31 research outputs found

    Appropriateness of antiplatelet therapy for primary and secondary cardio- and cerebrovascular prevention in acutely hospitalized older people

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    Aims: Antiplatelet therapy is recommended for the secondary prevention of cardio- and cerebrovascular disease, but for primary prevention it is advised only in patients at very high risk. With this background, this study aims to assess the appropriateness of antiplatelet therapy in acutely hospitalized older people according to their risk profile. Methods: Data were obtained from the REPOSI register held in Italian and Spanish internal medicine and geriatric wards in 2012 and 2014. Hospitalized patients aged ≄65 assessable at discharge were selected. Appropriateness of the antiplatelet therapy was evaluated according to their primary or secondary cardiovascular prevention profiles. Results: Of 2535 enrolled patients, 2199 were assessable at discharge. Overall 959 (43.6%, 95% CI 41.5–45.7) were prescribed an antiplatelet drug, aspirin being the most frequently chosen. Among patients prescribed for primary prevention, just over half were inappropriately prescribed (52.1%), being mainly overprescribed (155/209 patients, 74.2%). On the other hand, there was also a high rate of inappropriate underprescription in the context of secondary prevention (222/726 patients, 30.6%, 95% CI 27.3–34.0%). Conclusions: This study carried out in acutely hospitalized older people shows a high degree of inappropriate prescription among patients prescribed with antiplatelets for primary prevention, mainly due to overprescription. Further, a large proportion of patients who had had overt cardio- or cerebrovascular disease were underprescribed, in spite of the established benefits of antiplatelet drugs in the context of secondary prevention

    Hospital Care of Older Patients With COPD: Adherence to International Guidelines for Use of Inhaled Bronchodilators and Corticosteroids

