68 research outputs found

    Characterization of human DNGR-1+ BDCA3+ leukocytes as putative equivalents of mouse CD8α+ dendritic cells

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    In mouse, a subset of dendritic cells (DCs) known as CD8α+ DCs has emerged as an important player in the regulation of T cell responses and a promising target in vaccination strategies. However, translation into clinical protocols has been hampered by the failure to identify CD8α+ DCs in humans. Here, we characterize a population of human DCs that expresses DNGR-1 (CLEC9A) and high levels of BDCA3 and resembles mouse CD8α+ DCs in phenotype and function. We describe the presence of such cells in the spleens of humans and humanized mice and report on a protocol to generate them in vitro. Like mouse CD8α+ DCs, human DNGR-1+ BDCA3hi DCs express Necl2, CD207, BATF3, IRF8, and TLR3, but not CD11b, IRF4, TLR7, or (unlike CD8α+ DCs) TLR9. DNGR-1+ BDCA3hi DCs respond to poly I:C and agonists of TLR8, but not of TLR7, and produce interleukin (IL)-12 when given innate and T cell–derived signals. Notably, DNGR-1+ BDCA3+ DCs from in vitro cultures efficiently internalize material from dead cells and can cross-present exogenous antigens to CD8+ T cells upon treatment with poly I:C. The characterization of human DNGR-1+ BDCA3hi DCs and the ability to grow them in vitro opens the door for exploiting this subset in immunotherapy

    Effets antiinflammatoires des lymphocytes irradiés par les rayons UV: induction d'IL-1Ra et d'IL-10 par les monocytes macrophages

