452 research outputs found

    Design and analysis of unloading and tiedown systems. Apollo logistics support systems MOLAB studies Technical report, 1 Oct. - 7 Dec. 1964

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    Remote control systems for unloading lunar mobile laboratory from lunar excursion module truck - logistic

    Device for Measuring of Bioimpedance using Circuit AFE4300

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    Import 05/08/2014Bioimpedance je elektrická vlastnost lidského těla, která je závislá na mnoha faktorech. Měření bioimpedance se využívá ke zjištění složení těla, například množství a hmotnosti tuku a svalů v těle, nebo množství vody v těle. V této práci je popsán návrh a realizace zařízení, které umožňuje měřit velikost a fázi bioimpedance na třech různých frekvencích, které jsou 15,625 kHz, 31,250 kHz a 62,500 kHz. Pro realizaci zařízení byl použit obvod AFE4300 od americké firmy Texas Instuments. Zařízení bylo testováno na modelu lidského těla a výsledky byly ověřeny výpočtem. Dále byl přístroj srovnán s komerčně dostupným zařízením.Bioimpedance is an electrical characteristic of the human body, which is dependent on many factors. Bioimpedance measurement is used to determine the composition of the body, such as the amount and weight of the fat and muscle in the body or body water. This paper describes the design and implementation of a device that allows you to measure the size and stage of bioimpedance at three different frequencies, which are 15.625 kHz, 31,250 kHz and 62,500 kHz. To realize the device was used circuit AFE4300 from the U.S. company Texas instuments. The device was tested on a human body model and the results were verified by calculation. Further, the device was compared with commercially available equipment.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Freedom Dreaming Through Waking Nightmares: A Duoethnography Of Education Scholars Navigating Public Schooling As Parents

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    As advocates for public schools, public school teachers, and the promise of public education, we experience tension related to our roles as parents of school-aged children. While our vision of both schools and our own children’s education goes beyond “academic” success, a struggle arises at the intersection of our personal and professional roles. With that in mind, this paper discusses the tensions we experience as both teacher educators and parents. Our inquiry took a reflective nature as we worked to gain clarity into and highlight the differences between the pushes and pulls we feel given the intersections of our personal and professional roles. This tension is even more palpable at a time when being critical of public education, even in a loving and productive manner, only feeds its critics and further burdens its exhausted and alienated teachers

    Machine Learning-Based Multimodal Data Processing and Mapping in Robotics

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    Disertace se zabývá aplikaci neuronových sítí pro detekci objektů na multimodální data v robotice. Celkem cílí na tři oblasti: tvorbu datasetu, zpracování multimodálních dat a trénování neuronových sítí. Nejdůležitější části práce je návrh metody pro tvorbu rozsáhlých anotovaných datasetů bez časové náročného lidského zásahu. Metoda používá neuronové sítě trénované na RGB obrázcích. Užitím dat z několika snímačů pro vytvoření modelu okolí a mapuje anotace z RGB obrázků na jinou datovou doménu jako jsou termální obrázky, či mračna bodů. Pomoci této metody autor vytvořil dataset několika set tisíc anotovaných obrázků a použil je pro trénink neuronové sítě, která následně překonala modely trénované na menších, lidmi anotovaných datasetech. Dále se autor v práci zabývá robustností detekce objektů v několika datových doménách za různých povětrnostních podmínek. Práce také popisuje kompletní řetězec zpracování multimodálních dat, které autor vytvořil během svého doktorského studia. To Zahrnuje vývoj unikátního senzorického zařízení, které je vybavené řadou snímačů běžně užívaných v robotice. Dále autor popisuje proces tvorby rozsáhlého, veřejně dostupného datasetu Brno Urban Dataset. Na závěr autor popisuje software, který vznikl během jeho studia a jak je tento software užit při zpracování dat v rámci jeho práce (Atlas Fusion a Robotic Template Library).This dissertation deals with the application of object detection neural networks on multimodal data in robotics. It aims at three topics: dataset-making, multimodal data processing, and neural network training. The most important is a proposed method that allows creating a large training dataset without an expensive and time-demanding human annotation. The method uses the neural network model trained on the RGB image data and uses multiple sensors' data to create the surrounding map and transfers the annotations of objects detected in the RGB image to the other data domain, like thermal images or point cloud data. Applying this approach, the author generated the thermal image dataset, which contained hundreds of thousands of annotated images, and used them to train the network that outperformed other models trained on human-annotated data. Moreover, the thesis also studies the robustness of object detection in various data domains during difficult weather conditions. The thesis also describes the entire multimodal data processing pipeline that the author created during his Ph.D. studies. That includes developing a unique sensory framework that employs a wide range of commonly used sensors in robotics and self-driving cars. Next, it describes the process of using the sensory framework to make a large-scale publically available open-source navigation and mapping dataset called Brno Urban Dataset. Finally, it covers the description of the custom-made software tools, the Atlas Fusion and the Robotic Template Libarary that the author used to manipulate the multimodal data.