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    313noObjectives: We aimed to analyze the prevalence and impact of COPD in older patients hospitalized in internal medicine or geriatric wards, and to investigate adherence to the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) guidelines, associated clinical factors, and outcomes. Design: Data were obtained from REgistro POliterapie SIMI (REPOSI), a prospective multicenter observational registry that enrolls inpatients aged 65 years. Setting and Participants: Older hospitalized patients enrolled from 2008 to 2016 with a diagnosis of COPD. Measures: We evaluated adherence to the 2018 GOLD guidelines at admission and discharge, by examining the prescription of inhaled bronchodilators and corticosteroids in COPD patients. We also evaluated the occurrence of outcomes and its association with COPD and guideline adherence. Results: At hospital admission, COPD was diagnosed in 1302 (21.5%) of 6046 registered patients. COPD patients were older, with more impaired clinical and functional status and multiple comorbidities. Overall, 34.3% of COPD patients at admission and 35.6% at discharge were adherent to the GOLD guidelines. Polypharmacy (5 drugs) at admission [odds ratio (OR): 3.28, 95% confidence interval (CI): 2.24-4.81], a history of acute COPD exacerbation (OR: 2.65, 95% CI: 1.44-4.88) at admission, smoking habit (OR: 1.45, 95% CI: 1.08-1.94), and polypharmacy at discharge (OR: 6.76, 95% CI: 4.15-11.0) were associated with adherence to guidelines. COPD was independently associated with the risk of cardiovascular and respiratory death and rehospitalization occurrence compared to patients without COPD during follow-up. Adherence to guidelines was inversely associated with the occurrence of death from all causes (OR: 0.12, 95% CI: 0.02-0.90). Conclusions/Implications: COPD was common in older patients acutely hospitalized, showing an impaired functional and clinical status. Prescriptions for older COPD patients were often not adherent to GOLD guidelines. Poor adherence to guidelines was associated with a worse clinical status. There is a need to improve adherence to guidelines in treating COPD patients, with the ultimate goal of reducing clinical events.reservedmixedProietti, Marco; Agosti, Pasquale; Lonati, Chiara; Corrao, Salvatore; Perticone, Francesco; Mannucci, Pier Mannuccio; Nobili, Alessandro; Harari, Sergio; Tettamanti, Mauro; Pasina, Luca; Franchi, Carlotta; Marengoni, Alessandra; Salerno, Francesco; Cesari, Matteo; Licata, Giuseppe; Violi, Francesco; Corazza, Gino Roberto; Cortesi, Laura; Ardoino, Ilaria; Prisco, Domenico; Silvestri, Elena; Cenci, Caterina; Emmi, Giacomo; Biolo, Gianni; Zanetti, Michela; Guadagni, Martina; Zaccari, Michele; Vanoli, Massimo; Grignani, Giulia; Pulixi, Edoardo Alessandro; Bernardi, Mauro; Bassi, Silvia Li; Santi, Luca; Zaccherini, Giacomo; Mannarino, Elmo; Lupattelli, Graziana; Bianconi, Vanessa; Paciullo, Francesco; Nuti, Ranuccio; Valenti, Roberto; Ruvio, Martina; Cappelli, Silvia; Palazzuoli, Alberto; Olivieri, Oliviero; Girelli, Domenico; Matteazzi, Thomas; Barbagallo, Mario; Dominguez, Ligia; Cocita, Floriana; Beneduce, Vincenza; Plances, Lidia; Zoli, Marco; Lazzari, Ilaria; Brunori, Mattia; Pasini, Franco Laghi; Capecchi, Pier Leopoldo; Palasciano, Giuseppe; Modeo, Maria Ester; Di Gennaro, Carla; Cappellini, Maria Domenica; Maira, Diletta; Di Stefano, Valeria; Fabio, Giovanna; Seghezzi, Sonia; Mancarella, Marta; Rossi, Paolo Dionigi; Damanti, Sarah; Clerici, Marta; Conti, Federica; Miceli, Emanuela; Lenti, Marco Vincenzo; Pisati, Martina; Dominioni, Costanza Caccia; Murialdo, Giovanni; Marra, Alessio; Cattaneo, Federico; Pontremoli, Roberto; Secchi, Maria Beatrice; Ghelfi, Davide; Anastasio, Luigi; Sofia, Lucia; Carbone, Maria; Cipollone, Francesco; Guagnano, Maria Teresa; Angelucci, Ermanno; Valeriani, Emanuele; Mancuso, Gerardo; Calipari, Daniela; Bartone, MosĂš; Delitala, Giuseppe; Berria, Maria; Muscaritoli, Maurizio; Molfino, Alessio; Petrillo, Enrico; ZuccalĂ , Giuseppe; D'Aurizio, Gabriella; Romanelli, Giuseppe; Zucchelli, Alberto; Picardi, Antonio; Gentilucci, Umberto Vespasiani; Gallo, Paolo; Dell'Unto, Chiara; Annoni, Giorgio; Corsi, Maurizio; Bellelli, Giuseppe; Zazzetta, Sara; Mazzola, Paolo; Szabo, Hajnalka; Bonfanti, Alessandra; Arturi, Franco; Succurro, Elena; Rubino, Mariangela; Serra, Maria Grazia; Bleve, Maria Antonietta; Gasbarrone, Laura; Sajeva, Maria Rosaria; Brucato, Antonio; Ghidoni, Silvia; Fabris, Fabrizio; Bertozzi, Irene; Bogoni, Giulia; Rabuini, Maria Victoria; Cosi, Elisabetta; Manfredini, Roberto; Fabbian, Fabio; Boari, Benedetta; De