18 research outputs found

    An Overview of Health Issue Tracking among Parents of School-Aged Children

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    School age is one of the community groups that is a priority for the national health program. Various health problems of school-age children are a concern of parents.  To deal with their school age children's condition, parents require a variety of health issues solutions. Parents commonly prefer to seek for information on their gadgets by using the internet. These many concerns, problems, and issues that parents have about their children's health have motivated an in-depth exploration of parents' digital literacy skills in tracing information. This study aims to determine the frequency with which parents of school-aged children track health information and investigate the issue that 109 parents of school-aged children are interested in based on health issues in East Kalimantan. The sample was chosen using an accidental sampling technique. In this study, a simple questionnaire with closed and open questions was used as a survey method. A univariate and bivariate test were performed to process data on frequency with which parents seek health problems as well as its relationship to respondent characteristics, the Spearman rank test was used. The result is health information about screen time risk was most frequently accessed by parents, but compared to other issues, the nutrition issue is significantly deeper. It will be necessary to develop interventions like health promotion programs that parents will utilize in improving their health literacy, especially about children’s health in the schoo

    Apakah Orang Tua Menggunakan Internet dan Media Sosial dalam Pencarian Informasi Kesehatan Anak?

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    Parents in the digital era increasingly use the internet and social media to search for health information on their children, as well as provide opportunities to interact with other users to discuss children's health issues. The purposes of this study is to analyze the patterns of internet use and social media use by parents based on the age category of the child and the most of platform and health topic information that access by parents. The design study was a cross-sectional quantitative study. The target group research was parents who have children aged < 5 to 12 years, have internet access, actively use gadgets, and agreed to be a participant in this study. The technique of sampling used nonprobability sampling with accidental sampling. The data was taken by Google form application to 285 respondents. The results of this study were most of the parents were in urban areas (65.3%) with the majority being housewives (79.6%). The use of the internet by parents to search for health information with a frequency of less than 2 times per week (47.4%) uses a smartphone (91.9%). There is a statistical difference in the use of Instagram social media for parents in searching for health and non-health information (p-value: <0.001), and the use of Tiktok for non-health information (p-value: <0.001). The topics that are most reviewed by parents with children under the age of 5 are allergies, child nutrition, and the dangers of using gadgets in children (screen time). Parents who have children aged 5-11 years and 12 years and over are also looking for information about child nutrition, screen time, and extras such as accidents, bullying, and reproductive health.Orang tua di era digital semakin memanfaatkan internet dan media sosial untuk mencari informasi kesehatan pada anaknya, serta memberikan kesempatan untuk berinteraksi dengan pengguna lain untuk membahas masalah kesehatan anak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pola penggunaan internet dan penggunaan media sosial oleh orang tua serta topik kesehatan yang paling banyak diakses oleh orang tua. Desain penelitian adalah penelitian kuantitatif cross sectional. Kelompok sasaran penelitian adalah orang tua yang memiliki anak usia < 5 sampai 12 tahun keatas, memiliki akses internet, aktif menggunakan gadget, dan setuju menjadi partisipan dalam penelitian ini. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan nonprobability sampling (accidental sampling). Pengambilan data melalui Google form kepada 285 responden. Hasil penelitian ini sebagian besar orang tua berada di wilayah perkotaan (65,3% )dengan mayoritas ibu rumah tangga (79,6%). Penggunaan internet oleh orangtua untuk mencari informasi kesehatan dengan frekuensi kurang dari 2 kali per minggu (47,4%) menggunakan smartphone(91,9%). Terdapat perbedaan secara statistik penggunaan media sosial Instagram pada orang tua dalam pencarian informasi kesehatan dan non kesehatan (p-value: <0.001), dan pengunaan Tiktok untuk informasi non kesehatan (p-value: <0.001). Topik yang paling banyak diulas oleh orang tua dengan anak di bawah usia 5 tahun adalah alergi, nutrisi anak, dan bahaya penggunaan gadget pada anak. Orang tua yang memiliki anak berusia 5-11 tahun dan 12 tahun ke atas juga mencari informasi tentang nutrisi anak, bahaya penggunaan gawai, dan tambahan seperti kecelakaan, penindasan dan kesehatan reproduksi


