32 research outputs found

    Liderazgo para el aprendizaje

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    Màster en Direcció i Gestió de Centres Educatius, Facultat d'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2021-2022. Tutora: Núria Serrat Antolí.El propósito de este trabajo se focaliza en analizar las diferentes prácticas que realizan los líderes escolares en sus centros educativos a partir de lo que las investigaciones han demostrado acerca de la influencia en los logros académicos y en aquellas competencias básicas a partir de una adecuada selección y combinación de contenidos curriculares (Decret 119/2015 del 23 de junio, d’ordenació dels ensenyaments de l’educació pública, p.26). Nuestra motivación se halla en el impacto e influencia del liderazgo directivo y sus efectos en toda la comunidad educativa y la clara necesidad de profesionalizar a los directores escolares en habilidades pedagógicas para el desarrollo de un liderazgo centrado en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje (OCDE, 2009 p.4, 6, 7, 14, 16). Hay en toda esta investigación un interés personal de profundizar la relación causal que creemos que existe entre las destrezas y habilidades pedagógicas de la dirección escolar dentro del centro educativo que generan un gran impacto en las actividades dentro del aula, guiando la labor docente y arrojan, como resultado, una mejora de los logros académicos de los estudiantes y además involucra a toda la comunidad educativa y su entorno social ampliado

    Martínez, María (2019). Identidades en proceso : Una propuesta a partir del análisis de las movilizaciones feministas contemporáneas

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    Obra ressenyada: María MARTÍNEZ, Identidades en proceso: Una propuesta a partir del análisis de las movilizaciones feministas contemporáneas. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2019

    Usefulness of Ultrasound in Assessing the Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Body Composition : a Pilot Study

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    Bariatric surgery (BS) has a significant impact on body composition. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the usefulness of musculoskeletal ultrasound (MUS) to bioelectrical impedance (BIA) in the follow-up of patients undergoing BS in terms of body composition and quality of life (QoL). This is a prospective pilot study including 32 subjects (75% female, mean age: 49.15 ± 1.9 years) who underwent BS. Fat mass (FM), lean mass (LM), and skeletal muscle index (SMI) were calculated by BIA. MUS measured subcutaneous fat (SF) and thigh muscle thickness (TMT) of the quadriceps. QoL was assessed by the Moorehead-Ardelt questionnaire. All these measurements were performed 1 month prior to BS and at 12-month follow-up. The mean BMI decreased by 6.63 ± 1.25 kg/m 2 (p =0.001). We observed significant reductions in FM (p =0.001) and SF (p =0.007) and in LM (p =0.001) but not in SMI and TMT. We found a correlation between the FM and SF (pre-surgical, r =0.42, p =0.01; post-surgical, r =0.52, p =0.003) and between SMI and TMT (pre-surgical, r =0.35, p =0.04; post-surgical, r =0.38, p =0.03). QoL test showed significant improvement (p =0.001). In addition, a correlation between the QoL questionnaire and TMT post-surgery (r =0.91, p =0.019) was observed. However, we did not find any statistically significant correlation between QoL assessment and SMI or LM. Our results suggest that MUS can be complementary to BIA for the evaluation and the follow-up of body composition after BS. TMT of quadriceps can provide relevant information about regional sarcopenia and has a significant correlation with QoL

    General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

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    Describe los antecedentes, organización y funciones del Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles Aduaneros y Comercio (GATT). Incluye las principales reglas del Acuerdo