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    Par leur capacitĂ© de moduler la rĂ©ponse immune, les rayons ultraviolets (UV) ont trouvĂ© des applications dans le traitement de diverses maladies immunes. Leurs mĂ©canismes d’action sont encore incomplĂštement dĂ©finis. L’un d’entre eux comporte l’induction de cytokines immunosuppressives et antiinflammatoires. Ce processus peut ĂȘtre provoquĂ© par la phagocytose de corps apoptotiques, l’apoptose constituant une des lĂ©sions cellulaires Ă©lĂ©mentaires provoquĂ©e par les UV. Le but de notre travail a Ă©tĂ© de prĂ©ciser les cytokines impliquĂ©es dans la rĂ©ponse aux UV, de dĂ©finir certains mĂ©canismes de leur production et de la potentialiser par des agents pharmacologiques.Notre Ă©tude a comportĂ© deux parties: (1) l’une in vivo chez des malades souffrant de GVH chronique rĂ©sistante aux traitements conventionnels et traitĂ©s par photochĂ©mothĂ©rapie extracorporelle, procĂ©dure dans laquelle les leucocytes du malades, prĂ©levĂ©s par leucaphĂ©rĂšse puis traitĂ©s par un psoralĂšne et par UVA lui sont finalement rĂ©injectĂ©s; (2) l’autre in vitro oĂč des PBMC de volontaires sains ont Ă©tĂ© irradiĂ©s avec 10J/m2 de rayons UVC qui ne nĂ©cessitent pas de photosensibilisation par psoralĂšne. Deux cytokines, l’IL-10 et l’IL-1Ra ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es par RT-PCR dans un systĂšme de coculture autologue entre PBMC et PBL rendus apoptotiques par irradiation. L’évolution du processus apoptotique dĂ©clenchĂ© par les UV a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©e par cytomĂštrie de flux. Celui-ci concernait essentiellement les lymphocytes, les monocytes/macrophages rĂ©vĂ©lant une rĂ©sistance relative Ă  l’apoptose, il Ă©tait progressif, culminant entre la 24Ăšme et la 48Ăšme heures. Lors des cocultures entre PBMC et PBL irradiĂ©s, un accroissement trĂšs significatif du nombre de copies d’ARNm, concernant les deux cytokines Ă©tudiĂ©es, l’IL-10 et l’IL-1Ra Ă©tait observĂ©. L’induction d’IL-1Ra Ă©tait dĂ©pendante de l’IL-10. Une prĂ©activation par du LPS Ă©tait nĂ©cessaire pour la rĂ©vĂ©lation du phĂ©nomĂšne. Ensuite, nous avons Ă©valuĂ© l’implication sur la synthĂšse de cytokines du processus de phagocytose de lymphocytes rendus apoptotiques par irradiation UV et divers moyens pharmacologiques pour la potentialiser. La prĂ©incubation du matĂ©riel irradiĂ© pendant une nuit (16h) Ă  37° dans le but d’accroĂźtre la proportion de cellules en voie d’apoptose avant mise en contact avec les PBMC a permis d’obtenir un accroissement trĂšs marquĂ© sans nĂ©cessiter de LPS, portant essentiellement sur la production d’IL-1Ra tant sur l’ARNm que la protĂ©ine secrĂ©tĂ©e; l’induction d’IL-10 Ă©tait cette fois nĂ©gligeable. L’implication de la phagocytose dans le processus a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ©e par deux agents bloquants (a) l’anticorps monoclonal anti-CD36 (corĂ©cepteur avec l’intĂ©grine &61537;V&61538;3 de la thrombospondine) activant la production d’IL-1Ra et mimant par ce fait le processus phagocytaire et (b) la cytochalasine E la bloquant.Nous avons testĂ© diverses substances pharmacologiques dont l’action activatrice de l’IL-1Ra est connue, en l’occurrence les immunoglobulines G Ă  usage IV (IgIV) et le GM-CSF. L’adjonction d’IgIV (1mg/ml) ou GM-CSF (10 ng/ml) une heure aprĂšs le dĂ©but de la coculture exerce sur la sĂ©crĂ©tion d’IL-1Ra un effet additif avec les UV. Selon la concentration utilisĂ©e, les IgIV peuvent agir par deux mĂ©canismes. Outre l’effet d’activation macrophagique liĂ© au rĂ©cepteur Fc, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© Ă  haute concentration un mĂ©canisme nouveau, du Ă  la prĂ©sence dans les IgIV d’anticorps naturels antiFas induisant l’apoptose des lymphocytes. Une incubation de 16h des lymphocytes avec 25 mg/ml d’IgIV avant mise en culture provoque outre une apoptose importante une augmentation significative de l’IL-1Ra. Dans ce cas, le processus est indĂ©pendant du fragment Fc, la fraction F(ab’)2 gardant la capacitĂ© d’induire l’apoptose et de provoquer la production d’IL-1Ra. En conclusion, nous avons mis en Ă©vidence un mĂ©canisme nouveau d’induction d’IL-1Ra, non dĂ©crit auparavant et dĂ©fini diverses modalitĂ©s qui pourraient accroĂźtre sa production: - L’incubation de 16h du matĂ©riel irradiĂ© permet d’orienter le systĂšme en accroissant la production de l’IL-1Ra sans que la production de l’IL-10 soit modifiĂ©e et sans nĂ©cessiter de LPS. Nous attribuons cet effet Ă  l’accroissement du processus apoptotique qui en rĂ©sulte.- Nous avons potentialisĂ© la production d’IL-1Ra par deux agents pharmacologiques, le GM-CSF et les IgIV. Les mĂ©canismes d’action des IgIV dĂ©pendent de la concentration utilisĂ©e.1. Aux concentrations de l’ordre de 1mg/ml, les IgIV exercent, avec les UV un effet additif sur l’induction d’IL-1Ra par une action dĂ©pendant du fragment Fc. 2. Aux concentrations Ă©levĂ©es de 25mg/ml, un effet apoptotique attribuable Ă  l’action d’anticorps anti-Fas agonistes est observĂ©. Une prĂ©incubation de 16h de lymphocytes avec cette concentration d’ IgIV avant mise en culture avec les PBMC autologues provoque outre l’apoptose importante des lymphocytes un accroissement significatif de la production d’IL-1Ra. Le processus est indĂ©pendant du fragment Fc, la fraction F(ab’)2 gardant la capacitĂ© d’induire l’apoptose et la production d’IL-1Ra. \Doctorat en sciences biomĂ©dicalesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    UV-induced immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory actions: Mechanisms and clinical applications

