502 research outputs found

    Mobile and Social: Ten Best Practices for Designing Mobile Applications

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    This paper gives ten best practices for designing mobile applications that have social-networking functions. The need for such an approach is given by the rapid growth in impor-tance of both social networks and mobile applications. In order to make it easy to follow where the best practices come from, the paper starts with a look at why social networks are more than just a buzz word and at how the field of mobile applications is evolving. It also shows how and why the two fields go together so well. To further make the point, there is a case study of four interesting mobile applications that are textbooks examples of successful applications. The best practices are based on research done for this article and on the extensive knowledge of the author.Mobile Applications, Social Networks, Best Practices, Application Design

    Predicting Product Performance with Social Media

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    Last 20 years brought massive growth in IT&C world. Mobile solutions such as netbooks, laptops, mobile phones, tablets enable the wireless connection to the Internet. Anyone can ac-cess it anytime and anywhere. In this context, a part of the activities from the real world have a correspondence in the online discussions. Social media in general and social networks in particular have turned into marketing tools for organizations and a place where people can express their opinions and attitudes about products.The paper shows how social media can be used for predicting the success of a product or service. To showcase this, two case studies are presented; a test to prove that the conversations that take place in social media are a good indicator of success and the second is an exercise to predict the winner of the Oscar for best picture in 2011.Social Media, Social Networks, Prediction, Movie, Internet

    Mobile and Social: Ten Best Practices for Designing Mobile Applications

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    This paper gives ten best practices for designing mobile applications that have social-networking functions. The need for such an approach is given by the rapid growth in impor-tance of both social networks and mobile applications. In order to make it easy to follow where the best practices come from, the paper starts with a look at why social networks are more than just a buzz word and at how the field of mobile applications is evolving. It also shows how and why the two fields go together so well. To further make the point, there is a case study of four interesting mobile applications that are textbooks examples of successful applications. The best practices are based on research done for this article and on the extensive knowledge of the author

    The Blooming Rose

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    The Frozen Face Effect: Why Static Photographs May Not Do You Justice

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    When a video of someone speaking is paused, the stationary image of the speaker typically appears less flattering than the video, which contained motion. We call this the frozen face effect (FFE). Here we report six experiments intended to quantify this effect and determine its cause. In Experiment 1, video clips of people speaking in naturalistic settings as well as all of the static frames that composed each video were presented, and subjects rated how flattering each stimulus was. The videos were rated to be significantly more flattering than the static images, confirming the FFE. In Experiment 2, videos and static images were inverted, and the videos were again rated as more flattering than the static images. In Experiment 3, a discrimination task measured recognition of the static images that composed each video. Recognition did not correlate with flattery ratings, suggesting that the FFE is not due to better memory for particularly distinct images. In Experiment 4, flattery ratings for groups of static images were compared with those for videos and static images. Ratings for the video stimuli were higher than those for either the group or individual static stimuli, suggesting that the amount of information available is not what produces the FFE. In Experiment 5, videos were presented under four conditions: forward motion, inverted forward motion, reversed motion, and scrambled frame sequence. Flattery ratings for the scrambled videos were significantly lower than those for the other three conditions. In Experiment 6, as in Experiment 2, inverted videos and static images were compared with upright ones, and the response measure was changed to perceived attractiveness. Videos were rated as more attractive than the static images for both upright and inverted stimuli. Overall, the results suggest that the FFE requires continuous, natural motion of faces, is not sensitive to inversion, and is not due to a memory effect

    An?lisis de las pr?cticas y los estilos pedag?gicos de los docentes de la instituci?n educativa Ricabrisa de Tarqui, Huila y su relaci?n con los resultados en las pruebas externas saber

