cinco meses, tendo o máximo da população sido encontrado em Junho.Bactrocera invadens (Drew, Tsuruta & White) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is one of the fruit fly species of major economic importance for the world`s fruitculture. It is an Asian origin which appeared in Africa in 2003 and then was detected in Cape Verde at the Santiago Island in 2007 since then it spread to Santo Antão, Fogo and Brava islands. Trap efficiency assessment for adult mass catches, a short study period was carried out from 2009, 2010 to 2011. For adult sample collections attractants ‘Creolax’® and hydrolysate proteín with three types of traps ABT®, funnel trap and the CeraTrap® fly bottles were used. Traps were installed in four localities of Santiago on mangoes and banana crops. Creolax was significantly superior to the hydrolysate protein and the ABT traps showed higher efficiency on catching adult flies. From an experiment installed in 2009 at Cidade Velha 195, 59 and 30 fly adults were caught / trap from the combination of ABT traps x Creolax, funnel traps x Creolax and the fly bottles x hydrolysate protein. In 2011 on banana at Monte Negro it was caught in average 8500 fly adults / trap from the combination of ABT x Creolax in five months and the maximum population density peak being reached in June.IPA

    Morphological and molecular identification of the potato cyst

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    Summary – The potato cyst nematodes (PCN) Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida pose one of the greatest threats to potato crops worldwide and are subject to strict quarantine regulations in many countries. The identification of these Globodera species based on morphology may be ambiguous due to the variability of the main morphological features and the overlapping of the standard parameters in these two species; thus, confirmation via molecular methods is recommended. Multiplex PCR with speciesspecificprimers (ITS5/PITSp4 + PITSr3) allows both species to be distinguished. However, despite the development of molecularidentification methods, the morphological approach remains useful as a complementary diagnostic technique. In this work, we report results of morphological and molecular analyses that were carried out in two Globodera species from Portuguese potato fields. The average morphometric values of 40 cysts and 40 second-stage juveniles were generally within the expected ranges for G. pallida and G. rostochiensis with some variations noted. Molecular analysis with multiplex PCR confirmed the morphometric identification. The present results confirmed the occurrence of two potato cyst nematode species, G. rostochiensis and G. pallida. Surprisingly, the analysis of soils from Portuguese potato fields detected a greater number of samples infested with G. pallida, which is contrary to expectation as G. rostochiensis has been considered the most widespread species in Portugal. The distinction between the two species is therefore essential in order to detect their presence in the country with a view to re-evaluating the control measures implemented so far and adopting more effective practices

    DeepThought: An Architecture for Autonomous Self-motivated Systems

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    The ability of large language models (LLMs) to engage in credible dialogues with humans, taking into account the training data and the context of the conversation, has raised discussions about their ability to exhibit intrinsic motivations, agency, or even some degree of consciousness. We argue that the internal architecture of LLMs and their finite and volatile state cannot support any of these properties. By combining insights from complementary learning systems, global neuronal workspace, and attention schema theories, we propose to integrate LLMs and other deep learning systems into an architecture for cognitive language agents able to exhibit properties akin to agency, self-motivation, even some features of meta-cognition

    Ensino aprendizagem: dificuldade no processo ensino- aprendizagem da matemática no 6º ano do ensino fundamental da escola estadual Hermenegildo de Campos, no Município de Manicoré-AM / Education learning: difficulty in the teaching- learning process of mathematics in the 6th year of elementary school at school state Hermenegildo de Campos, in the Municipality of Manicore-AM

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    Esta dissertação intitulada Dificuldades no processo ensino-aprendizagem da matemática no 6º do ensino fundamental da escola estadual Hermenegildo de Campos, localizada no município de Manicoré - AM; levanta a problemática: Quais os fatores causadores da dificuldade no processo ensino-aprendizagem da matemática no 6º do ensino fundamental da escola estadual Hermenegildo de Campos, Tem como objetivo geral compreender os fatores determinantes para Dificuldades no processo ensino-aprendizagem da matemática no 6º do ensino fundamental da escola estadual Hermenegildo de Campos, localizada no município de Manicoré - AM. E objetivos específicos: Identificar os fatores que determinam ou influenciam no baixo rendimento do processo de ensino aprendizagem da matemática no 6º ano do ensino fundamental II; Investigar empiricamente como ocorre o baixo rendimento dos educandos no processo de ensino aprendizagem da matemática; Verificar as consequências causadas pela ausência da família neste processo; Avaliar se as condições socioeconômicas interferem no processo de ensino aprendizagem. Que põe em discussão a importância de tal disciplina, bem como as causas que acarretam essa deficiência, também se questiona a participação da família em tal processo, sem esquecer é claro da atuação professor x aluno. Este trabalho está inserido dentro dos padrões dos discursos científicos. Sendo assim conta com tópicos explicitados. Neste também encontraremos todo um apanhado de informações que recolhemos durante a pesquisa bibliográfica que fizemos, em cima de alguns estudiosos e pesquisadores sobre o assunto, que nos deu suporte para apontar as causas e respostas para esta problemática. Este foi escolhido porque notamos que é um dos principais fatores que implicam no mau desempenho do aluno, não só nas disciplinas curriculares principalmente na matemática, mas no seu cotidiano como um todo. Sabendo que a Matemática tem presença obrigatória na vida de cada indivíduo, tivemos a preocupação em identificar as causas destes problemas para que assim nossos alunos pudessem assimilar com mais facilidade os conteúdos desta disciplina. Portanto tivemos que deixar de lado o pensamento errôneo de ensinar a Matemática apenas como um assunto curricular, que os alunos decorassem os assuntos, somente para passar de ano, mas sim colocar a Matemática como ferramenta de construção social