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    Klaster perkantoran menjadi tak terkendalikan di tengah pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia. Pekerjaan yang menuntut untuk tetap berada di tempat kerja, membuat pekerja mau tidak mau harus tetap pergi ke kantor dan berinteraksi dengan pekerja lainnya. Protokol kesehatan yang ketat harus terus diupayakan untuk memutus mata rantai penyebaran virus ini. Salah satunya adalah dengan upaya mengembangkan media promosi kesehatan di tempat kerja. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilakukan di dua instansi yang berada di Kota Samarinda. Tujuannya adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan pekerja dalam melakukan protokol kesehatan di kantor. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan menerapkan delapan langkah pengembangan promosi kesehatan di tempat kerja. Kegiatan ini berupa pengembangan media cetak yakni media poster dan standing banner yang berisikan mengenai protokol kesehatan di tempat kerja. Selain membagikan media, kegiatan juga dilengkapi dengan sosialisasi media tersebut kepada para pekerja. Untuk mengukur keefektifitasan media, dilakukan pre dan post test kepada pekerja untuk melihat pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah mengenai protokol kesehatan di kantor. Dari pengukuran pre dan post test pada para pekerja, didapatkan hasil yakni terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara sebelum dan setelah dilakukannya kegiatan promosi kesehatan yang diuji dengan uji statistik wilcoxon signed rank test dengan p-value < 0.05 pada kedua pengukuran. Kata kunci: media promosi kesehatan, pekerja formal, Covid-19 ABSTRACT Office clusters have become out of control amid the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.  A job that demands to remain in the workplace has forced the workers to inevitably have to keep going to the office and interacting with other workers.  Strict health protocols must be pursued to break the chain of the spread of the virus.  One way is to develop health promotion media in the workplace.  This community service activity is carried out in two agencies located in Samarinda City.  The aim is to increase workers' knowledge in carrying out health protocols in the office.  The method used is to apply eight steps of developing health promotion in the workplace.  This activity is in the form of developing print media such as media posters and standing banners containing health protocols in the workplace.  Apart from deploying the media, the activity was also complemented by socializing the media to workers.  To measure the effectiveness of the media, pre and post tests were carried out on workers to see before and after knowledge regarding health protocols in the office.  From the pre and post test measurements on the workers, the results obtained were that there was a significant difference between before and after the health promotion activity was carried out which was tested by the Wilcoxon signed rank test statistical test with p-value <0.05 on both measurements. Keywords: health promotion media, formal workers, Covid-1

    Optimalisasi jendela informasi kesehatan terkini sebagai media promosi kesehatan di puskesmas

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    Salah satu strategi dalam upaya promosi kesehatan di puskesmas adalah optimalisasi media promosi kesehatan. Salah satunya dengan media JIMAT (Jendela Informasi Kesehatan Terkini) di Puskesmas Bontang Utara 2. Media informasi JIMAT mengalami hambatan dalam pembaharuannya, sehingga perlu dilakukan optimalisasi JIMAT sebagai media promosi kesehatan di puskesmas. Program dilakukan pada Bulan Maret 2021. Perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pembaharuan JIMAT dilakukan bersama pihak Promosi Kesehatan Puskesmas. Sementara evaluasi pembaharuan JIMAT dilakukan bersama petugas dan pengunjung puskesmas. JIMAT terletak di ruang tunggu dan terdiri dari enam majalah dinding (mading). JIMAT diisi dengan variasi topik informasi kesehatan yaitu kesehatan lingkungan, gizi, penyakit infeksi, penyakit tidak menular (PTM), kesehatan ibu dan anak, dan COVID-19. Evaluasi dilakukan mulai dari input, proses, dan output. Evaluasi input dilakukan dengan melihat jumlah SDM pelaksana, sarana dan prasarana mading, serta dana yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat mading. Evaluasi proses dilakukan dengan melihat lokasi mading, dan proses pembuatan mading. Evaluasi output dilihat oleh penilaian terkait dengan media dan jumlah pengunjung yang membaca mading. Evaluasi output dilakukan dengan menggunakan lima stiker penilaian yang dipasang pada bagian bawah mading. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya penanggungjawab JIMAT di puskesmas

    Pendampingan dan Fasilitasi dalam Mempersiapkan Pertemuan Tatap Muka Terbatas Sesuai Protokol Kesehatan di SDN 001 Sungai Kunjang Kota Samarinda

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    Online learning has the potential to affect a students’  academic achievement. Therefore, schools are encouraged to hold limited face-to-face meetings as COVID-19 cases begin to decrease. All schools should immediately begin preparing the requirements for getting permission to use limited face-to-face meetings. SDN 001 Sungai Kunjang Samarinda is one of them, and it is still having problems fulfilling these requirements. The activity's goal is to facilitated SDN 001 ready to meet the requirements of limited face-to-face meetings. Method of this community service implementation were consists of five stages, namely stage 1 licensing and policy identification, stage 2 awareness of problems, stage 3  the implementation of assistance and facilitation of limited face-to-face meetings preparation, stage 4 socialization of rules and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of limited face-to-face meetings implementation, and stage 5 the evaluation stage of activities. The results of this series of activities show that through the assistance of the school is able to arrange the rules and flow chart of limited face-to-face meetings implementation.  After socializing to all teachers and education personnels, they understand the guidance of the implementation of limited face-to-face meetings in the education unit of the Joint Decree (SKB) 4 ministry. All teachers feel confident that they can be disciplined in carrying out health protocols in school after socialization. Furthermore, to strengthen the readiness of schools to implement limited face-to-face meetings, it is expected that this socialization will also be carried out to students and their parents