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    128 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo refiere a los resultados de un estudio cualitativo cuyo objetivo fue el analizar las pr?cticas y los estilos pedag?gicos de un grupo de docentes de b?sica secundaria que se desempe?an en las ?reas de lenguaje, ciencias naturales y matem?ticas evaluadas en pruebas externas saber en el a?o 2009 de la Instituci?n Educativa Ricabrisa de Tarqui Huila. La investigaci?n se hace utilizando como herramientas la observaci?n in situ y el grupo focal. Aporta la descripci?n de las caracter?sticas de las pr?cticas docentes y el reconocimiento de sus concepciones en las categor?as de la investigaci?n, as? como sus tendencias pedag?gicas. El trabajo finaliza determinando la incidencia y el impacto de pr?cticas y estilos pedag?gicos en los resultados en pruebas externas saber.ABSTRACT. The present work refers to the results of a qualitative study which objective was to analyze the practices and teaching styles of a group of middle school teachers who work in the area of humanities, natural sciences and mathematics, evaluated in external Saber test in 2009 of Instituci?n Educativa Ricabrisa, Tarqui Huila. The research is done using tools as in situ observation and focal groups. It provides the description of the characteristics of teaching practices and recognition of their conceptions in the categories of research and pedagogical trends. The work ends by determining the incidence and the impact of practice and teaching styles in the results in external Saber tests.INTRODUCCI?N 13 1. PLANTEAMIENTO Y FORMULACI?N DEL PROBLEMA 16 2. OBJETIVOS 19 2.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 19 2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 19 3. JUSTIFICACI?N 20 4. ESTADO DEL ARTE 22 5. REFERENTES TE?RICOS 37 5.1 REFLEXI?N SOBRE ESTILOS PEDAG?GICOS 37 5.1.1 Desde el inter?s emancipatorio (Estilo 1) 44 5.1.2 Desde el inter?s t?cnico (Estilo 2) 45 5.1.3 Desde el inter?s pr?ctico (Estilo 3) 46 5.2 SOBRE LAS PR?CTICAS PEDAG?GICAS 47 5.2.1 Pr?cticas expositivas 48 5.2.2 Pr?cticas constructivas 50 5.2.3. Pr?cticas L?dicas 55 5.3. PRUEBAS EXTERNAS NACIONALES ?SABER? 56 6. METODOLOG?A 60 6.1 TIPO DE INVESTIGACI?N 62 6.2 DISE?O DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 62 6.3 POBLACI?N Y MUESTRA 62 6.4. UNIDADES DE AN?LISIS 62 6.5 INSTRUMENTOS Y TECNICAS APLICADAS 63 6.6. PLAN DE AN?LISIS 64 6.6.1 An?lisis de informaci?n 64 7. ANALISIS DE RESULTADOS 65 7.1 TRIANGULACI?N DE DATOS 74 7.2 AN?LISIS COMPARATIVO DE LAS ?REAS EVALUADAS 82 8. CONCLUSIONES 86 REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGR?FICAS 88 ANEXOS 9

    Incidencia del uso pedag?gico y did?ctico de las TIC, en la producci?n de textos multimodales de estudiantes de grado 8o y 9o de la Instituci?n Educativa La Luisa - Sede Vega la Troja

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    34 p. Recurso Eelctr?nicoCon el presente estudio se pretende dise?ar, elaborar y aplicar estrategias did?cticas a partir del uso pedag?gico de las TIC, para el fortalecimiento de la Producci?n de textos multimodales en los estudiantes de Grado 8? y 9? de la I. E. La Luisa ? Sede Vega La Troja, ubicada Municipio de Rovira (Tolima). Al revisar los estudios relacionados con la tem?tica, se encontr? que coinciden en el reconocimiento de la importancia del uso de herramientas tecnol?gicas en los ambientes de aprendizaje. Las categor?as de an?lisis propuestas son: estrategias pedag?gicas y did?cticas, producci?n de textos multimodales y TIC, entre los principales autores que aportaron en la definici?n de dichas categor?as se encuentran: Cassany, P?rez Abril, Vigotsky, Bruner y Piaget. La propuesta se ha enmarcado en el Enfoque Cualitativo de Investigaci?n, desde la mirada de la Investigaci?n Acci?n Participativa (IAP); para la recolecci?n de la informaci?n se realizar?n cuestionarios y entrevistas a los estudiantes y miembros de la comunidad educativa.With the present study aims to design, develop and implement teaching strategies since the pedagogical use of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), to strengthen the multimodal texts production in 8th and 9th graders of educational institute La Luisa - headquarters Vega la Troja, located in municipality of Rovira (Tolima). Reviewing studies related with the subject, we found that coincide in the recognition of the importance of using technological tools in learning environments. The proposed categories of analysis are: didactic and pedagogical strategies, production of multimodal texts and ICT, among the principal authors which provided to the definition of these categories find: Cassany, P?rez Abril, Vygotsky, Bruner and Piaget. The proposal has been framed in the qualitative research approach, from the perspective of Participation Action Research; for collection of information questionnaires and interviews will be conducted to students and members of the educational community. Keywords: technology, education, ICT, educational communit

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Profesional, Pertimbangan Pasar Kerja, Personalitas Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Akuntansi Berkarir Menjadi Akuntan Publik

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    The study aims to analyze the Effect of Profesional Training 1; Job Maket Considerations 2; Personality 3; and Work Environment 4; Against the Interest of Accounting Students 5; Career Becoming a Public Accountant. The type of research used in this study is quantitative with a descriptive approach, in this study using as many as 484 respondents. The sampling technique in this research uses Nonprobability Sampling by using Puposive Sampling by using several respondent criteria so as to obtain a sample of 95 respondents. The results of this study indicate that the Professional Training in Considerations of the Job Market, Personality and Work Environment partially or simultaneously influences the Interest of Accounting Student in a Career to Become a Public Accountant

    Aplikasi Tes Buta Warna Berbasis Android Menggunakan Metode Ishihara

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      Color blindness is the state of which a person can't distinguish certain colors that can be seen clearly by people with normal eye. To detect an abnormality of the perception on color or color blindness can be detected using special table color called Ishihara Test Plate. This method of color blindness test developed by Dr. Shinobu Ishihara. This test first published in Japan. Since that time, this test continued to be used throughout the world, until now. Android-based mobile applications is one of the right medium to provide ease for the public to obtain information. Starting from it, then made an application for android-based color blind tests to facilitate the people performing the test color blindness anytime and anywhere, and can be used as a medium of information about color blindness disease.   Keyword: Color Blindness, Ishihara Method, Android Application   &nbsp