Giorgi, Alfredo; Tiseo, Ruana; Paolisso, Giuseppe; Rizzo, Maria Rosaria; Borghi, Claudio; Strocchi, Enrico; De Sando, Valeria; Pareo, Ilenia; SabbĂ , Carlo; Vella, Francesco Saverio; Suppressa, Patrizia; Schilardi, Andrea; Loparco, Francesca; Fenoglio, Luigi; Bracco, Christian; Giraudo, Alessia Valentina; Fargion, Silvia; Periti, Giulia; Porzio, Marianna; Tiraboschi, Slivia; Peyvandi, Flora; Rossio, Raffaella; Ferrari, Barbara; Colombo, Giulia; Monzani, Valter; Savojardo, Valeria; Folli, Christian; Ceriani, Giuliana; Pallini, Giada; Dallegri, Franco; Ottonello, Luciano; Liberale, Luca; Caserza, Lara; Salam, Kassem; Liberato, Nicola Lucio; Tognin, Tiziana; Bianchi, Giovanni Battista; Giaquinto, Sabrina; Purrello, Francesco; Di Pino, Antonino; Piro, Salvatore; Rozzini, Renzo; Falanga, Lina; Spazzini, Elena; Ferrandina, Camillo; Montrucchio, Giuseppe; Petitti, Paolo; Salmi, Raffaella; Gaudenzi, Piergiorgio; Perri, Ludovica; Landolfi, Raffaele; Montalto, Massimo; Mirijello, Antonio; Guasti, Luigina; Castiglioni, Luana; Maresca, Andrea; Squizzato, Alessandro; Molaro, Marta; Grossi, Alessandra; Bertolotti, Marco; Mussi, Chiara; Libbra, Maria Vittoria; Dondi, Giulia; Pellegrini, Elisa; Carulli, Lucia; Colangelo, Lidia; Falbo, Tania; Stanghellini, Vincenzo; De Giorgio, Roberto; Ruggeri, Eugenio; Vecchio, Sara del; Salvi, Andrea; Leonardi, Roberto; Damiani, Giampaolo; Gabrielli, Armando; Capeci, William; Mattioli, Massimo; Martino, Giuseppe Pio; Biondi, Lorenzo; Pettinari, Pietro; Ghio, Riccardo; Col, Anna Dal; Minisola, Salvatore; Colangelo, Luciano; Afeltra, Antonella; Marigliano, Benedetta; Pipita, Maria Elena; Castellino, Pietro; Blanco, Julien; Zanoli, Luca; Pignataro, Samuele; Saracco, Valter; Fogliati, Marisa; Bussolino, Carlo; Mete, Francesca; Gino, Miriam; Cittadini, Antonio; Vigorito, Carlo; Arcopinto, Michele; Salzano, Andrea; Bobbio, Emanuele; Marra, Alberto Maria; Sirico, Domenico; Moreo, Guido; Gasparini, Francesca; Prolo, Silvia; Pina, Gloria; Ballestrero, Alberto; Ferrando, Fabio; Berra, Sergio; Dassi, Simonetta; Nava, Maria Cristina; Graziella, Bruno; Baldassarre, Stefano; Fragapani, Salvatore; Gruden, Gabriella; Galanti, Giorgio; Mascherini, Gabriele; Petri, Cristian; Stefani, Laura; Girino, Margherita; Piccinelli, Valeria; Nasso, Francesco; GioffrĂš, Vincenza; Pasquale, Maria; Scattolin, Giuseppe; Martinelli, Sergio; Turrin, Mauro; Sechi, Leonardo; Catena, Cristina; Colussi, Gianluca; Passariello, Nicola; Rinaldi, Luca; Berti, Franco; Famularo, Giuseppe; Patrizia, Tarsitani; Castello, Roberto; Pasino, Michela; Ceda, Gian Paolo; Maggio, Marcello Giuseppe; Morganti, Simonetta; Artoni, Andrea; Del Giacco, Stefano; Firinu, Davide; Losa, Francesca; Paoletti, Giovanni; Montalto, Giuseppe; Licata, Anna; Malerba, Valentina; Antonino, Lasco; Basile, Giorgio; Antonino, Catalano; Malatino, Lorenzo; Stancanelli, Benedetta; Terranova, Valentina; Di Marca, Salvatore; Mecocci, Patrizia; Ruggiero, Carmelinda; Boccardi, Virginia; Meschi, Tiziana; Lauretani, Fulvio; Ticinesi, Andrea; Minuz, Pietro; Fondrieschi, Luigi; Pirisi, Mario; Fra, Gian Paolo; Sola, Daniele; Porta, Massimo; Riva, Piero; Quadri, Roberto; Scanzi, Giorgio; Mengoli, Caterina; Provini, Stella; Ricevuti, Laura; Simeone, Emilio; Scurti, Rosa; Tolloso, Fabio; Tarquini, Roberto; Valoriani, Alice; Dolenti, Silvia; Vannini, Giulia; Tedeschi, Alberto; Trotta, Lucia; Volpi, Riccardo; Bocchi, Pietro; Vignali, Alessandro; Cattaneo, MaraProietti, Marco; Agosti, Pasquale; Lonati, Chiara; Corrao, Salvatore; Perticone, Francesco; Mannucci, Pier Mannuccio; Nobili, Alessandro; Harari, Sergio; Tettamanti, Mauro; Pasina, Luca; Franchi, Carlotta; Marengoni, Alessandra; Salerno, Francesco; Cesari, Matteo; Licata, Giuseppe; Violi, Francesco; Corazza, Gino Roberto; Cortesi, Laura; Ardoino, Ilaria; Prisco, Domenico; Silvestri, Elena; Cenci, Caterina; Emmi, Giacomo; Biolo, Gianni; Zanetti, Michela; Guadagni, Martina; Zaccari, Michele; Vanoli, Massimo; Grignani, Giulia; Pulixi, Edoardo Alessandro; Bernardi, Mauro; Bassi, Silvia Li; Santi, Luca; Zaccherini, Giacomo; Mannarino, Elmo; Lupattelli, Graziana; Bianconi, Vanessa; Paciullo, Francesco; Nuti, Ranuccio; Valenti, Roberto; Ruvio, Martina; Cappelli, Silvia; Palazzuoli, Alberto; Olivieri, Oliviero; Girelli, Domenico; Matteazzi, Thomas; Barbagallo, Mario; Dominguez, Ligia; Cocita, Floriana; Beneduce, Vincenza; Plances, Lidia; Zoli, Marco; Lazzari, Ilaria; Brunori, Mattia; Pasini, Franco Laghi; Capecchi, Pier Leopoldo; Palasciano, Giuseppe; Modeo, Maria Ester; Di Gennaro, Carla; Cappellini, Maria Domenica; Maira, Diletta; Di Stefano, Valeria; Fabio, Giovanna; Seghezzi, Sonia; Mancarella, Marta; Rossi, Paolo