104 research outputs found

    Propuesta de intervención educativa a través de la equinoterapia en niños con TEA para mejorar su autonomía personal y socialización

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    La equinoterapia, un campo de estudio desconocido en el ámbito educativo, pero de gran utilidad, el cual se pretende plasmar en el presente trabajo a través de una propuesta de intervención en alumnado con trastorno del espectro autista en edades comprendidas entre los seis y doce años. Tras la realización de una fundamentación teoría se realiza un programa de intervención con el objetivo de mejorar la autonomía personal y las habilidades de socialización en alumnado con autismo.Equine therapy, a field of study unknown in the educational field, but very useful, which is intended to be reflected in the present work through a proposal for intervention in students with autism spectrum disorder between the ages of six and twelve. . After carrying out a theoretical foundation, an intervention program is carried out with the aim of improving personal autonomy and socialization skills in students with autism.Departamento de PsicologíaGrado en Educación Primari

    Els valors organitzacionals. De com arribar als objectius empresarials implicant als treballadors.

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    Treballs Finals de Grau Antropologia Social i Cultural, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2013-2014, Tutor: Carles SichesLa cultura d’empresa, a través dels seus valors organitzacionals, pot definir i exercir un control sobre els pensaments, les conductes i els sentiments del treballador. Mitjançant la persona que conforma l’organització, es manifesten unes maneres de pensar, d’actuar i de sentir enfront de clients, socis, proveïdors i de la societat. L’acceptació del treball assalariat com a forma de sobreviure, proporciona el context determinat en les companyies per a que es pugui donar tensió simbòlica entre les diferents jerarquies dins l’empresa. La tendència general actual sembla que s’apropa a la demanda d’un treballador compromès, il·lusionat i proactiu, amb un rol de subjecte empresari capaç d’autoaplicar-se directrius externes com a pròpies, aplicant una lògica d’acció concreta que s’arriba a considerar part del creixement personal. L’article es centrarà en una empresa i en part de la seva cultura corporativa, tractant d’interpretar les significacions observades tant en la seva realitat, com en entrevistes a un col·lectiu de treballadors que comenten sobre el que viuen, esperen i valoren de l’organització. Algunes d’aquestes significacions són considerades també com indicadors del projecte cultural portat a terme i en el que s’han activat canvis per tal de poder assolir objectius empresarials.// Corporate culture, through their organizational values, can be defined and exercised control over thoughts, behaviors and feelings of the worker. By the people within the organization, it expresses certain ways of thinking, acting and feeling in front of customers, partners, suppliers and society. Society’s acceptance of paid labor as a way to survive provides a particular context in companies to be able to feel a symbolic tension between different hierarchies within the company. Els valors organitzacionals L. Sancho 2 Today’s general trend seems to be moving towards the employment of committed, enthusiastic and proactive workers who adopt a role of business subject, able to self-apply external guidelines as their own, applying a particular action system seeing it as part of their personal growth. This article will focus on a company and part of its corporate culture, and will attempt to interpret observations made of both the company’s reality and in interviews with a group of workers, who explain what they live, expect from and value in the organization. Some of these interpretations will also be considered as markers for a cultural project undertaken by the company, in which changes were proposed in order to reach business goals

    A design for rapid transit networks considering rolling stock's reliability and redistribution of services during disruptions

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    This paper presents a model for designing a public transit network system combining the traditional approach of transport demand coverage in bimodal scenarios of operation with the recovery of possible disruptions due to limited reliability of the rolling stock. The model balances construction and operational costs with the benefits to the users for the optimization of their travel times. Two transportation modes have been considered, public and private transport and the proportion of the users choosing one mode or the other is assumed to obey to a bimodal logit choice model. While construction costs are a first stage decision, user travel costs and recovery action costs are scenario dependent. Two types of scenarios are taken into account: a) the scenarios of normal operation and b) disruption scenarios which are associated to a link's breakdown of the network. The disruptions in the links are assumed to follow a probability disruption model accordingly to the number of services that operate on them. The model can be used to analyze the influence of the rate of failures of the units on the reliability of the designed RTN. The proposed model can be considered as a two recourse stochastic programming model with a bi-level structure where the probabilities of failure are an implicit function of the number of services and the routing of the transit lines of the transport system. A heuristic solution method is examined for small to medium networks demonstrating the computational viability of the approach