    Apuntes para una ontología en red desde Butler y Bottici

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    Aquest article proposa estudiar la xarxa com el referent ontològic fonamental de l'existència en comú. A través d'un diàleg entre el pensament de Judith Butler i la proposta anarcafeminista de Chiara Bottici, es vol exposar com el desenvolupament d'una ontologia reticular pot apuntar a una proposta etico-política emancipatòria en termes igualitaris. Per això, en primer lloc, s'analitzaran les nocions d'interdependència, vulnerabilitat –Butler– i transindividualitat –Bottici– com a condicions ontològiques fonamentals de l'existència com a relació. En segon lloc, es vincularà la noció de xarxa amb lestudi de la violència estructural a què estan sotmesos els cossos de les dones. I, en tercer lloc, s'analitzarà en quin sentit les aliances entre l'anarcafeminisme i l'ètica de la no violència fan de la xarxa el fonament d'una praxi política emancipatòria basada en la igualtat entre cossos.This article aims to study the network as the fundamental ontological reference of existence in common. Through a dialogue between Judith Butler's thought and Chiara Bottici's anarchafeminist proposal, this article is intended to show how the development of a reticular ontology can lead to an emancipatory ethical-political proposal. To do this, firstly, the notions of interdependence, vulnerability –Butler– and transindividuality –Bottici– will be analyzed as fundamental ontological conditions of the relational dimension of existence. Secondly, the network analysis will be linked to the study of the structural violence to which women's bodies are subjected. Thirdly, the alliances between anarchafeminism and the ethics of non-violence will be analyzed to see in what sense can the network operate as the foundation of an emancipatory political praxis based on the equality between bodies.El presente artículo se propone estudiar la red como el referente ontológico fundamental de la existencia en común. A través de un diálogo entre el pensamiento de Judith Butler y la propuesta anarcafeminista de Chiara Bottici, se pretende exponer cómo el desarrollo de una ontología reticular puede apuntar a una propuesta ético-política emancipatoria en términos igualitarios. Para ello, en primer lugar, se analizarán las nociones de interdependencia, vulnerabilidad –Butler– y transindividualidad –Bottici– como condiciones ontológicas fundamentales de la existencia en tanto que relación. En segundo lugar, se vinculará la noción de red con el estudio de la violencia estructural a la que están sometidos los cuerpos de las mujeres. Y, en tercer lugar, se analizará en qué sentido las alianzas entre el anarcafeminismo y la ética de la no-violencia hacen de la red el fundamento de una praxis política emancipatoria basada en la igualdad entre cuerpos

    Anàlisi de l’explicació atòmica de la química escolar mitjançant una proposta didàctica basada en la Història de la Ciència

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    És molt corrent veure a les classes de ciències que els alumnes tenen dificultats per comprendre el model atòmic que se’ls hi presenta. Aquest model atòmic, basant-nos en els llibres de text, presenta un àtom “físic” suportat en les teories de Rutherford i altres científics que no es relacionen fàcilment amb les reaccions químiques. És possible complementar aquest “àtom – partícula” dotant-lo d’entitat química per poder aconseguir que als alumnes no els hi resulti tant difícil el seu aprenentatge? Aquest és el camí que volem contribuir a assentar en aquesta recerca, mitjançant el concurs d’un actor que creiem molt important: la Història de la Ciència. La Història de la Ciència possibilita que els alumnes aprenguin les dificultats que va comportar desenvolupar una determinada teoria o concepte científic i, més important encara, el grau d’imaginació i creativitat necessaris pel correcte desenvolupament d’aquesta fita. La presentació usual de l’àtom en química com un àtom – partícula redueix aquesta creativitat a la memorització d’una sèrie de regles i/o algoritmes de resolució de problemes, per poder realitzar els exercicis proposats en els llibres. Tanmateix, l’ús de la Història de la Ciència contribueix a un altre aspecte fonamental de l’aprenentatge de les ciències al qual li volem donar rellevància: l’adquisició d’una imatge de la ciència més “social” per part dels alumnes. Si volem estudiar com es va desenvolupar el concepte de l’àtom químic a través de la història, és factible pensar que pot ser un ajut a l’aprenentatge entendre tots els factors que influeixen en el que podem anomenar “fer ciència”. La nostra recerca girarà al voltant d’una proposta didàctica basada en la Història de la Ciència. Analitzarem una sèrie de llibres de text per trobar unes línies mestres pel disseny de la UD, implementarem aquesta Unitat Didàctica en un grup d’alumnes de Química de primer de Batxillerat de l’Institut Obert de Catalunya i de l’INS El Cairat, analitzarem les variables que es posen en joc en aquest procés d’aprenentatge i acabarem la recerca rellegint els llibres de text amb aquest nou enfocament. Tot això ens permetrà determinar una “explicació tipus” del model atòmic en els llibres de text i comparar-la amb la nostra proposta. We can always see in science classes how pupils blame for the excessive difficulty to understand the atomic theory they’ve learnt in class. This atomic theory, textbook based, consists principally in a “physical” atom supported on Rutherford and other contemporary scientists. They can’t be easily related with chemical reactions. Is it possible to complement this “particle – atom” giving it more chemical entity to get a better learning of this “chemical atom” by the pupils? This is the way that we’ve choose to “walk” in this research with the concourse of an “actor” which we think so important: the History of Science. The History of Science makes possible that students take care about making how difficult was developing a new theory or a new scientific concept and, more important, how much imagination and creativity was needed to do it. The atomic theory in textbooks is showed under “the umbrella” of the “particle – atom”, lowering that creativity to a couple of memoristic algorisms to solve mathematic problems. Anyway, using History of Science improves another basic topic of science learning which we want to give relevance: how students can receive a “social” image of science. If we want to study how chemical atom was developed throughout history, we’ll think that it should be a helpful item for its learning understanding which items modulate how we “do science”. The main point of our research will be the design of a TLS based in History of Science. At first, we’ll analyse a couple of textbooks to find some “master guidelines” for our design. Next, we’ll implement that TLS in a group of Chemistry of 1st of Bachelor at Catalonia Open Institute (IOC) and also we did a exploratory implementation in INS El Cairat. Then, we’ll analyse which variables “play” in our learning process of chemical atom. Finally, we’ll reread the same textbooks of the first step with our “new look” to define the textbook “typical explanation” of atom and, at last, comparing it with our proposal

