451 research outputs found

    Epidemioloogiliste uuringute kajastamine Postimehe ja The Irish Timesi veebivÀljaannetes

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    Taust ja eesmĂ€rgid. Uuriti epidemioloogiliste terviseuuringute kajastamist Eesti ja Iirimaa kvaliteetpĂ€evalehtede – Postimehe (PM) ja The Irish Timesi (IT) – veebivĂ€ljaannetes 2009. aastal. Epidemioloogiliste uuringutena kĂ€sitleti juhtkontroll-, kohort- ja levimusuuringuid, mis on enam levinud rahvastiku tervise ja seda mĂ”jutavate tegurite selgitamisel. Artikli eesmĂ€rk on tuua esile sarnasused ja erinevused kahe vĂ€ljaande epidemioloogiliste uuringute esitamise praktikas ning sellest lĂ€htuvalt juhtida tĂ€helepanu meediakajastuse lugejasĂ”bralikumaks muutmise vĂ”imalustele. Artiklis otsitakse vastuseid jĂ€rgmistele kĂŒsimustele: a) milliseid terviseteemasid ja mis eesmĂ€rgil valjaannetes on kajastatud; b) kui palju ja millist infot kajastatud uuringute kohta on edastatud; c) kuidas on esitatud uuringute tulemused ja loodud kontekst tulemuste tĂ”lgendamiseks. Meetodid ja tulemused. Uuringusse vĂ”eti kokku 269 artiklit (PMist 149 ja ITst 120), mida analĂŒĂŒsiti kvantitatiivse kontentanalĂŒĂŒsi meetodil. Kahe vĂ€ljaande vĂ”rdluses ilmnes mĂ€rkimisvaarseid erinevusi. ITs esitati sagedamini kohalike uuringute tulemusi (IT 59%, PM 9%) ning kĂ€sitleti neid enam tervisepoliitilistes aruteludes ( IT 18%, PM 8%) ja jagati lugejatele tervisesoovitusi ( IT 15%, PM 3%). PMi sagedamini raporteerivas vormis kirjutatud artiklid (PM 87%, IT 58%) tutvustasid rohkem vĂ€lismaiseid uuringuid (PM 78%, IT 36%) ja andsid uuringute tegemise kohta detailsemat infot kui IT artiklid. Uurimisteemadest leidis mĂ”lemas vĂ€ljaandes kĂ”ige enam kajastamist toitumine, sotsiaalmajanduslikud ja psĂŒhholoogilised tervisemĂ”jurid ning vaimne tervis. IT teemadevalik seostus PMist paremini riigi tervisestatistikast ilmnenud terviseprobleemidega. Uuringute statistilistest nĂ€itajatest esines artiklites kĂ”ige sagedamini levimusmÀÀr (PM 42% ja IT 62%) ning viiendikus artiklites suhteline risk ja absoluutarvud. ITs sagedamini esinev praktika kasutada absoluutarve kergendab lugeja vaeva tulemuste mĂ”istmisel. Uuringutulemustele konteksti loomiseks pakkus IT rohkem taustainfot kui PM. JĂ€reldused. Vaatamata sellele, et PMi veebivĂ€ljaanne töötab interneti tĂŒĂŒpilise uudisteportaali pĂ”himĂ”ttel, saaks epidemioloogiliste uuringute kajastamist oluliselt tĂ€iendada, pakkudes rohkem kohalikke ja Eesti terviseprobleemidega seotud uuringute tulemusi, kasutades seejuures lugejasĂ”bralikke statistilisi nĂ€itajaid. Eesti Arst 2012; 91(1):11–1

    Antropomeetrilised nÀitajad, keha koostis ja aeroobne vastupidavus eliittasemel tantsusportlastel vÔrreldes balletitantsijate ja moderntantsu tantsijatega

