4 research outputs found
Railway development and military conflicts in prewar China
- Author
- Chang Kia-Ngau
- Ch’i Hsi-sheng
- Dan Li
- Edmonds Richard Louis
- Elleman Bruce A.
- Fishlow Albert
- Fogel Robert W.
- Harvard Yenching Institute
- Hawke Gary Richard
- Hsü Immanuel C. Y.
- Huenemann Ralph W.
- Jiang Kefu
- Jin-Pu Railway Administration
- Kent Percy H.
- Liang Ernest P.
- Library of National Defense University
- Ling Hongxun
- Long-Hai Railway Administration
- Mi Rucheng
- Peiping-Hankow Railway Administration
- Rawski Thomas G.
- Sheridan James E.
- Sheridan James E.
- Summerhill William R.
- Sun Yat-Sen
- The Editorial Board of the History of Transportation
- The Editorial Board of the Year Book of the Ministry of Railways
- Wang Yuru
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The rise of veterinary forensics
- Author
- Alacs
- Alacs
- Alexander Stoll
- American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS)
- American Board of Veterinary Specialties (ABMS)
- American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
- Anderson
- Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF)
- Animal Welfare Foundation
- Arenas
- Baglivo
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Barington
- Barington
- Barington
- Benetato
- Bradley-Siemens
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brooks Brownlie
- Brownlie
- Brundage
- Byard
- Capak
- Cassella
- Cole
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Creevy
- de Siqueira
- DeHaan
- Ebert
- Elliott
- Faulds
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Fingerprinting
- Finnie
- Fisher
- Fleck
- Frederickson
- Fucci
- Gerdin
- Gerdin
- Goddard
- Godley
- Gwaltney-Brant
- Horsman
- Huffman
- Intarapanich
- Iyengar
- Jackson
- Johnson
- Jolly
- Kagan
- Kilgus
- Köhler
- Landau
- Lawson
- Library of Congress
- Linacre
- Lockwood
- Lockwood
- Ma
- Madea
- Massad
- McDonough
- McDonough
- McEwen
- McEwen
- McEwen
- McGarry
- Merck
- Michigan State University
- Michigan State University
- Millins
- Mills
- Munro
- Munro
- Munro
- National District Attorneys Association
- National Link Coalition
- National Ocean Service (NOS)
- Newbery
- Newbery
- Nicola M.A. Parry
- Ottinger
- Pankowski
- politics.co.uk
- Pollanen
- Ressel
- Rogers
- Rubini
- Santos
- Schoon
- Schulze
- Schulze
- Sell
- Signorini
- Smith
- Sobhakumari
- Staats
- Stern
- Stoll
- Stroud
- Stroud
- Thali
- The Royal College of Pathologists
- Tong
- Touroo
- Tz’u
- University of Florida
- VetFolio
- Villa
- Viner
- Watson
- Wecht
- Wictum
- Wohlsein
- World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
- Yadav
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The point-radius method for georeferencing locality descriptions and calculating associated uncertainty
- Author
- ADL (Alexandria Digital Library)
- FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee)
- GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility)
- John Wieczorek
- KU-BRC (University of Kansas Biodiversity Research Centre)
- NIMA (United States National Imagery and Mapping Agency)
- Qinghua Guo
- Robert Hijmans
- USGS (United States Geological Survey)
- USGS (United States Geological Survey)
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
SEER: A Delphic approach applied to information processing
- Author
- Adelson
- Aerial Measurements Laboratory Northwestern Univ.
- Aerospace Corporation Electronics Division
- Air Force Avionics Laboratory Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio
- Air Force Systems Command
- Air Force Systems Command
- Air Force Systems Command
- Air Force Systems Command
- Air Force Systems Command
- Air Force Systems Command
- Air Force Systems Command
- Air Force Systems Command Griffins Air Force Base
- Air Force Systems Command Griffins Air Force Base, N.Y.
- Amdahl
- American Federation of Information Processing Societies (AFIPS)
- Ansben
- ARL Sylvania
- Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth, N.J., Communications Lab.
- Army Electronics Labs.
- Army Research Office
- Arthur D. Little Inc.
- Arthur D. Little Inc.
- Associates Inc.
- Auerbach Corporation Philadelphia, Pa.
- Auerbach Corporation Philadelphia, Pa.
- Auerbach Corporation Philadelphia, Pa.
- Avedon
- Avedon
- Ballistics Systems Division Norton Air Force Base, Calif.
- Barach
- Barnett C.C.and Associates
- Bartley
- Bartley
- Baust
- Becker
- Bendix Corporation Baltimore, Md.
- Bernstein
- Bernstein
- Book Alien Applied Research, Inc., Bethesda, Md.
- Boring Co. Settle, Wash.
- Brown
- Brown
- Bureau of the Budget Executive Office of the President
- Burroughs Corporation
- Burroughs Corporation
- Carnegie Institute of Technology
- Carson Laboratories Inc., Bristol, Conn.
- Cetron
- Cetron
- Cetron
- Cetron
- Cetron
- Cetron
- Cetron
- Cetron
- Cetron
- Cetron
- Colilla
- Computer Command and Control Co. Philadelphia, Pa.
- Cooke
- Cooley Electronics Laboratory
- Craver
- Dalkey
- Department of Defense
- Department of Defense
- Dept. of the Air Force
- Diebold
- Director of Army Technical Information Office of Chief of Research and Development
- Director of Army Technical Information Office of the Chief of Research and Development, Department of the Army
- Director of Army Technical Information Office of the Chief of Research and Development, Department of the Army
- Directorate of Information Sciences
- Doyle
- Eckert
- Electronics Components Laboratory
- Feidelman
- Foreign Technology Division Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio
- Foreign Technology Division Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
- Franklin Institute Research Laboratories
- G.A. Bernstein
- Gabor
- General Electric Co.