Dionigi; Damanti, Sarah; Clerici, Marta; Conti, Federica; Miceli, Emanuela; Lenti, Marco Vincenzo; Pisati, Martina; Dominioni, Costanza Caccia; Murialdo, Giovanni; Marra, Alessio; Cattaneo, Federico; Pontremoli, Roberto; Secchi, Maria Beatrice; Ghelfi, Davide; Anastasio, Luigi; Sofia, Lucia; Carbone, Maria; Cipollone, Francesco; Guagnano, Maria Teresa; Angelucci, Ermanno; Valeriani, Emanuele; Mancuso, Gerardo; Calipari, Daniela; Bartone, MosĂš; Delitala, Giuseppe; Berria, Maria; Muscaritoli, Maurizio; Molfino, Alessio; Petrillo, Enrico; ZuccalĂ , Giuseppe; D'Aurizio, Gabriella; Romanelli, Giuseppe; Zucchelli, Alberto; Picardi, Antonio; Gentilucci, Umberto Vespasiani; Gallo, Paolo; Dell'Unto, Chiara; Annoni, Giorgio; Corsi, Maurizio; Bellelli, Giuseppe; Zazzetta, Sara; Mazzola, Paolo; Szabo, Hajnalka; Bonfanti, Alessandra; Arturi, Franco; Succurro, Elena; Rubino, Mariangela; Serra, Maria Grazia; Bleve, Maria Antonietta; Gasbarrone, Laura; Sajeva, Maria Rosaria; Brucato, Antonio; Ghidoni, Silvia; Fabris, Fabrizio; Bertozzi, Irene; Bogoni, Giulia; Rabuini, Maria Victoria; Cosi, Elisabetta; Manfredini, Roberto; Fabbian, Fabio; Boari, Benedetta; De Giorgi, Alfredo; Tiseo, Ruana; Paolisso, Giuseppe; Rizzo, Maria Rosaria; Borghi, Claudio; Strocchi, Enrico; De Sando, Valeria; Pareo, Ilenia; SabbĂ , Carlo; Vella, Francesco Saverio; Suppressa, Patrizia; Schilardi, Andrea; Loparco, Francesca; Fenoglio, Luigi; Bracco, Christian; Giraudo, Alessia Valentina; Fargion, Silvia; Periti, Giulia; Porzio, Marianna; Tiraboschi, Slivia; Peyvandi, Flora; Rossio, Raffaella; Ferrari, Barbara; Colombo, Giulia; Monzani, Valter; Savojardo, Valeria; Folli, Christian; Ceriani, Giuliana; Pallini, Giada; Dallegri, Franco; Ottonello, Luciano; Liberale, Luca; Caserza, Lara; Salam, Kassem; Liberato, Nicola Lucio; Tognin, Tiziana; Bianchi, Giovanni Battista; Giaquinto, Sabrina; Purrello, Francesco; Di Pino, Antonino; Piro, Salvatore; Rozzini, Renzo; Falanga, Lina; Spazzini, Elena; Ferrandina, Camillo; Montrucchio, Giuseppe; Petitti, Paolo; Salmi, Raffaella; Gaudenzi, Piergiorgio; Perri, Ludovica; Landolfi, Raffaele; Montalto, Massimo; Mirijello, Antonio; Guasti, Luigina; Castiglioni, Luana; Maresca, Andrea; Squizzato, Alessandro; Molaro, Marta; Grossi, Alessandra; Bertolotti, Marco; Mussi, Chiara; Libbra, Maria Vittoria; Dondi, Giulia; Pellegrini, Elisa; Carulli, Lucia; Colangelo, Lidia; Falbo, Tania; Stanghellini, Vincenzo; De Giorgio, Roberto; Ruggeri, Eugenio; Vecchio, Sara del; Salvi, Andrea; Leonardi, Roberto; Damiani, Giampaolo; Gabrielli, Armando; Capeci, William; Mattioli, Massimo; Martino, Giuseppe Pio; Biondi, Lorenzo; Pettinari, Pietro; Ghio, Riccardo; Col, Anna Dal; Minisola, Salvatore; Colangelo, Luciano; Afeltra, Antonella; Marigliano, Benedetta; Pipita, Maria Elena; Castellino, Pietro; Blanco, Julien; Zanoli, Luca; Pignataro, Samuele; Saracco, Valter; Fogliati, Marisa; Bussolino, Carlo; Mete, Francesca; Gino, Miriam; Cittadini, Antonio; Vigorito, Carlo; Arcopinto, Michele; Salzano, Andrea; Bobbio, Emanuele; Marra, Alberto Maria; Sirico, Domenico; Moreo, Guido; Gasparini, Francesca; Prolo, Silvia; Pina, Gloria; Ballestrero, Alberto; Ferrando, Fabio; Berra, Sergio; Dassi, Simonetta; Nava, Maria Cristina; Graziella, Bruno; Baldassarre, Stefano; Fragapani, Salvatore; Gruden, Gabriella; Galanti, Giorgio; Mascherini, Gabriele; Petri, Cristian; Stefani, Laura; Girino, Margherita; Piccinelli, Valeria; Nasso, Francesco; GioffrĂš, Vincenza; Pasquale, Maria; Scattolin, Giuseppe; Martinelli, Sergio; Turrin, Mauro; Sechi, Leonardo; Catena, Cristina; Colussi, Gianluca; Passariello, Nicola; Rinaldi, Luca; Berti, Franco; Famularo, Giuseppe; Patrizia, Tarsitani; Castello, Roberto; Pasino, Michela; Ceda, Gian Paolo; Maggio, Marcello Giuseppe; Morganti, Simonetta; Artoni, Andrea; Del Giacco, Stefano; Firinu, Davide; Losa, Francesca; Paoletti, Giovanni; Montalto, Giuseppe; Licata, Anna; Malerba, Valentina; Antonino, Lasco; Basile, Giorgio; Antonino, Catalano; Malatino, Lorenzo; Stancanelli, Benedetta; Terranova, Valentina; Di Marca, Salvatore; Mecocci, Patrizia; Ruggiero, Carmelinda; Boccardi, Virginia; Meschi, Tiziana; Lauretani, Fulvio; Ticinesi, Andrea; Minuz, Pietro; Fondrieschi, Luigi; Pirisi, Mario; Fra, Gian Paolo; Sola, Daniele; Porta, Massimo; Riva, Piero; Quadri, Roberto; Scanzi, Giorgio; Mengoli, Caterina; Provini, Stella; Ricevuti, Laura; Simeone, Emilio; Scurti, Rosa; Tolloso, Fabio; Tarquini, Roberto; Valoriani, Alice; Dolenti, Silvia; Vannini, Giulia; Tedeschi, Alberto; Trotta, Lucia; Volpi, Riccardo; Bocchi, Pietro; Vignali, Alessandro; Cattaneo, Mar