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Tantsusport on spordiala, mis on vĂ€lja kujunenud seltskonnatantsudest, mida tantsitakse paaris. VĂ”isteldakse kolmes distsipliinis: standardtantsud, Ladina-Ameerika tantsud ja kĂŒmme tantsu. Tegemist on esteetilise spordialaga, kus sooritust mĂ”jutavad nii kehalised vĂ”imed kui ka tantsijate vĂ€ljanĂ€gemine. Töö eesmĂ€rk oli uurida, kas rahvusvahelisel tasemel vĂ”istlevate tantsusportlaste keha kuju, keha koostis ja vastupidavusvĂ”imed mĂ”jutavad vĂ”istlustulemust. Lisaks oli eesmĂ€rgiks vĂ”rrelda tantsusportlaste keha kuju, keha koostist ja vastupidavusvĂ”imeid teiste tantsuliikide, nagu balletti ja moderntantsu tantsivate tantsijate omaga. Kuna vĂ”istlustantsu vĂ”istluspĂ€ev on pikk ja sooritused intensiivsed, oli uurimistöö ĂŒheks hĂŒpoteesiks, et need tantsijad, kellel on paremad vastupidavusvĂ”imed, saavutavad vĂ”istlustel kĂ”rgemaid kohti. Uuringu tulemused nĂ€itasid, et rahvusvahelisel tasemel vĂ”istlevate tantsusportlaste vastupidavusvĂ”imed on kĂŒll suhteliselt kĂ”rged (keskmised maksimaalse hapniku tarbimise ehk VO2max nĂ€itajad on meestel ja naistel vastavalt 59,6 ± 5,1 ja 51,2 ± 6,2 ml∙min-1∙kg-1), kuid seost rahvusvahelise karikasarja koondtabeli tulemustega ei esine. Sellest vĂ”ib jĂ€reldada, et rahvusvahelisel tasemel vĂ”istlemiseks on teatud tasemel vastupidavusvĂ”imed tantsuspordis olulised, kuid vastupidavus kui kehaline vĂ”ime ei mÀÀra otseselt vĂ”istlustulemust. Samuti leidsime, et Ladina-Ameerika tantsude vĂ”istlussooritus on intensiivsem vĂ”rreldes standard- ja kĂŒmne tantsu sooritusega, samas kui vastupidavuslikus töövĂ”imes tantsijate vahel erinevused puudusid. Seega vĂ”ib eeldada, et Ladina-Ameerika tantsijatele on vastupidavusvĂ”imete arendamine olulisem vĂ”rreldes teiste tantsuliikidega. Lisaks nĂ€itasid uuringu tulemused, et kuigi standardtantsude tantsijad on pikemat kasvu ja pigem pikkade saledate jĂ€semetega on lihaselisema kehaehitusega standardtantsude tantsijate koht rahvusvahelise karikasarja tabelis kĂ”rgem, see teadmine on oluline treeningute juhtimisel ning potentsiaalsete talentide selektsioonil. VĂ”rdlus teiste tantsuliikidega nĂ€itas, et balletitantsijad, moderntantsu tantsijad ja tantsusportlased erinevad mĂ”ningal mÀÀral keha kuju, keha koostise ja vastupidavusvĂ”imete poolest. Balletitantsijatel on kĂ”ige madalam keha rasvaprotsent. Tantsusportlased on vĂ€hem lihaselise kehaehitusega kui balleti- ja moderntantsu tantsijad ning nende aeroobne töövĂ”ime on oluliselt kĂ”rgem.DanceSport is a set of partner dances that emerged from ballroom dancing. It has three disciplines: Standard Dances; Latin American Dances; and Ten Dance. During competitions dancers are judged on both their physical abilities and expressiveness. The general aim of this study was to investigate anthropometric parameters, body composition and aerobic capacity in international DanceSport athletes in relation to gender, dance styles (Standard Dance, Latin American Dance and Ten Dance), international rankings and other dance genres (classical ballet and contemporary dance). Typical DanceSport competitions last for a number of rounds throughout the day before reaching the final dance round – around 10 hours in total. It has been hypothesised that DanceSport athletes with better aerobic capacity gain higher places in competitions. Our study indicated that aerobic capacity values in international DanceSport dancers of different styles are relatively high. The average maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) values were 59.6±5.1 and 51.2±6.2 ml‱min-1‱kg-1 for male and female dancers, respectively. However, no relationship was found between international ranking and aerobic capacity. We further found that competition intensity during Latin American dances was significantly higher than with other dance styles, while there were no differences in aerobic capacity values between the styles. Therefore, it has been suggested that Latin American dancers turn more of their attention to the development of aerobic capacity. Furthermore, the results showed that Standard dancers with greater musculature were more successful, which indicates a specific body shape that should be targeted during training and the talent selection process. Comparison of dance genres showed that ballet dancers had the lowest body fat percentage. DanceSport dancers are less muscular with higher aerobic capacity values compared to classical ballet and contemporary dancers