    Root-Knot Nematode Species Associated with Horticultural Crops in the Island of Azores, Portugal

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    Plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) are an economically important group of plant pests present throughout the world. In particular, root-knot nematodes (RKN), sedentary endoparasites of a wide variety of economically important hosts with the ability to survive in temperate regions. During 2020–2021 an extensive survey of Meloidogyne spp. was undertaken on the island of São Miguel Azores, Portugal. A total of 80 samples comprising 23 species of plants were collected from 13 localities in 4 districts of the island. Samples included field and greenhouse vegetable crops. Bioassays were carried out to obtain females and juveniles for morphological and biochemical characterization of the isolates. The observed morphological features showed high similarity and consistency with previous descriptions of the genus. Concerning the biochemical characterization, the esterase (EST) phenotype displayed the patterns described for M. incognita, M. arenaria, and M. javanica. Meloidogyne incognita was found to be the most prevalent species with respect to both natural host range and geographical distribution, followed by M. arenaria and M. javanica. This is the first field survey that assesses the species of root-knot nematodes associated with horticultural crops in the Azores Island, contributing additional information on the distribution of this genusinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Barriga de Aluguel e Conflito de Leis no Espaço: Casais Brasileiros e Mãe de Aluguel no Contexto dos BRICS

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the familiar planning after a problem caused by infertility and when a surrogate mother is required to substitute the biological one. Among the countries of BRICS the quantity and variety of rules about the question brings opportunity to discuss sovereignty, foreign juridical order and public concern. Indicating solutions couples can have the familiar planning beyond national borders as well as the State (in juridical instances) can give to those couple juridical alternatives and solutions in order to face the difficulties of the Brazilian jurisdiction resulting from juridical rules stablished. Este trabalho analisará o planejamento familiar quando há problema de infertilidade por meio de mãe substituta para superar a limitação biológica. Entre os países do grupo BRICS, pode-se verificar a diversidade na regulamentação do tema que torna viável a reflexão sobre pontos importantes, como soberania, ordem jurídica estrangeira e o interesse público. Assinalar os caminhos para casais pode viabilizar seus planejamentos familiares além das fronteiras nacionais, além de apresentar ao Poder Público a possibilidade de franquear, a estes mesmos casais, alternativas para que enfrentem a dificuldade sob a jurisdição brasileira em razão do estabelecimento de regulamentação jurídica

    Surgery of frontal sinus fractures. Epidemiologic study and evaluation of techniques

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    SummaryThe frontal sinus trauma is not rare and it is 8% of the facial fractures. It can affect the anterior and/or posterior plates, with or without hitting the nasofrontal duct. It has a large potential of complications and its management still being a controversy. Objective: To present the casuistic of fractures frontal sinus, the epidemiology and clinical and surgical management of frontal sinus fractures. Materials and Methods: Not randomized retrospective study of 24 patients with frontal sinus fractures Hospital of Clinics, School of Medicine Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. Results: From the 24 patients, we had 16 (66,6%) fractures of the extern plate and 8 (33,4%) of both. In 2 patients the nasofrontal duct was involved. Others facial fractures were associated in 20 (83,4%) cases and major lesions of the cerebral segment were found in 13 (54,2%). Subpalpebral incision was performed in the majority with satisfactory aesthetic results. The basis of the surgical treatment was reduction and fixation with different materials (steel wire, mononylon, titanium miniplates) and if necessary we used alogen implants or parietal bone to reconstruct the anterior plate. Conclusion: The principal cause of frontal sinus fractures is crashed car. The management depends of the complexity, because commonly there are cranioencephalic lesions associated. The surgical thecniques used are the incisions, bicoronal flap or browglabella, infra-orbital rim (“butterfly”), associated a endoscopy sinus surgery in cases of infection, cerobrospinal fluid leak and orbital complications