    Antibiotic use and associated factors in a large sample of hospitalised older people.

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    OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to assess (i) the prevalence of antibiotic use, (ii) factors associated with their use and (iii) the association with in-hospital mortality in a large sample of hospitalised older people in Italy. METHODS: Data were obtained from the 2010-2017 REPOSI register held in more than 100 internal medicine and geriatric wards in Italy. Patients aged ≄65 years with at least one antibiotic prescription during their hospitalisation were selected. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to determine factors associated with antibiotic use. RESULTS: A total of 5442 older patients were included in the analysis, of whom 2786 (51.2%) were prescribed antibiotics during their hospitalisation. The most frequently prescribed antibiotic class was ÎČ- lactams, accounting for 50% of the total prescriptions. Poor physical independence, corticosteroid use and being hospitalised in Northern Italy were factors associated with a higher likelihood of being prescribed antibiotics. Antibiotic use was associated with an increased risk of in-hospital mortality (odds ratio=2.52, 95% confidence interval 1.82-3.48) also when accounting for factors associated with their use. CONCLUSION: Hospitalised older people are often prescribed antibiotics. Factors related to poor physical independence and corticosteroid use are associated with increased antibiotic use. Being prescribed antibiotics is also associated with an increased risk of in-hospital death. These results demand the implementation of specific stewardship programmes to improve the correct use of antibiotics in hospital settings and to reduce the risk of antimicrobial resistance

