21,487 research outputs found

    Inventory of beet cyst nematode on sugar beet farms of three machine rings in Finland 2004-2006

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    The effect of harvester ring in the spreading of beet cyst nematodes was studied during the growing season 2004 to 2006. Three rings, three farms per ring and three fields per farm were taken to inventory

    Gypsum-based management practices to prevent phosphorus transportation

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    Phosphogypsum from Siilinjärvi plant were tested in soil incubation-leaching-studies(I), and in liquid pig manure treatment (II) in farm pit. In soil columns, gypsum additions significantly reduced erodibility and ortho-P concentrations in the leaching water. In the pig manure test, the gypsum-based precipitate fractionated phosphorus to P-rich sediment and to almost P-free upper part. Upper low-P fraction represented 2/3 of the total manure volume

    Expressing possession with HAVE and BE: affected possession structures in Flemish

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    This paper concerns a cartographic account of Flemish Event Possessives (FEVPs) which alternate between a variety with HAVE and one with BE. The FEVP matrix subjects have the interpretation of both being the Possessor (in its broadest meaning) of the event expressed in the embedded clause and being affected by it, the latter shown by among others the ‘ban on dead arguments’ diagnostic (Hole 2006, 387-388). Cross-linguistically the alternation between possessive HAVE and BE appears with a nominative subject in the HAVE-variety, but a dative subject in the BE-variety. In line with the analysis of HAVE as the spell-out of BE with a preposition or a case (cf. Benveniste 1966; Freeze 1992; Kayne 1993; Hoekstra 1994, 1995; Belvin and den Dikken 1997; den Dikken 1997), Broekhuis and Cornips (1994) argue that HAVE and BE respectively assign accusative and dative case to their complements in Heerlen Dutch possessives. As expected, the matrix subject in the Flemish HAVE-FEVP is nominative. The availability of a pronominal direct object het (‘it’) in HAVE-FEVPs, but not in BE-FEVPs, follows from the above mentioned traditional analyses of possessive HAVE and BE as well. What is unexpected, however, is that the matrix subject of the Flemish BE-FEVP does not surface with dative case but instead with nominative. I argue that the nominative matrix subject of the FEVP in both its varieties occupies a similar (applicative) relation to the clausal domain as that observed for the Possessor of the subject-related Flemish External Possessor pattern (FEP) (Haegeman 2011; Haegeman and van Koppen 2012; Haegeman and Danckaert 2013; Buelens and D’Hulster 2014). For the subject-related FEP-pattern, Haegeman and Danckaert (2013) argue that the Possessor occupies a position higher in the clause than its unmarked DP-internal position (cf. Landau 1999; Payne and Barshi 1999; Hole 2004, 2006; Lee-Schoenfeld 2006; Deal 2010, 2013, forthc.). Along those lines, I argue that in the FEVP an Affectee feature [+AFF] on an applicative light verb attracts the Possessor subject to its specifier (for Affectee and applicative structures cf. Marantz 1993; Pylkkänen 2000, 2002, 2008; McFadden 2004; Hole 2004, 2006; Rivero 2009; Kim 2011, 2012; Rivero and Arregui 2010, 2012). It is in this high applicative position that it receives the (default) nominative case. Specifically, the FEVP is analyzed, following Belvin and den Dikken’s (1997) analysis of possessive HAVE and BE in Dutch, as a small clause headed by Agr. I take the event being encoded by the full clause CP to be in the specifier of Agr and the Possessor as the complement of Agr: (a) BE-FEVP: [vP wej [v' v [IP tj [I' I+Agri] [AgrP [CP dat...] [Agr' ti tj]]]] (b) HAVE-FEVP: [vP wej [v' v [IP tj [I' I+Agri+Pe [hetk]] [AgrP [CP dat...k] [Agr' ti tj]]]]] The verb BE, then, in Flemish alternates freely with HAVE in the FEVP and can be said to be a dummy verb used not only to encode possessive structures, but also affected possessive structures

    Beyond the Notion of Security Community: What Role for the African Regional Organizations in Peace and Security?