    Simultaneous bilateral dual mobility total hip arthroplasty dislocation in a patient with hepatic encephalopathy: A case report

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    Luxació; Mobilitat dual; Encefalopatia hepàticaDislocación; Movilidad dual; Encefalopatía hepáticaDislocation; Dual mobility; Hepatic encephalopathyIntroduction and importance Dislocation is a severe complication after total hip arthroplasty (THA). It is one of the most common reasons for failure and revision surgery. This is the first case of a documented simultaneous bilateral dual mobility (DM) THA dislocation. Case presentation A forty-nine-year-old man presented with bilateral hip pain, immobility and deformity. X-ray images demonstrated simultaneous bilateral posterior THA dislocation. Previously, the patient had presented atraumatic dislocations recurrently. When he was thoroughly re-interrogated, he complained of uncontrolled and generalized muscle contractions, which were compatible with myoclonus due to hepatic encephalopathy (HE). Multidisciplinary treatment was performed satisfactorily to control myoclonus symptomatology and to prevent dislocation. Clinical discussion Patient’s most important risk factor was a neuromuscular disorder, which we initially gave little notice and undervalued. HE is a serious but reversible syndrome, observed in patients with liver dysfunction. It leads to a wide spectrum of neuropsychiatric abnormalities. Management is based on prevention of episodes, avoiding the underlying triggers. Due to the high risk for dislocation of our patient, we decided to use DM cups bilaterally. This system has demonstrated lower rates of dislocation. Conclusion This case report reminds us that a careful evaluation through meticulous history and physical examination are mandatory when faced with recurrent instability. Furthermore, prevention of dislocation is vastly preferable to treating this challenging complication. High-risk patients should be identified, and appropriate surgical approach, technique and implants have to be collectively used to reach a strategy that mitigates and ideally prevents dislocation

    Reciclatge 5.0 a Granollers

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    Treballs de l'alumnat del Grau de Comunicació Audiovisual, Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, Universitat de Barcelona, [De la idea a la pantalla]. Curs: 2019-2020, Tutor: Rovira, Josep (Rovira Cuadrench). // Director: Elena Valera Guerra; Productor: Judit Sancho Freiría; Càmera: Lidia Llanos López; Aj. càmera: xxxx; Muntatge: Lidia Llanos López; Postproducció: Elena Valera Guerra, Lidia Llanos López i Judit Sancho Freiría. Equip artístic: Jaume Coll i Andrea Canelo.Presentem l'app de Reciclatge 5.0 de Ecoembes que s'està portant a terme en diferents ciutats i universitats. En concret parlarem amb un veí i amb la Regidora de Serveis i Via Pública; i Processos Participatius de l'ajuntament de Granollers. Ens expliquen el funcionament de l'aplicació que consisteix a escanejar el codi de barres del producte abans de tirar-lo als contenidors. Per cada producte l'app et una mena de moneda virtual anomenada "Reciclos". D'aquesta manera al aconseguir estalviar "Reciclos" els podràs canviar per recompenses personals o en el cas de Granollers han facilitat que els veïns donin els seus "Reciclos" perquè l'ajuntament construeixi zones i parcs infantils als barris implicats