    Living alone as an independent predictor of prolonged length of hospital stay and non-home discharge in older patients.

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    Implementation of the Frailty Index in hospitalized older patients: Results from the REPOSI register

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    Background: Frailty is a state of increased vulnerability to stressors, associated to poor health outcomes. The aim of this study was to design and introduce a Frailty Index (FI; according to the age-related accumulation of deficit model) in a large cohort of hospitalized older persons, in order to benefit from its capacity to comprehensively weight the risk profile of the individual. Methods: Patients aged 65 and older enrolled in the REPOSI register from 2010 to 2016 were considered in the present analyses. Variables recorded at the hospital admission (including socio-demographic, physical, cognitive, functional and clinical factors) were used to compute the FI. The prognostic impact of the FI on in-hospital and 12-month mortality was assessed. Results: Among the 4488 patients of the REPOSI register, 3847 were considered eligible for a 34-item FI computation. The median FI in the sample was 0.27 (interquartile range 0.21\u20130.37). The FI was significantly predictive of both in-hospital (OR 1.61, 95%CI 1.38\u20131.87) and overall (HR 1.46, 95%CI 1.32\u20131.62) mortality, also after adjustment for age and sex. Conclusions: The FI confirms its strong predictive value for negative outcomes. Its implementation in cohort studies (including those conducted in the hospital setting) may provide useful information for better weighting the complexity of the older person and accordingly design personalized interventions

    Heart failure and chronic kidney disease in a registry of internal medicine wards

