383 research outputs found

    Crustal dynamics project session 4 validation and intercomparison experiments 1979-1980 report

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    As part of the Crustal Dynamics Project, an experiment was performed to verify the ability of Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), Very Long Baseline interferometry (VLBI) and Doppler Satellite Positioning System (Doppler) techniques to estimate the baseline distances between several locations. The Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) lasers were in operation at all five sites available to them. The ten baselines involved were analyzed using monthly orbits and various methods of selecting data. The standard deviation of the monthly SLR baseline lengths was at the 7 cm level. The GSFC VLBI (Mark III) data was obtained during three separate experiments. November 1979 at Haystack and Owens Valley, and April and July 1980 at Haystack, Owens Valley, and Fort Davis. Repeatability of the VLBI in determining baseline lengths was calculated to be at the 2 cm level. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) VLBI (Mark II) data was acquired on the Owens Valley to Goldstone baseline on ten occasions between August 1979 and November 1980. The repeatability of these baseline length determinations was calculated to be at the 5 cm level. National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Doppler data was acquired at all five sites in January 1980. Repeatability of the Doppler determined baseline lengths results were calculated at approximately 30 cm. An intercomparison between baseline distances and associated parameters was made utilizing SLR, VLBI, and Doppler results on all available baselines. The VLBI and SLR length determinations were compared on four baselines with a resultant mean difference of -1 cm and a maximum difference of 12 cm. The SLR and Doppler length determinations were compared on ten baselines with a resultant mean difference of about 30 cm and a maximum difference of about 60 cm. The VLBI and Doppler lengths from seven baselines showed a resultant mean difference of about 30 cm and maximum difference of about 1 meter. The intercomparison of baseline orientation parameters were consistent with past analysis

    A Comparison of Skill Retention from Two Instructor-Led BLS CPR Courses

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    OBJECTIVE CPR skill retention is vitally important on successful resuscitation outcomes. This study examined college students’ retention of Adult CPR skills 6 months following participation in an instructor-led CPR course presented in two different formats

    Entscheidungsunterstützung für den Industrie 4.0-Methodeneinsatz – Strukturierung, Bewertung und Ableitung von Implementierungsreihenfolgen

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    Die Digitalisierung aller Lebensbereiche hält vermehrt Einzug in die Produktion und bringt häufig disruptive Veränderungen mit sich. Verkürzte Produktlebenszyklen erhöhen den Kosten- und Innovationsdruck. Kunden fordern individuelle Produkte, sodass Unternehmen ihre Flexibilität steigern und eine Produktion bis hin zur Losgröße eins ermöglichen müssen. Durch diese schwer zu prognostizierenden Transformationen finden sich produzierende Unternehmen in einem immer dynamischeren Umfeld wieder. Die neuen Ansätze und Technologien der Industrie 4.0 bieten Möglichkeiten, mit dieser Dynamik umzugehen, aber mit ihnen gehen gleichzeitig auch neue Herausforderungen einher. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird eine Methodik zur Entscheidungsunterstützung für den Industrie 4.0-Methodeneinsatz vorgestellt, welche die Erstellung einer unternehmensindividuell angepassten Industrie 4.0-Roadmap zum Ziel hat. Die Methodik ist in drei Phasen gegliedert. Grundlage der Methodik ist eine allgemeine Methoden-Toolbox. In dieser sind Industrie 4.0-Methoden mittels eines Rahmenmodells grob strukturiert. Alle Industrie 4.0-Methoden werden durch einen Methodensteckbrief detailliert beschrieben und voneinander abgegrenzt. Darauf aufbauend werden in der ersten Phase für das Unternehmen relevante Methodenstränge anhand betriebstypologischer Merkmale ausgewählt. In der zweiten Phase werden die den Strängen zugehörigen Methoden hinsichtlich strategischer Zielgrößen und des monetären Aufwands bewertet und Einführungsszenarien ausgearbeitet. Basierend auf diesen Einführungsszenarien werden in der dritten Phase Implementierungsreihenfolgen mittels einer System-Dynamics Simulation abgeleitet und eine individuelle Industrie 4.0-Roadmap vorgeschlagen. Die erarbeitete Methodik beschreibt einen umfassenden Ansatz zur Entscheidungsunterstützung bei der Einführung von Industrie 4.0-Methoden in einer Produktionsumgebung durch eine fundierte Analyse des finanziellen und strategischen Potentials. Durch die Anwendung wird eine empfohlene Umsetzungsstrategie für Industrie 4.0 unter Berücksichtigung der spezifischen Unternehmensbedingungen entwickelt