    Edukasi Publik dengan Komunikasi Massa tentang Protokol Kesehatan dan Vaksin COVID-19 di Kabupaten Malinau

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    COVID-19 has been countered in the community by implementing health protocols and providing COVID-19 vaccines in order to prevent transmission, morbidity, and mortality. This program is one of the promotion activities of using print media and mobile broadcasts to educate the public about health protocols and COVID-19 vaccines in mass. The goal of this project is to improve public access to health-related information and COVID-19 vaccines. The PRECEDE-PROCEED method has been used to plan the program, and the fishbone method has been used to analyze the reasons of the problem, followed by the implementation stage and evaluation. The activities leads to the formation of a collaboration with the District Health Office to create a variety of printed health promotion media, as well as the implementation of mobile broadcasts using official operational automobiles that directly target community. Several communities and health promotion officers from the local health office participated in the evaluation, which received a positive response using a simple online questionnaire instrument. Suggestions for relevant health organizations to keep improving IEC media with current information and mobile broadcasting operations so that they might reach out to other people in areas that are crowded but also have limited access to health information on a regular basis.Upaya penanggulangan COVID-19 di masyarakat adalah dengan penerapan protokol kesehatan dan pemberian vaksin COVID-19 guna mengurangi penularan, menurunkan angka kesakitan dan kematian akibat COVID-19. Pengabdian ini merupakan salah satu upaya promotif untuk mengedukasi masyarakat mengenai protokol kesehatan dan vaksin COVID-19 secara massal dengan menggunakan media cetak dan siaran keliling. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan akses informasi warga mengenai protokol kesehatan dan vaksin COVID-19. Metode pelaksanaan meliputi perencanaan program dengan metode PRECEDE-PROCEED dan analisis penyebab masalah dengan metode fishbone, dilanjutkan pada tahap pelaksanaan hingga evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan yang diperoleh adalah terjalinnya kerjasama dengan pihak Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten dan menghasilkan beberapa media promosi kesehatan cetak dan terlaksananya siaran keliling yang menggunakan mobil operasional dinas yang menyasar warga masyarakat secara langsung. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen kuisoner sederhana secara online oleh beberapa masyarakat dan petugas promosi kesehatan dinas kesehatan setempat dengan respon yang cukup baik. Saran bagi instansi kesehatan terkait agar melanjutkan pengembangan media KIE dengan informasi terbarukan dan kegiatan siaran keliling dapat menjangkau lebih jauh ke wilayah-wilayah lainnya yang ramai warga dan masih minim akses informasi kesehatan secara berulang


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    Nutritional intake for adolescents was needed to increase activity and creativity to developt human resources in future. The main causes of nutritional problems in adolescents was poor eating habits, consumtion of low food quality, and the application of sedentary life. The research purpose was to identify and explore the description of nutritional status, eating behavior, and physical activity of students at the Faculty of Public Health, Mulawarman University. The research used sequential explanatory of mixed method, eating behavior was measured by using a questionnaire and the intensity of physical activity was measured using (IPAQ-SF), nutritional status was based on BMI with a sample size of 116 respondents. In collecting qualitative data through FGD to 21 informants. Quantitative data analysis by descriptive and qualitative by content analysis. The results showed that 50.9% of respondent in malnutrition and overnutrition status, 30.2% of respondents in over BMI had consuming high-calorie drinks, 34.7% of respondents in over BMI had low physical activity and often left breakfast. The conclusion of this research was these students' lifestyle category was eating fastfood and also consuming high-calorie drinks which are currently in sales such as milk, coffee, boba drinks, and chocolate drinks with relatively low physical activity intensity.Asupan gizi pada remaja sangat dibutuhkan guna meningkatkan keaktifan dan kreatifitas dalam rangka menciptakan SDM yang unggul dan berdaya saing. Penyebab utama masalah gizi pada remaja salah satunya diakibarkan oleh kebiasaan makan yang buruk, kualitas pangan rendah, dan penerapan sedentary life. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi dan mengeksplorasi gambaran status gizi, kebiasaan makan, dan aktivitas fisik pada mahasiswa di Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Mulawarman. Metode penelitian sequential explanatory of mixed method, perilaku makan diukur menggunakan kuisoner dan intensitas aktivitas fisik diukur menggunakan (IPAQ-SF) sedangkan status gizi berdasarkan nilai IMT dengan jumlah sampel 116 responden. Pada pengambilan data kualitatif melalui diskusi kelompok terarah (FGD) pada 21 informan. Analisis data kuantitatif berupa deskriptif dan kualitatif content analysis. Hasil penelitian yaitu 50.9% mengalami masalah gizi kurang dan gizi lebih, sebanyak 30.2% responden dengan gizi lebih memiliki kebiasaan mengkonsumsi minuman berkalori tinggi, 34.7% responden dengan gizi lebih memiliki aktivitas fisik rendah dan sering meninggalkan sarapan. Kesimpulan penelitian yaitu katagori gaya hidup mahasiswa yakni gemar memakan makanan siap saji dan juga mengkonsumsi minuman tinggi kalori yang saat ini sedang menjamur penjualannya seperti minuman susu, minuman kopi, minuman boba, dan minuman cokelat lainnya dengan intensitas aktivitas fisik relatif rendah