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    Background: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between heart failure (HF) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) in tertiary care centers using the clinical records of patients enrolled in internal medicine departments.Patients and methods: We used the clinical records of 1380 elderly patients to identify patients with a history of HF and CKD using admission ICD codes and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) formulas. Magnitude and strength of such associations were investigated by univariable and multivariable analysis.Results: Of the 1380 patients enrolled, 27.9% had HF (age 80 \ub1 7, BMI 27 \ub1 6 kg/m2) and 17.4% CKD (age 81 \ub1 7, BMI 26.8 \ub1 6 kg/m2). Both groups were significantly older (P <' 0.0001) with BMI higher than the patients without those diagnosis (P < 0.02). Patients with a history of CKD showed higher non-fasting glycaemia (140 \ub1 86 vs. 125 \ub1 63 mg/dL, P < 0.001). CKD was significantly associated with HF (P < 0.0001). Patients with HF had an estimated GFR lower than patients without HF (P < 0.0001). Comorbidity and severity indices were significantly higher in subjects with HF (P < 0.0001) and CKD (P < 0.0001) than in those without. Multivariable analysis showed a significant association between HF and age (for five years increase OR 1.13, P < 0.009), BMI (for each 3 kg/m2 increase OR 1.15, P < 0.001), GFR (for each decrease of 10 mL/min increase OR 0.92, P < 0.002) and severity index (IS) (for each 0.25 units increase OR 1.43, P < 0.001).Conclusion: HF on admission is strongly associated with CKD, older age, BMI, and SI. These data focus the value of epidemiological studies such REPOSI in identifying and monitoring multimorbidity in elderly

    Antipsychotic prescription and mortality in hospitalized older persons

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    Background: Recent scientific reports have shown that older persons treated with antipsychotics for dementia-related behavioural symptoms have increased mortality. However, the impact of these drugs prescribed during hospitalization has rarely been assessed. We aimed to investigate whether antipsychotics are associated with an increased risk of mortality during hospitalization and at 3-month follow-up in elderly inpatients. Methods: We analyzed data gathered during two waves (2010 and 2012) by the REPOSI (Registro Politerapie SocietĂ  Italiana Medicina Interna). All new prescriptions of antipsychotic drugs during hospitalization, whether maintained or discontinued at discharge, were collected, and logistic regression models were used to analyze their association with in-hospital and 3-month mortality. Covariates were age, sex, the Short Blessed Test (SBT) score, and the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale. Results: Among 2703 patients included in the study, 135 (5%) received new prescriptions for antipsychotic drugs. The most frequently prescribed antipsychotic during hospitalization and eventually maintained at discharge was haloperidol (38% and 36% of cases, respectively). Patients newly prescribed with antipsychotics were older and had a higher Cumulative Illness Rating Scale comorbidity index both at admission and at discharge compared to those who did not receive a prescription. Of those prescribed antipsychotics, 71% had an SBT score ≄10 (indicative of dementia), 12% had an SBT score of 5–9 (indicative of questionable dementia); and 17% had an SBT score <5 (indicative of normal cognition). In-hospital mortality was slightly higher in patients prescribed antipsychotic drugs (14.3% vs 9.4%; P = 0.109), but in multivariate analysis only male sex, older age, and higher SBT scores were significantly related to mortality during hospitalization. At 3-month follow-up, only male sex, older age, and higher SBT scores were associated with mortality. Conclusion: We found that the prescription of antipsychotic drugs during hospitalization was not associated with in-hospital or follow-up mortality. Short-term antipsychotic prescriptions (for acutely ill patients) may have a different effect than long-term, repeated prescriptions

    Adherence to antibiotic treatment guidelines and outcomes in the hospitalized elderly with different types of pneumonia

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    Background: Few studies evaluated the clinical outcomes of Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP), Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (HAP) and Health Care-Associated Pneumonia (HCAP) in relation to the adherence of antibiotic treatment to the guidelines of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the American Thoracic Society (ATS) in hospitalized elderly people (65 years or older). Methods: Data were obtained from REPOSI, a prospective registry held in 87 Italian internal medicine and geriatric wards. Patients with a diagnosis of pneumonia (ICD-9 480-487) or prescribed with an antibiotic for pneumonia as indication were selected. The empirical antibiotic regimen was defined to be adherent to guidelines if concordant with the treatment regimens recommended by IDSA/ATS for CAP, HAP, and HCAP. Outcomes were assessed by logistic regression models. Results: A diagnosis of pneumonia was made in 317 patients. Only 38.8% of them received an empirical antibiotic regimen that was adherent to guidelines. However, no significant association was found between adherence to guidelines and outcomes. Having HAP, older age, and higher CIRS severity index were the main factors associated with in-hospital mortality. Conclusions: The adherence to antibiotic treatment guidelines was poor, particularly for HAP and HCAP, suggesting the need for more adherence to the optimal management of antibiotics in the elderly with pneumonia