    Mecanismos centrales y periféricos sensores de ácidos grasos en la trucha arco iris como modelo de pez teleósteo : implicación en el control de la ingesta de alimento

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    En el presente proyecto, usando como modelo de pez teleósteo la trucha arco iris, pretendemos caracterizar la posible existencia de un mecanismo que informe de cambios en los niveles circulantes de ácidos grasos tanto a nivel central (distintas regiones cerebrales) como periférico (cuerpos de Brockmann, hígado). Evaluaremos la presencia en dichos tejidos de metabolitos (niveles de ácidos grasos, triglicéridos, lípidos totales y malonil-CoA), enzimas (ácido graso sintetasa , 3-hidroxiacil-CoA, ATP citrato liasa, malonil-CoA descarboxilasa) y la expresión de genes relacionadas con la respuesta a cambios en los niveles de ácidos grasos en otros modelos de vertebrados. Una vez demostrada su existencia profundizaremos en sus mecanismos y abordaremos la relación del mismo con el control de la ingesta de alimento en peces.We have shown for the first time in fish, that several metabolic and molecular components of the main lipid sensing system described in mammals are sensitive to the high circulating fatty acid (FA) levels. The increase of long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) or medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA levels) in vivo or in vitro in rainbow trout are sensed in the hypothalamus, Brockmann bodies and liver, through a complex mechanism in which FA metabolism, binding to CD36 and mitochondrial activity are involved. The mechanisms are quite similar to those suggested in mammals except for the capacity of rainbow trout to detect increases not only in LCFA but also in MCFA, which could be related to a higher importance of MCFA in teleosts. Changes in the hypothalamic pathways could be related to the control of food intake since food intake was inhibited when the FA metabolism was perturbed (using FAS or ACC inhibitors) and changes in mRNA levels of specific neuropeptides such as NPY , POMC and CART were also noticed in hypothalamus. This response seems to be exclusive of the hypothalamus, since the other centre controlling food intake (hindbrain) was unaffected by treatments. The results obtained support direct FA sensing of rainbow trout hypothalamus to increased levels of oleate and octanoate through reduced potential of lipogenesis and FA oxidation, and decreased potential of K+ATP. The FA sensing through binding to FAT /CD36 and subsequent expression of transcription factors appears to be also direct but an interaction induced by changes in levels of peripheral hormones cannot be rejected. In contrast, FA sensing in liver and in Brockmann bodies is apparently indirect and be the consequence of previous hypothalamic FA sensing followed by vagal and/or sympathetic outflow or can be influenced by changes in the levels of peripheral hormones. We have obtained evidence, about the existence of a counter-regulatory response to a fall in circulating FA levels. The response is apparently associated with food intake control and the activation of HPI axis and this activation probably not related to the control of food intake through FA sensor systems but to the modulation of lipolysis in peripheral tissues to restore FA levels in plasma. This counter-regulatory response initiated in the hypothalamus, probably through changes in CRF, and this activation would arrive to peripheral tissues such as liver where metabolic changes would occur accordingly. In BB the response to a fall in circulating FA levels induce changes in several parameters compatible with the function of FA sensing systems informing about the decrease in circulating levels to match these changes with the production and release of pancreatic hormones, probably insulin. In general, the effects of insulin in the modulation of FA-sensing in hypothalamus were very scarce, and no general trend could be concluded. However, this is in contrast with the effects observed by insulin treatment on food intake, clearly suggesting a potential effect of FA on