    Surgery and radioembolization of liver tumors

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    Surgical resection is considered the curative treatment par excellence for patients with primary or metastatic liver tumors. However, less than 40% of them are candidates for surgery, either due to nonmodifiable factors (comorbidities, age, liver dysfunction. . .), or to the invasion or proximity of the tumor to the main vascular requirements, the lack of a future liver remnant (FLR) adequate to maintain postoperative liver function, or criteria oftumor size and number. In these lastfactors, hepatic radioembolization has been shown to play a role as a presurgical tool, either by hypertrophy of the FLR or by reducing tumor size that manages to reduce tumor staging (term known as downstaging ¨ ¨ ). To these is added a third factor, which is its ability to apply the test oftime, which makes it possible to identify those patients who present progression of the disease in a short period of time (both locally and at distance), avoiding a unnecessary surgery. This paper aims to review RE as a tool to facilitate liver surgery, both through the experience of our center and the available scientific evidence.La resección quirúrgica se considera eltratamiento curativo por excelencia para los pacientes con tumores hepáticos primarios o metastásicos. Sin embargo, menos del 40% de ellos son candidatos a cirugía, ya sea por factores no modificables (comorbilidades, edad, disfunción hepática. . .), como por la invasión o proximidad del tumor a los principales pedículos vasculares, la falta de un futuro remanente hepático (FRH) adecuado para mantener una función hepática postoperatoria, o criterios de tamano˜ y numero tumoral. En estos últimos factores, la radioembolización hepática ha mostrado tener un papel como herramienta prequirúrgica, ya sea mediante la hipertrofia del FRH o mediante la reducción del tamano˜ tumoral que consigue disminuir la estadificación tumoral (término conocido como “downstaging”). A estos se suma un tercer factor, que es su capacidad de aplicar el test del tiempo, que permite identificar aquellos pacientes que presenten en un plazo corto de tiempo progresión de la enfermedad (tanto a nivel local como a distancia), evitándoles una cirugía innecesaria. En este trabajo se pretende hacer una revisión de la RE como herramienta facilitadora de la cirugía hepática, tanto a través de la experiencia de nuestro centro como de la evidencia científica disponible

    Impact of the dosimetry approach on the resulting 90Y radioembolization planned absorbed doses based on 99mTc-MAA SPEC T-CT: is there agreement between dosimetry methods?

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    Background: Prior radioembolization, a simulation using 99mTc-macroaggregated albumin as 90Y-microspheres surrogate is performed. Gamma scintigraphy images (planar, SPECT, or SPECT-CT) are acquired to evaluate intrahepatic 90Y-microspheres distribution and detect possible extrahepatic and lung shunting. These images may be used for pre-treatment dosimetry evaluation to calculate the 90Y activity that would get an optimal tumor response while sparing healthy tissues. Several dosimetry methods are available, but there is still no consensus on the best methodology to calculate absorbed doses. The goal of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the impact of using different dosimetry approaches on the resulting 90Y-radioembolization pre-treatment absorbed dose evaluation based on 99mTc-MAA images. Methods: Absorbed doses within volumes of interest resulting from partition model (PM) and 3D voxel dosimetry methods (3D-VDM) (dose-point kernel convolution and local deposition method) were evaluated. Additionally, a new “Multi-tumor Partition Model” (MTPM) was developed. The differences among dosimetry approaches were evaluated in terms of mean absorbed dose and dose volume histograms within the volumes of interest. Results: Differences in mean absorbed dose among dosimetry methods are higher in tumor volumes than in non-tumoral ones. The differences between MTPM and both 3D-VDM were substantially lower than those observed between PM and any 3D-VDM. A poor correlation and concordance were found between PM and the other studied dosimetry approaches. DVH obtained from either 3D-VDM are pretty similar in both healthy liver and individual tumors. Although no relevant global differences, in terms of absorbed dose in Gy, between both 3D-VDM were found, important voxel-by-voxel differences have been observed. Conclusions: Significant differences among the studied dosimetry approaches for 90Y-radioembolization treatments exist. Differences do not yield a substantial impact in treatment planning for healthy tissue but they do for tumoral liver. An individual segmentation and evaluation of the tumors is essential. In patients with multiple tumors, the application of PM is not optimal and the 3D-VDM or the new MTPM are suggested instead. If a 3D-VDM method is not available, MTPM is the best option. Furthermore, both 3D-VDM approaches may be indistinctly used

    Electrophysiological effects of extracellular vesicles secreted by cardiosphere-derived cells: Unraveling the antiarrhythmic properties of cell therapies