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    African Union, regional economic communities, integration, multilevel governance, security community

    Effect of conservation tillage and peat application on weed infestation on a clay soil

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    Amendment of soil with peat is an attempt to avoid crop yield variation in the transition to conservation tillage, as it improves seedbed conditions and crop growth in drought-sensitive clay soils. Weed infestations were compared in 1999-2000 between the original and peat-amended clay (Typic Cryaquept, very fine, illitic or mixed) under different autumn tillage systems in an oats-barley rotation. In a field experiment, sphagnum peat (H = 4) had been spread (0.02 m 3 m -2 ) on the soil surface in August 1995. Tillage treatments included mouldboard ploughing (to 20 cm) and stubble cultivations of different working depths (8 or 15 cm) and intensity (once or twice). Weed biomass and density were assessed by an area of 1 m 2 per field plot in August 1999-2000 and June 2000. The 1999 season was dry, but soil moisture conditions were more favourable in 2000. Peat application tended to increase the number of volunteer oats and Chenopodium album in 1999, while decreasing Galium spurium biomass. Ploughing significantly increased the abundance of Chenopodium album and Lamium purpureum in barley (Hordeum vulgare) in 1999. Weed infestation was much lower in 2000, and tillage effect on Chenopodium album was minor in oats (Avena sativa). Growth of Lamium purpureum and Fumaria officinalis was stimulated in ploughed soils both years. Intensity and working depth of stubble cultivation had no significant effect on weeds

    Are risk preferences dynamic? : Within-subject variation in risk-taking as a function of background music

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    This paper investigates whether preference interactions can explain why risk preferences change over time and across contexts. We conduct an experiment in which subjects accept or reject gambles involving real money gains and losses. We introduce within-subject variation by alternating subjectively liked music and disliked music in the background. We find that favourite music increases risk-taking, and disliked music suppresses risk-taking, compared to a baseline of no music. Several theories in psychology propose mechanisms by which mood affects risktaking, but none of them fully explain our results. The results are, however, consistent with preference complementarities that extend to risk preference

    Buffer funding of unemployment insurance in a dynamic labour union model

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    In this paper we study the implications of the unemployment insurance (UI) financing system on wage levels and employment when labour markets are unionised and the revenues of the firms are stochastic. We use the basic monopoly union approach of wage and employment determination and assume that unemployment benefits are financed by employees’ UI contributions to the union’s UI fund and by the government’s tax revenue. The main focus of this paper is on the effects of UI buffer funding on employment fluctuations. We show that, compared with the pay-as-you-go financing system, buffer funding stabilises the economy by decreasing employment fluctuations where wages are flexible. If wages are rigid, buffer funding stabilises net wage variations, but has hardly any effect on employment fluctuations.unemployment insurance; unions; stabilisation; buffer funding

    Loanwords in Finnish Quiz

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    A nine-part quiz that features words that have been borrowed into the Finnish language before the 20th century. The quiz helps students to learn to recognise loanwords. Students will also acquire new vocabulary and have fun. The quiz is suitable for students attending tasters, complete beginners or A1/A2 learners

    Buffer funding of unemployment insurance in a dynamic labour union model

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    In this paper we study the implications of the unemployment insurance (UI) financing system on wage levels and employment when labour markets are unionised and the revenues of the firms are stochastic. We use the basic monopoly union approach of wage and employment determination and assume that unemployment benefits are financed by employees’ UI contributions to the union’s UI fund and by the government’s tax revenue. The main focus of this paper is on the effects of UI buffer funding on employment fluctuations. We show that, compared with the pay- as-you-go financing system, buffer funding stabilises the economy by decreasing employment fluctuations where wages are flexible. If wages are rigid, buffer funding stabilises net wage variations, but has hardly any effect on employment fluctuations.unemployment insurance, unions, stabilisation, buffer funding

    Diatom and microarthropod communities of three airfields in Estonia – Their differences and similarities and possible linkages to airfield properties

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    Even though airfields, which are often anthropologically modified natural areas, are continuously influenced by human activities, their soils are still dynamic ecosystems containing various habitats for microscopic groups of organisms which are often ignored. In this exploratory study, the microarthropod fauna, Collembola (Hexapoda) and oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida), and diatom (Bacillariophyta) flora were identified in three Estonian airfields, both runway sides and snow-melting sites were investigated. The communities of these airfields shared approximately 10–60% of the species belonging to each studied bioindicator group. The shared species were generally characteristic of a broad habitat spectrum. Communities were also characterized based on their species richness and diversity and in relation to location and the purpose of different airfield areas (e.g. snow-melting sites vs. runway sides). Also, species indicative of a specific airfield or purpose of the area within the airfield were identified using Indicator Species Analysis. Some possible linkages between airfield properties and communities,  e.g. airfield that had highest pollutant concentrations had also maintained high diversity and species richness, were noted. Despite the contamination levels the airfield soils had still maintained a functioning soil ecosystem
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