9,027 research outputs found

    Modelo matemático + Sistema físico = Teoria dos Sistemas

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    Automatic Control Systems are far and wide used in all modern and industrialized societies. Devices designed to control automatized tasks are each time more present from small plants to large industrial buildings. The development of mathematical models is a compulsory task for whom aim at analyzing or design any control systems. These mathematical models should reproduce some performance measures as accurate as possible. So, no matter the physical nature of the process we aim at control, an accurate mathematical model should be evaluate. So, the development of mathematical models can be considered an hi-level step over the physical nature of the system that we aim at analyze or design. For this reason the study of Systems Theory and Control Systems are considered transversal areas of the knowledge and them studies are compulsory in many branches of sciences and technologies in many universities all over the world. In spite of normal systems are non-linear the linearization procedure simplify the analysis and design of control systems and, depending on the accuracy of the model can give us good results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An analysis of governmental policies in agriculture: the case of cashew supply chain in Mozambique

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    This thesis analyzes how the Mozambican government can implement policies to support cashew farmers. To achieve these conclusions, insights on the country’s cashew value chain were obtained during a 3-month internship at an international project, which operates at a local level. Building upon that experience, research was done on the topic of agricultural policies, which was then used to evaluate Mozambique’s current governmental action. Finally, a new set of policies was proposed, with the goal of benefitting cashew farmers’ well-being

    Ancient tin production: Slags from the Iron Age Carvalhelhos hillfort (NW Iberian Peninsula)

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    Provenance and production of tin in the Ancient World has since long been a major topic of discussion among archaeologists. In Western Europe, where significant tin ore (cassiterite) deposits are known, only a few remains of ancient tin production, such as tin slags, have been detected. In the present work, elemental and microstructural analyses by WDXRF, SEM-EDS and XRD were performed on recently recognised tin slags from the Iron Age Carvalhelhos hillfort located in NW Iberia, a territory that represents the largest extension with tin mineralisation in Western Europe. Elemental and microstructural characterisation of cassiterite collected in a pilot field survey in the region of the hillfort are presented and discussed, as well as two ceramic fragments that could be part of a smelting structure and an iron slag from the settlement. Results show that the tin slags have variable but high contents in Sn, similarly to Pre-Medieval tin slags found in other Western European areas, but also high contents of Ta and Nb, which specifically distinguish them from other tin slags, such as those found in SW Britain. Tin ores from the hillfort region frequently have Ta and Nb in cassiterite solid solution or as inclusions of columbite group minerals, relating well with the Carvalhelhos tin slags. Up to present, the Carvalhelhos slags are amongst the very few ancient tin slags known in Western Europe, and their study can contribute to a better knowledge on ancient tin sources and trade routes

    The Competitive Perception

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    This paper aims to define what competitive perception is. Using Dufrenne’s phenomenological analysis of the art spectator’s experience, namely the concept of aesthetic perception, I will claim that it is useful to apply this phenomenological approach to the experience of watching sport events. I will argue that the concepts of uncertainty and auto teleology, being two main features in sport competition, are helpful to define competitive perception

    Pensar o Corpo através do Desporto, Hoje: Limite ou superação? Harmonia ou excesso?

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    Que relação há hoje entre o corpo humano e a competição desportiva, nas suas diferentes dimensões? É o desporto uma actividade que visa superar os limites da corporeidade ou procura fazer entre o corpo e o mundo uma relação harmoniosa

    Falar Sempre de Outra Coisa Ensaios Sobre Eduardo Lourenço

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    O presente livro reúne quinze ensaios escritos em ocasiões muito variadas, tendo grande parte deles aparecido anteriormente em publicações dispersas. No entanto, em todos os capítulos, ou pelo menos naqueles que compõem a primeira parte desta edição, o leitor encontrará um traço comum, pois são sempre ensaios ou interpretações, mais ou menos amplos, escritos sobre ou a pretexto do pensamento de Eduardo Lourenço. Assim, é possível dizer-se que Falar sempre de outra coisa corresponde a uma segunda etapa das nossas investigações acerca da obra daquele que, nas palavras de António Marques, «é o mais universal lósofo português»

    Ética e Desporto Profissional. Considerações a partir da perspectiva filosófica de Sílvio Lima

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    Nos últimos anos da década de Trinta do século passado, Sílvio Lima, professor de filosofia na Faculdade Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, escreveu três livros que agora poderemos considerar, sem grande esforço, como fazendo parte do domínio da filosofia do desporto. Em Desportismo Profissional, Sílvio Lima aponta o profissionalismo como um mal que fere de morte a essência do desporto, consubstanciada no conceito de fair-play. Este estudo pretende responder à seguinte questão: será que a profissionalização do desporto implica necessariamente a extinção de todas as suas virtudes éticas e educativas

    Estética e Desporto

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    Apesar de o desporto ter desempenhado desde sempre um papel importante na minha vida, quer como modesto jogador de ténis, quer como apaixonado adepto sobretudo de futebol e de rugby, a verdade é que apenas fiz dele assunto de estudo e de reflexão mais sistemática, quando comecei a leccionar na Universidade de Évora diversas disciplinas da área epistemológica da filosofia aos cursos de Educação Física e Desporto. Depressa se tornou claro para mim que a área da filosofia do desporto é um enorme campo de possibilidades de investigação que tenho procurado desenvolver desde então. Nesse quadro, a estética fenomenológica de Merleau-Ponty e de Dufrenne desempenham um papel decisivo na abordagem que procuro efectuar no presente volume. Por outro lado, desde que comecei a estudar e a ensinar filosofia do desporto, a obra de Sílvio Lima revelou-se um interlocutor privilegiado para esta componente da minha actividade académica, como se pode observar nos dois últimos capítulos de "Estética e Desporto"

    Morality, Simulacrum and Distraction: The Function of Art according to Rousseau

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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau was undoubtedly the first to investigate the ethical role of art in modern philosophical thought. However, his position was decidedly eccentric amidst the backdrop of the Enlightenment. According to Rousseau, Art was responsible for the destruction of virtue, but is responsible now for concocting a moral veneer. Art’s function is to construct this “moral veneer” that brings a stop to man’s turpitudes or, at least, reduces their occurrence. Art’s ethical benefit is not that it leads man to do good. Rather, the artistic simulacrum prevents the most hideous crimes from occurring. This paper investigates the ethical role of art in Rousseau's First Discourse and in the preface to his play Narcissus or the Self-Admirer