    Contact Automation For The ESTCube-2 Mission Control System

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    ESTCube-2 on Eesti Tudengisatelliidi Sihtasutuse satelliidi programm, mille eesmĂ€rgiks on tehnoloogiline testimine jĂ€rgmiste missioonide tarbeks. Peale satelliidi orbiidile saatmist toimub suhtlemine satelliidiga maapealsete sidejaamade abil, aga kontakti aeg satelliidiga ĂŒhest maapealsest sidejaamast on vĂ€ga limiteeritud . KĂ€esoleva töö eesmĂ€rk on disainida ja implementeerida kontakti automatiseerimise tarkvaramoodul, mis vĂ”imaldab minimaalse inimese sekkumisega planeerida ja lĂ€bi viia kontakte satelliitidega. Esmane funktsioneeriv tarkvaramoodul on loodud autori poolt. Töös selgitatakse tarkvara disaini ja implementatsiooni ning ĂŒhildamist olemasoleva missioonijuhtimissĂŒstemiga, mis on kombinatsioon tark- ja riistvarast, mille abil jĂ€lgitakse ja juhitakse orbiidil olevat satelliiti.ESTCube-2 is the first student satellite project of the Estonian Student Satellite Foundation and it's objective is the technological demonstration of scientific payloads for upcoming missions. After a satellite's launch, the communication can be done through ground stations, but the contact time is very short over a limited area at a given point in time over the earth. The aim of this thesis is to design and implement a contact automation module which can schedule and execute automatic contacts with the satellite without minimal/no human intervention. The author aims to implement the first functional version of the required software module. This thesis explains the thought process, design and implementation of the software module, including the integration with the existing ESTCube Mission Control System—a combination of software and hardware that is used for monitoring and controlling the satellite after launch

    Ballroom dancing is more intensive for the female partners due to their unique hold technique

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    In this study, we tested the hypotheses that, relative to the maximum capacities, ballroom dancing is more intensive for females than males, and that the hold technique (female vs. male) regulates dancing intensity. Ten dance couples were tested in a maximal treadmill test, competition simulation, and stationary dance hold position. Peak heart rate and relative oxygen consumption were measured during the tests, except that oxygen consumption was not measured during competition simulation. Regardless of gender, heart rate increased similarly in the treadmill test and in the competition simulation. In the treadmill test, females achieved an oxygen consumption of 78% of the males (p < 0.05). Compared with males, females achieved 14% higher heart rate (p < 0.05) and similar oxygen consumption during the hold position. Heart rate during competition simulation relative to maximum was greater for females than males. Both heart rate and oxygen consumption measured during the hold, relative to maximum, were greater for females than males. It is concluded that lower class ballroom dancers perform at their vita maxima during competition simulation. Using heart rate as an intensity indicator, ballroom dancing is more intensive for females because of their unique hold technique

    Social and Political Dimensions of the Eurozone Enlargement in the case of the Baltic States

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    This Regional Input is a supplement to Ezoneplus Working Paper No. 13 on the Social Dimension of the Eastward Enlargement of the Eurozone. Political transition from authoritarian to democratic society has been extensive in all three Baltic States. The Baltic States are often examined together in political studies despite of the fact that there is much more variation among these countries in the political sphere than in the economic and social spheres. The problems stemming from the political sphere might be even more crucial for EU enlargement because of their relative instability and slow working comparing that to the economic and social concerns. Therefore this study emphasises some major political differences between the Baltic States that should be taken into account when analysing EU eastward enlargement processes. The paper aims to analyze social and political dimensions of eurozone enlargement in the Baltic States emphasizing also negative consequences of transition and integration processes and their possible impact on EU accession.Regional Input, Baltic States, social dimension, political dimension

    Ecocritical Considerations of Nature in Contemporary British and Estonian Literature

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    The issue of the environment has been never more topical than at present, with environmental problems being an urgent 21st century concern. This topic, otherwise characteristic to natural sciences, has also found its way into literary studies in the form of ecocriticism, which affords an interesting insight into the representation of place and nature in literary texts. This article proposes to take an ecocritical stance, focusing on the aspect of nature in the work of contemporary British and Estonian writers, Graham Swift and Andrus KivirĂ€hk; of special interest is the representation of nature, nature–culture interactions, and a possibility of a new way for seeing the world, that is, through the eyes of nonhumans. It is the nonhuman beings and green environment that constitute a presence in the novels and suggest questioning of such debate-spurning issues as anthropocentrism, nature’s voice(lessness) and agency. Challenging established ideas of humanism and directing attention to topical environmental issues, the contemporary novels highlight a unique ecocentric direction in literature