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Audiovisual dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kreatif Digital Remaja

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    AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA CREATION TRAINING IN IMPROVING YOUTH'S DIGITAL CREATIVE CAPABILITIES. To face the challenges of the future industry, youth as millennials, they need a soft skill training to develop their skills in creating audiovisual media that is growing up in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. This activity is using The Training Cycle approach. The stage is to identify training needs, set training and planning objectives, the implementation of the training ends with an evaluation. The method activities based on the training cycle model and implemented in combination, i.e., lecture methods, video playback, questions and answers and also field practices. On the output evaluation is to identify the participant’s cognitive enhancement based on the assessment pre-test and post-test form filling by the participants, and to assess the participant’s responses related to training satisfaction (facilities, the committee, and the speaker). The results of the training evaluation, known that is an increase in the number of correct answers in the basic audiovisual concept question items, advantages and types of audiovisual media and about the process of creating audiovisual media and short movie concepts. In addition, based on the results of activity evaluation, the participants considered that they were satisfied following each series of training

    Mendesain Intervensi Kesehatan dengan Memanfaatkan WhatsApp untuk Mencegah Stunting pada Balita Selama Masa Pandemi COVID-19

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    Stunting case in Indonesia is still high, so the provision of complete health information for toddler health is extremely needed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, this study aims to design a health information service online by using WhatsApp to prevent toddler stunting in the rural community. This study was action research in which a co-design methodology was used to design the health information service. This study involved the health front, midwifery, nutritionist, and village apparatus in which they were interviewed and followed focus group discussion (FGD). In addition, the USE questionnaire was used to measure the effectiveness of the health information service that had been designed. The results of the interview and FGD showed that rural people knew more about the use of WhatsApp than other online communication platforms. In addition, during the COVID-19 pandemic, there were a number of health programs that would be stopped. As a consequence, online interactive health information service was extremely needed to promote the sustainability of health programs in the rural community. Furthermore, the results of the USE questionnaire showed the average percentage of usefulness, ease of use, ease of learning, and satisfaction of the online health information service was 85,43%. This indicates that the hotline stunting program (INSTING), an online health information service, is extremely eligible to be applied in the rural community in conducting communication regarding health information during the COVID-19 pandemic.Kasus stunting di Indonesia masih terbilang tinggi sehingga penyediaan informasi kesehatan secara lengkap untuk kesehatan balita sangat diperlukan terutama pada masa pandemi COVID-19. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain layanan informasi kesehatan secara online dengan menggunakan WhatsApp untuk mencegah stunting pada balita di komunitas pedesaan. Penelitian ini merupakan action research dimana co-design methodology digunakan untuk merancang layanan informasi kesehatan tersebut. Penelitian ini melibatkan kader kesehatan, bidan, petugas gizi, dan perangkat desa dimana mereka diwawancarai dan mengikuti Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Selain itu, USE Questionnaire digunakan untuk mengukur efektivitas dari layanan informasi kesehatan yang telah dirancang. Hasil wawancara dan FGD menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat desa lebih mengenal penggunaan WhatsApp dibandingkan platform komunikasi online lainnya. Selain itu, selama pandemi COVID-19, banyak program kesehatan yang terhenti sehingga layanan informasi kesehatan online yang interaktif sangat diperlukan untuk mendukung keberlanjutan program kesehatan di komunitas pedesaan. Selanjutnya, hasil analisis dari USE Questionnaire menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata persentase dari aspek kegunaan, kemudahan penggunaan, kemudahan dalam mempelajari, dan kepuasan dari layanan informasi kesehatan online tersebut adalah 85,43%. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa program hot Line stunting (INSTING) yang merupakan layanan informasi kesehatan secara online sangat layak diterapkan bagi komunitas pedesaan dalam melakukan komunikasi terkait informasi kesehatan di masa pandemi COVID-19