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    The introduction in 1974 of psoralens UVA (PUVA) therapy followed in 1987 by extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) has launched UV light in medicine field. A significant number of potential mechanisms could be linked to the basic cellular UV action (i.e. DNA damage and subsequent cells apoptosis). Phagocytosis by macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) leads, through a receptor-mediated process, to their modulation. A state of antigen-specific tolerance is induced by induction of Treg cells, inhibition of DCs, which remain at a an immature state, inhibition of production of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-2, IFN-Îł, TNF-α and IL-12, and induction of production of cytokines IL-10, TGF-ÎČ and IL-1Ra. Beside cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, use of ECP remains experimental except for graft-versus-host disease, especially the chronic-resistant form. The sparing action of corticosteroids as described in studies on transplantation deserves further attention. © 2009 Future Medicine Ltd.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Unraveling the Roles of miR-204-5p and HMGA2 in Papillary Thyroid Cancer Tumorigenesis.

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    Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine malignant tumor with an increasing incidence rate. Although differentiated types of thyroid cancer generally present good clinical outcomes, some dedifferentiate into aggressive and lethal forms. However, the molecular mechanisms governing aggressiveness and dedifferentiation are still poorly understood. Aberrant expression of miRNAs is often correlated to tumor development, and miR-204-5p has previously been identified in papillary thyroid carcinoma as downregulated and associated with aggressiveness. This study aimed to explore its role in thyroid tumorigenesis. To address this, gain-of-function experiments were performed by transiently transfecting miR-204-5p in thyroid cancer cell lines. Then, the clinical relevance of our data was evaluated in vivo. We prove that this miRNA inhibits cell invasion by regulating several targets associated with an epithelial-mesenchymal transition, such as SNAI2, TGFBR2, SOX4 and HMGA2. HMGA2 expression is regulated by the MAPK pathway but not by the PI3K, IGF1R or TGFÎČ pathways, and the inhibition of cell invasion by miR-204-5p involves direct binding and repression of HMGA2. Finally, we confirmed in vivo the relationship between miR-204-5p and HMGA2 in human PTC and a corresponding mouse model. Our data suggest that HMGA2 inhibition offers promising perspectives for thyroid cancer treatment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Apoptosis: a target for potentiation of UV-induced IL-1Ra synthesis by IVIg.

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    IL-1Ra prevents IL-1 induced inflammatory signalling, a mechanism potentially important for several pathological conditions characterized by inflammation. When administered as a drug in the recombinant form, it displays a protective effect towards them. We postulated that this action could also be achieved by pharmacological activation of endogenous IL-1Ra production. We previously showed that photochemotherapy and UV-light increased monocyte/macrophages IL-1Ra secretion. A similar effect has been shown for IVIg. The aim of this study was to define optimal in vitro conditions for induction of IL-1Ra secretion. As both agents induce lymphocytes apoptosis, we focused our analysis on the influence of IVIg on UV-induced-IL-1Ra production on this mechanism. After overnight preincubation at 37 degrees C, UV-irradiated PBL mixed with two IVIg concentrations (1 and 25 mg/ml) were cocultured with autologous PBMC. Apoptosis was measured by annexin V/PI. IL-1Ra secretion was evaluated by RT-PCR and Luminex microbead array assay. A significant additive dose-dependent influence of IVIg (+85%; p=0.0005) on UV-induced IL-1Ra secretion, involved both Fc-receptor activation at a low dose (1 mg/ml) and a potent apoptotic action on PBL reinforcing the UV effect at high concentrations (25 mg/ml). We conclude that lymphocyte apoptosis represents an important pathway contributing to enhancement of UV-induced monocyte/macrophages IL-1Ra production by IVIg and that these findings should be considered when evaluating in vivo protocols for photochemotherapy and IVIg treatment, in hope of improving efficacy.Clinical TrialIn VitroJournal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Thyroid cancer under the scope of emerging technologies.