    Prevalence and Determinants of the Use of Lipid-Lowering Agents in a Population of Older Hospitalized Patients: the Findings from the REPOSI (REgistro POliterapie Societ\ue0 Italiana di Medicina Interna) Study

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    Background: Older patients are prone to multimorbidity and polypharmacy, with an inherent risk of adverse events and drug interactions. To the best of our knowledge, available information on the appropriateness of lipid-lowering treatment is extremely limited. Aim: The aim of the present study was to quantify and characterize lipid-lowering drug use in a population of complex in-hospital older patients. Methods: We analyzed data from 87 units of internal medicine or geriatric medicine in the REPOSI (Registro Politerapie della Societ\ue0 Italiana di Medicina Interna) study, with reference to the 2010 and 2012 patient cohorts. Lipid-lowering drug use was closely correlated with the clinical profiles, including multimorbidity markers and polypharmacy. Results: 2171 patients aged >65\ua0years were enrolled (1057 males, 1114 females, mean age 78.6\ua0years). The patients treated with lipid-lowering drugs amounted to 508 subjects (23.4%), with no gender difference. Atorvastatin (39.3%) and simvastatin (34.0%) were the most widely used statin drugs. Likelihood of treatment was associated with polypharmacy ( 655\ua0drugs) and with higher Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS) score. At logistic regression analysis, the presence of coronary heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, and hypertension were significantly correlated with lipid-lowering drug use, whereas age showed an inverse correlation. Diabetes was not associated with drug treatment. Conclusions: In this in-hospital cohort, the use of lipid-lowering agents was mainly driven by patients\u2019 clinical history, most notably the presence of clinically overt manifestations of atherosclerosis. Increasing age seems to be associated with lower prescription rates. This might be indicative of cautious behavior towards a potentially toxic treatment regimen

    Choice and Outcomes of Rate Control versus Rhythm Control in Elderly Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: A Report from the REPOSI Study

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    Background: Among rate-control or rhythm-control strategies, there is conflicting evidence as to which is the best management approach for non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF) in elderly patients. Design: We performed an ancillary analysis from the \u2018Registro Politerapie SIMI\u2019 study, enrolling elderly inpatients from internal medicine and geriatric wards. Methods: We considered patients enrolled from 2008 to 2014 with an AF diagnosis at admission, treated with a rate-control-only or rhythm-control-only strategy. Results: Among 1114 patients, 241 (21.6%) were managed with observation only and 122 (11%) were managed with both the rate- and rhythm-control approaches. Of the remaining 751 patients, 626 (83.4%) were managed with a rate-control-only strategy and 125 (16.6%) were managed with a rhythm-control-only strategy. Rate-control-managed patients were older (p\ua0=\ua00.002), had a higher Short Blessed Test (SBT; p\ua0=\ua00.022) and a lower Barthel Index (p\ua0=\ua00.047). Polypharmacy (p\ua0=\ua00.001), heart failure (p\ua0=\ua00.005) and diabetes (p\ua0=\ua00.016) were more prevalent among these patients. Median CHA2DS2-VASc score was higher among rate-control-managed patients (p\ua0=\ua00.001). SBT [odds ratio (OR) 0.97, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.94\u20131.00, p\ua0=\ua00.037], diabetes (OR 0.48, 95% CI 0.26\u20130.87, p\ua0=\ua00.016) and polypharmacy (OR 0.58, 95% CI 0.34\u20130.99, p\ua0=\ua00.045) were negatively associated with a rhythm-control strategy. At follow-up, no difference was found between rate- and rhythm-control strategies for cardiovascular (CV) and all-cause deaths (6.1 vs. 5.6%, p\ua0=\ua00.89; and 15.9 vs. 14.1%, p\ua0=\ua00.70, respectively). Conclusion: A rate-control strategy is the most widely used among elderly AF patients with multiple comorbidities and polypharmacy. No differences were evident in CV death and all-cause death at follow-up