the anorectic effects of FA. In contrast, the results obtained in liver and BB clearly support the modulatory action of insulin on the FA sensing capacity of peripheral tissues like liver and BB where the responses to OL or OCT alone observed in parameters related to FA sensing were further potentiated by insulin. The changes observed in the activity of neurons involved in the production of anorexigenic and orexigenic factors ultimately leading to a further decrease in food intake are translated into the liver and BB to further potentiate the effects of FA alone. The increased levels of FA in hypothalamus and liver of rainbow trout fed with a high levels of crude lipid (HF) diet only partially activated FA-sensing systems with no changes in food intake allowing us to suggest that FA-sensing response in fish to increased levels of FA is more dependent on the presence of specific FA such as oleate or octanoate rather than to the global increase in FA. However, we also found evidences for the presence and functioning in hypothalamus of energy sensors like AMPK and proteins involved in cellular signaling like mTOR, Akt and S6. These proteins in hypothalamus and liver are generally activated in fish fed the HF diet , suggesting an enhanced response of the cellular signaling pathways to the increased availability of FA. This response, however, do not exactly coincide with changes observed in mRNA abundance of parameters that are normally related to them suggesting a complex interaction of these systems with FA-sensing and mechanisms related, including the control of food intake. As a general conclusion, the results obtained in the present PhD Thesis provide evidence for a specific role for FA (MCFA and LCFA) as metabolic signals in hypothalamus, Brockmann bodies and liver where the detection of those FA can be associated with the control of food intake and hormone release.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. BES-2011-043394Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-FEDER | Ref. AGL2010-22247-C03-03/ACUMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. AGL2013-46448-C3-1-RXunta de Galicia | Ref. CN 2012/00

    Annotations for a Network Ontology from Butler and Bottici

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    El presente artículo se propone estudiar la red como el referente ontológico fundamental de la existencia en común. A través de un diálogo entre el pensamiento de Judith Butler y la propuesta anarcafeminista de Chiara Bottici, se pretende exponer cómo el desarrollo de una ontología reticular puede apuntar a una propuesta ético-política emancipatoria en términos igualitarios. Para ello, en primer lugar, se analizarán las nociones de interdependencia, vulnerabilidad –Butler– y transindividualidad –Bottici– como condiciones ontológicas fundamentales de la existencia en tanto que relación. En segundo lugar, se vinculará la noción de red con el estudio de la violencia estructural a la que están sometidos los cuerpos de las mujeres. Y, en tercer lugar, se analizará en qué sentido las alianzas entre el anarcafeminismo y la ética de la no-violencia hacen de la red el fundamento de una praxis política emancipatoria basada en la igualdad entre cuerpos.This article aims to study the network as the fundamental ontological referent of existence in common. Through a dialogue between Judith Butler’s thought and Chiara Bottici’s anarchafeminist proposal this article is intended to show how the development of a reticular ontology can lead to an emancipatory ethical-political proposal. To do this, firstly, the notions of interdependence, vulnerability –Butler– and transindividuality –Bottici– will be analyzed as fundamental ontological conditions of the relational dimension of existence. Secondly, the network analysis will be linked to the study of the structural violence to which women’s bodies are subjected. Thirdly, the alliances between anarchafeminism and the ethics of non-violence will be analyzed to see in what sense can the network operate as the foundation of an emancipatory political praxis based on the equality between bodies