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    The vast majority of thyroid cancers originate from follicular cells. We outline outstanding issues at each step along the path of cancer patient care, from prevention to post-treatment follow-up and highlight how emerging technologies will help address them in the coming years. Three directions will dominate the coming technological landscape. Genomics will reveal tumoral evolutionary history and shed light on how these cancers arise from the normal epithelium and the genomics alteration driving their progression. Transcriptomics will gain cellular and spatial resolution providing a full account of intra-tumor heterogeneity and opening a window on the microenvironment supporting thyroid tumor growth. Artificial intelligence will set morphological analysis on an objective quantitative ground laying the foundations of a systematic thyroid tumor classification system. It will also integrate into unified representations the molecular and morphological perspectives on thyroid cancer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Anti-inflammatory effects of UV-irradiated lymphocytes: induction of IL-1Ra upon phagocytosis by monocyte/macrophages.

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    One of the mechanisms proposed to explain immunomodulatory actions of ultraviolet light (UV) is production of endogenous anti-inflammatory cytokines. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate how UV light affects the production of IL-10 and IL-1Ra and to provide insight as to the role of phagocytosis of apoptotic lymphocytes in this process. Cytokine production was evaluated in a coculture system consisting in UV-treated lymphocytes in the presence of autologous PBMC. The impact of phagocytosis was tested by two blocking agents cytochalasin E and anti-CD36 mAb. The apoptotic process affecting irradiated lymphocytes was progressive, culminating at 48 h. To achieve significant cytokine production, irradiated lymphocytes were incubated overnight at 37 degrees C. Coculture of apoptotic lymphocytes with autologous PBMC resulted in a significant increase of IL-1Ra mRNA (+340%; P = 0.001) and protein (+72%; P = 0.001) production. This synthesis was blocked by cytochalasin E but upregulated by CD36 receptor cross-linking. Our study shows that UV light induces lymphocyte apoptosis followed by its phagocytosis by monocyte/macrophages, a step that preferentially activates IL-1Ra.Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Ferroptosis Induction and YAP Inhibition as New Therapeutic Targets in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GISTs)

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    GISTs are sarcomas of the gastrointestinal tract often associated with gain-of-function mutations in KIT or PDGFRA receptor genes. While most GISTs initially respond to tyrosine kinase inhibitors, relapses due to acquired resistance frequently occur. The induction of ferroptosis, an iron-dependent form of non-apoptotic cell death, emerged as a novel therapeutic approach in cancers and remains poorly characterized in GISTs. We studied hallmarks of ferroptosis, i.e., lipid peroxidation, iron and glutathione content, and GPX4 protein expression in imatinib-sensitive (GIST882) and -resistant (GIST48) GIST cell lines. GIST cells were highly sensitive to the induction of ferroptosis by RSL3, which was reversed by liproxstatin and deferoxamine. Lipid peroxidation and ferroptosis were mediated by VP and CA3 in GIST cells through a significant decrease in antioxidant defenses. Moreover, VP, but surprisingly not CA3, inhibited a series of target genes downstream of YAP in GIST cells. The ferroptosis marker TFRC was also investigated by immunohistochemistry in GIST tissue arrays. TFRC expression was observed in all samples. High TFRC expression was positively correlated with high-risk GISTs, elevated mitotic count, and YAP nuclear localization, reflecting YAP activation. This study highlights ferroptosis as a novel cell death mechanism in GISTs, and a potential therapeutic target to overcome resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors

    Sweet Syndrome in a Patient with Acute Leukemia on Azacitidine and Venetoclax Treatment

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    Sweet syndrome, also called acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis, is a rare disorder characterized by skin lesions accompanied by high fever and elevated inflammatory markers