    Methods For Simultaneous Self-Localization And Mapping For Depth Cameras

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    This work deals with the extension of the existing implementation of RGBD Visual SLAM with additional data source from wheel odometry of robot’s chassis, on which RGBD sensor is located. Each of these two position estimation methods has a different character measurement uncertainty. By combining these methods together we could be able to suppress the disadvantages of both approaches, and in the result we would be able to create more accurate model of the robot’s environment, which was unknown at the beginning of the measurement. Also accuracy of position estimation in created model can be improved

    Os Reflexos Causados Nos Índices Econômico-Financeiros Pela Lei Nº 11.638/07 Nas Sociedades Por Ações Quanto à Reavaliação dos Ativos Permanentes Imobilizados

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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Socioeconômico. Curso de Ciências ContábeisOs ativos correspondem ao conjunto de bens e direitos da organização. O ativo imobilizado, com o passar dos anos, perde gradativamente o valor proporcional à sua vida útil, seja pela depreciação, pelo fim da vida útil, ou pela variação dos preços de mercado, por exemplo. Com isso, o custo de aquisição reduz e conseqüentemente há uma perda no valor desse ativo que passa a não corresponder ao que ele realmente valeria em caso de alienação. Contudo, a Lei nº 6.404/76, possibilitou a reavaliação dos ativos imobilizados de uma companhia por seu valor de mercado. Na reavaliação, abandona-se o custo do ativo e emprega-se o valor de reposição, ou seja, o valor de mercado utilizando-se de uma prévia pesquisa dos preços atuais e nas mesmas condições do ativo em questão. Em 28 de dezembro de 2007 foi publicada a Lei nº 11.638/07 que entrou em vigor em 1º de janeiro de 2008, essa Lei altera dispositivos da Lei nº 6.404/76, dentre essas alterações excluiu-se do patrimônio líquido a conta reserva de reavaliação. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral, demonstrar os reflexos causados nos índices econômico-financeiros pela Lei nº 11.638/2007 quanto à reavaliação dos ativos permanentes imobilizados. Quanto aos objetivos, esta pesquisa caracterizou-se como descritiva por utilizar técnicas de coleta de dados e preocupar-se em analisá-los e interpretálos. Para analisar as demonstrações contábeis foi necessário realizar uma abordagem quantitativa, já que esta pesquisa visou coletar dados contábeis e utilizar o cálculo de índices para a análise das demonstrações contábeis. Após o estorno da reserva de reavaliação analisaram-se as variações nos índices que envolvem as contas de lançamento da reavaliação. Foram constatadas variações nos índices de endividamento, imobilização do patrimônio líquido, giro do ativo, rentabilidade do ativo e rentabilidade do patrimônio líquido. O índice de endividamento, em algumas empresas, aumentou chegando até 1.417,57% como no caso da empresa S.A Fábrica de Produtos Alimentícios Vigor. As empresas Excelsior Alimentos S.A e Parmalat Brasil S.A Indústria de Alimentos, tiveram o passivo a descoberto após o estorno da reserva de reavaliação, portanto, todo o seu capital passou a pertencer a terceiros, além disso, essas empresas tiveram anulado o índice de imobilização do patrimônio líquido. O giro do ativo aumentou em todas as empresas pesquisadas, mesmo que irrelevantemente. As rentabilidades do ativo e do patrimônio líquido tiveram aumento na maioria da empresas pesquisadas, chegando a 181,89% de rentabilidade do ativo na empresa Excelsior Alimentos S.A e 120,97% de rentabilidade do patrimônio líquido na empresa Usina Costa Pinto S.A

    Secure communication within the PX4 platform

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    PX4 platforma je jedna z nepoužívanějších softwarových balíčků pro řízení bezpilotníhosystému. Používá MAVLink protokol pro komunikaci mezi autopilotem, pozemní stanicía dalšími zařízeními v MAVLink síti. Je speciálně navržen pro bezpilotní systémy použí-vající rádia s nízkou datovou propustností. S rostoucím počtem těchto zařízení docházírovněž k růstu počtu útoků na tyto systémy. Tato diplomová práce obsahuje analízua popis bezpečnostních nedostatků v telemetrické komunikaci platformy PX4 běžící naprotokolu MAVLink. Na základě těchto nedostatků byla dále navržená a implementovánabezpečnostní řešení. Tato implementace zahrnuje šifrování, řízení přístupu, autentizacia systém pro výměnu klíčů. Bezpečnostní implementace je postavená na knihovně Mo-noCypher. Všechny části práce jsou naprogramováno v jazyce C. Cílem autora je sdíletvýsledky, kterých dosáhl s komunitou kolem paltformy PX4. Proto během finální částipráce vznikl pull request do veřejného repozitáře.PX4 platform is one of the most common software packages used to control unmanned systems. It uses the MAVLink protocol for communication between the autopilot, ground control station or other devices in the MAVLink network. This protocol is specially designed to suit unmanned systems using radio with low passthrough. With the rising number of unmanned systems, the number of cyber attacks on these devices is also increasing. This diploma thesis presents an analysis of the MAVLink protocol and PX4 platform, and describes possible security vulnerabilities in telemetry connection. Based on these findings, a security implementation was created. This implementation contains encryption, access control, authentication and a key exchange system. Security implementation is based on the MonoCypher cryptography library. The whole implementation was programmed in C language. Author's goal was to share results with the community around PX4 platform. Therefore, pull requests have been created to the public repository during the final part of thesis.

    Airborne Particles in Museums

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    Presents one in a series of research activities aimed at a better understanding of the origin and fate of air pollution within the built environment