    Landscape structure effects on the biological control of the coffee-leaf-miner (Leucoptera coffeella, Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) provided by birds and bats

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    O controle biológico de pragas agrícolas é um dos serviços ecossistêmicos mais valorizados, dada sua importância para a produção agrícola. Embora vários estudos tenham demonstrado que a abundância e riqueza de predadores aumentam com a quantidade de floresta nativa, os mecanismos subjacentes que modulam a relação entre a cobertura florestal e provisão de controle biológico em diferentes escalas espaciais são ainda pouco conhecidos. Neste trabalho, utilizamos experimentos de exclusão de vertebrados voadores em oito paisagens cafeeiras na Mata Atlântica, num gradiente de cobertura florestal, e quantificamos as consequências para a perda foliar e para a frutificação. A perda foliar mostrou uma relação negativa com a cobertura florestal em paisagens com 2 km de raio, indicando que a herbivoria é melhor controlada em paisagens com alta cobertura florestal, especialmente na presença de aves e morcegos. No entanto, no nível local, 300 m ao redor das plantas de café, a perda foliar e a frutificação responderam diferentemente à cobertura florestal. Em unidades com baixa cobertura florestal local, a exclusão de aves e morcegos aumentou a perda foliar e diminuiu a frutificação em uma média de 13%. Por outro lado, em unidades com alta cobertura florestal local, a exclusão de aves e morcegos não teve efeitos significativos nem na perda foliar, nem na frutificação. Concluímos que os efeitos da exclusão de aves e morcegos na perda foliar e frutificação são modulados por diferentes processos que ocorrem no nível local e da paisagem. Sugerimos que quando a cobertura florestal local é alta (geralmente perto de fragmentos florestais), as aves e os morcegos não se alimentam apenas de herbívoros, mas também de mesopredadores. No entanto, quando a cobertura florestal local é baixa (e.g. longe de fragmentos florestais), os mesopredadores não ocorrem e aves e morcegos passam a prover serviço de controle biológico de pragas, alimentando-se principalmente de herbívoros. Destacamos a importância de empregar uma análise multiescalar em sistemas onde espécies com diferentes capacidades de dispersão proveem um serviço ecossistêmico.Biological control of agricultural pests is one of the most important ecosystem services given its key role for agricultural production. Although several studies have shown that the abundance and richness of predators increase with the amount of native forest in the landscape, the underlying mechanisms relating forest cover at different spatial scales with the provision of biological control are still poorly understood. We experimentally excluded flying vertebrates (birds and bats) in eight coffee landscapes in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, encompassing a gradient of forest cover and quantified the consequences for coffee leaf loss and fruit set. Leaf loss showed a negative relation with forest cover at landscape level, in landscapes with 2 km radius, indicating that herbivory is better controlled in landscapes with high forest cover, especially in the presence of birds and bats. However, at local level, 300 m around coffee plants, leaf loss and fruit set responded to forest cover differently. In units with low local forest cover exclusion of birds and bats increased leaf loss and reduced fruit set by 13% in mean. However, in units with high local forest cover, exclusion of birds and bats had no significant effect neither on leaf loss nor in fruit set. We concluded that the effects of birds and bats exclusion on leaf loss and fruit set are modulated by different processes occurring at landscape and local levels. We hypothesized that when local forest cover is high (usually near remnant forest fragments) birds and bats are not only controlling herbivores but may also be reducing mesopredators, while when local forest cover is low (e.g. far from forest fragments), mesopredators do not occur and birds and bats start providing biological pest control by feeding mainly on herbivores. We highlight the importance of employing a multiscale analysis in systems where species with different dispersal abilities are providing an ecosystem service