    Linguistic elements of conversational human voice in online brand communication: Manipulations and perceptions

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    The conversational human voice (CHV) is an extensively studied and adopted communication style in online brand communication. However, in previous research the way in which CHV is operationalized differs considerably: the type and the number of linguistic elements used to establish a sense of CHV in online brand messages varies. Moreover, it is still unknown how CHV operationalizations contribute to consumers’ perceptions of CHV, which consequently could affect their evaluation regarding the message and the brand. In this paper, we addressed these issues by conducting an integrative literature review and a perception experiment, and consequently present a taxonomy of linguistic elements related to message personalization, informal speech, and invitational rhetoric that can be used to operationalize CHV systematically in future studies in online brand communication. Directions for future research and managerial implications are discussed

    Too Informal? How a Chatbot’s Communication Style Affects Brand Attitude and Quality of Interaction

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    This study investigated the effects of (in)formal chatbot responses and brand familiarity on social presence, appropriateness, brand attitude, and quality of interaction. An online experiment using a 2 (Communication Style: informal vs. formal) by 2 (Brand: familiar vs. unfamiliar) between subject design was conducted in which participants performed customer service tasks with the assistance of chatbots developed for the study. Subsequently, they filled out an online questionnaire. An indirect effect of communication style on brand attitude and quality of interaction through social presence was found. Thus, a chatbot’s informal communication style induced a higher perceived social presence which in turn positively influenced quality of the interaction and brand attitude. However, brand familiarity did not enhance perceptions of appropriateness, indicating participants do not assign different roles to chatbots as communication partner

    Additive Manufacturing Waste Management System - Plastic Extrusion Process

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    3D printing is a fast-growing market with its main source of waste being PLA and ABS plastics. In 2019, the global additive manufacturing market grew to over $10.4 billion, crossing the pivotal double-digit billion threshold for the first time in its nearly 40-year history. (SmarTech Analysis, 2020 Additive Manufacturing Market Outlook and Summary of Opportunities Report). The waste is generated from failed prints and rejected support structures which are common occurrences for personal use. Plastic recycling has become one of the leading discussions of environmental protection and waste management. The 3D market currently does not offer an effective and affordable solution for handling the waste generated. To help bring awareness to this need, companies such as Print Your Mind 3D has offered challenges to hobbyists and corporations to solve this problem. Due to the continuing growth of the additive manufacturing market, and the constant attention on plastics and how they harm the environment, a solution must be found to reduce or eliminate the waste stream of 3D printing. (GB

    The Relative Power of Negativity: The Influence of Language Intensity on Perceived Strength

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    Contains fulltext : 203745.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)24 p

    C/NOFS Satellite Electric Field and Plasma Density Observations of Plasma Instabilities Below the Equatorial F-Peak -- Evidence for Approximately 500 km-Scale Spread-F "Precursor" Waves Driven by Zonal Shear Flow and km-Scale, Narrow-Banded Irregularities

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    As solar activity has increased, the ionosphere F-peak has been elevated on numerous occasions above the C/NOFS satellite perigee of 400km. In particular, during the month of April, 2011, the satellite consistently journeyed below the F-peak whenever the orbit was in the region of the South Atlantic anomaly after sunset. During these passes, data from the electric field and plasma density probes on the satellite have revealed two types of instabilities which had not previously been observed in the C/NOFS data set (to our knowledge): The first is evidence for 400-500km-scale bottomside "undulations" that appear in the density and electric field data. In one case, these large scale waves are associated with a strong shear in the zonal E x B flow, as evidenced by variations in the meridional (outward) electric fields observed above and below the F-peak. These undulations are devoid of smaller scale structures in the early evening, yet appear at later local times along the same orbit associated with fully-developed spread-F with smaller scale structures. This suggests that they may be precursor waves for spread-F, driven by a collisional shear instability, following ideas advanced previously by researchers using data from the Jicamarca radar. A second new result (for C/NOFS) is the appearance of km-scale irregularities that are a common feature in the electric field and plasma density data that also appear when the satellite is below the F -peak at night. The vector electric field instrument on C/NOFS clearly shows that the electric field component of these waves is strongest in the zonal direction. These waves are strongly correlated with simultaneous observations of plasma density oscillations and appear both with, and without, evidence of larger-scale spread-F depletions. These km-scale, quasi-coherent waves strongly resemble the bottomside, sinusoidal irregularities reported in the Atmosphere Explorer satellite data set by Valladares et al. [JGR, 88, 8025, 1983]. We interpret these new observations in terms of fundamental plasma instabilities associated with the unstable, nighttime equatorial ionosphere
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