- General Electric Co.
- General Electric Co. Washington, D.C.
- General Precision Inc.
- General Technical Services Inc., Yeadon, Pa.
- George Washington University
- George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Goodyear Aerospace Corporation
- Gordon
- Head
- Hebrew University Jerusalem
- Helmer
- Helmer
- Hobba
- Horton
- Howard Research Corporation Arlington, Va.
- Howard Research Corporation Arlington, Va.
- Howard Research Corporation Arlington, Va.
- HRB-Singer Inc., Pennsylvania
- Hughes Aircraft
- Hughes Research Laboratories Malibu, Calif.
- IBM Corporation
- IBM Federal Systems Division
- IIT Research Institute
- IIT Research Institute Chicago, Ill.
- Industrial College of the Armed Forces
- Informatics Inc., Sherman Oaks, Calif.
- Informatics Inc., Sherman Oaks, Calif.
- Information Dynamics Corporation
- Interservice Technological Forecasting Methodology Study Group
- Isenson
- Isenson
- ITT Federal Laboratories
- Jantsch
- Jantsch
- Joint Publications Research Service
- Kahn
- Kent
- Laboratory for Electronics Electronics Division
- Lerman
- Library of Congress Aerospace Technology Division
- Lincoln Laboratory MIT
- Lincoln Laboratory MIT
- Litton Systems Inc., Woodland Hills, Calif.
- Litton Systems Inc., Woodland Hills, Calif.
- Lockheed Aircraft Corporation Sunnyvale, Calif.
- Lockheed Missile and Space Co.
- Logistics Management Institute
- Logistics Research Project George Washington Univ.
- M.J. Cetron
- Mackay
- Management and Economics Research Inc.
- Management and Economics Research Inc.
- Management and Economics Research Inc.
- Management and Economics Research Inc.
- Management and Economics Research Inc.
- Management and Economics Research Inc.
- Management Counsel
- Marquardt Corporation
- McDonald
- Mitre Corporation
- Mitre Corporation Bedford, Mass.
- Mitre Corporation Bedford, Mass.
- Motorola Inc., Semiconductor Products Division
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
- National Microfilm Association
- Nauer
- Naval Command Systems Support Activity and Planning Research Corporation
- Naval Missile Center Point Mugu, Calif.
- Naval Ship Engineering Center Dept. of the Navy, Washington, D.C.
- Naval Training Device Center
- Navy Technological Forecasting Study Group
- North
- North
- North
- North
- North
- North
- North
- North
- North American Aviation Inc.
- North American Aviation Inc.
- Nortronics Palos Verdes Peninsula, Calif.
- Office of Aerospace Research Arlington, Va.
- Office of Aerospace Research Arlington, Va.
- Office of Aerospace Research Arlington, Va.
- Office of Assistant Secretary Installations and Logistics, Department of Defense
- Office of Chief of Research and Development
- Office of Naval Material Dept. of the Navy
- Office of Naval Research London
- Office of Naval Research Washington, D.C.
- Office of Naval Research Washington, D.C.
- Opler
- Ozbekhan
- Patrick
- Planning Research Corp.
- Planning Research Corporation
- Planning Research Corporation
- Planning Research Corporation
- Podsiadlo
- Quinn
- Quirk
- Rabinow Electronics Inc., Rockville, Md.
- Radiation Incorporated
- Radio Corporation of America Somerville, N.J.
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- RAND Corporation
- Redstone Scientific Information Center
- Redstone Scientific Information Center Redstone Arsenal, Alabama
- Research Analysis Corporation
- Research and Development Directorate U.S. Army Materiel Command
- Ricci
- Rosse
- Rosse
- Rosse
- Scherr
- Schriever
- Shurtleff
- Simms
- Simonson
- Solid State Electronics Laboratory
- Stanford Research Institute
- Stanford Research Institute
- Stanford Research Institute
- Stanford Research Institute Menlo Park, Calif.
- Syracuse University Research Corporation
- Syracuse University Research Corporation
- Syracuse University Research Corporation
- Syracuse University Research Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- System Development Corporation
- Tech/Ops CORG
- TRW Systems
- Turoff
- U.S. Air Force
- U.S. Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth, N.J.
- U.S. Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth, N.J.
- U.S. Army Materiel Command Technical Forecasting & Objectives Branch, R&D Directorate
- U.S. Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal, Alabama
- U.S. Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal, Alabama
- U.S. Naval Personnel Research Activity
- U.S. Naval Personnel Research Activity
- U.S. Naval Personnel Research Activity
- U.S. Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, Calif.
- U.S. Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, Calif.
- U.S. Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, Calif.
- U.S. Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, Calif.
- U.S. Naval Weapons Laboratory Dahigren, Va.
- Univac
- Univac Division of Sperry Rand Corporation
- Univac Division of Sperry Rand Corporation
- Univac Division of Sperry Rand Corporation
- Univac Division of Sperry Rand Corporation Blue Bell, Pa.
- Univac Division of the Sperry Rand Corporation
- University of California Berkeley, Calif.
- University of Illinois Urbana, III
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania The Moore School of Electrical Engineering
- University of Utah
- Weisberg
- Westinghouse Defense and Space Center Baltimore, Md.
- Yang
- Young
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study