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering.Although cell-based therapies show potential antiarrhythmic effects that could be mediated by their paracrine action, the mechanisms and the extent of these effects were not deeply explored. We investigated the antiarrhythmic mechanisms of extracellular vesicles secreted by cardiosphere-derived cell extracellular vesicles (CDC-EVs) on the electrophysiological properties and gene expression profile of HL1 cardiomyocytes. HL-1 cultures were primed with CDC-EVs or serum-free medium alone for 48 h, followed by optical mapping and gene expression analysis. In optical mapping recordings, CDC-EVs reduced the activation complexity of the cardiomyocytes by 40%, increased rotor meandering, and reduced rotor curvature, as well as induced an 80% increase in conduction velocity. HL-1 cells primed with CDC-EVs presented higher expression of SCN5A, CACNA1C, and GJA1, coding for proteins involved in INa, ICaL, and Cx43, respectively. Our results suggest that CDC-EVs reduce activation complexity by increasing conduction velocity and modifying rotor dynamics, which could be driven by an increase in expression of SCN5A and CACNA1C genes, respectively. Our results provide new insights into the antiarrhythmic mechanisms of cell therapies, which should be further validated using other models.This research was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain: PI16/01123, PI17/01059, Red de Terapia Celular-Tercel-RD16.0011.0029 and CIBERCV-CB16.11.00292

    Simulación para formar en la competencia de valoración preanestésica: diseño común para residentes de primer año de anestesiología y enfermeras de anestesia

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    Introducción. La valoración preanestésica (VP) es una competencia compleja que debe adquirir el residente de anestesia tempranamente. La incorporación de enfermería especializada en la VP ha demostrado ser segura y eficaz. No existen recomendaciones para el entrenamiento en VP. La simulación puede ser una metodología apropiada para acortar el tiempo de adquisición de la competencia. Objetivo. Describir detalladamente el diseño y aplicación de un taller de simulación para formar residentes de anestesiología y enfermeras posgraduadas en la competencia VP. Sujetos y métodos. Taller de dos horas de duración con casos clínicos en formato video y ejecutados mediante técnica de role-playing. Los componentes fueron dos videos de grabación propia (el primero, de una VP con errores, y el otro, con una VP correctamente realizada), una plantilla para que cada alumno valorara en los videos los componentes técnicos y no técnicos de las competencias de la VP y una encuesta de satisfacción para alumnos e instructores. En el grupo de residentes se añadieron tres escenarios de VP de pacientes complejos. Resultados. Se analizaron las encuestas de los 10 residentes de dos promociones y de 60 enfermeras. La satisfacción de los dos tipos de alumnos y de los instructores sobre el aprendizaje fue muy alta. En el caso de las enfermeras, más del 85% de las alumnas de las promociones que recibieron el taller superaron la estación VP de la evaluación clínica objetiva estructurada (ECOE) frente a sólo el 20% de la promoción anterior. Conclusiones. El taller de VP con formato video y role-playing permite entrenar la competencia VP a residentes de anestesia y enfermeras posgraduadas, mejorando el rendimiento de éstas en la ECOE

    Electric Field-Tuned Topological Phase Transition in Ultra-Thin Na3Bi - Towards a Topological Transistor

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    The electric field induced quantum phase transition from topological to conventional insulator has been proposed as the basis of a topological field effect transistor [1-4]. In this scheme an electric field can switch 'on' the ballistic flow of charge and spin along dissipationless edges of the two-dimensional (2D) quantum spin Hall insulator [5-9], and when 'off' is a conventional insulator with no conductive channels. Such as topological transistor is promising for low-energy logic circuits [4], which would necessitate electric field-switched materials with conventional and topological bandgaps much greater than room temperature, significantly greater than proposed to date [6-8]. Topological Dirac semimetals(TDS) are promising systems in which to look for topological field-effect switching, as they lie at the boundary between conventional and topological phases [3,10-16]. Here we use scanning probe microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS) and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) to show that mono- and bilayer films of TDS Na3Bi [3,17] are 2D topological insulators with bulk bandgaps >400 meV in the absence of electric field. Upon application of electric field by doping with potassium or by close approach of the STM tip, the bandgap can be completely closed then re-opened with conventional gap greater than 100 meV. The large bandgaps in both the conventional and quantum spin Hall phases, much greater than the thermal energy kT = 25 meV at room temperature, suggest that ultrathin Na3Bi is suitable for room temperature topological transistor operation